Oculus Rift Black Friday Pack: Lone Echo, Onward, Superhot, The Climb, Arizona Sunshine, GORN, and Eleven For $99.99 – Saving 50%

Oculus Rift Black Friday Pack: Lone Echo, Onward, Superhot, The Climb, Arizona Sunshine, GORN, and Eleven For $99.99 – Saving 50%

Facebook’s Oculus is offering a Black Friday game bundle on the Rift’s VR app store. The pack contains 7 major games for $99.99 – Lone Echo, Onward, Superhot VR, The Climb, Arizona Sunshine, GORN, and Eleven: Table Tennis VR.

At their regular prices the games would total to $209.93, thus this pack saves $109.94 (%52). The deal is one day only, ending at midnight tonight Pacific Standard Time.

Onward and Arizona Sunshine are on sale separately at 40% off and 50% off, but the other games are not. While this certainly isn’t a budget oriented deal, we think these games are some of the best that VR gaming currently has to offer. All seven would make excellent additions to your library.

Lone Echo [8.5/10]

Lone Echo is a roughly five hour voice acted story driven VR game. It was created by The Order 1886 developers Ready At Dawn, funded by Oculus. You play as a service android under the command of Captain Olivia Rhodes. When a catastrophe strikes, you and Olivia must work together to try and repair the station. We were highly impressed with the game when we reviewed it, giving it 8.5/10 and concluding:

Lone Echo is a landmark achievement in three key areas of the VR experience: locomotion, UI, and interaction. The winning blend of intuitive movement, discovery-based gameplay and character-driven storytelling create a compelling sense of presence that few VR games could hope to match, while the considered pacing gives it a fresh identity. I hate to mark it down on such a trivial aspect as length, but the package simply feels incomplete, rounding off in the second act and depriving you of both the narrative and mechanical evolutions I was expecting to encounter in the third. If there’s a silver lining, it’s that I expect its sequel to be one of VR’s very best.


Onward is a realistic multiplayer military shooter which feels like playing Insurgency in VR. Remarkably, it entered early access when it had just one developer. Since then, it has become one of the most popular multiplayer games in VR.

Check out our interview with the developer or player’s field guide for more information on Onward.

Superhot VR [9/10]

Superhot VR is a unique shooter experience where the faster you move, the faster time moves. If you keep completely still, time will freeze. It is a perfect blend of mental and physical challenge, and perhaps one of the best VR games ever made.

When we reviewed the game, we gave it 9/10, concluding:

SUPERHOT VR is a pure, distilled, injection of unadulterated adrenaline that will get your blood pumping just as quickly as time stops in the game itself. With every movement you make, time creeps forward ever so slightly, and everything from the level design to the way it feels to dodge a series of bullets in slow-motion is orchestrated to reinforce the core ideals of the experience. From start to finish it plays out like a fantasy ripped from the screen of every action movie; an indulgent cacophony of visual and gameplay excitement.

The Climb [8/10]

Still today, The Climb has some of the best graphics you can see in a realtime VR game. The game remarkably launched for the Rift using an Xbox controller, before the Touch controllers released, but received a large update on the launch of the controllers to add full support. Even with an xbox controller we were impressed, giving it an 8/10 saying:

There may be some control issues holding it back but, in the end, The Climb creates a world in which the mechanics are so satisfying, the visuals are so beautiful, and the sense of accomplishment is so real that you just want to continue doing what the game enables you to do so perfectly: keep climbing.

Arizona Sunshine [8.5/10]

Arizona Sunshine is a zombie FPS with a full voice acted singleplayer campaign and co-op multiplayer. When we reviewed the game, we gave it 8.5/10, concluding:

Vertigo Games proved that even in the most saturated genre we’ve seen for VR games this year — shooters with zombies — there was still room for something fresh. Arizona Sunshine combines the narrative power of a fully-featured 4+ hour campaign mode, with the intensity of a wave-based horde mode, and then adds multiplayer to both experiences. The protagonist’s witty humor make it worth recommending on his charming personality alone, with enough depth and variety to keep people coming back for several hours. By doing so many things so well, Arizona Sunshine quickly rose to the top of the pack as the best overall zombie shooter we’ve seen yet in VR.


GORN is a comically over the top cartoon gladiator simulator which many consider to have the best melee mechanics in VR. As the game isn’t out of early access yet we haven’t formally reviewed it, but in our preview we stated:

If there were ever a VR game to convince even the strictest of VR pacifists to chop someone’s head off, it’s this. I dare you to not smile just a little as you hit a man so hard his eyeballs fall out. This plays like a hyperbolic anticipation of everything VR will one day come under fire for; an in-the-face parody of the inevitability of it all. I can picture the Fox News complaints about young children ripping people’s arms off in VR already, but here’s a game that makes actually doing that joyously silly before anyone’s really made it thrillingly empowering. I can’t help but admire the developer’s angle here.

Eleven: Table Tennis VR

Eleven is seemingly the most simple game in this bundle, but to many it will provide the most hours of fun. Eleven represents the mastery of virtual table tennis, a sport so ideally suited for VR that VR companies often use it as an example of what the medium can do when giving interviews to news outlets.

While we haven’t formally reviewed Eleven yet, as of this article it sits on a 4.75 star rating on the Oculus Store and 95% on Steam.

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The post Oculus Rift Black Friday Pack: Lone Echo, Onward, Superhot, The Climb, Arizona Sunshine, GORN, and Eleven For $99.99 – Saving 50% appeared first on UploadVR.

The Climb On Oculus Quest Will Include The Full Game

The Climb On Oculus Quest Will Include The Full Game

Crytek won’t be making any cutbacks to the content of its debut VR game, The Climb, as it ports it to Oculus Quest.

The Climb was one of the first games confirmed to be coming to Quest when the headset was revealed at Oculus Connect 5 last month. Unlike games like Dead and Buried and Superhot VR, though, we didn’t get a look at the game on the show floor. Crytek did send out an email about the title this week, though, and subsequently confirmed to UploadVR that the full version of the game would be included.

That means each of the mountains in the original Oculus Rift edition of the game will be included, as will the multiplayer mode that allows players to compete against others and the Tourist mode that lets you explore the game with greater ease.

We enjoyed The Climb, even in its original 2016 version that only utilized a gamepad, though Crytek greatly improved the experience with the introduction of Touch controllers later on. One of the game’s main appeals, though, was the visual fidelity afforded by the developer’s own CryEngine. In fact, The Climb remains one of the best-looking PC VR games to date, so we’re very curious to see how the visuals hold up when the game is ported down to less-powerful mobile hardware. We already saw a detailed rundown of the ways that developers can adapt Rift games to run on Quest at OC5.

Crytek declined to comment on the visuals for now but, given that Quest is set to launch in spring 2019, it won’t be too much longer before we get our first proper looks at some of these games.

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Crytek Details What to Expect When The Climb Arrives For Oculus Quest

Last month Oculus made the announcement virtual reality (VR) fans had been waiting for, a price and release window for the company’s standalone headset Oculus Quest ( previously Santa Cruz). During the Oculus Connect 5 (OC5) keynote several titles were confirmed to be among the launch videogames, one of which was Crytek’s The Climb. Today, the studio has gone into further detail in a new blog posting.  


The Climb was Crytek’s first VR title which arrived back in April 2016 for Oculus Rift. Players take on the challenge of finding the right path up various mountain ranges based on real life areas like the Alps in some of the most detailed VR gameplay available. Traversing these rugged, expansive landscapes will grant you views for snow capped vistas, fairy tale castles and much more.

With Oculus Quest offering the option for even greater freedom whilst climbing these vista’s, Crytek Producer Fatih Özbayram said in a blog posting: “VR and rock climbing are a perfect combination, one that allows anyone to experience the intensity and thrill of one of the world’s most extreme sports from virtually anywhere. We are excited to be bringing The Climb to Oculus Quest players next year—this is something everyone should see. The combination of CRYENGINE visuals, the intuitive nature of using Touch controls, and the versatility of Oculus Quest will give players an incredible virtual experience.”

Players will be treated to the same features as the PC version, with tutorials and a procedurally generated endless climbing wall for practice runs, plus six intensive bouldering routes to beat. There will be a Tourist mode to explore each new environment with simplified mechanics, perfect for beginners and veterans alike. Plus there’s an additional multiplayer mode allowing climbers to compete against one another whilst sending challenges to friends.

Oculus Quest is due for release in Spring 2019, starting from $399 USD. Check out VRFocus’ hands-on preview of the headset from OC5, and the review of The Climb for further info. As we near launch VRFocus will keep you updated.

Oculus Quest: Superhot VR und weitere VR-Titel für die neue Brille

Auf der Oculus Connect 5 wurde die neue VR-Brille Oculus Quest enthüllt. Mark Zuckerberg verspricht, zum Startschuss über 50 Titel auf dem Niveau der Oculus Rift bereitzustellen. Um welche VR-Spiele und -Erfahrungen es sich dabei handelt und welche Entwicklerstudios ihre Arbeit für das neue System bereits bekannt gegeben haben, erfahrt ihr hier.

Oculus Quest – VR-Spiele und -Erfahrungen für die neue VR-Brille

Die neue Oculus Quest möchte als mobiles VR-Spielsystem den Mainstream erobern. John Carmack sieht sie in direkter Konkurrenz zur Nintendo Switch, um ortsungebunden in ein virtuelles Gaming-Erlebnis einzutauchen. Damit die Käufer/innen bereits zum Release genug Auswahl erhalten, sollen laut Oculus über 50 VR-Titel bereitstehen.

Einige Studios hielten nicht lange hinter dem Berg und veröffentlichten kurzerhand ihre anstehenden Releases. So veröffentlichte das Team von Superhot, dass SUPERHOT VR auf der Quest spielbar sein wird. Eine Demo wurde bereits auf der OC5 vorgestellt. Auch die Titel Moss von Polyarc Games, Robo Recall, The Climb und Dead and Buried wurden bereits bestätigt. Auch Sci-Fi-Freunde kommen mit der neuen VR-Erfahrung Star Wars: Vader Immortal voll auf ihre Kosten.

superhot, animated gif

Eine einzigartige Arcade-Multiplayer-Erfahrung soll Dead and Buried Arena bieten. Mit Mixed-Reality-Technologie bezieht der VR-Titel dank eingebauten Kameras das reale Umfeld mit ein und vermischt somit virtuelles Arena-Shooter-Gameplay mit Deckungen aus der realen Welt. Wie der MR-Titel umgesetzt wird, bleibt noch abzuwarten. Auf der OC5 konnten bis zu sechs Teilnehmer/innen auf einer 450 Quadratmeter großen Fläche gegeneinander antreten


Sportlicher geht es dagegen in Tennis Scrampe zu. Mit einem Schlaggerät eurer Wahl dürft ihr auf dem virtuellen Tennisplatz in Wettkampf treten und euch die Bälle um die Ohren hauen.

Neben den VR-Spielen wurde der angsteinflößende Nachfolger Face Your Fears 2 von Turtle Rock Studios verkündet. Erneut dürft ihr euch euren Ängsten stellen und in gruselige Szenarien eintauchen.

Oculus Quest – Unbekannte VR-Titel von bekannten Entwicklerstudios

Wenn auch bisher noch ohne öffentliche Releases, haben diverse Entwicklerstudios ihre Arbeit an VR-Software für die kommende Oculus Quest angekündigt. Dazu zählen Twisted Pixel (bekannt für Wilson’s Heart), High Voltage Software (bekannt für Dragon Front), Sólfar Studios (bekannt für In Death), Ready at Dawn, Schell Games, Vertigo Games, BigScreen und viele mehr.


Hugo Barra, Vice President von Facebook VR, kündigte die Arbeit der Devs folgendermaßen an:

“Diese Teams erforschen derzeit, welche Möglichkeiten die Oculus Quest offenbart und welche zukünftigen VR-Titel damit umsetzbar sind.”

Die Oculus Quest soll 2019 weltweit erscheinen.

(Quellen: Upload VR: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Oculus Blog | Video: Upload VR YouTube | Turtle Rock Studios Twitter)

Der Beitrag Oculus Quest: Superhot VR und weitere VR-Titel für die neue Brille zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Something For The Weekend: Feel The Rush Of Oculus

Another week, another weekend and another chance to pick up a great deal on a number of titles. To help you out VRFocus has put together some of the best virtual reality (VR) deals from the Oculus Store for both Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR owners, to help you find your next favourite. As always be sure to check back every weekend for even more deals right here on VRFocus.

Sprint Vector coverart

Sprint Vector

“There’s very little to dislike in Sprint Vector. Sure there will be times when that competitive edge over takes you, getting annoyed when you fudge a jump but that’s to be expected. The single-player has enough to get you started with a few hours of gameplay, yet it’s the multiplayer that’ll have you coming back for more. Here’s hoping that Sprint Vector draws in enough of a crowd to sustain it, rather than becoming another multiplayer focused experience that gets forgotten about. Which would be a shame, because from where VRFocus is standing Sprint Vector is another hit for the studio.” – Read VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham’s review of Sprint Vector here.

Sprint Vector is currently on sale for £18.39 (GBP) down from £22.99 and in fact is having a free weekend until 8am BST on 9th April should you want to try the title out before purchasing to celebrate the newly released update.

Ground Runner: Trials

Step into the driving seat in this fast paced sci-fi Hoverbike shooter in which players must go up against the odds sing speed, grace and combat. By using the motion controls to track your hand motions on the bikes controls and the weapons you have to use, Ground Runner: Trials will give you an adrenaline rush unlike no other as you become the most skilled hoverbike pilot there is.

Ground Runner: Trials is currently on sale for for £7.99 (GBP) down from £14.99.

The Climb screenshot

The Climb

From hoverbikes to scaling heights, The Climb will give you the exhilaration of extreme solo climbing as you climb higher then you ever have before. Take your time and enjoy the view or complete to have the faster time on the leaderboard with both touch and gamepay controls. Powered by the CryEngine, The Climb is a realistic climbing experience without having to leave your own house.

The Climb is currently the low price of £18.99 (GBP) down from £29.99.

Arizona Sunshine screenshot

Arizona Sunshine

“Arizona Sunshine is by no means a masterpiece, however it is a significant step closer to the VR experiences that early adopters know the technology is capable of. Hesitating to innovate too much, Arizona Sunshine cleverly picks-and-chooses from the key mechanics that have proven to work in four years of PC VR development and brings them to PlayStation 4 feeling almost new. Vertigo Games has created a hugely enjoyable FPS videogame for the early days of VR, but one which will undoubtedly look dated in just a few months.” – Read VRFocus’ Editor Kevin Joyce’s review of Arizona Sunshine on PlayStation VR here.

Arizona Sunshine is currently on sale for £18.39 (GBP) down from £29.99.

I Expect You To Die screenshot_04

I Expect You To Die

Live out the life of an elite secret agent in this puzzle title that will test all your skills as you attempt to survive deadly situations in immersive and dangerous locations. Can you complete each of the operations using problem-solving skills and your wits along with the power of telekinesis that you also have? No matter what the situation, keep your cool and try to get out alive by using ever resource you have. Can you be an elite secret agent?

I Expect You To Die is now only £10.99 (GBP) down from £18.99.

Rez Infinite AreaX 02

Rez Infinite

Winner of Best VR Game at The Game Awards 2016 and the return of a legendary title, Rez Infinite invites players to once again return to the full 360-degrees of mind-blowing synesthesia. Blast your way through waves of enemies and giant transforming bosses full of colours and sounds that sync and bled to the techno soundtrack that fills this title. Rez Infinite offers a fully immersive experience unlike anything else and is sure to give players a wild ride.

Rez Infinite is available for only £10.99 (GBP) which is down from £18.99.

galaxy golf vr screenshot

Galaxy Golf

If you are looking for a new way to play crazy golf then why not take a trip to the outer reaches of our Galaxy in Galaxy Golf. Defy gravity as you work your way through tricky terrain and mini-planets in as few shots as possible. Play it safe and go for par or will you launch your ball into an orbit hoping for a hole-in-one? With simple one-touch controls and the freedom of VR to move, aim and view, Galaxy Golf will keep you entertained for some time as you take a golfing trip around the galaxy.

Galaxy Golf is currently over half price on sale for £0.79 (GBP) down from £3.99.

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Wheel Rush

Get into the driving seat once again as you burn rubber on a space speedway with no speed limit. Featuring an endless track with obstacles to avoid and plenty of ways to earn points, Wheel Rush is a title that will give you the thrill of riding fast with no limits in your way. Just try not to cash as you race to become the faster rider in the galaxy.

Wheel Rush is currently on sale for the super low price of £0.08 (GBP) down from £0.79.


“Take a dive into the adrenaline-pumping world of wingsuit flying with Rush. The intense VR action will have you on the edge of your seat as you soar down mountainsides at breakneck speeds. Weave through canyons, dodge outcrops, and plummeting down sheer drops as you race towards the finish line.”

RUSH is currently only £2.99 (GBP) on sale from £5.99.

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Paint VR

Lastly today is something a little bit different as Paint VR is on sale. Have you ever wanted to bring your artist skills to life in VR? Well, with Paint VR you can do just that as your imagination is the only limit here. With a range of different brushes and tools to aid you in creating your next masterpiece, Paint VR is an immersive way to escape the real world and paint.

Paint VR is available for only £1.99 (GBP) right now on sale from £3.99.

That is all for this week but remember that VRFocus gathers all the best sales and deals every week, so check back next weekend at the same time to discover more.

Kortex Expands List Of Compatible Titles

Kortex, the device used in partnership with virtual reality (VR) experiences has announced a number of new titles and expereines that are compatible, offering users more options for immersive stress relief.

Kortex Promo 01

The device uses electrodes which attach to the skin to provide gentle neurostimulation, which in some studies has been shown to stimulate the production of serotonin and lower cortisol. After a large number of beta testers gave feedback on how positive the combination of Kortex and Land’s End: A VR Adventure was, the company have now expanded the umber of titles that will be ideal for use within Kortex. The list is a taste of suggestions put forward by VR World Director of Content, Tommy Goodkin which is based on his six weeks of using Kortex.

For Samsung Gear VR users there are now two additional titles that will work with Kortex. This includes the 2017 Emmy winner title Invasion! from the director of Madagascar, featuring the voice of Ethan Hawke. The second title being Asteroids! which is once again from the director of Madagascar and will take users on an 11-minute immersive cinematic experience through space as part of the crew. Both of these are available via the Oculus Store and are free to download.


For Oculus Rift and HTC Vive users there are even more titles which are now able to be enjoyed along with KortexThe Climb (Oculus exclusive) will see users climbing up huge heights, feeling the exhilaration of extreme free solo climbing like never before. Take your time and enjoy the views or complete for the fastest time to the top, the choice is up to you. Just make sure you are not afraid of heights.

Google Earth VR is also now supported, allowing users to take a stroll through the streets of their local town or famous cities, soar over the Grand Canyon, or walk around key landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower.

If the ocean is more your thing than TheBlu is for you. Explore the wonder and majesty of the ocean from the comfort of your own home. Visit a range of different habitats and come face to face with some of the most interesting and largest species on the planet. Fantastic Contraption will let users engage in a surreal building title as they build life-sized contraptions that fill the skies, and use them to sure puzzles on the other side of a floating island. No solution is right or wrong, so let your creativity run wild.

Real-time strategy (RTS) title Tethered awaits for users t o lend their guiding hands in a beautiful series of islands that will offer an experience unlike anything a user has seen before. Lastly, Dear Angelica (Oculus exclusive) is a journey through a magical and dreamlike world by the Emmy Award winning Oculus Story Studio. Featuring artwork painted entirely in VR, Dear Angelica is an immersive short story starring Geena Davis and Mae Whitman.

Kortex are continuing their work to develop the neurostimulation solution further and expand the library of suitable content as well. It is currently available to order direct from their website and is compatible with most VR units.

For more on Kortex in the future, keep reading VRFocus.

Crytek Gets Into the Sales Spirit With Deals on Robinson: The Journey & The Climb

Like it or not Black Friday deals seem to be a never ending barrage, with retailers offering discounts on virtually everything to entice shoppers into some early Christmas spending. Regular VRFocus readers will be very well aware of some of the deals currently going about, and now German developer Crytek is getting in on bargains as well.

The studio has three of its videogames on sale this month, two of which are virtual reality (VR) experiences. First up you have Robinson: The Journey, supporting Oculus Rift and HTC Vive – the PlayStation VR version isn’t discounted.

Robinson: The Journey casts players as Robin, a boy that’s left stranded on an alien world called Tyson III after his ship crash lands. But Robin isn’t alone, he’s accompanied by an AI companion called HIGS, and together they must survive the harsh environment and dangerous inhabitants as they search for the lost crew, solving puzzles and unearthing the planet’s secrets along the way. It’s currently available on Steam for $29.99 USD/£26.24 GBP until 28th November.

Robinson The Journey screenshot

The other videogame on sale is The ClimbCrytek’s first VR title which arrived back in April 2016 for Oculus Rift. The Climb can currently be found within Oculus’ dynamic Complete Your Collection pack 3, which retails for £79.99 until 2nd December. With Oculus’ dynamic pricing on bundles, if you already own the rest The Climb will only cost $14.99.

In The Climb players take on the challenge of finding the right path up various mountain ranges based on real life areas like the Alps in some of the most detailed VR gameplay available. Traversing these rugged, expansive landscapes will grant you views for snow capped vistas, fairy tale castles and much more. Updates have included mountainous peaks inspired by the iconic landscape of Iceland.

The last videogame on offer is Ryse: Son of Rome available for standard PC users at $7.49, saving 50 percent.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Crytek, reporting back with the latest updates.

Oculus Launches Two Discount Bundles for One Week Only

If you’ve been living under a rock you’ve probably missed this summers deals that Oculus has rolled out. Those that have been paying attention will have seen the Oculus Rift get $200 USD/ £200 GBP knocked off for a limited time (it’s still going), as well as plenty of content discounts. As August draws to a close the virtual reality (VR) company has veiled two new bundles, each with four games apiece.

First up is the Rift Summer Hits Pack. As you may expect these are four of the most popular videogames – so it’s great for new Oculus Rift owners –  covering first-person shooters (FPS), role-playing games (RPGs) and some comedy gameplay. Included are: The Mage’s Tale by inXile Entertainment, Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality and Job Simulator from Owlchemy Labs and Arizona Sunshine by Vertigo Games and Jaywalkers Interactive.

The Rift Summer Hits Pack retails for £69.99/$89.99, offering approximately 35 percent off the regular price of all four.

The Mages Tale screenshot 2

The second bundle is the Rift Essentials Pack, made as an introduction to VR for newbies. Here there’s The Climb by Crytek, Survios’ Raw Data, SUPERHOT VR and Apollo 11 VR. This bundle retails for £44.99/$59.99, offering the bigger discount of around 50 percent.

Both of these deals are only available for the next week, ending on 4th September 2017.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Oculus Rift, reporting back with the latest offers.

Oculus Begins ‘Summer of Rift’ Sale, $100 Credit for Rift & Touch Bundle Buyers

Oculus have announced they will be offering up to 60% price reductions on over 30 titles across the Oculus Store for the Rift and Gear VR from June 16th until July 5th. In addition, between now and June 24th, customers purchasing a Rift and Touch bundle will receive $100 in Store credit.

Detailed on the official Oculus blog, the ‘Summer of Rift’ comprises more than just a sale – there will be special events, game launches and announcements too. While no specific prices have been revealed, the team are promising bundles for The Unspoken, SUPERHOT VR and The Climb for the Rift and Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Rangi, and Dark Days for Gear VR. Price cuts to Oculus Touch game Wilson’s Heart and Gear VR’s Anshar Wars are also expected.

It’s a great time to buy Rift and Touch hardware, as the $100 Oculus Store credit could provide newcomers with a serious library from the outset, adding to the bundled titles you get for free, such as Dead and Buried, Medium, and Robo Recall. Amazon is participating in the deal across five territories, plus Best Buy and Newegg in the US, along with FNAC in France, MediaMarkt, Saturn, and Caseking in Germany, and Scan and Game in the UK.

'Robo Recall' Review

Following a very quiet E3 for the company, let’s hope they’ve been saving up some special reveals to accompany these ‘weeks of activities and promotions’.

The post Oculus Begins ‘Summer of Rift’ Sale, $100 Credit for Rift & Touch Bundle Buyers appeared first on Road to VR.