Superhot VR Goes Double Platinum With 2 Million Copies Sold Worldwide

Superhot VR: Arcade Edition

It has been a day of announcements when it comes to Oculus products and sandwiched in between it all is Superhot VR, the popular slow-mo action title. Today, the SUPERHOT Team has announced that over 2 million copies of the videogame have been sold across all platforms.


Originally released for Oculus Rift way back in 2016, Superhot VR added further platform support in the following years – the most recent being Oculus Quest. That saw the platinum taking almost two and a half years while this second one was achieved in half that time the team has revealed.

A first-person shooter that’s entirely in slow-mo, only when you move does everything start to speed up. So this means lots of Matrix-style bullet-dodging as you shoot enemies or grab an ashtray or bottle to fling in their red faces. It’s this simple yet addictive gameplay which makes Superhot VR so enjoyable.

“Due to the fact that we’ve sold over 2m copies of Superhot VR, we’ve come to the realisation the VR is actually very much alive, contrary to popular monthly articles,” said Callum Underwood, Director of Special Projects at SUPERHOT Team in a statement. “Across all sales platforms, we’ve managed to achieve something that not many developers manage to do in any medium, and that’s pretty meaningful to us. VR has enabled us to do all the cool stuff we do here, and is paying for the livelihoods of over 45 people to put it bluntly.”


Superhot VR still sells incredibly well and we’re always thankful to our fans for supporting us along the way,” said Alastair Hebson, Director of Other Special Projects at SUPERHOT Team. “2020 is shaping up to be our best year yet, sales of Superhot VR are up at least 195% compared to this time last year and we couldn’t be more proud.”

Helping that success is Superhot VR being available for most headsets, from Oculus Quest and Rift to Valve Index, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR. From 21st May, Superhot VR will be on sale at all the usual VR platform stores. For further updates on the title, keep reading VRFocus.

SUPERHOT Developers Potentially Working On New VR Experience

Starting life as a humble browser-based videogame before graduating up the ranks to become a fully-fledged immersive virtual reality (VR) experience, SUPERHOT VR has been praised extensively for its innovation and style, now it seems there might be more to come from the development team behind the title.

A recent interview with Team Superhot development lead Piotr Iwanicki seems to suggest that he and his team are currently working on an ‘evolution’ of SUPERHOT VR, and that this mysterious project have VR as a major influence.


Iwanicki was speaking to Destructoid about the chances of a sequel to the popular VR shooter, and how his expectations of what can be produced now have been raised.

“This is something that really didn’t click in Superhot VR because the animations were all made for a 2D game and it was kind of hacked together to be a VR game,” Iwanicki said. “It’s a hack, it’s not like an animation system that was designed from the ground up. There’s some legacy from the flat-screen version. What we’re developing now is making an even more core VR experience.”

This of course doesn’t confirm that the team are working on a brand new VR title, but it does suggest that interest in developing for VR is being maintained. When asked about how much of an influence VR had one the team at the moment, Iwanicki said that VR remained a huge part of the work the studio was doing.

Iwanicki also expressed his interest in the new standalone headsets coming to market, such as the HTC Vive Focus and the Oculus Go and how such devices simplify the VR experience: “More devices are coming. I’m especially fond of all the ideas for standalone devices. You just buy one thing and it works. That’s an interesting product. So we need a standalone device with hand controllers and room-scale tracking.”

superhot vr - first screenshots 0

For news on future VR developments from Team Superhot, keep checking back with VRFocus.