Developer Behind ABE & Syren Hammerhead and Volumetric Studio Dimension to Merge Under one Brand

Hammerhead VR, the British studio which has released consumer content such as ABE and Syren as well as commissioned experiences like Virtual Viking – The Ambush is going to merge with its sister company, volumetric studio Dimension under one brand. 

The move will place both companies under the Dimension brand from now on, whilst continuing the work they’re known for. Hammerhead was founded in 2014 as an immersive content studio, producing a variety of experiences as the industry grew. Then in 2017 Hammerhead created Dimension in partnership with Digital Catapult and Microsoft as a state-of-the-art volumetric capture and digital humans studio.

Currently comprised of four studios, including two mobile film stages operating internationally, at its London, UK base Dimension has a 106 camera stage which has been used for Hammerhead’s VR work as well as productions including Madonna’s hologram performance at the 2019 Billboard Music Awards.

“Our studios have always collaborated on productions and have a great shared culture but are increasingly being engaged end-to-end on immersive and location-based entertainment productions as one team. In recognition of this and our exciting roadmap for the next generation of volumetric and XR content, we’ve decided the time is right to focus everything under Dimension,” explained Simon Windsor, Co-Founder and Joint Managing Director of Dimension in a statement. “Future products and productions launched will be Dimension.”

ABE E3 2019Jeremy Silver, CEO, Digital Catapult adds: “Three years ago, as part of our ongoing strategy to help boost the UK’s immersive content creation sector, Digital Catapult launched Dimension with Hammerhead VR as the first commercial volumetric capture studio in Europe, collaborating closely with Microsoft’s mixed reality studio. Today, combining real-time immersive production capabilities and volumetric performance capture operations under the single banner of Dimension signals the maturing of this sector. We continue to be excited by how this story is developing and how immersive mixed reality technologies are paving the way for future formats and experiences as well as extending what is possible in current mass-market film and tv formats, delivering increased flexibility, time savings and increases in quality.”

One of Hammerhead’s most well renown VR experiences was horror short ABE way back in 2016. Last year the company confirmed work had begun on expanding the ABE universe into three parts, a videogame, a film short and a location-based entertainment (LBE) experience. The studio has confirmed that these are scheduled to be released later in 2020. For further updates from Dimension, keep reading VRFocus.

Syren Finally Comes To EU PSVR Headsets Today

Getting in just in time for Halloween, enjoyable VR horror game, Syren, is finally getting its long-awaited EU PSVR release today.

Both episodes of Hammerhead’s brief tale of terror arrive in one package. The game arrives with some improvements made following its launch in the US region last year.

Syren’s first episode released on PC VR headsets a few years back. In the game, players find themselves in an underwater facility where horrific monsters have been set loose. You need to sneak through rooms without getting caught. The second episode followed on shortly after and was much more action-oriented.

Syren was definitely on the scrappy side when it first released, but there was much to admire about it. It treated VR as an open playing field, giving players the choice between hiding or fighting back, no matter how futile that might be. Visually, it left a little to be desired, but for the time it was an admirable effort.

“Though brief, Syren proves itself to be a worthwhile taster of what VR can really do for horror games,” we said in our review. “While never fully capitalizing on that potential, there are some revelatory moments for the genre here, making you painfully aware of your own self as you hide behind crates and freeze on the spot. That alone helps overlook the short length and handful of bugs and blemishes, and makes Hammerhead VR itself a developer well worth watching.”

Will you be picking up Syren now that it’s out in the EU? Let us know in the comments below!

The post Syren Finally Comes To EU PSVR Headsets Today appeared first on UploadVR.

Horror Franchise Syren Finally Comes to PlayStation VR in Europe

Hammerhead VR’s underrated sci-fi horror Syren wasn’t a massive success when it arrived in 2017 for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, offering a stealthy experience under the sea. A few months later Episode 2 arrived mixing up the gameplay with action elements. A PlayStation VR version arrived for North American gamers in November 2018 but it never appeared in the European PlayStation Store. Today that has been rectified, with both episodes now available in one bundle.


Syren was an original IP from the virtual reality (VR) specialist and its first proper videogame, having previously released experiences like ABEThe story takes place beneath the waves on the ocean floor, involving a scientist obsessed with eugenics who builds an underwater research facility named Darwin Station. Studying an ancient lost city, he conducts horrific experiments in an attempt to recreate the lost species of ‘Syrens’. Naturally, he succeeds and what he creates aren’t friendly, so you’re sent down to find out what’s going on.

So the first instalment is pure stealth, as you’re not some badass marines armed to the teeth. While there are moments where you might find a weapon, these are very rare, hiding and sneaking are really your only option. Make a noise or get spotted by a Syren and it’s usually instant death, which may not be to everyone’s liking. Check out VRFocus’ full review of Syren to learn more.

Then there’s Syren: Episode 2 which offers a flip in the gameplay experience. Without trying to ruin too much, in episode 2 you return to the facility because the CIA is less interested in the experiments but more the mysterious ‘Anomaly’ that sits at the heart of the ruins, and this time you’re a hardcore soldier and you have guns lots of guns. Heading back through the lab, there are plenty more Syrens to encounter. There’s no need to run and hide this time, killing them and collecting stuff means you can head to a very well-stocked armoury to upgrade your weapons.

Syren Episode 2

Syren is available today via the EU PlayStation Store supporting PlayStation VR for £11.99 GBP. It’s only compatible with PlayStation Move controllers. For any further updates on Syren from Hammerhead VR, keep reading VRFocus.

SYREN: Survival-Horror-Spiel erscheint am 6. November für PlayStation VR (PSVR)

Werbung für Virtual Reality Hygiene

SYREN von Entwicklerstudio Hammerhead VR erschien bereits 2017 für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive, um euch auf einen Überlebenstrip in eine furchterregende Forschungsstation zu schicken. Nun schafft das Horror-Spiel auch den Sprung auf die Konsole, denn der VR-Titel soll am 6. November für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erscheinen.

SYREN für PlayStation VR (PSVR) – Release am 6. November

Innerhalb des Horror-Titels werden die Spieler/-innen in eine Unterwasserforschungsstation geführt, in der ein verrückter Wissenschaftler seinen grausamen Experimenten nach geht. Mit einem Gottkomplex ausgestattet, versucht er der Gattung der Sirenen zu neuem Leben zu verhelfen. Doch die Versuche gehen schief, die blutrünstigen Kreaturen können sich befreien und beginnen einen mordlustigen Amoklauf in den Forschungshallen.

Eure Aufgabe besteht darin, lebendig an die Oberfläche zu gelangen. Dabei schleicht ihr euch im Survival-Stil durch die verwinkelten Korridore des gottverlassenen Ortes und versteckt euch in sicheren Plätzen vor den gefährlichen Monstern. Während eures Überlebenskampfes erfahrt ihr mehr zu den Hintergründen rund um den wahnsinnigen Wissenschaftler und seinen gefährlichen Experimenten.


Nach der Veröffentlichung für PC-Brillen erscheint SYREN nun auch für PlayStation VR (PSVR). Die Konsolenversion enthält neben der ersten Episode außerdem den DLC der zweiten Episode, die euch in der Rolle des CIA-Agenten Manning in die Geschehnisse nach eurer Flucht aus dem Original versetzt. Darin stellt ihr euch im Shooter-Stil mit reichlich Feuerkraft dem Kampf gegen die wütenden Anomalien.

SYREN erscheint offiziell am 6. November für PlayStation VR (PSVR) im PlayStation Store.

(Quellen: Road to VR | Video: Hammerhead VR YouTube)

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Terrifying VR Horror Syren Dated for PlayStation VR Release

Currently in the process of developing crime thriller STEIN, virtual reality (VR) specialist HammerheadVR has revealed that its rather scary videogame Syren will be coming to PlayStation VR in November.

Syren - Lab

PlayStation VR owners will be getting both versions of the videogame, the original which launched in earlier 2017 for both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift plus Episode 2 which arrived a few months later.

In the first installment Syren tells the story of a scientist obsessed with eugenics who builds an underwater research facility named Darwin Station, investigating an ancient lost city beneath the ocean. This lab has been conducting horrific experiments in an attempt to recreate the lost species of ‘Syrens’ – the legendary inhabitants of the civilisation that once existed in the ruins below. But now, the experiments have gotten loose. You head down into the lab to find out what’s gone wrong, having to use stealth to navigate the complex without being seen, if you do only death awaits.

For Syren Episode 2 HammerheadVR took a completely opposite approach to the first. Players now take on the role of a CIA agent sent into the underwater station to find out why there has been loss of contact with the secondary science team and Navy Seals, who were previously sent in to investigate. The DLC moves away from the stealth and survival gameplay of the first, becoming a more action packed free-roaming shooter, with players now exploring the structure with an array of weapons at their disposal as they learn the CIA is less interested in the experiments but more the mysterious ‘Anomaly’ that sits at the heart of the ruins.

Syren Episode 2

VRFocus reviewed the original title, giving it 4-stars, saying: “Despite some of its flaws on the whole Syren works very well, but because of this there’s not enough. Most players will find the experience too short, easily completed within a couple of hours.” The addition of the second episode did help to address some of the issues relating to the first.

Syren will be available for PlayStation VR on 6th November 2018. For further updates form HammerheadVR, keep reading VRFocus.

Survival-Horror Game ‘SYREN’ Comes to PSVR Next Week, New Trailer Here

HammerheadVR, the studio behind SYREN (2017), today announced the single-player VR survival-horror game is coming to PSVR on next week.

First released on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift in February 2017, SYREN is now slated to release on PSVR November 6th.

If you haven’t heard of SYREN, here’s the quick and dirty. You’re marooned in an underwater research facility that’s teeming with gruesome and deadly creatures called Syrens. Using stealth, you slink through the hallways, hide in lockers, and try to bypass the deadly monsters as you make your way to the surface, all the while learning about the Syren’s creator, a mad scientist who’s obsessed with eugenics.

Image captured by Road to VR

The PSVR release also includes Episode 2, a free-roaming shooter set after the game’s initial campaign. Unlike the stealth-focused Episode 1, you take on the role of CIA Agent Manning as you shoot your way towards a strange anomaly.

Image courtesy HammerheadVR

“After coming to both Oculus and Vive, we are really excited to be bringing SYREN to PSVR,” said Yush Kalia of Hammerhead. “Since launching in early 2017, we’ve refined and expanded on our original ideas to give the player a thrilling, tense and occasionally puzzling experience. We’re looking forward to PSVR owners having the chance to see what lies beneath the surface in SYREN.”

PlayStation Halloween Sale Brings Big Discounts to PSVR Horror Games

We gave SYREN a solid [7.5/10] in our review when it launched on Vive and Oculus last year. While the game featured a few technical flaws at launch, which have largely since been addressed, it did a great job of recreating some of the heart-pumping fun in Alien: Isolation (2014), albeit tailored from the ground-up for VR. Ultimately SYREN proved to be terrifying and an exciting addition to the genre.

The post Survival-Horror Game ‘SYREN’ Comes to PSVR Next Week, New Trailer Here appeared first on Road to VR.

Spooky VR Horror Syren Finally Hits PSVR Next Month

Spooky VR Horror Syren Finally Hits PSVR Next Month

Hammerhead VR’s likable VR horror game, Syren, is finally making its way to console next month.

The game, which originally debuted on PC VR in early 2017, is coming to Sony’s PSVR on November 6th. It’ll include the entire original game, in which you make your way through an underwater facility avoiding horrific monsters, and the second episode which turns the game into more of a shooter than a scare-fest. You can see the PSVR reveal trailer below.

We were quite fond of Syren when it launched last year. Whilst admittedly rough around the edges, it had a tense atmosphere and had a decent stab at bringing tried and true mechanics into VR.

It’s not the only PC VR horror game set to make its way to PSVR soon – earlier this month we reported that the excellent A Chair in a Room: Greenwater was getting revamped for the headset too.

Last we heard, Hammerhead is now working on a VR crime thriller named Stein, though it’s been some time since we’ve heard from the studio.

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The post Spooky VR Horror Syren Finally Hits PSVR Next Month appeared first on UploadVR.

Hammerhead VR’s Next VR Title is a Crime Thriller Called STEIN

Immersive content studio Hammerhead VR has been creating virtual reality (VR) for the past three years, rolling out experiences like Abe and horror series Syren. This week the team has released a few details about their new VR project, a crime thriller called STEIN.

Syren Episode 2

Just like Paw Print Games earlier today with Border PatrolHammerhead VR took to Twitter to unveil STEIN, where players have to investigate cold cases that remain unsolved through British history. Could this mean there’s time travel involved? Or maybe it’s just recent history?

If you look really closely at the only image Hammerhead VR has supplied (below), some of the newspaper cuttings are definitely from WW2, with one of the notes showing ‘Oct 1940’, while other portions refer to old black and white photos. There certainly looks to be an overarching storyline involving someone called ‘STEIN’, linking all the cases together – like some mysterious Sherlock Holmes plot involving Professor Moriarty by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Expect something interesting by any means as Hammerhead VR will be using the talents of sister company Dimension, which specialises in advanced volumetric and 3D capture, being the first Microsoft Mixed Reality Capture studio partner.

Few other details are available at the moment, hopefully Hammerhead VR will release some more screenshots, or reveal which headsets it plans to support.

Check out Syren to see Hammerhead VR’s immersive skills in action. The first title launched in February 2017 which VRFocus gave a four-star review saying: “Despite some of its flaws on the whole Syren works very well, but because of this there’s not enough. Most players will find the experience too short, easily completed within a couple of hours depending on restarts.” The studio then rectified that by releasing Syren 2switching the gameplay from survival horror to an action horror experience with plenty of guns.

As further details on STEIN are released VRFocus will keep you updated.

Oculus Creep Into Their Store’s Crypt, Return With Gear VR And Oculus Rift Horror Sale (Updated)

The temperature is getting colder, the nights are getting darker, and there’s more than a few unsavoury noises coming from beyond the foggy darkness. It’s the witching hour draws near and Halloween is just a short while away.

Throughout the few couple of weeks we’ve been keeping you up to date constantly on all the latest Halloween related updates, be they related to new content as we’ve seen today with’s pumpkin-filled update for city destruction sandbox videogame VRobot. Limited time bundle deals, as we’ve seen from HTC Vive adding Star Trek: Bridge Crew into the sales deal for a short time. New releases such as OBSCURA, The Exorcist: Legion VR and Stifled. Even augmented reality (AR) videogames are getting in on the act with Scooby-Doo Go, another dog – this time a ghostly one – in the form of Bydo’s Return and of course the inevitable update from Niantic Labs for Pokémon GO.

For Oculus themselves they have several items in the offing; including Echo Arena‘s 2017 Halloween Bash, with the VR multiplayer title receiving a makeover with mysterious sights, new costume options to customise your avatar and a number of spooky and peculiar holiday-themed toys for you to play around with – if they don’t decide to play with you, that is. There’s been a small focus on re-advertising some fright filled experiences as well, with the likes of ABR VR receiving a new trailer upload on Oculus’ YouTube Channel.

ABE VR screenshotThe best news for Oculus Rift owners though must surely though be the newly announced Halloween sale which has, for the second year in a row, now gone live on the Oculus Store. Seventeen Oculus Rift along with sixteen Samsung Gear VR videogames and experiences have been reduced in price for a limited time.  The full list is below.

Oculus Rift:

Gear VR:

There will no doubt be more Halloween related updates coming soon, be sure to stay informed by checking back regularly with VRFocus.

Horror Awaits as Oculus Holds Friday 13th Sale

If you didn’t realise already today is the most ominous of days, Friday 13th. If you happen to own an Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear VR however then there’s no need to fret, in fact you can celebrate as Oculus has decided to mark the occasion by discounting a bunch of scary videogames to immerse yourself in.

There are 15 titles on discount across each platform for one day only featuring some of the best horror available for the platform. From psychological thrillers to all out gun toting action experiences, there’s something for everyone – if you can handle it.

Wilson's Heart_E32016 (2)

On offer today for Oculus Rift there’s:

While for Gear VR there’s:

  • Death Horizon – £2.75
  • Drop Dead – £3.99
  • Affected: The Manor – £1.11
  • Into the Dead – £3.49
  • The Hospital: Allison’s Diary – £1.11
  • The Cathedral: Allison’s Diary – £1.49
  • Dead Secret – £3.99
  • Witchblood – £2.99
  • Deadhead VR – £1.11
  • Darkdays – £2.99
  • Zed Shot – £1.11
  • Sammy – £1.99
  • Dreadhalls – £1.99
  • The Rabbit Hole – £1.11
  • Bad Dream – £0.79

And that’s your lot. For more deals and discounts on Oculus Rift and Gear VR, keep reading VRFocus.