Ilysia VR MMO Doubles Kickstarter Goal, First Look At Gear And Weapons Here

Ilysia is an upcoming VR MMO currently in the final days of its Kickstarter campaign. After initially launching with a meager $60,000 target, the team has far exceeded that and is already over double the original asking amount.

As of the time of this writing, Team 21 has just over $125,000 in Kickstarter pledges. Admittedly, if you know much of anything about what it takes to make an MMO, that isn’t very much money. However, the team is small, reportedly very efficient and lean according to themselves, and has clear goals. Time will tell if they can deliver.

We first reported on Ilysia last weekend after I spoke with some of the founding members of the project. Needless to say I’m impressed with what I’ve seen and what I’ve heard, so I’m eager to dive in for myself and see how it stacks up.

One of the main things I’ve been most curious about is the gear and equipment system. In games like OrbusVR, which is the first actual MMO in VR, character models are extremely simplistic and all of your gear is managed and seen in a floating flat menu. Same with Skyrim VR without mods and so many other RPGs with VR support.

But in an MMO, especially a VR MMO, I want to be as immersed as possible. Ideally, to really capture that Sword Art Online meets .hack//sign meets Ready Player One vision, we need everything to be interactive and to have gear and equipment visible on a fully-tracked body — not floating hands and torsos.

ilysia gear menu equipment vr mmo gif

In some brand new exclusive Ilysia assets provided to us by Team 21, it looks like they’re doing their best to deliver on that front. In the GIF above you’ll see the equipment menu — this is shown to manage what you’re wearing and see what you look like, but once you equip weapons you’ll grab them physically on your body. There are slots for: head, shoulder, chest, arms, legs, hands, feet, rings, neck, back (that means capes! woo!), belt, house key, and mount. Gear will also be tiered based on color, such as: grey (Poor), white (Common), green (Superior), blue (undisclosed tier name), and orange (undisclosed tier name).

There will be one-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, ranged weapons, offhand items like books, relics, and totems, and consumable items like food and potions. You can also choose your character’s gender, race, facial preset, hairstyle, and skin tone. All standard fare for the most part.

Here is the belt slot weapon being drawn in-game as an example:

drawing weapon ilysia vr mmo

According to the developers you’ll have two hip slots, two back slots, and two belt slots for weapons and items. Additionally, you can see in the featured image at the top of this article every character is wearing full armor with varied styles, donning a multitude of weapon types, and showcasing a diverse set of character styles.

Since it’s a free form class system, it looks like you’ll be able to have a very open-ended progression system, as shown in this menu:

ilysia skill tree vr mmo

Finally, here are some in-game screenshots that show off the world, various characters in-game, and some battles.

As of now, backers have unlocked 11/14 stretch goals after hitting the $125,000 threshold. This includes full-body VR tracking, mount breeding, a battle royale instance, pet breeding, additional starting zones, and more. Plus, this glorious mount named Handsome Joe’s Prized Pony for all backers:

The remaining stretch goals include a PvP Honor Rewards System ($150,000), Guild XP and Leveling ($200,000), and expanded player-owned Inns / Shops with Skills and XP ($250,000).

What I like about this art style (which I’ve been told is not final and will be improved) is that it reminds me a lot of old-school EverQuest. To me, those are still the glory days of MMOs and the developers claim to be intent on rediscovering that sense of wonder for VR.

ilysia vr mmo Spider Fight ilysia vr mmo spider fight magic spell ilysia vr mmo PvP Arena ilysia vr mmo spider fight group

Ilysia is slated to eventually release at some point next year on PC VR, PSVR, and Quest with full crossplay between all platforms. Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

[Disclosure]: The author of this story, David Jagneaux, pledged to the Ilysia Kickstarter at the $50 ‘Alpha Squire (Early Access – A1) tier. This has not affected his coverage of the game.

Ilysia Is A New Sword Art Online-Style VR MMO With A Massive Open World

Ilysia is an extremely ambitious upcoming new VR MMO from indie studio Team 21 that’s currently live with an already-funded Kickstarter campaign. The game aims to rekindle the old-school charm MMORPGs of yesteryear possessed with its massive, fully explorable open world and emphasis on deep, meaningful interactions.

If you’re reading this right now then there’s a good chance you’re familiar with Sword Art Online or .hack//sign — or at the very least Ready Player One — and have some concept of what people mean when they dream about the idyllic future of a world with well-made VR MMO games. The idea of being able to login as your character, embody that character, and exist in a digital world with full presence while going on adventures with others in a persistent, online world feels like what the founders of modern VR must have been daydreaming about while hacking away at headset prototypes in garages.

We’re already pretty close, admittedly. Orbus VR: Reborn technically is already a VR MMO. On paper it’s got a lot of the features people are waiting for with its class-based progression, motion controller combat, and moderately interactive world. But you’d be forgiven for not really getting hooked due to the rather unimpressive visual style and overall lack of deep, engaging content.

That’s where Ilysia wants to come in. On the Kickstarter page it’s described as having a “massive world inspired by the some of the best MMORPGs ever made” with the intent of bringing back “the glory days of MMORPGs again in VR.” That’s about as ambitious as it gets. After talking to the development team on a Discord call last week, I’m pretty confident they’ve got a real chance at making this a reality.

For starters, the Kickstarter page is very detailed and the stretch goals aren’t overly ambitious. Most of them are for expansions on existing features or things that were likely planned already to begin with. You can see the full list of the ones they’ve achieved already down below.

Ilysia is currently sitting at just about $100,000 at the time of this writing with about 6 days left to go on its Kickstarter. The original goal was only $60,000 so they’ve nearly doubled it. Stretch goals that have already been met include:

  • More starting character races
  • Mounts for multiple players
  • More starting zones
  • Pet breeding
  • Pet leveling and skills
  • Battle royale instance
  • Mount inventory with bags


What stands out to me about Ilysia is that the developers are very explicit about the type of content that will be included and it’s clear that they have grasp on what MMO players actually like to do. Making something that’s fun for the first 25 minutes isn’t that difficult, but making a game that thousands of players want to revisit and continue playing for 25, 50, and even 100s of hours is the tough part. EverQuest, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Final Fantasy XIV, The Elder Scrolls Online — these are all games that have reached that sort of status. The long list of MMOs that are forgotten, abandoned, failed, or dead is much, much longer.

On the page they list things like fighting monsters, completing quests, exploring dungeons, beating world bosses, and so on which sounds great. Apparently the world itself is enormous — roughly 16km x 18km which adds up to about 288 square km, or nearly eight times the size of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s map. Wow. Hopefully they can fill it with actually interesting things to do.

One of the big tenants for Ilysia that the developers emphasized to me on our Discord call is a focus on exploration. And not just in the sense that you can go wherever, whenever (which you totally can by the way, basically everything can be climbed or manipulated like in Breath of the Wild) but also in the sense that you’ll want to go off the beaten path and explore. It’s a game about curiosities and discoveries.

Ilysia: The Future Of VR MMOs?

There are other VR MMO on the horizon too, of course, so Ilysia isn’t alone in the slightest. Zenith is a notable example, which raised over $280,000, but it’s being designed for both VR and non-VR players which inherently limits how ambitious its VR designs can be. Archgate has promise, but it’s a top-down perspective game from the third person which will immediately be off-putting to anyone yearning for a Sword Art Online-style experience.

Nostos was in the same boat and that one was never actually a real MMO — more of an online survival game with co-op features. Sword Reverie looks like it shares more in common with Nostos than an actual MMO.

At the end of the day consumer-grade VR headsets like the Rift, Vive, and PSVR are 4+ years old and we’re nearing the dawn of the Quest 2, Reverb G2, and more — all without a de factor VR MMO to sink our teeth into. If you’re after the social angle specifically, then VR Chat has you covered. But if you dream of an immersive VR MMO the likes of which anime creators have been fantasizing about for decades, you’ll just have to keep waiting.

If Team 21 can pull this off and actually make a VR MMO worth playing for months and years on end, then Ilysia will go down as my new personal addiction and as a landmark VR game we’ll be referencing for decades to come. That’s a big “if” though.

Ilysia is targeting what looks like a late 2021 full release timeframe for PC VR and Oculus Quest — cross-play between PC and Quest is already functional. They’re planning to release on PSVR as well. No exact timing is available yet, but it looks like Alpha and Beta testing is scheduled for throughout 2021 and early supporters on the game’s Discord server (invite link here) are already able to get in on a Pre-Alpha version of the game.

Check out the Kickstarter page right here or the game’s official website right here.

Let us know what you think of Ilysia down in the comments below!

[Disclosure]: After conducting this interview and writing this article, the author of this story, David Jagneaux, pledged to the Ilysia Kickstarter at the $50 ‘Alpha Squire (Early Access – A1) tier. This has not affected his coverage of the game.

New Zenith Trailer Shows Expansive VR MMO Gameplay, Coming To Quest With PC VR Crossplay

Zenith is an upcoming JRPG-inspired VR MMO that raised over $280,000 on Kickstarter to help fund development. It will feature fast-paced action combat that’s reminiscent of Beat Saber mixed with Until You Fall, in addition to a Japan-meets-Cyberpunk art style.

We’d already seen some glimpses of gameplay, but the trailer footage posted on Reddit yesterday is the first really clear look into the game’s world, art style, and tone overall. You can watch it all embedded below:

This is Zenith, the JRPG inspired VRMMORPG that we’ve worked on for the past year. What do you guys think? from r/OculusQuest

A few things stand out in this gameplay. Not only do we see the player fighting off a group of enemy that has surrounded them, implying Vader Immortal-style lightsaber dojo moments of needing to spin and respond to attacks quickly, but there’s also a brief glimpse of climbing as well. Since this is an MMO, we can assume the world is quite vast so being able to discover locales both vertically and horizontally could be really great.

On the Steam page, which simply states a 2021 release window, there are various screenshots, GIFs, and more as well. From everything we’ve seen, fans of the first VR MMO, Orbus VR, will likely have a lot to look forward to here. There’s also a Discord server setup already with well over 10,000 members and counting.

The Steam page lists all major PC VR headsets, including Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index, and Windows Mixed Reality. Zenith is also planned for both PSVR and Quest. According to the Reddit post on the Quest subreddit the team has “already implemented basic Quest support in our pre-alpha” and it will be fully crossplay with PC VR as well. The PSVR version is not currently confirmed to support crossplay.

zenith vr mmo screenshot 3 zenith vr mmo screenshot 5 zenith vr mmo screenshot 2 zenith vr mmo screenshot 4

There’s no release date yet other than just 2021.

Little Witch Academia: VR Broom Racing Coming To Quest In Late 2020, PC VR And PSVR 2021

Little Witch Academia VR: Broom Racing is an upcoming VR racing game coming later this year for Oculus Quest that transports you into the colorful world of the titular anime. It will eventually come to PSVR and PC VR headsets afterward in 2021.


The Little Witch Academia VR game is developed by UNIVRS, Inc. and is directly based on the anime created by Studio TRIGGER — it’s available to stream on Netflix if you’re interested. The studio raised over $76,000 on Kickstarter previously to fund the game’s development.

Notably, the director of The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening’s opening and ending movies, Junichi Yamamoto, is leading the game’s story development.

Rather than retreading old ground, as-is common for anime video games, this will tell an all-new story about the students at Luna Nova Witch Academy. That’s big news for fans of the show. Little Witch Academia VR will feature exciting broom races across more than 10 tracks, ghost purification, and exploration around the school’s grounds complete with online multiplayer.

little witch academia vr Sucy World Concept Art_en little witch academia VR Night Forest Concept Art_en

In the meantime, if you want to try something in VR that resembles Quidditch, but swaps the brooms for zero-G environments instead, then Echo Arena is a great option. It’s out now on PC VR and is in Open Beta on Quest.

Little Witch Academia: VR Broom Racing will release on Oculus Quest in late 2020 and then on PSVR and PC VR headsets in 2021. Let us know what you think of Little Witch Academia VR down in the comments below! And don’t forget to check the official website for more details.

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Sword Reverie Is A JRPG-Inspired VR Action Game Coming This Year For PC VR

Sword Reverie is an upcoming JRPG-inspired action VR game from Isekai Entertainment with a hand-drawn anime visual style. Other inspirations include The Legend of Zelda and Ni No Kuni.

In the outreach email we received from Isekai Entertainment, combat mechanics were described as being similar to Gorn in an attempt to make you feel like Cloud from Final Fantasy VII or Kirito from Sword Art Online.

Visually, the inspiration from Sword Art Online is clear. However, as far as we can tell, this is a single-player offline VR action game, not an online RPG like Nostos or MMO like OrbusVR. It is an open world game with various biomes, dungeons, and areas to explore.

To get a look at what playing Sword Reverie is like, you can watch this (admittedly rough) gameplay video from November 2019. It’s narrated with details on the game’s structure and flow and featured three minutes of gameplay footage featuring lots of exploration and a bit of combat.

On the main website, the game’s story is described as follows:

After a thousand years of peace, the boiling tensions between the “kingdom of man” and the elemental lords continue to escalate. Seeing that the threat of a catastrophic war is imminent, the Guardian Magnus uses his powers to summon you the “Hero” to his realm, to become his new apprentice.
The Guardian explains to you, that he believes the Elemental lords have grown too powerful and as legend goes, only a “true hero” from a faraway land, can bring balance, peace, and prosperity to all the realms.

Visually you might be remembered of Nostos, which is an online VR survival RPG that promised a lot in its cinematic debut trailer then mostly under-delivered. While Sword Reverie has a similar quality bar for its concept art, the in-game art assets look to be noticeably less sharp. That being said, from what we’ve seen this does appear to be made for VR headsets only, which should mean a better attention to detail in its gameplay design.

sword reverie town concept artFor more details check out the official Sword Reverie website and visit the dev blog for a behind the scenes look at the game. And, keep an eye on UploadVR next week for more on the upcoming game.

Sword Reverie is due out this year for PC VR headsets.

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VR MMO OrbusVR Gets First Pack Of Paid DLC Content In Q2 2020

The team behind VR MMO OrbusVR has been extremely generous with the game’s post-launch support. Massive feature updates, content additions, expansions, and new features have all been added to free, but now they’re shifting to paid DLC content.

Honestly, I’m surprised it has taken this long. Non-subscription MMOs like The Elder Scrolls Online have been using this format for a while now with great success. The DLC will include 10-15 hours of new content, 5 new zones, 3 new armor sets, 2 new weapon sets, pets, mounts, housing furniture pieces, and achievements. However it will not include new classes, harvestable items, new potions, a higher level cap, or anything that would give DLC purchasers an edge in the game as a whole.

The first ‘Mini Story Pack’ for OrbusVR is set to be a story-focused DLC aimed at exploration and questing, separate from the rest of the game, and is due out in Q2 of this year on all platforms (PC VR and Quest) for $9.99. According to a recent email from the company:

“For the first Pack, we’re showing you a different side of Patreayl and taking you to several mini zones within the current overworld where you’ll befriend and assist a society of sentient lizards. We’ll be introducing a couple of new mechanics, as well as throwing it back to original Orbus by bringing back a few old enemies.”

This pack of missions starts in Pierre’s shop where you are tasked with locating a missing lizard aided by a newly created gadget that lets you shrink things and people. What follows is a sort of Bug’s Life-esque adventure it sounds like across the world’s many “micro-ecosystems” in search of the lizard.

OrbusVR is expected to get 2-3 story DLC packs this year, including this first one with plans for a larger expansion at some point potentially after those are out.

You can read more about the story DLC on the official OrbusVR blog. Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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VR MMO Zenith Surpassese $200K In Kickstarter Funding, Over 800% Of Target Amount

Zenith is an upcoming VR MMORPG from the developers of Conjure Strike that features a distinct anime-style aesthetic and touts action-focused combat inspired by Beat Saber.

The Kickstarter still has about two weeks left to go but it’s already earned over $200,000 reaching more than 800% of its targeted $25,000 goal between over 2,300 backers. That’s a lot.

Watch The Kickstarter Trailer for Zenith:

The original $25,000 goal was extremely low and I frankly had trouble believing an MMO even remotely like the one they were promising would be possible on that sort of budget — even if they have additional outside funding. But 10x that amount? Now you’ve got my attention.

Since Zenith surged through the original target in just four hours it has gone on to surpass six of its seven planned stretch goals, including: in-game familiars, a ‘Ramen Review livestream by the develoeprs’ player vendors for selling goods, player housing customization, transmogs for visual customizatoin, and a new playable race. The only stretch goal left at the $250,000 mark is a level editor.

Zenith is ambitiously targeting not only PC VR headsets like Rift, Vive, and Index, but PSVR and Oculus Quest as well and it will also be playable on non-VR PC setups. Plus, they’re planning for fully compatible cross-play between all devices and PC at once, similar to OrbusVR, VRChat, and Rec Room.

As exciting and epic as Zenith sounds, I will stress that this is a Kickstarter which means that not only is the game ever actually getting released guaranteed, but the core developers are relatively untested generally speaking since they’ve never shipped a game together of this scale and they’re a very small team. That being said, I’m pretty optimistic.

Currently the “Estimated Delivery” date is August 2020, but I’ve followed enough Kickstarters to know that probably actually means alpha by that date and maybe a full launch or wide Early Access release on PC by Spring 2021 if I had to guess.

Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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Sword Art Online-Style Open World VR MMO Nostos Due To Release In Q4 2019

Today, at ChinaJoy 2019, HTC revealed Nostos is releasing in Q4 of 2019 and is confirmed for Viveport. The VR MMO is also coming to Steam.

Now to be clear, it’s coming to Steam as well with support for all major PC VR headsets including Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Windows MR devices, and the Valve Index and as far as we can tell there is not going to be an exclusivity period with Viveport, but that could change by the time it comes out. Either way, it is coming to Steam too — the page has been live for months, it just doesn’t have a date there at the moment.

We got the news about Nostos coming to Viveport in Q4 of 2019 by way of a press release directly from HTC, which does imply a partnership of some kind. The press release states:

“Nostos, an open-world role-playing game (RPG) from the Chinese tech giant, NetEase, is going to launch on VIVEPORT in Q4 2019. It will have a massive world that allows multiple players to explore, fight, and build in an abundance of biomes, from open grasslands to mysterious coral seas.”

Nostos did have an Open Alpha period a few months ago, but other than that NetEase has been relatively tight-lopped about the upcoming open-world VR MMORPG. Additionally, NetEase continues to describe it as an “open-world online RPG” rather than an MMORPG, but from what we can tell all of the typical RPG features are included — albeit they may be on a smaller scale.

As of now OrbusVR is still the only real VR MMO on the market, other than perhaps social VR titles such as Rec Room, VRChat, and High Fidelity. But those are more focused on social hubs than delivering mass-scale gaming experiences. Zenith is a new one we’ve learned about recently, which will feature Beat Saber style slashing combat. No Man’s Sky VR, which is coming on August 14th, could arguably qualify as an MMO as well.

Let us know if you plan on jumping into Nostos when it releases later this year!

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Nostos Is An Open World VR RPG That Looks A Lot Like Sword Art Online

Nostos Is An Open World VR RPG That Looks A Lot Like Sword Art Online

I’m a simple man. I love beautiful, cel-shaded worlds, RPGs, and fighting monsters online with friends. Similar in many ways to Sword Art Online, Nostos is all of those and more, in virtual reality, and I’m absolutely foaming at the mouth to see more of this game.

We would really love a true, in-universe VR MMO that follows the plot of the first season of the popular SAO anime, but the prospect of that ever really happening is pretty slim. The only VR game to speak of the series has so far is more of a dating experience and it’s just…not what we want.

So far, all communication we’ve received from NetEase and their PR indicates that despite what it looks like, Nostos is actually not an MMORPG at all, but simply an open-world VR RPG with online elements. For now, your best bet for a VR MMO is still Orbus VR and its forthcoming relaunch. 

As you can see in the trailer above, Nostos is absolutely gorgeous. The art style is reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and recent Tales Of games, which is quite the compliment. NetEase is a China-based company, but everything I’m seeing has a distinctly JRPG flair. As I sit here writing this in my Zelda t-shirt, listening to Kingdom Hearts music, looking at my Final Fantasy art book, I can say with complete confidence that I am this game’s target audience based on what I’ve seen so far.

Details are scarce right now, but according to a press release today, NetEase are leveraging Improbable’s SpatialOS simulation technology, the same platform in use for social VR MMO, MetaWorld. In the trailer we can see players climb the environment, chop down trees, build houses, and fight monsters in a pseudo-survival focused open world. Seasons and time of day shifts also seem to play a big role.

While at Gamescom UploadVR’s Editor-in-Chief, Tal Blevins, got to try a brief demo and didn’t get enough time to write a full hands-on report, but did give me some details.

First of all, his demo only featured four total players, but it was a large sandbox as you see in the trailer  and images. Even though it looks inspired by a lot of classical JRPGs and anime, the developers are still unclear on if they will include a formal “quest” system or leave it entirely open-ended for player-focused emergent storytelling.

There will be a mixture of modern and fantasy weapons, such as bows and guns, and the art style he says reminded him of Final Fantasy XI Online. He also took note of a clever weapon-holstering system in which you can store weapons along your belt to carry around, which sounds similar to how Stand Out: VR Battle Royale handles storing guns. In his demo they came across a truck similar to the one in the trailer that they were able to get inside of and drive around — he even ran over some other players while doing so.

Performance-wise it’s still very early on in the project’s life cycle so he noticed significant pop-in on objects and textures like grass, which only rendered about 20-feet away at its furthest point.

For more details on Nostos make sure to check out the official website and the game’s Twitter and Facebook. There is no release date yet, but it’s playable already at Gamescom this week.

Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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VR Manga Game ‘TOKYO CHRONOS’ Kickstarter Successfully Funded

Japanese VR studio MyDearest and Los Angeles-based Sekai Project launched a Kickstarter campaign last month to fund the development of a new VR manga game. Dubbed TOKYO CHRONOS, the VR visual novel game is now one step closer to coming to users of HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, PSVR, and Oculus Go.

Update (August 22nd, 2018):  Tokyo Chronos has blasted past their $75,000 funding goal, with $90,625 in total. The campaign reached their funding goal only last week.

The article detailing the Kickstarter follows below:

Original Article (July 10th, 2018): Lead by Kazuma Miki, a producer behind VR-centric anime series Sword Art Online (2012), TOKYO CHRONOS is said to offer users a VR visual novel mystery adventure that blends visual animation with a comic book-style UI.

The story follows 16 year-old protagonist Kyosuke Sakurai (voiced by Yuto Uemura); one day Kyosuke finds himself in the “Chronos World”, a deserted Shibuya frozen in time.

Image courtesy MyDearest Inc, Sekai Project

According to press release obtained by Anime News Networkthe narrative involves “8 childhood friends separated from the reality of this world, and trapped in an empty Shibuya, barren of any other souls.”

The statement continues:

“As time and space seemingly comes to a halt, the eight begin to disappear, one by one. What has happened to this world? What is happening to the ones trapped inside this hollow void? Who is the culprit that set the mystery in motion in a space that stands still.”

TOKYO CHRONOS’ director Haruki Kashiwakura previously created 3D graphics for anime such as Rakuen Tsuihō – Expelled from Paradise (2015)Mobile Suit Gundam AGE (2011), and Blassreiter (2005).

MyDearest is a Tokyo-based VR developer specializing in adventure games. Established in 2016, the company has already released several titles including the interactive manga Innocent Forest (2017) and Innocent Forest 2 (2017) for Oculus Rift and mobile VR platforms Oculus Go and Gear VR.

The creators are targeting a funding goal of $75,000, and are estimating a February 2019 delivery date of digital keys. The lowest ‘Early Bird’ funding tier of $30 gives users access to either a Steam code (Rift, Vive) or PSN code (PSVR).

You can check out the Kickstarter here.

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