E3 2019: The Walking Dead: Onslaught Nails The Franchise’s Iconic Gore In VR

E3 2019: The Walking Dead: Onslaught Nails The Franchise’s Iconic Gore In VR

I’ve killed a lot of zombies in VR. I’ve blown them up, cut them to pieces, shot their heads off, and spent my fair share running away from them across a multitude of games. But The Walking Dead: Onslaught by Survios may have my favorite combat system to deal with the undead that I’ve seen yet.

As an officially licensed game that is being created in partnership with AMC, Survios is able to actually leverage the brand itself. This means that players will walk in the shoes of Rick, Michonne, Daryl, and Carol across a post-apocalyptic world overrun with walkers. It’s got a campaign, replayable missions, upgrade mechanics, visceral melee, a litany of guns, and up to four-player co-op to boot.

During my demo at E3 2019 I played as Rick. It was an average length demo, about 15-20 minutes long, and I got to see a handgun, shotgun, and assault rifle, as well as a machete and the iconic barbed wire bat, Lucille. Both the shotgun and Lucille were major stand outs for me.

Rather than using traditional analog stick-based movement, I decided to instead try their fluid locomotion system that’s been adapted from Creed: Rise to Glory. Using this method, you hold down both the A and Y button the Touch controllers (I played my demo on an original Oculus Rift) and swing your arms as if you were running. It worked well enough, but this method prevented me from shooting and moving at the same time which was a bit frustrating.

Core gameplay was extremely familiar in that you swing melee weapons and aim down the sights to shoot guns. They aren’t reinventing the way you kill zombies in this game, but are instead evolving the way in which they die. You can lop off arms at specific joints, chop off hands, slice heads off at the neck, cut off legs, and even carve things into their rotting skin if you want. When you stab through their body blades can get stuck, requiring you to grab onto the body with your free hand and yank it out. You can even grab them by the neck and do Rick’s iconic knife to the skull stab to finish them off.

It’s gory, bloody, and a bit unsettling even after years of video game desensitization, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love it. However, part of me does worry that it may be leveraging The Walking Dead name in a way that’s proven to fail in the past.

If you look at TellTale’s Walking Dead series, arguably one of the best licensed video game series of all-time, clearly they have an intimate understanding of the source material and told a moving, deeply engaging story with real human emotion. That’s the thing about The Walking Dead: it’s a story about humans and the cost of survival, the zombies are just a plot device. It’s not actually about killing zombies.

In this way, The Walking Dead: Onslaught misses the mark — but at least they’ve made the virtual violence fun as far as I can tell.

My demo was just single player, but I can only imagine how much more chaotic and fun it would be in co-op. Survios explained that there will be skills to upgrade as a progression mechanic, but I didn’t get to see any of that. You get scores based on your performance in the mission and rank up with XP, so that’s all built into the design already. Scattered across levels I found lots of fuel and food and other types of loot as well.

The Walking Dead: Onslaught feels like the mechanical culmination of all of Survios’ past games into one well-crafted package. It’s got the co-op mission structure of Raw Data, the melee feedback of Creed, the movement style of Sprint Vector, plus zombies. The campaign is said to be seven missions long and should last around four hours, which is a decent length for something that is supposed to be replayed. There’s going to be a horde mode as well.

At the end of my mission I had to literally cut through a mass of zombies to get to the extraction point and I mowed them down like a machine wielding Lucille. It felt great as the blood splattered across my view. No two zombies ever seemed to die the exact same way.

Survios told me that The Walking Dead: Onslaught is coming to all major PC VR platforms and PSVR. We asked about a Quest version, but didn’t really get a definitive answer. Let us know what you think of the game down in the comments below!

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DJ Platform ‘Electronauts’ Now on Oculus Quest with Cross-Buy

Survios just released its music-making platform Electronauts (2018) on Quest, letting you build, drop, and remix tracks using the DJ app’s clever VR-native controls. What’s more, if you already own Electronauts on Rift (purchased through the Oculus Store), you’ll be able to jam for free on Quest.

The platform’s Quest port includes the complete roster of tracks that are currently available on Vive and Rift, including its latest Monstercat content update.

Electronauts now boasts over 40 songs from 50-plus artists, including popular EDM and hip-hop artists Odesza, 12th Planet, Krewella, The Chainsmokers, and Tokimonsta.

If you haven’t played around with it before, and are interested in music creation, Electronauts is a pretty unique app that brings a lot to the table.

While its interface is simple to use, the app actually has a pretty impressive set of tools, presented to the user as physical objects that you can easily manipulate with your motion controllers. We liked Electronauts so much we gave it a solid [9/10] in our in-depth review, and also lauded it with a Road to VR Design Award this past year for ‘Excellence in User Interface’.

You can find Electronauts on Quest for $20 on the Oculus Store.

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E3 2019: New Gameplay For Survios VR Pirate Ship Game Battlewake


Survios today showed off some new gameplay for their upcoming high seas pirate combat VR game Battlewake:

Each major Survios original game so far has used a novel locomotion system to push the boundaries of VR gameplay. The studio’s first major title, Raw Data, used a rapid warping “teleshift” system to balance comfort and feeling of motion. Their next, Sprint Vector, had you physically swinging your arms while holding in the trigger to dash forwards at incredibly high speeds without discomfort.

Survios Design Director Mike McTyre explained that Battlewake’s goal is to bring this experience in locomotion to vehicular combat. The team decided that the most compelling vehicle would be a pirate ship, due to the action packed high seas combat pirate ships could deliver. Survios claims its “adaptive physics” and “periphreal effects” algorithms minimize the causes of VR sickness even during fast movement.

The game will feature a wide variety of shipborne weapons including broadsides, gatling guns, machine guns, axe throwers, and ballistas. Battles will involve “dozens” of ships.

The campaign features a 20-chapter story and can be played in either singleplayer mode or co-op mode. An additional 4 player co-op mode called Warfare Mode provides replayable gameplay with random objectives and dynamic enemy types. There’s also a larger scale PvP deathmatch mode. If it’s like past Survios games, that multiplayer should work across platforms too.

Battlewake is releasing this summer. It’s listed on Steam as supporting Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, and the Closed Beta signup sheet also lists PlayStation VR and Oculus Quest. Survios has not yet listed the launch platforms yet however.

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E3 2019: Watch First Gameplay Of The Walking Dead: Onslaught VR From Survios

E3 2019: Watch First Gameplay Of The Walking Dead: Onslaught VR From Survios

Today during our first-ever E3 VR Showcase Survios debuted gameplay of its upcoming VR game, The Walking Dead: Onslaught, based on the hit AMC show. In the game you get to go inside of the iconic universe that’s overrun by the undead walkers and fight side-by-side with iconic characters from the show like Daryl, Rick, and Michonne.

Previously, Survios released this teaser trailer that really only hinted at the tone and ambiance without actually showing any real gameplay footage. But now, after the reveal in today’s showcase, we’ve got a good look at how the game plays.

As expected, there is a heavy focus on blood, gore, and dismemberment. I actually got the chance to try out an early build at GDC earlier this year that was just a white dev room for combat testing. I picked up some guns, swords, a bat, crossbow, and more and got to try them out on stationary zombie characters.

What immediately stood out to me was the extreme attention to detail. I could slice individual parts of zombies off by slashing exactly where I intended. The developers even spoke to me about their layered mesh system that provided a simulate skin texture to keep the entrails inside until the zombie was sliced open.

We don’t know much about the story yet, or if it will include multiplayer (I’d imagine it will since that’s a key feature in virtually every other Survios VR title) but we will get the the chance to go hands-on with it later this week at E3 so stay tuned for more details.

The Walking Dead: Onslaught is releasing this fall and is coming to Rift, Vive, and likely other major VR platforms.

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The VR Job Hub: XR Games, Survios & Redpill VR

It’s the start of one of the most exciting weeks of the year and it’s not even Christmas, yes the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2019 will be starting in a couple of days. If you’re not heading down to the event but are keen on entering the VR space – or moving across it – then some of these jobs may well be worth a gander.

Location Company Role Link
Los Angeles, CA Redpill VR Technical Director Click Here to Apply
Los Angeles, CA Redpill VR Senior Gameplay Programmer Click Here to Apply
Los Angeles, CA Redpill VR Senior Environment Artist Click Here to Apply
Los Angeles, CA Redpill VR Technical Designer Click Here to Apply
Los Angeles, CA Redpill VR Senior Artist Click Here to Apply
Los Angeles, CA Redpill VR UI Artist Click Here to Apply
Los Angeles, CA Redpill VR Audio Programmer Click Here to Apply
Los Angeles, CA Survios Full Stack Engineer Click Here to Apply
Los Angeles, CA Survios Lead Gameplay Engineer – Unreal Engine 4 Click Here to Apply
Los Angeles, CA Survios Software Engineer – Network & Backend Systems Click Here to Apply
Los Angeles, CA Survios Data Scientist Click Here to Apply
Leeds, UK XR Games Senior Unity Developer Click Here to Apply
Leeds, UK XR Games Experienced Unity Developer Click Here to Apply
Leeds, UK XR Games Producer Click Here to Apply
Leeds, UK XR Games 3D Generalist Click Here to Apply

Don’t forget, if there wasn’t anything that took your fancy this week there’s always last week’s listings on The VR Job Hub to check as well.

If you are an employer looking for someone to fill an immersive technology related role – regardless of the industry – don’t forget you can send us the lowdown on the position and we’ll be sure to feature it in that following week’s feature. Details should be sent to Peter Graham (pgraham@vrfocus.com).

We’ll see you next week on VRFocus at the usual time of 3PM (UK) for another selection of jobs from around the world.

Become a DJ on Oculus Quest Today With Electronauts

Virtual reality (VR) developer Survios has got quite a big year ahead with some major titles on the way, but that does mean it has forgotten to keep previous titles updated and relevant. So far the Oculus Quest has been the big consumer VR hardware launch of the year, and Survios supported the headset at launch with Creed: Rise to Glory. Today, another of the studio’s back catalogue comes to the standalone headset, DJ experience Electronauts.

Released less than a year ago for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and PlayStation VR, Electronauts is a DJ experience with a twist, no turntables. Instead, Survios created what is called the ‘Music Reality Engine’, offering players a way to remix popular tracks from a variety of music genres without needing any skills whatsoever. This allows players to experiment to their heart’s content and they’ll always be in tune and in sync.

With two sticks in hand like a composer, the title gives players a massive array of sound-altering options to choose from. Record loops, sequences, layer filters and more (there are even musical grenades), twist and distort over 40 songs from 50  artists across genres such as EDM, hip hop and dubstep.

Electronauts achieved a full five stars in VRFocus’ review which said: “Survios has managed to do what few VR developers have done, secure a hat trick of quality titles that should be in everyone’s library. Electronauts combines a wonderfully elaborate yet perfectly simple gameplay design alongside some of the best dance tunes from around the world, making for a videogame that will have you playing for hours and wanting ‘just one more go.’”


From the listing on Oculus StoreElectronauts does seems to support cross-buy support between Oculus Rift and Oculus Quest, which is good news if you already own the title. The listing does state a 6th June launch date, although at the time of writing the videogame wasn’t live.

On the horizon from Survios are two exciting looking titles, The Walking Dead Onslaughtan official VR experience with its own original story based on the franchise. And Battlewakea pirate-themed combat experience expected summer 2019. As further details are released, VRFocus will let you know.

Join the Smashbox VR Dodgeball League to Win up to $4,500 in Prizes

Based in North America and fancy winning some cash with your mates? Then you’ll want to enter Ctrl V’s Smashbox Arena League which will be taking place during the summer, with players able to compete for over $4,500 CDN worth of prizes.

Smashbox VR Dodgeball League

Using Bigbox VR’s multiplayer arena shooter Smashbox Arena, location-based entertainment (LBE) specialist Ctrl V is running the promotion starting in July and all the way through August sponsored by Survios. Encouraging participants of all ages, teams of three have to register by Friday 28th June, either at a Ctrl V location or online.

It costs $99.99 per person to enter the league which will last up to eight weeks. Players will need to commit at least one hour of their time each week, with competitions held every Monday evening from 6:30pm – 9:30pm (local time) from 8th July onwards.

Then on Monday, 19th August, the top two teams from each location will be selected for the grand championship on Monday 26th August which will be live-streamed. Over $4,500 will be available to win at each of Ctrl V’s locations, with first place getting $3000 cash, second place getting $1000 gift cards and $500 worth of gift cards for third place.

Smashbox Arena image 2

The competition will be taking place at Ctrl V’s 16 VR arcade locations:

  • Brampton (West)

  • Calgary (Glenmore)

  • Cambridge

  • Edmonton (West)

  • Guelph

  • Hamilton

  • Howell

  • Lethbridge

  • Lindsay

  • London

  • Mississauga

  • North York

  • Red Deer

  • St Catherines

  • Waterloo

  • Winnipeg

Originally released back in 2016 for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift before coming to PlayStation VR the following year, Smashbox Arena is a team-based first-person shooter (FPS) with over the top physic-driven power-ups such as Giant Boulders, Sniperballs and Heat Seeking Missiles to play with. While the home version does have a single-player campaign, the core gameplay revolves around the multiplayer mode.

BigBox VR is currently working on another arena style shooter called Population: ONE. Far more in the vein of popular battle royale titles such as Fortnite, Population: ONE will allow gamers to climb, fly and build with up to 24 other players in a match.

As further details regarding Ctrl V’s future plans are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.

VR Pioneers Steam Bundle Offers Big Discounts On Groundbreaking Games

vr pioneers bundle

Some of VR’s groundbreaking developers blazing a new trail with early VR releases are providing a lower-priced bundle on Steam.

The “VR Pioneers” bundle costs around $123.94, or 20 percent off, for a set of incredible games. Normally it would cost more than $150 to get all the games included in this bundle. I-Illusions’ Space Pirate Trainer, Cloudhead’s The Gallery Episodes 1 & 2, Survios’ Raw Data and Sprint Vector and, of course, Owlchemy Lab’s Job Simulator can be purchased together in the VR Pioneers bundle on Steam starting today. If you’ve already got some of these games the 20 percent discount should still apply to the remaining titles. This should allow VR headset owners to more inexpensively complete their libraries if they’ve missed buying a couple of these games over the years.

For those unfamiliar, Space Pirate Trainer is perhaps the definitive wave shooter of VR’s first generation and a fantastic introductory arcade VR experience alongside Owlchemy’s Job Simulator. Survios Raw Data and Sprint Vector explore the range of single player and multiplayer game modes with an assortment of weapons and ways to navigate through virtual worlds explored. Cloudhead’s The Gallery, finally, is a wonderfully inventive adventure with deep world-building and engaging puzzles.

If you’re new to VR in 2019 or just looking to catch up on a few missed games, this new bundle looks like a great way to catch up on quality VR software you might’ve missed.

Facebook just released the Oculus Rift S, HP is launching the Reverb and Valve’s Index headset is due to arrive in the coming weeks to early buyers — all brand new VR headsets on which these games can be played.

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AMC and Survios Collaborate on VR Title The Walking Dead Onslaught

AMC’s The Walking Dead has been made into plenty of videogames, the most popular of which is probably the episodic, graphic adventure by Telltale Games and Skybound Games. When it comes to virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), the franchise has featured in Pinball FX2 VR and got players out and about with The Walking Dead: Our World. Now the studio behind Raw Data and Creed: Rise to GlorySurvios, has announced a collaboration with AMC on an official VR videogame, The Walking Dead Onslaught.

Because The Walking Dead Onslaught is an official VR experience, fans will be able to take the role of their favourite survivors from the series, having to deal with the seemingly endless walker threat in an exclusive original story.

Featuring a full campaign mode and player progression alongside melee and ranged combat, the title will be using Survios’ ‘Progressive Dismemberment System’ for what sounds like a visceral combat experience that is going to be quite brutal. Players will find walker limbs are vulnerable for removal at many joints, including arms, legs and neck; while a proprietary “gore mesh” creates realistic wounds anywhere on a walker’s body. And just for added realism enemies can be impaled and react where they are stabbed, as well as weapons getting stuck, or players feeling resistance when pulling out weapons.

There’s also a ‘Melee Restraint System’ allowing walkers to be grabbed and restrained for precision melee attacks and strategic defence, or simply pushed and thrown at other walkers.

“Not only is The Walking Dead Onslaught a dream opportunity for the megafans in the studio, but we’ve had the unique challenge to further evolve VR with our ‘progressive dismemberment’ technology,” said Survios head of studio Mike McTyre in a statement. “This is a standalone game experience featuring one of the most beloved TV IPs in the world. AMC is an incredible partner, encouraging us to push immersion to a new level that can only be experienced in VR with ‘The Walking Dead.’”

The Walking Dead Onslaught

The Walking Dead Onslaught is the immersive VR experience fans have been waiting for,” said Yoel Flohr, EVP of Digital and Franchise Development at AMC. “We’re thrilled to be working with Survios, an industry leader in world-class visuals and innovative gameplay, to give players the chance to experience first-hand the terror and thrill of The Walking Dead’s apocalyptic world.”

The Walking Dead Onslaught is scheduled to launch Fall 2019 in VR arcades and for home VR platforms (no specific headsets have been mentioned just yet). As further details are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.

Survios & AMC Unveil ‘The Walking Dead’ VR Game, Launching Fall 2019

Survios, the studio behind Creed: Rise to Glory (2018) and Raw Data (2017), today unveiled a new VR game based on AMC’s TV series The Walking Dead.

Called The Walking Dead Onslaught, the combat-based game promises to have you fighting alongside the characters from the series in the first-person, however in what Suvios calls an exclusive original story created in partnership with AMC.

The game is said to include detailed melee, ranged combat, player progression, and a full campaign mode.

Survios says in the game’s Steam listing that it will feature single player and online co-op multiplayer. The studio hasn’t confirmed exactly which platforms Onslaught is coming to, however the Steam page lists both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. The game is slated to release sometime in Fall 2019.

I got a chance to go hands-on with an early prototype at GDC 2019, and although I was only allowed to walk around a test area with dummy characters, I did get a chance to go ham on all manner of stationary zombified corpses using a variety of weapons to see what the game’s combat might have in store.

The studio showed me a pretty gruesome dismemberment system that reacts to various melee weapons such as katanas, machetes, and improvised weapons like long bow staff-sized pipes. When it comes to dismemberment, you’ll also have to put some heft behind your slices to get a clean break, because Survios, at least at the time I tried it, were adamant about not being able to simply waggle your motion controller to down zombies entirely.

'Battlewake' is a New Pirate Ship Battler from the Makers of 'Creed' & 'Raw Data'

Some of the things I tried were stabbing a zombie in the neck, slicing the zombie’s stomach open, and completely chopping off limbs. While I wouldn’t call it 100 percent physics-based, it is certainly poised to get you up and moving, as you can grab zombies by the neck to stop them, push them away from you, and (of course) blow them halfway across the room with a shotgun blast.

I also got to play with a smorgasbord of ranged weapons, including cross bows, automatic rifles, shotguns, and various pistols—both semi-automatic and fully automatic.

While I haven’t delved deeper into the game, The Walking Dead Onslaught it poised to be a pretty violent game any way you slice it (pun intended), although I can imagine the studio might scale back on some of the blood should they decided to install the game in their fleet of VR arcades.

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