Surreal: Kevin Smith bringt Jay und Silent Bob in VR

Ob Clerks – Die Ladenhüter, Chasing Amy oder DogmaJay und Silent Bob sind Kult, auch wenn sie oft nur Nebenrollen übernehmen. Das bedingt dynamische Duo kommt mit Jay and Silent Bob VR bald in die virtuelle Realität, wie STXsurreal bekannt gibt. In der Live-Action-Comedy-Umsetzung wird man dabei die Sicht von Silent Bob einnehmen. Kevin Smith übernimmt dabei nicht nur Regie und Produktion, sondern auch wie gewohnt die Rolle des schweigsamen Bobs.

Jay und Silent Bob in der virtuellen Realität

Der Regisseur Kevin Smith erfand das Drogendealer-Duo Jay und Silent Bob, das fast in jedem seiner Filme zu sehen ist und 2001 mit Jay und Silent Bob schlagen zurück sogar in die Hauptrolle schlüpfte. Dabei übernimmt Smith die Rolle von Bob, der höchst selten mal eine Zeile spricht und meist wortlos kommuniziert. Während Bob der Ruhepol ist, spielt Jay den hyperaktiven Part, der aber nur wenig auf die Kette kriegt.

Nun hat das STXsurreal Studio von STX Entertainment bekanntgegeben, dass Smith eine VR-Serie mit den beiden „Helden“ drehen wird. Jay and Silent Bob VR soll eine Live-Action-Comedy-Umsetzung werden und verspricht laut Studio „idiotische Abenteuer“.

Anschauen wird man sich die Serie sowie andere VR-Titel über eine App von Surreal, die im Sommer 2018 für diverse Virtual-Reality-Headsets erscheinen soll. Allerdings kommen Jay und Silent Bob wohl etwas später, denn der erste Titel wird The Limit sein. Hinter der VR-Live-Action-Serie steht kein geringerer als Robert Rodriguez, der beispielsweise für die Filme Sin City und From Dusk Till Dawn auf dem Regiestuhl Platz nahm. Einen weiteren bekannten Regisseur konnte man mit Ed Helms gewinnen, der mit der Komödie Hangover an den Kinokassen punktete. Noch weitere geplante Titel findet man beispielsweise auf

(Quelle: The Verge)

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‘Sin City’ Director Robert Rodriquez to Debut VR Action Series ‘The Limit’ This Summer

Robert Rodriguez, the director of films such as Sin City (2005), Planet Terror (2007), and the Spy Kids franchise, just wrapped production on a newly announced VR action series with The Fast and the Furious franchise actress Michelle Rodriguez. Called The Limit, the VR series is set to premiere this summer.

According to a Variety report, The Limit is a short-form first-person POV action series that was written, directed, and produced by Robert Rodriguez.

Michelle Rodriguez is said to play the role of a “genetically enhanced weapon of mass destruction hellbent on destroying the covert agency that created her.”

image courtesy Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons

Immersive entertainment studio STXsurreal will be releasing the series on its app this summer. STXsurreal announced last year it had partnered with Google’s VR team to launch a new “pay-per-experience” app on the Daydream VR platform, which is said to host a selection of curated live-action 360 films. It’s uncertain at this time if other headsets besides Daydream will be included at launch.

Surreal, a cinematic VR company, was acquired by STX in August 2016. The company has produced more than 70 360 videos, some of which feature celebrities such as Gordon Ramsay, Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, and John Hamm.

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Transform Your Surroundings with AR App Surreal

The power and potential of augmented reality (AR) has become much more apparent both to users and businesses since the launch of Apple’s ARKit. A new AR app titled Surreal aims to provide a platform for users to decorate and transform their surroundings using AR.

Surreal aims to provide a platform for animated 3D virtual objects created by talented artists from around the world that can then be purchased and placed in the user’s environment, visible user’s a smartphone camera. For example, the users can place a playful kitten in their bedroom, or a lion in the backyard, hang an AR Mona Lisa or Van Gogh’s Starry Night on the wall.

Users can also record a video of the AR scenes they create to share over social media. The launch of the Surreal app was timed to coincide with the introduction of iOS 11, with its enhanced AR capabilities. Surreal are also working on the app with an eye towards AR glasses, a product which has seen something of a comeback recently.

“Augmented reality empowers people to own their surroundings in a way that was never before possible,” said Surreal Co-founder Dana Loberg. “With Surreal, users will be able to do things like frame the Mona Lisa on their living room wall or decorate their closet with the designer bag they’ve always wanted. If you look at how Gen Z interacts with each other, it’s clear that they’re very comfortable using the camera to enrich their surroundings,” Loberg continued, “Very soon, the possibilities for AR communication will only come into sharper focus.”

The Surreal app is available as a free download from the Apple App Store.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Surreal as it becomes available.

STXsurreal Partners With Google to Launch Pay-Per-View VR Video, Aiming to Become ‘HBO of VR’

STXsurreal, the immersive media division of STX Entertainment, is partnering up with Google’s VR team to launch a new “pay-per-experience” app on the Daydream VR platform, which will host a selection of curated live-action 360 films.

Casting it as the ‘HBO or Showtime of VR’, the deal allows STXsurreal to develop and produce multiple live-action scripted VR series coming to Daydream in the next few months. STXsurreal Co-Presidents Andy Vick and Rick Rey maintain the deal allows them to “bring the highest caliber of talent to this new medium and create a premium destination for VR.”

Setting itself apart from other 360 video apps, the company says they’ll be “highly selective with a true programming voice.”

Surreal, a cinematic VR company that’s produced more than 70 videos with over 35 million views, was acquired by STX in August 2016. The company has produced 360 videos featuring celebrities such as Gordon Ramsay, Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, John Hamm, and many more.

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