Oculus Rift Black Friday Pack: Lone Echo, Onward, Superhot, The Climb, Arizona Sunshine, GORN, and Eleven For $99.99 – Saving 50%

Oculus Rift Black Friday Pack: Lone Echo, Onward, Superhot, The Climb, Arizona Sunshine, GORN, and Eleven For $99.99 – Saving 50%

Facebook’s Oculus is offering a Black Friday game bundle on the Rift’s VR app store. The pack contains 7 major games for $99.99 – Lone Echo, Onward, Superhot VR, The Climb, Arizona Sunshine, GORN, and Eleven: Table Tennis VR.

At their regular prices the games would total to $209.93, thus this pack saves $109.94 (%52). The deal is one day only, ending at midnight tonight Pacific Standard Time.

Onward and Arizona Sunshine are on sale separately at 40% off and 50% off, but the other games are not. While this certainly isn’t a budget oriented deal, we think these games are some of the best that VR gaming currently has to offer. All seven would make excellent additions to your library.

Lone Echo [8.5/10]

Lone Echo is a roughly five hour voice acted story driven VR game. It was created by The Order 1886 developers Ready At Dawn, funded by Oculus. You play as a service android under the command of Captain Olivia Rhodes. When a catastrophe strikes, you and Olivia must work together to try and repair the station. We were highly impressed with the game when we reviewed it, giving it 8.5/10 and concluding:

Lone Echo is a landmark achievement in three key areas of the VR experience: locomotion, UI, and interaction. The winning blend of intuitive movement, discovery-based gameplay and character-driven storytelling create a compelling sense of presence that few VR games could hope to match, while the considered pacing gives it a fresh identity. I hate to mark it down on such a trivial aspect as length, but the package simply feels incomplete, rounding off in the second act and depriving you of both the narrative and mechanical evolutions I was expecting to encounter in the third. If there’s a silver lining, it’s that I expect its sequel to be one of VR’s very best.


Onward is a realistic multiplayer military shooter which feels like playing Insurgency in VR. Remarkably, it entered early access when it had just one developer. Since then, it has become one of the most popular multiplayer games in VR.

Check out our interview with the developer or player’s field guide for more information on Onward.

Superhot VR [9/10]

Superhot VR is a unique shooter experience where the faster you move, the faster time moves. If you keep completely still, time will freeze. It is a perfect blend of mental and physical challenge, and perhaps one of the best VR games ever made.

When we reviewed the game, we gave it 9/10, concluding:

SUPERHOT VR is a pure, distilled, injection of unadulterated adrenaline that will get your blood pumping just as quickly as time stops in the game itself. With every movement you make, time creeps forward ever so slightly, and everything from the level design to the way it feels to dodge a series of bullets in slow-motion is orchestrated to reinforce the core ideals of the experience. From start to finish it plays out like a fantasy ripped from the screen of every action movie; an indulgent cacophony of visual and gameplay excitement.

The Climb [8/10]

Still today, The Climb has some of the best graphics you can see in a realtime VR game. The game remarkably launched for the Rift using an Xbox controller, before the Touch controllers released, but received a large update on the launch of the controllers to add full support. Even with an xbox controller we were impressed, giving it an 8/10 saying:

There may be some control issues holding it back but, in the end, The Climb creates a world in which the mechanics are so satisfying, the visuals are so beautiful, and the sense of accomplishment is so real that you just want to continue doing what the game enables you to do so perfectly: keep climbing.

Arizona Sunshine [8.5/10]

Arizona Sunshine is a zombie FPS with a full voice acted singleplayer campaign and co-op multiplayer. When we reviewed the game, we gave it 8.5/10, concluding:

Vertigo Games proved that even in the most saturated genre we’ve seen for VR games this year — shooters with zombies — there was still room for something fresh. Arizona Sunshine combines the narrative power of a fully-featured 4+ hour campaign mode, with the intensity of a wave-based horde mode, and then adds multiplayer to both experiences. The protagonist’s witty humor make it worth recommending on his charming personality alone, with enough depth and variety to keep people coming back for several hours. By doing so many things so well, Arizona Sunshine quickly rose to the top of the pack as the best overall zombie shooter we’ve seen yet in VR.


GORN is a comically over the top cartoon gladiator simulator which many consider to have the best melee mechanics in VR. As the game isn’t out of early access yet we haven’t formally reviewed it, but in our preview we stated:

If there were ever a VR game to convince even the strictest of VR pacifists to chop someone’s head off, it’s this. I dare you to not smile just a little as you hit a man so hard his eyeballs fall out. This plays like a hyperbolic anticipation of everything VR will one day come under fire for; an in-the-face parody of the inevitability of it all. I can picture the Fox News complaints about young children ripping people’s arms off in VR already, but here’s a game that makes actually doing that joyously silly before anyone’s really made it thrillingly empowering. I can’t help but admire the developer’s angle here.

Eleven: Table Tennis VR

Eleven is seemingly the most simple game in this bundle, but to many it will provide the most hours of fun. Eleven represents the mastery of virtual table tennis, a sport so ideally suited for VR that VR companies often use it as an example of what the medium can do when giving interviews to news outlets.

While we haven’t formally reviewed Eleven yet, as of this article it sits on a 4.75 star rating on the Oculus Store and 95% on Steam.

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SUPERHOT Team Puts Together a ‘VR Essentials’ Bundle on Steam

When it comes to virtual reality (VR) videogames – depending on the headset you own – there are generally several titles that are considered ‘must haves’. Experiences that really showcase the power and immersive qualities of the technology, whilst being great introductions for first-time players. Of course, this is all subjective, but one title likely to appear on most lists is bullet dodging SUPERHOT VR. Well, the team behind the videogame have listed their VR essentials by creating a ‘Complete Your Collection’ bundle on Steam.

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What the SUPERHOT team have done is create a list of eight videogames you should own and dropped their prices by 15 percent on Steam, making for an attractive pickup if you’ve been thinking about any of the titles selected.

So which VR experiences have been selected. Naturally, SUPERHOT VR is on there – and so it should be – a first-person shooter that’s entirely in slow-mo, only when a player moves do things start to speed up. So this means lots a Matrix-style bullet dodging as they shoot enemies, or grab an ashtray or bottle to fling in their faces.

Next up is Budget Cuts, a robotic stealth title by Neat Corporation. Keeping with the arcade action is Sairento VR which mixes ninja style swordplay and acrobatics with a first-person shooter (FPS). If that all sounds a bit intense then there’s always old-school favourite Job Simulator by Owlchemy Labs which players never seem to tire of.

For those FPS fans out there what’s a must-have list without a zombie title somewhere in the mix. For the SUPERHOT team, it has to be Vertigo Games’ Arizona Sunshine which has a finely crafted campaign alongside a Horde mode which can be enjoyed in single or multiplayer.

Another classic in the list is Space Pirate Trainer from I-Illusions, a great entry level experience to tet those VR skills, yet difficult enough in the later stages for the pros.

The last two both have their own unique qualities, with GORN going for a brutal, brawler with rag-doll physics and copious amounts of gore. While Thumper is an insanely fast and frantic on-rails rhythm action title, where players control a beetle along a cosmic course, taking out mini-bosses along the way.

Check out the Steam bundle here. And for anymore VR deals keep reading VRFocus.

Something for the Weekend: PlayStation VR Black Friday EU Savings

It’s that special time of year again where every retailer goes discount crazy in the run-up to Christmas. Attracting customers with offers and discounts galore – some better than others. While Black Friday may still be a few days away, the EU PlayStation Store started its offerings on Friday just gone, so it seemed apt to feature those deals today. All these deals end at 11.59pm GMT on Monday 26th November 2018.

Astro Bot Rescue Mission

A platform title from the team at Sony Japan Studio, Astro Bot Rescue Mission was well received when it launched last month for PlayStation VR. VRFocus commented in its review: “While Astro Bot Rescue Mission isn’t quite as charming as Moss, or as superbly crafted as Mario Odyssey, it is a great old-school platformer for the VR era, bringing some of the best features of both 2D and 3D platformers of old and incorporating VR in a way that doesn’t feel awkward. This is a fun, lighthearted way to spend some time in VR, and worth checking out.”

Astro Bot Rescue Mission is on sale for £19.99 GBP, reduced from £34.99.

Astro Bot: Rescue MissionThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

Christmas 2017 proved to be a bumper year for VR content, with Bethesda releasing DOOM VFR and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR. Even though the latter videogame was a few years old by then the addition of VR proved to be a wise choice, with VRFocus writing in its review: “for those who dreamed of a truly immersive role-playing experience, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VRis simply the best opportunity available today.”

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR is on sale for £19.99, reduced from £47.99.

Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring LifeSUPERHOT VR

SUPERHOT VR originally launched on Oculus Rift with Touch support before being ported to HTC Vive and PlayStation VR. The title has seen near-universal acclaim due to its particular gameplay style where time only moves when you do. So there’s plenty of slow-mo bullet dodging and gunplay as you try to kill enemies.

SUPERHOT VR is on sale for £11.99, reduced from £19.99.

superhot vr - first screenshots 8Eagle Flight

Eagle Flight is another Oculus Rift which arrived in October before making its way to PlayStation VR and HTC Vive by the end of 2016. Set fifty years after humans vanished from the face of the Earth, wildlife and nature have reclaimed the cities, with players taking to the skies of Paris for a selection of single-player and multiplayer modes.

Eagle Flight is on sale for £9.99, reduced from £34.99.

Eve: Valkyrie – Warzone

EVE: Valkyrie – Warzone is a first-person spaceship shooter that puts you in the cockpit for intense multiplayer space combat. The Warzone expansion also includes all five previous free updates: Carrier Assault, Joint Strike, Gatecrash, Wormholes, and Groundrush.

EVE: Valkyrie – Warzone is on sale for £9.49, reduced from £24.99.

EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone artFarpoint

Farpoint is a sci-fi adventure where you find yourself stranded on an alien world filled with all sorts of nasty hostiles. While Farpoint will work with PlayStation VR’s standard control methods when the title launched it tended to be packaged with the PlayStation Aim controller, which is still the best way to play the experience.

Farpoint is on sale for £7.99, reduced from £24.99.

Farpoint screenshotFirewall Zero Hour

Another title that benefits from owning PlayStation Aim, Firewall Zero Hour is a team-based online multiplayer from First Contact Entertainment. Receiving a five-star review from VRFocus, we said: “Firewall Zero Hour has managed to avoid many of the common pitfalls of VR online multiplayer’s and add its own interesting twist to the military FPS genre. The lobby system could use some improvements, but otherwise its a finely crafted title that will be of great interest to FPS fans.”

Firewall Zero Hour is on sale for £15.99, reduced from £34.99.

Firewall Zero Hour - Screenshot (E3 2018)Robinson: The Journey

Robinson: The Journey casts players as Robin, a boy that’s left stranded on an alien world called Tyson III after his ship crash lands. But Robin isn’t alone, he’s accompanied by an AI companion called HIGS, and together they must survive the harsh environment and dangerous inhabitants as they search for the lost crew, solving puzzles and unearthing the planet’s secrets along the way.

Robinson: The Journey is on sale for £9.79, reduced from £44.99.

Robinson The Journey screenshotArchangel

Archangel is set on a world ravaged by natural disasters. Players take on the role of a pilot in the United States Free Forces, a resistance group fighting a tyrannical United States government which has removed all freedoms from its citizens. Stepping into a massive mech, players will take the fight to HUMNX, a private conglomerate that controls what little is left of a ravaged America.

Archangel is on sale for £11.99, reduced from £29.99.

Archangel screenshotStar Trek: Bridge Crew

Star Trek: Bridge Crew features both single-player and multiplayer options – although VRFocus did state in its review that the videogame was all about the multiplayer. You get to play in one of four roles, Captain, Helm, Tactical or Engineering, each with its own particular job to do. Once chosen, you and your teammates then head out into space to complete a variety of missions.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew is on sale for £14.99, reduced from £29.99.

Star Trek Bridge Crew - Mission_Screenshot

Viveport Offering Five Games for £1 Each to Subscription Members

From today things take a turn for the worst as retailers start to offer early Black Friday deals ahead of the supposed main discount day next week. Either online or instore there are going to be plenty of deals going on, all of which VRFocus will try to keep you updated on. For those virtual reality (VR) gamers who use Viveport and its subscription service, the platform has a limited time offer running where five big-name titles have been massively discounted.

Arizona Sunshine screenshot

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an existing subscriber or if you start a free trial today, from now until 19th November, subscribers will be able to purchase Arizona Sunshine, The Wizards, SUPERHOT VR, Accounting+ and Sairento VR for £1 GBP/$1 USD each.

If you buy all five then you’ll save yourself £120 on their normal total price. There is a small catch, however, and that is there’s only a limited number of every videogame available at this price, so its first come first served.

To add an additional enticement into the mix, if you do so happen to start a free trial or fully subscribe, all Viveport Subscription members will be given $10/£8 in Viveport Wallet credit on 20th November, sent via email.

The Wizards: Trials of Meliora

That’s all the deals Viveport has available for now, but that won’t be the end of them. Its official Black Friday sale starts on 20th November – yes that is a Tuesday – with plenty of discounts on videogames and apps expected. When those are revealed, VRFocus will let you know.

Viveport Is Offering Superhot VR, Arizona Sunshine, Accounting+, Sariento, and The Wizards For Just $1 Each

Viveport Is Offering Superhot VR, Arizona Sunshine, Accounting+, Sariento, and The Wizards For Just $1 Each

HTC’s Viveport PC VR app store is currently offering an incredible dealSuperhot VR, Arizona Sunshine, Accounting+, Sariento, and The Wizards for just $1 each.

Viveport is unique amongst VR app stores in that it offers a subscription option instead of just regular purchasing. For $8.99 per month, subscribers can play 5 games per month from a selection of hundreds of titles.

This offer is technically only for Viveport subscribers, but anyone can access it by signing up for the free 14 day trial.

Superhot VR – 96% Off

Superhot VR is a unique shooter experience where the faster you move, the faster time moves. If you keep completely still, time will freeze. It is a perfect blend of mental and physical challenge, and perhaps one of the best VR games ever made.

Buying it at $1 saves $24 over the regular Viveport price. When we reviewed the game, we gave it 9/10, concluding:

SUPERHOT VR is a pure, distilled, injection of unadulterated adrenaline that will get your blood pumping just as quickly as time stops in the game itself. With every movement you make, time creeps forward ever so slightly, and everything from the level design to the way it feels to dodge a series of bullets in slow-motion is orchestrated to reinforce the core ideals of the experience. From start to finish it plays out like a fantasy ripped from the screen of every action movie; an indulgent cacophony of visual and gameplay excitement.

Arizona Sunshine – 97% Off

Arizona Sunshine is a zombie FPS with a full voice acted singleplayer campaign and co-op multiplayer. Buying it at $1 saves $39 – this is a staggeringly good deal. When we reviewed the game, we gave it 8.5/10, concluding:

Vertigo Games proved that even in the most saturated genre we’ve seen for VR games this year — shooters with zombies — there was still room for something fresh. Arizona Sunshine combines the narrative power of a fully-featured 4+ hour campaign mode, with the intensity of a wave-based horde mode, and then adds multiplayer to both experiences. The protagonist’s witty humor make it worth recommending on his charming personality alone, with enough depth and variety to keep people coming back for several hours. By doing so many things so well, Arizona Sunshine quickly rose to the top of the pack as the best overall zombie shooter we’ve seen yet in VR.

Accounting+ – 92% Off

Accounting+ is a unique comedy game with the voice acting of Rick and Morty star Justin Roiland. Buying it at $1 means saving $11. When we reviewed the game, we loved it, concluding:

I wish there were more VR experiences like Accounting+. I’d sooner take another 20 rides on its unpredictable emotional rollercoaster than suffer another wave shooter. But its individuality is ultimately what makes it so memorable, and I believe that as developers gain a tighter grasp on what really makes VR tick, this will be seen as a key cornerstone of what helped us get there.

Sariento – 97% Off

Sariento at $1 means saving $29. While we haven’t yet formally reviewed the game, it currently sits at 90% positive reviews on Steam, and is a frequently recommended buy in the VR community.

The Wizards – 95% Off

The Wizards at $1 means saving $19. When we reviewed the game, we gave it 7/10, concluding:

On the gamut of magic-based first-person action games, The Wizards is definitely one of the better ones. Its spell-casting system is interactive without being too cumbersome and the campaign mode packs a decent amount of content. Plenty of collectibles, a replayable Arena mode, and lots of mission augmentations add up to this being one of the best ways to live out your most fantastical magical fantasies in VR. We just wanted more and preferably multiplayer of some kind.

Viveport Is Hitting Its Stride

Viveport originally only (officially) supported the HTC Vive, but in September the company added support for the Oculus Rift. HTC has been enticing developers to its store by providing them with 100% net revenue share for Q4 2018.

While some may prefer to have all their VR games on Steam, this deal is simply too good to avoid no matter what your store preferences. We highly recommend snagging these prices while you can – HTC may have just launched the best offer in VR gaming history.

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PlayStation VR Bundles Discounted For Black Friday

Since Halloween is over and Christmas is coming up, that means that various retailers, particularly in North America, are gearing up for the big sales on Black Friday. As part of this preparation, Target are advertising some very cheap prices on PlayStation VR bundles.

Target have already started to advertise for their Black Friday deals, among those is an impressive $100 (USD) discount that will apply to all of its PlayStation VR bundles for 23rd November, 2018.

PlayStation VR DOOM VFR Bundle

The retailers are particularly promoting the PlayStation VR bundle that includes Creed: Rise to Glory and SUPERHOT VR. Usually priced at $350, for Black Friday, the price is dropping down to $250.

The bundles comes with the PlayStation VR headset, two PlayStation Move controllers and the PlayStation Camera, which means everything is ready to hook up to the PlayStation 4 right out of the box.

Target is also offered two other bundles. One of which includes DOOM VFR, and Astro Bot Rescue Mission, both of which are titles that got excellent marks from the VRFocus review team, with the DOOM VFR review saying: “Ultimately DOOM VFR stands as a fine example of just what can be achieved with the FPS genre in VR as of today, lining-up against Robo Recall as an action-heavy experience that throws the rulebook out of the window.”

Where the Astro Bot Rescue Mission review said: “Astro Bot Rescue Mission is a great old-school platformer for the VR era, bringing some of the best features of both 2D and 3D platformers of old and incorporating VR in a way that doesn’t feel awkward.”

Astro Bot: Rescue Mission

With the 1TB PlayStation 4 bundled with Spider-Man also available at Target for a discounted price of $200, its possible for a user to walk into a store on Black Friday and walk out with everything they need to start VR videogaming.

For future coverage on discounts and offers on VR hardware and software, keep checking back with VRFocus.

First PSVR Black Friday 2018 Deal Slashes $100 Off Big Bundles

First PSVR Black Friday 2018 Deal Slashes $100 Off Big Bundles

Yes, Halloween is out of the way and now the real terror is almost upon us; it’s time to start talking about Black Friday deals.

Early as it may be, the first PSVR Black Friday deal has just been spotted. Target is set to slash $100 off of the price of the recently released Creed hardware bundle, taking it to $249.99. That’s a pretty significant saving; this bundle includes the headset, camera and two Move motion controllers before throwing in Survios’ excellent boxing game and one of the all-time great PSVR titles, Superhot VR, on top.

But the saving doesn’t stop there. Target is also taking $100 off of two other PSVR bundles with also feature big games. First, there’s a bundle featuring last year’s Doom VFR for $200 (which we weren’t super keen on), but easily the better of the two is the Astro Bot pack, which features last month’s critically acclaimed VR platformer and another one of the best VR games of the year, Moss. That pack is also $200, but none of these bundles include Move controllers as they can all be played with the DualShock 4 that comes with your PS4.

Black Friday takes place on November 23rd and you can be sure there’ll be a mountain of deals to announce in the weeks leading up to it. No doubt HTC and Oculus want in on the money, too.

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Something For The Weekend: PlayStation VR Deals To See September Off

Time for another entry of Something for the Weekend, the weekly series where VRFocus bring you a number of deals on virtual reality (VR) titles. We head to the PlayStation Store for the final Sunday of September to find the best deals on PlayStation VR titles. With experiences that will take you to the seven seas, outer space, and even into the eyes of an eagle. There is something for everyone this weekend. As always, be sure to check back every weekend for even more deals right here on VRFocus.

Battlezone image

Battlezone Gold Edition

Battlezone is arcade VR action at its finest, with options galore allowing players to uniquely hone their combat strategies. With both extensive single-player and multiplayer modes there’s enough here for countless hours of gameplay, so you can comfortably sit cocooned inside these rolling machines of destruction and never get bored, because quite frankly, it’s too much fun. PlayStation VR owners have been enjoying Battlezone for months, if you own an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive you don’t need to have second thoughts about this, Battlezone is one of the best VR titles out there.” – Read VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham’s review of Battlezone.

Battlezone Gold Edition is available now for £12.99 (GBP) down from the usual £29.99.

One Piece: Grand Cruise

Get ready to experience the life of a pirate as you step onto the famous Thousand Sunny Ship and meet the legendary Straw Hat Pirates. You’ll come face-to-face with members of the crew including Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Sanji, and many more while dealing with fierce battles that will see you firing cannons to defend the ship. Explore the ship, feel like a pirate and enter the world of One Piece.

One Piece: Grand Cruise is available now for only £5.79 (GBP) down from £7.99.

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Time moves when you move. That is the core rule of this intense title that will see you having to use strategy and quick thinking to overcome the many challenges that await you. With no regenerating health bars, no conveniently place ammo and only one hit ending your life, you’ll need to be creative as you’ll outnumbered and outgunned. Grab weapons of fallen enemies to shoot, slice and maneuver your way through a hurricane of slow-motion bullets. Think you have the skills to make it out alive?

SUPERHOT VR is available now for £14.99 (GBP) down from £19.99.

Apex Construct

Apex Construct

“Despite some minor gripes, its clear that Apex Construct represents the way forward for VR videogames, an absorbing, intriguing experience that draws you in with a rich world complete with its own history and mysteries to be unravelled as well as a fluid combat system. Apex Construct is the standard by which future VR titles will be judged, and an indicator that VR has stepped up its game.” – Read VRFocus’ Staff Writer Rebecca Hills-Duty review of Apex Construct.

Apex Construct is available now for £12.99 (GBP) down from £24.99.

Loading Human

Loading Human: Chapter 1

“Loading Human is the adventure game of the future. Your dying father, an esteemed scientist, has summoned you to his Antarctic base to undergo an intensive interstellar quest: retrieve the Quintessence, an elusive energy source that will help reverse the aging process.”

Loading Human: Chapter 1 is available now for £12.99 (GBP) down from £34.99.

Werewolves Within screenshot 2

Werewolves Within

After several attacks on the townsfolk, the medieval village of Gallowston has had enough. Players will be transport to the village where they must uncover the werewolves that have been causing all the trouble. To do this five to eight players will need to work together in a fast-paced game of hidden roles and social deduction to cleanse the town of the werewolves and uncover which player is the werewolf lying and betraying their friends in order to survive. Capturing the essence and competitive spirit of the tabletop game, this VR version will immersive players right into the fun.

Werewolves Within is available now for £12.99 (GBP) down from £24.99.

Time Carnage

Time Carnage

Time Carnage is well-made, and is a fine, competent example of its genre, with some excellent music and sound design, though it ultimately fails to stand out amidst many other similar titles that litter VR videogame libraries. Shooting dinosaurs is still lots of fun, though.” – Read VRFocus’ Staff Writer Rebecca Hills-Duty review of Time Carnage.

Time Carnage is available now for £8.99 (GBP) down from £15.99.

Trackmania Turbo Screenshot_2

Trackmania Turbo

Every wanted to step into the driving seat of a powerful car and drive around outlandish tracks? If so, then this is the title for you. Experience the thrill of racing like never before as you complete races and challenges on over 200 unique tracks across five difficulty levels. Think you can make it to the top of the worldwide rankings?

Trackmania Turbo is available now for £12.99 (GBP) down from £24.99.

Eagle Flight

“Fifty years after humans vanished from the face of the Earth, wildlife and nature reclaimed its cities, leaving you with a breathtaking city playground in Paris. As an eagle, you soar past iconic landmarks from the Eiffel Tower to Notre Dame Cathedral, and dive through narrow streets in order to fight opponents and protect your territory. Eagle Flight gives you the absolute liberty to explore Paris from a bird’s eye view!”

Eagle Flight is on sale now for £12.99 (GBP) down from the usual £34.99 with PlayStation Plus members saving an extra 5%.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew

“While Star Trek: Bridge Crew definitely appeals to the core fan base – Ubisoft has added the original USS Enterprise in there as well – non Star Trek fans of the franchise will also find something to like about the title, especially with a few mates playing. The production values are top notch making Star Trek: Bridge Crew one of those rare VR experiences that feels like a AAA title, and likely part of most VR gamers’ collections.” – VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham’s review of Star Trek: Bridge Crew.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew is available now for £15.99 (GBP) down from £29.99.

That is all for this week but remember that VRFocus gathers all the best sales and deals every week, so check back next weekend at the same time to discover more.

Oculus Quest: Superhot VR und weitere VR-Titel für die neue Brille

Auf der Oculus Connect 5 wurde die neue VR-Brille Oculus Quest enthüllt. Mark Zuckerberg verspricht, zum Startschuss über 50 Titel auf dem Niveau der Oculus Rift bereitzustellen. Um welche VR-Spiele und -Erfahrungen es sich dabei handelt und welche Entwicklerstudios ihre Arbeit für das neue System bereits bekannt gegeben haben, erfahrt ihr hier.

Oculus Quest – VR-Spiele und -Erfahrungen für die neue VR-Brille

Die neue Oculus Quest möchte als mobiles VR-Spielsystem den Mainstream erobern. John Carmack sieht sie in direkter Konkurrenz zur Nintendo Switch, um ortsungebunden in ein virtuelles Gaming-Erlebnis einzutauchen. Damit die Käufer/innen bereits zum Release genug Auswahl erhalten, sollen laut Oculus über 50 VR-Titel bereitstehen.

Einige Studios hielten nicht lange hinter dem Berg und veröffentlichten kurzerhand ihre anstehenden Releases. So veröffentlichte das Team von Superhot, dass SUPERHOT VR auf der Quest spielbar sein wird. Eine Demo wurde bereits auf der OC5 vorgestellt. Auch die Titel Moss von Polyarc Games, Robo Recall, The Climb und Dead and Buried wurden bereits bestätigt. Auch Sci-Fi-Freunde kommen mit der neuen VR-Erfahrung Star Wars: Vader Immortal voll auf ihre Kosten.

superhot, animated gif

Eine einzigartige Arcade-Multiplayer-Erfahrung soll Dead and Buried Arena bieten. Mit Mixed-Reality-Technologie bezieht der VR-Titel dank eingebauten Kameras das reale Umfeld mit ein und vermischt somit virtuelles Arena-Shooter-Gameplay mit Deckungen aus der realen Welt. Wie der MR-Titel umgesetzt wird, bleibt noch abzuwarten. Auf der OC5 konnten bis zu sechs Teilnehmer/innen auf einer 450 Quadratmeter großen Fläche gegeneinander antreten


Sportlicher geht es dagegen in Tennis Scrampe zu. Mit einem Schlaggerät eurer Wahl dürft ihr auf dem virtuellen Tennisplatz in Wettkampf treten und euch die Bälle um die Ohren hauen.

Neben den VR-Spielen wurde der angsteinflößende Nachfolger Face Your Fears 2 von Turtle Rock Studios verkündet. Erneut dürft ihr euch euren Ängsten stellen und in gruselige Szenarien eintauchen.

Oculus Quest – Unbekannte VR-Titel von bekannten Entwicklerstudios

Wenn auch bisher noch ohne öffentliche Releases, haben diverse Entwicklerstudios ihre Arbeit an VR-Software für die kommende Oculus Quest angekündigt. Dazu zählen Twisted Pixel (bekannt für Wilson’s Heart), High Voltage Software (bekannt für Dragon Front), Sólfar Studios (bekannt für In Death), Ready at Dawn, Schell Games, Vertigo Games, BigScreen und viele mehr.


Hugo Barra, Vice President von Facebook VR, kündigte die Arbeit der Devs folgendermaßen an:

“Diese Teams erforschen derzeit, welche Möglichkeiten die Oculus Quest offenbart und welche zukünftigen VR-Titel damit umsetzbar sind.”

Die Oculus Quest soll 2019 weltweit erscheinen.

(Quellen: Upload VR: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Oculus Blog | Video: Upload VR YouTube | Turtle Rock Studios Twitter)

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OC5: Superhot VR On Oculus Quest Feels Like The Way It Was Always Meant To Be Played

OC5: Superhot VR On Oculus Quest Feels Like The Way It Was Always Meant To Be Played

Every time I’ve played Superhot VR in the past, it has always been a bit bittersweet. On the one hand, the game’s levels are slick, clean, and wide open in a way that few VR games are. On Rift, Vive, and PSVR I can lean and move around enemies or reach out and punch them and watch them shatter into a hundred crystalline pieces. It feels amazing. But since the game requires you to physically move in order for time to move, it’s as if the world beckons you to more freely explore. I want to run around freely. But you’ve still got a wire connecting you to a PC or game console in all other versions of Superhot VR — that’s not the case when playing on Oculus Quest.

It didn’t take long for that to sink in during my hands-on demo at Oculus Connect 5 yesterday and once I started to take full advantage of the headset’s capability, it felt amazing and freeing in a way VR hasn’t really yet.

Obviously this isn’t the first example of wireless positionally tracked VR. I’ve used the TPCast add-on, the Vive Wireless Adapter, and even the Pico Neo. But those first two examples still need you to be within range of your PC and the latter has a content problem. When Oculus releases Quest next year, it side steps both of those concerns. I was playing a Rift-caliber VR game on a headset that was entirely standalone. It felt like magic.

Honestly, Superhot VR on Oculus Quest quite frankly feels like the way the game was always meant to be played.

In the video above you can see me moving around the wide open space without issue. For the first minute or so I was hesitant, but when I noticed how well the tracking worked, I threw all caution to the wind. I picked up bottles and tossed them at enemies, grabbed guns out of the air, reached behind my hand to throw a shuriken across the map. I did everything I’d have done if I were playing on Rift, but without the burdens that a PC-powered VR headset carries.

In my hands-on impressions of the Oculus Quest I wrote about how every now and then the tracking faultered, such as if I moved my hands out of vision for a while then brought them back slowly, or if I tried to grab something out of view. That was very rare and it wasn’t frequent. As you can see in the video at the top, I could reach back to throw an object without losing tracking, even when my hand passed behind the headset’s cameras.

I’ve got a feeling that, if developers are willing to take the time to port games down to the Quest’s Snapdragon 835 chipset, we could be opening up a whole new class of VR gaming. Games that previously suffered from movement restrictions and PC-tethering can be re-experienced in brand new ways, just like Superhot VR.

For VR users that already have a three-or-more sensor setup for Rift or have and HTC Vive, then Quest is going to seem less impressive — and that’s fine. If you have no desire of ever using VR outside of your dedicated VR space and you’ve got a wireless adapter of some kind, then Quest doesn’t offer much. But if you’re not in that upper-echelon of VR users already, the Quest is really impressive.

With over 50 launch titles on the horizon when Quest launches in Spring 2019 for $399, there is a lot to look forward to. In addition to Superhot VR Oculus has already confirmed Tennis Scramble, Dead and Buried, and Face Your Fears 2 (all three of which we’ve played) in addition to Moss, Robo Recall, and much more.

What do you think of Quest so far? We’ve been really impressed with it — let us know any thoughts or questions down in the comments below!

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