Oculus are offering a new Touch launch bundle which packs in 5 of the best supported titles into one $90 bundle.
Oculus Touch launch day is now upon us and the company that brought us the Rift is revving its retail engines to ensure the new motion controllers are as attractive as possible to consumers. The devices ship with over 50 titles available to buy on launch day and has even more packed in for free.
However, in order to entice Touch owners to part with yet more of their cash, Oculus have laid on this new games bundle, sporting some of the most promising launch titles together with an overall discount of 25% at $90. The titles included are HTC Vive favourite Space Pirate Trainer, James Bond puzzle homage I Expect You to Die, Kingspray Graffiti, the extremely promising SUPERHOT VR and newly Touch enabled title The Climb.
It’s a decent selection of titles spanning a few genres which should give a nice starter boost to anyone building their motion controlled games collection for Rift. In case you’re wondering what all the fuss is about, head over to our detailed review of Oculus Touch right here.
The post Oculus Bundle 5 Touch Launch Day Games for $90 appeared first on Road to VR.