Oculus and Nvidia Giving Away The Unspoken, SUPERHOT VR and Wilson’s Heart with Select GeForce Deals

Consumers that have been eyeing up a new virtual reality (VR) focused system may want to look towards Nvidia and Oculus today, as the two companies have announced the launch of a free content deal with certain purchases. 

Starting today, anyone buying a GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, GTX 1080, GTX 1070 or GTX 1060, a system or a laptop alongside an Oculus Rift with Touch kit will get The Unspoken, SUPERHOT VR and Wilson’s Heart for free.

Insomniac Games’ The Unspoken was an original launch title for Oculus Touch, putting players in a magical world where they have to use spell casting techniques to defeat each other. They can wield fireballs, create arcane shields and summon all sorts of creatures to defeat their opponent.

While SUPERHOT VR aims to challenge the first-person shooter (FPS) genre with time manipulation. If a player moves then so does time, stay still and everything goes into slow motion. The title doesn’t feature health bars or safe areas to reload, it’s an all out action experience where players dodge bullets and grab whatever they can to shoot, slice and out manoeuvre their enemies.

Wilson’s Heart offers a completely different experience to the previous two. A first-person psychological thriller, players find themselves in a 1940’s hospital as Robert Wilson. Upon waking up Wilson makes a grim discovery, his heart has been replaced by a mysterious device. As players wander the hospital they’ll discover increasingly maddening corridors, environmental hazards, and sinister inhabitants whilst trying to recover their heart

This isn’t the first time Nvidia and Oculus have teamed up to promote VR. For the launch of Oculus Touch in December they ran two competitions for gamers to win GeForce cards and Oculus Rift’s. For US and Canadian VR fans there’s the recently announced Unspoken VR Tournament set to take place in May, giving away hardware, software and cash prizes.

Nvidia launched the 10-series cards (GTX 1080, GTX 1070 and GTX 1060) last year. While these last few months have seen the release of the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti and the flagship TITAN Xp.

For all the latest Oculus and Nvidia news, keep reading VRFocus.

SUPERHOT, Job Simulator and VRWC all Feature in this Week’s VRTV Recap

Last week’s VRTV was all about the Game Developer’s Conference (GDC) 2017, with masses of virtual reality (VR) news and content coming from the event. While this week maybe somewhat quieter there’s still plenty of VR news going on with Nina bringing you the next recap.

The episode covers SUPERHOT VR’s new ‘Forever’ update, significantly expanding upon the gameplay modes available. Studio Roqovan also gets a look in with its next update, adding new characters, a map and more.

For fans of Owlchemy Labs’ Job Simulator, there’s lots of new mechandise available should you want a t-shirt, magnets or other officially endorsed stuff. And for those wanting to head to the Virtual Reality World Congress (VRWC) we’re offering a 20 percent discount on tickets.

Checkout the next episode below for further info, and stay tuned to VRFocus  and VRTV for more news info and videos.

Superhot VR erhält großartiges Forever-Update

Superhot VR für die Oculus Rift liefert mit „Forever“, wie angekündigt, ein umfangreiches kostenloses Update, welches allen Fans endlich mehr von dem Virtual Reality Shooter-Spiel. Insgesamt bringt das am 7. März erschienene Update 7 neue Modi, die euch unterschiedliche Bedingungen für das Absolvieren einer Spielrunde abverlangen.

Womit das Superhot VR Forever-Update aufwartet

Der Modus, der wohl die meisten von euch erfreuen wird, ist der sogenannte „Endless Mode“. Dieser lässt euch ein Gebiet auswählen, in dem es dann an euch ist, solange wie möglich zu überleben. Ihr könnt also so lange, wie ihr wollt Geschossen ausweichen, mit coolen Moves Gegner ausschalten und deren Waffen für den nächsten Gegner verwenden, bis ihr sterbt.

Angesetzt ist, wie in vielen anderen Modi, dabei ein Highscore von 80 erledigten Gegnern – ein durchaus hoch angesetztes Ziel. Die weiteren sechs Spielmodi gibt es hier einmal in der Übersicht:

  • Headshots Only: Ihr dürft Gegner nur durch Kopftreffer töten, das verlangt besonderes Zielgeschick.
  • Time Trial: Hier kämpft ihr gegen euch selbst. Ihr müsst eure besten Zeit-Scores schlagen, sowohl die in-game als auch die reale Zeit.
  • Don’t Shoot: Nicht schießen ist das Motto, erledigt alle Gegner ohne Feuerwaffen zu verwenden.
  • Hardcore Mode: Wie der Name schon verrät, wird es in diesem Modus ziemlich fordernd. Die Gegner sind hier sehr viel schneller und eure Reaktionszeit ist dementsprechend sehr gering.
  • 10-minute challenge: Das gesamte Spiel soll von euch in 10 Minuten durchgespielt werden.
  • Don’t Die: Das Spiel soll von euch beendet werden, ohne ein einziges Mal zu sterben. Passiert dies trotzdem, müsst von vorne starten.

Wie ihr die neuen Modi auswählen könnt

Auf das Forever-Update könnt ihr nur zugreifen, wenn ihr die Kampagne von Superhot VR bereits durchgespielt habt. Nachdem ihr euch durch alle Levels des Spiels gekämpft habt, erhaltet ihr Zugriff auf eine neue Menü-Übersicht. Diese wurde mit viel Sorgfalt gestaltet und erinnert an ein Büro aus de 90ern. Auf dem Tisch stehen alte Computer und Diskettenlaufwerke und überall sind kryptische Post-Its angebracht. Die Titel der sieben Modi sind ebenfalls mit Post-Its auf verschiedene Disketten geklebt, welche ihr einzeln auswählen und in ein Laufwerk stecken könnt, um den jeweiligen Modus zu starten.

Diese freie Auswahl gab es im ursprünglichen Spiel nicht. Auch neu ist die Möglichkeit nach einem Level zurück in das Büro-Menü zu gelangen, um einen anderen Modus auszuwählen. Mit all den neuen Varianten und vor allem durch den Endless-Mode enthält das Forever Update wirklich das Potential, dass man in Superhot VR eine sehr, sehr lange Zeit verbringt.

Superhot VR und die Forever-Erweiterung sind exklusiv für die Oculus Rift mit den Oculus Touch Controllern spielbar und auf Oculus Home verfügbar.

Der Beitrag Superhot VR erhält großartiges Forever-Update zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

HTC: Vive Full-Body-Tracking soll offen für alle sein

Beim Mobile World Congress und der Game Developers Conference war das Vive Tracker System von HTC wieder ein wichtiges Thema. In einer der beeindruckendsten Präsentationen wurde gezeigt, was mit Full-Body-Tracking in Virtual Reality Bereich alles möglich ist.

Mehr Gefühl dank Sensortechnik

Drei Sender wurden den Besuchern an den Füßen und der Taille befestigt. So ausgestattet, war es ihnen nicht nur möglich, Dinosauriern ins Gesicht zu treten, sondern es wurde ihnen ein komplett neues Gefühl für Kontrolle und ein Bewusstsein für Präsenz in fremden Welten vermittelt. Dieses spezielle System wurde von Cloudgate erstellt. Es stellt sich dabei natürlich die Frage, inwiefern andere Firmen von dieser Entwicklung profitieren können.

Entwickler sollen ihre Erfahrungen weitergeben

HTC kündigte jedenfalls an, dass sie an einer separaten Version ihres Full-Body-Tracking-Systems arbeiten und dieses anderen Entwicklern zur Verfügung stellen wollen. Alvin Graylin, Chef von Vive in China, sagte, dass sie bereits an einem „ähnlichen System“ in ihrem Forschungslabor gearbeitet hätten und dies auf jeden Fall für alle Entwickler offen stehen würde. Ihre Erfahrungen würden kostenlos einfließen. Wichtig an diesem System sei die Optionalität, erklärte Graylin. So ist das Ganze mit zwei Vive-Controllern noch komplett spielbar. Die Sensoren sind nicht nötig, um das Spiel erleben zu können. Allerdings sei die Erfahrung damit wesentlichen intensiver. Sollte das System einfach zu implementieren sein und andere Entwickler es auch nutzen, könnte dies ein überzeugendes Verkaufsargument für die Sensoren sein. Dies kommt überraschend, da in der ursprünglichen Ankündigung davon die Rede war, dass die Motion Tracker nur für das eigene System entwickelt werden würden.

Full Body Motion Capture mit 6 HTC Vive Trackern

Ideal für intensive Ballereien

Bullet cam Virtual Reality Game

Dieses System eignet sich natürlich besonders für Virtual Reality Shooter. Spiele wie Superhot VR stellen euch einen unsichtbaren Avatar zur Verfügung. Dies macht es etwas kompliziert, Kugeln auszuweichen. Durch einen sichtbaren Torso, könnten diese Erfahrungen deutlich eindringlicher wirken. Dazu gesellen sich mehr potenzielle Anwendungen für VR Filme.

Entwickler können den Tracker im Laufe des Monats für  99,99 US-Dollar bestellen. Auch für die Allgemeinheit soll er zum gleichen Preis im Laufe des Jahres erhältlich sein.

(Quelle: Upload VR)

Der Beitrag HTC: Vive Full-Body-Tracking soll offen für alle sein zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

SUPERHOT VR’s ‘Forever Update’ Hits Oculus Rift & Touch

Innovative first-person shooter (FPS) SUPERHOT VR has received a large new content patch containing hours of extra end-game content.

The virtual reality (VR) version of SUPERHOT was originally released for Oculus Rift in December 2016, and now the SUPERHOT team have announced they are adding over 20 hours of new content as part of the Forever Update, which will also feature new achievements, challenges and endless arenas.

SUPERHOT was originally demonstrated as a three-level browser FPS with the interesting concept that ‘time only moves when you move’. The result was a very strategic game that gained high praise and managed to pass the Steam Greenlight process for distribution. The SUPERHOT team then turned to Kickstarter to get the funding for a full game release and managed to meet it’s funding goal within the first day. The team then rebuilt the entire game from scratch for the Oculus Rift, noting that some features in the standard game did not translate well to VR.


The game features a very minimalist art style featuring only three colours, white for the environment, red for enemies and black for objects the player can interact with. The developers say this is so the focus is exclusively on the gameplay.

Regarding the Forever Update content patch, the SUPERHOT development team had this to say; “Building upon one of the most recognized VR GOTYs, the Forever Update brings you 20+ more hours of intense, nerve wrenching endgame. The plethora of new challenges, achievements and endless arenas is guaranteed to mercilessly break you and reshape you into a superior version of yourself. You will sweat. You will scream. You will doubt your own sanity. And at the end, maybe, just maybe, you will prevail.”

You can watch the Forever Update announcement trailer below.

VRFocus will keep you up to date on SUPERHOT VR and other VR game updates.

SUPERHOT VR Forever Update Gets a Release Date

Last month Oculus teased several details about an incoming update for popular first-person shooter SUPERHOT VR. Having only launched a month prior alongside the arrival of Oculus Touch, the videogame is set to see more content and game modes arrives, with a released date now confirmed for March.

Renowned for being somewhat short, the developers will now be addressing this issue to a degree by adding more replayability with challenges and achievements. The first mode revealed in January was the 10-minute challenge, which as the name states requires players to complete the title in 10 minutes – hence being short.

Superhot Forever update

The title will also feature an Endless Mode, requiring players to survive as long as possible; Headshots only, make sure enemies are hit right between the eyes (if they had any); Time Trial, racing against best scores in both in-game time (slowed down) and real-time; Don’t Shoot, for those that love melee combat; Hardcore Mode, where enemies are faster and players reaction time is reduced; and Don’t Die, with death taking players back to the start of the entire game.

Today also saw SUPERHOT VR honoured at the 2017 D.I.C.E. Awards, taking the top prize in the Immersive Reality Game of the Year category, beating off competition from Eagle Flight, I Expect You To Die, Job Simulator and The Lab.

The SUPERHOT VR Forever update will officially launch 7th March for Oculus Rift with Touch controller support. For further updates to the title, keep reading VRFocus.

Hands-On: Superhot VR’s Forever Update Makes a Great Game Even Better

Hands-On: Superhot VR’s Forever Update Makes a Great Game Even Better

Like most people that have played it, I only had one complaint after completing Superhot VR for the Oculus Rift: I wish there was more. Well, get excited people because more is almost here.

According to a message from Superhot Team, Superhot VR’s “Forever” update will be available in just a few weeks. The update is slated to hit Oculus Home on March 7th and will offer new achievements, new trials, and an endless mode to an already stellar VR experience. The additional content includes:

Endless Mode: Select a battleground and survive for as long as you can.

Headshots Only: Test your aim where only headshots take out enemies.

Time Trial: Race against your best scores in both in-game time (slowed down) and real-time.

Don’t Shoot: Try to complete the game without shooting.

Hardcore Mode: Get hardcore with faster enemies and less reaction time.

10-minute challenge: That’s right, just 10 minutes to complete the game.

Don’t Die: Any death restarts the entire game.

We had the chance to try the new Superhot VR Forever Update for ourselves and I think I can sum it up for you in one word: Wow.

In order to unlock the new modes you’ll have to complete the initial campaign comprised of multiple adrenaline pumping levels. Once you’ve done so, you’ll have access to a new startup menu for the game that takes the form of a slightly schizophrenic room filled with 90’s-looking computers and enough cryptic post-it notes to satisfy even the most skeptical conspiracy theorist. On the desk of this nightmare computer room is a series of floppy disks. To access each new game mode you pick up the correct floppy and insert it into the correct terminal.

In general, Forever brings a very welcome UX makeover to a game that, in its original form, offered very little in terms of choice. All you could really do is play the campaign over and over again. In Forever, however, you get to start every session in this new beginning hub which provides much more control over how and what you end up playing. There is also a new menu pyramid that will pop up in between levels that lets you boot back to the main menu or select a different stage.

Most of the new modes test one specific skill: accuracy (headshot only), speed (speedruns), endurance (don’t die), etc. There are also achievements that you can earn for especially skilled, or silly, accomplishments. These are all fun in their own right but the most exciting, and addictive, addition that Forever brings to Superhot VR is endless mode.

In endless you select one of several different battle grounds, take a deep breath and survive as long as you can. Endless takes the absolute best part of Superhot VR — making you feel like a complete badass — and turns it into a never-ending experience. You’ll be dodging bullets, grabbing weapons, nailing kills; it never stops feeling good and endless mode will never ask you to stop.

Endless mode is also incredibly challenging. Most levels set a goal of at least 80 kills and even after playing for an hour my record was only 27. Laugh all you want. You try it and see how you do.

Forever is one of the more significant post-launch updates we’ve seen for a VR game and it takes a game that was already incredible and makes it unforgettable. The one thing we were desperate for was more of this game, and now they’re giving us an infinite amount.

Life is good.

Superhot VR is available exclusively for the Oculus Rift on Oculus Home and requires Oculus Touch controllers as of today, March 7th.

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Superhot, Pokemon Go Win For VR/AR At 2017 DICE Awards

Superhot, Pokemon Go Win For VR/AR At 2017 DICE Awards

There are plenty of awards ceremonies for gaming, but few are as respected and prestigious as the annual DICE Awards, tied into the developer conference in Las Vegas. This year’s event featured the first VR and AR games to be recognized.

While console and PC juggernauts like Blizzard’s Overwatch walked away with most of the standard categories, new sets of nominations were included this year to recognize games appearing on VR headsets. First up was the Immersive Reality Technical Achievement, celebrating VR design, an important aspect of development in the tech’s early stages. It was Ubisoft’s first-person multiplayer flight game, Eagle Flight [Review: 7.5/10], that won the award, beating out stiff competition from the likes of Superhot VR [Review: 9/10], I Expect You To Die [Review: 7.5/10], Job Simulator [Review: 8/10], and even Tilt Brush.

The more hotly contested category, though, was Immersive Reality Game of the Year. This time is was Superhot’s turn for well-deserved glory, triumphing over a similar list of games including Eagle Flight, I Expect You to Die, Job Simulator, and Valve’s The Lab [Review: 9/10].

But it wasn’t just these categories in which reality-altering games prevailed. Mobile Game of the Year went to Niantic’s Pokemon Go, the hugely successful AR smartphone app that took the world by storm in 2016 as players headed out of their homes and into the world to capture virtual pocket monsters. Other VR compatible games like Thumper [Review: 9/10] and Driveclub VR [Review: 7/10] had been nominated in a range of categories, though didn’t quite make the final cut.

It’s a solid list of winners, representing the good start VR software had in 2016. In the year ahead we’ll be looking to titles like Epic Games’ Robo Recall and Bethesda’s VR port of Fallout 4 to up the ante even more and make next year’s awards an even more competitive and exciting event.

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Eagle Flight, SUPERHOT VR & Pokémon GO Win Big at 2017 D.I.C.E. Awards

The 20th D.I.C.E. Awards have now taken place in Las Vegas honouring the industry’s top videogames, with several of the best known virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) titles receiving accolades.

There were two dedicated awards for VR experiences, with Immersive Reality Game of the Year being scooped by SUPERHOT VR from SUPERHOT Sp. z o.o. While the Immersive Reality Technical Achievement award went to Eagle Flight, developed by FunHouse and published by Ubisoft. In the Mobile Game of the Year category Niantic Labs’ massively popular AR videogame Pokémon GO came out top, adding to its growing list of awards having previously won Handheld/Mobile Game of the Year and Innovation Of The Year at the Golden Joystick Awards.

Pokemon GO update

“For the past 20 years, the D.I.C.E. Awards have been bringing together the most talented, innovative and inspiring minds in interactive entertainment to recognize and celebrate the industry’s most outstanding achievements,” said Mike Fischer, president, Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences. “We’re thrilled to congratulate all of this year’s award winners whose incredible games have amazed and entertained fans worldwide, and are truly an inspiration to us all.”

Eagle Flight first launched for Oculus Rift in October before making its way to PlayStation VR and HTC Vive by the end of 2016. SUPERHOT VR on the other hand is currently exclusive to Oculus Rift with support for Oculus Touch.

Pokémon GO players were treated to a big update this month adding 80 more Pokémon from the Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver video games, including Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile. Additionally, two new Berries, expanded outfit and accessory options, new gameplay mechanics and new Evolution items were included.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of the latest VR accolades, reporting back with more award winners.