VRTV Weekly Round-Up: Faliszek leaves, SUPERHOT teases, Riccitiello dreams big and more.

It’s been a busy week with a lot of interesting stories for Nina to recap in today’s VRTV weekly round-up. There’s trouble in the US where thanks to Pokemon GO you need an AR permit in Milwaukee, Unity Chief John Riccitiello’s remarks raised eyebrows, there’s AR drone software, Sony releasing a new advert for the PlayStation VR featuring Farpoint, new games, new investment, new and renewed interest in the technology as well as comings and goings.

In fact there’s been so much it’s well worth your while watching just to make sure you didn’t miss anything of note. As usual you can find links to all the stories mentioned in the show below if you want to find out more in detail.

And don’t forget you can also check out this week’s VRTV game preview for Island 359 here.

SUPERHOT VR: Achievements, Cheats, Tips & Tricks

For the launch of Oculus Touch back in December the SUPERHOT Team released their slow-mo first-person shooter (FPS) SUPERHOT VR. Then in March the ‘Forever Update’ arrived bringing more content and Oculus Achievements. 26 achievements are available and VRFocus has the full list below.

SUPERHOT is all about player movement. When they stand still the world around them goes super slow mo, allowing players to dodge enemy bullets and other obstacles. SUPERHOT VR doesn’t feature regenerating health bars, ammo or weapon pickups like a standard FPS, meaning players must use their wits, fists and anything else they find to shoot, punch and out manoeuvre everything in the way.


Full Achievement List:

  • You Are Prepared
  • Mind Blown
  • You Are Now Free
  • Bloody Mess
  • Trigger Happy
  • Bullet Hell
  • Close & Personal
  • Too Cool To Look
  • Butter Hands
  • Slice And Dice
  • Chosen One
  • What Is Wrong With You
  • Fitness Club
  • It’s High Noon
  • Nice Combo
  • Savage
  • New Experience
  • Treasure Hunter
  • Harder
  • Better
  • Faster
  • Who Needs Guns
  • Rogue Like
  • Take Your Time
  • No Sweat
  • GGEZ

Superhot VR Wins Best Game At Unity Vision Summit 2017

Superhot VR Wins Best Game At Unity Vision Summit 2017

Today is Unity’s Vision Summit in Los Angeles. The event is a chance for the 3D visuals company to focus on its support for the VR/AR industry and encourage creators to develop using its tools. The show also includes an awards portion and this year one of the top honors is going to a familiar face.

Superhot VR has been awarded Best Game at the Vision Awards. This is a nice feather in the cap of a game that VR users have come to adore since its release on Oculus Rift with Touch late last year. Runners up for the honor included Vertigo’s Arizona Sunshine and Virtual Virtual Reality from Tender Claws.

Superhot VR is an action/puzzle hybrid with a unique time control mechanic. The flow of time is tied directly to your movements so if you stand completely still everything around you freezes. This includes your enemies and the bullets they may or may not be firing at you. Once you move time moves so careful positioning and calculated motions are key in this experience.

Since releasing, Superhot has been given a juicy content update that makes a great game even better and has begun to tease support for other VR headsets like the HTC Vive.

The complete list of Vision Award winners is as follows:

Best Game – Superhot VR (SUPERHOT Team)

Best Cinematic VR – Zero Days VR (Scatter)

Best 360 Video – MIYUBI (Felix & Paul Studios, in collaboration with Funny or Die)

Artistic Achievement Award – Chocolate (Tyler Hurd)

Technical Achievement Award – Ghostbusters: Dimension (The Void and Hyper Reality)

Narrative Achievement Award – Zero Days VR (Scatter)

Best AR Experience – ProtoSpace (NASA)

Best VR Experience – ASTEROIDS! (Baobab Studios)

Social Impact Award – Out of Exile: Daniel’s Story (Emblematic Group, Atrevida Productions, True Colors Fund)

In a statement, Unity celebrated all of its award winners and nominees:

This year’s selection showcases the continued growth and maturation of VR, AR, and MR content by highlighting advancements with narrative, artistic, and technical achievements. From games to 360 videos to a variety of experiences that defy traditional categorization, these finalists were chosen because they are exceptional examples of virtual and augmented reality content.

Congratulations to Superhot Team and all of this year’s winners.

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‘SUPERHOT VR’ Launches on Vive This Thursday, But You Don’t Have to Wait

SUPERHOT VR is surely one of the best pieces of VR content available today, but has remained exclusive to Oculus since launch. The developers have teased that the game is coming to the HTC Vive this Thursday, May 25th, but you can already play it today thanks to a free and easy to install hack.

Update (5/23/17): After initially teasing that the game would be coming to Vive “soon,” the developers of Superhot VR now have confirmed the game will launch this Thursday, May 25th, on SteamVR. The launch of the game on SteamVR will include the ‘FOREVER’ update, which was released following the launch on the Oculus platform, that adds new challenges and achievements aimed at adding more replayability to the game.

In the original article below (and still applicable today), we described how you can play Superhot VR on your Vive today using the free ‘Revive’ hack.

Original Article (5/1/17): Superhot VR devs today teased Vive support on Twitter showing the Vive logo with the word “soon.” That’s great news because it likely means the game will be launching on Steam, making it dead simple for Vive users to buy and download.

But for those with a Vive that can’t wait to play one of VR’s best pieces of content available today… you don’t have to (lucky you)!


Although Superhot VR is exclusive to the Oculus platform, a freely available hack called Revive will let you buy and play the game in full today on your Vive, which counts the game as fully function on its compatibility list.

Playing the game on your Vive is as simple as following the instructions in the Revive README file, which involves downloading Oculus Home to buy the game and installing Revive which will show your Oculus games inside the SteamVR dashboard.


Reports from players who have played Superhot VR on the Vive with Revive indicate that the game is playable start to finish on the Vive, and quite a blast at that.

The post ‘SUPERHOT VR’ Launches on Vive This Thursday, But You Don’t Have to Wait appeared first on Road to VR.

SUPERHOT Developers Tease Release for HTC Vive

The team behind popular time-bending shooter SUPERHOT VR have teased the upcoming release of a new version of the title for HTC Vive on Twitter.

Taking a somewhat coy and minimalist approach, the official SUPERHOT twitter teased followers with a flashing white gif of the HTC Vive logo against a red background, with the only message being the hashtag of #Soon.

Twitter users were quick to guess what the announcement meant, though the reaction was not a universally joyful one. Some users decrying the practice of timed exclusives, though it isn’t currently known if an exclusivity agreement was in place, or if it just took the SUPERHOT development team a while to properly port the title over to the HTC Vive platform.

Some other SUPERHOT fans on twitter have also pointed out that many technologically savvy players who own a HTC Vive have already been enjoying SUPERHOT VR using mods that allow for Oculus Rift titles to be played on the HTC Vive, though with some glitches. Therefore some HTC Vive owners could be reluctant to buy another copy of a videogame they already own.

The announcement comes not long after the developers released the ‘Forever Update’ for the Oculus Rift version, which introduced over 20 hours of new content and new features in addition to the expected bug fixes. It seems likely that the HTC Vive version will have the Forever Update included from the start.

It isn’t currently known when the HTC Vive port will be released, or if the price point will be different from the Oculus Rift, or if any extra features will be included. VRFocus will report on any further news regarding SUPERHOT VR.

Superhot VR Teases Vive Support ‘Soon’

Superhot VR Teases Vive Support ‘Soon’

Superhot VR is undoubtedly one of the best shooters on the Oculus Rift but it’s remained a timed exclusive to that headset since December of last year. That will be changing in the near future, though.

The developers behind the popular VR game rounded out last week by dropping a rather obvious hint: a tweet with the game’s orange logo background holding a flashing HTC Vive logo, complete with the word “soon”. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what that means. No other details have been confirmed so far, but expect to be playing the game on your Vive (hopefully) later this year.

That’s great news for Vive owners, as Superhot remains one of the most enthralling examples of how to mix VR and shooters together to create something unique. In the game, which is a spin-off of a traditional 2D shooter, time moves only when you do. If you stop moving, so do the enemies and bullets around you. With limited ammo and weapons you have to carefully take down each opponent in a level, with just a single bullet touching your body meaning a restart.

We loved the game when it came out, though it was a little short on content. Fortunately it’s since been updated with new challenges that will give it even more value for money when it comes to Vive.

For all you PSVR owners, we sadly don’t have an update for you today. There’s always hope, though.

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VRTV’s Week In Recap: Tech Wizards, Space Wizards And Wizard Wizards

Life as a chestbursting alien, a world record, Oculus launches a contest to find the best wizard, Palmer Luckey returns from the social media wilderness and Nokia getting set to take you to a galaxy far, far away are just some of the virtual reality (VR) related technology, experiences and stories that have come out all within the last week.

As usual, Nina is here to guide you through all the stories of the last seven days with VRTV. What stories really caught your eye this week? Let us know in the comments.

This week’s stories, click here for more information on each:

Erhaltet drei kostenlose VR-Spiele beim Kauf ausgewählter NVIDIA-Hardware

Die Virtual Reality ist für viele hochinteressant, jedoch ist die notwendige Hardware teilweise noch etwas zu teuer. Um mehr Personen dazu zu begeistern in diese innovative und immersive Technologie einzutauchen, bieten Unternehmen des Öfteren diverse Angebote an. So auch NVIDIA, denn sie veröffentlichten am 25.04.17 ein interessantes Paket für alle VR-Begeisterte. Dieses beinhaltet beim Kauf ausgewählter PC Hardware gleich drei Virtual Reality Spiele.

Erhaltet beim Kauf von NVIDIA-Hardware drei kostenlose VR-Spiele

Das Angebot bezieht sich auf die Grafikkarten aus dem Hause NVIDIA sowie auf PCs bzw. Laptops, die mit solch einer GPU ausgerüstet sind. Denn beim Kauf einer GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, GTX 1080, GTX 1070 oder GTX 1060 Grafikkarte bzw. bei Computersystemen mit einer dieser integrierten Karten und einer Oculus Rift mit Touch Set erhaltet ihr zusätzlich drei kostenlose VR-Spiele.

Die drei Titel sind The Unspoken, SUPERHOT VR und Wilson’s Heart.

In The Unspoken taucht ihr in die Rolle eines Magiers, der im Duell gegen andere Zauberer antritt. Das Spiel überzeugt mit beeindruckenden Effekten und Multiplayerduellen. Neben verschiedenen Klassen könnt ihr diverse Zaubersprüche und Artefakte nutzen, um die gegnerischen Zauberkünstler auf die Bretter zu schicken.

Im Spiel SUPERHOT VR werden dagegen Science-Fiction-Träume wahr, denn der Shooter lässt euch in Matrixatmosphäre Kugeln ausweichen und zwischen verschiedenen Waffen zur Bekämpfung der Gegner wählen. Oculus Touch wird empfohlen!

Der letzte Titel Wilson’s Heart ist ein Psycho-Thriller-Adventure in Graustufen. Das Spiel folgt einer großartig erzählten Geschichte mit einigen Schockmomenten, die das Eintauchen in die Narration unumgänglich macht.

Die drei Titel sind also nicht nur beigelegte Spiele, welche nach einer Stunde Spielzeit in Vergessenheit geraten. Im Gegenteil: Die VR-Spiele sind mit unter das Beste, was aktuell für die Oculus Rift verfügbar ist. Zudem wurden die Titel durchgängig positiv bewertet.

Aktuell mit diesem Angebot ist also eine großartige Zeit, um sich ein VR-fähiges System zuzulegen. Dieses Paket von NVIDIA ist ein durchaus gutes Angebot und ist nur für eine limitierte Zeit verfügbar.

(Quellen: UploadVR | NVIDIA)

Der Beitrag Erhaltet drei kostenlose VR-Spiele beim Kauf ausgewählter NVIDIA-Hardware zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!