VR Game Revenue in 2020 Increases 25% to $589m Superdata Reports

Oculus Quest 2

With everyone cooped up inside for most of 2020 we all naturally turned to binge-watching streaming services or playing videogames to keep entertained. With consumers looking for new ways to pass the time this led to an increased interest in XR, or more specifically, virtual reality (VR), as market research company Superdata’s latest report indicates.

Superdata 2020 XR report

Superdata’s figures show that VR videogame revenue increase by 25% during the course of last year, jumping from $471 million USD up to $589 million. It puts a large part of this down to Valve’s award-winning Half-Life: Alyx selling 1.9 million units in the first six months. Oculus Quest content would’ve also played a big part as Facebook revealed 10 titles had exceeded $2 million revenue.

Yet even with those positive figures they were likely hampered by the lack of headset availability which saw shipments fall 15% during the year. There was a notable lack of Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift S stock at the beginning of the year, whilst the Valve Index has continually struggled to maintain stock levels.

The launch of the Oculus Quest 2 in October obviously helped the standalone category which saw the only gains with 19% growth reports Superdata. As Mark Zuckerberg noted during Facebook’s Q3 earnings call: “Pre-orders have outpaced the original Quest pre-orders by more than 5x and have surpassed our expectations.” With the Q4 earnings call expected at the end of January, it remains to be seen if the company will have any figures to share.

Superdata 2020 XR report

Superdata also notes the decline of PlayStation VR, once the front runner of the VR industry thanks to plenty of exclusives and the massive PlayStation 4 customer base. However, Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) hasn’t kept up with the rest of the industry so developers have turned to the Quest platform instead. PlayStation VR’s last notable exclusive was Marvel’s Iron Man VR. This was also in part due to the focus on PlayStation 5’s launch.

Overall, Superdata now puts the entire XR industry at $6.7 billion. Niantic Lab’s augmented reality (AR) title Pokemon GO made the top 10 free-to-play titles on mobile, achieving the fifth spot with earnings of $1.92B, growing 39% year-over-year even with COVID-19 restrictions.

As the XR industry continues to expand and become more profitable, VRFocus will keep you updated.

SuperData-Marktforschung: VR-Markt um 30 % dank PSVR-Umsätzen gestiegen

Das Marktforschungsunternehmen SuperData widmete sich wie jedes Jahr der Analyse des XR-Marktes für 2018. Dabei wurden erfreuliche Ergebnisse festgestellt, denn der gesamte Markt befindet sich in einem Wachstum mit äußerst vielversprechenden Prognosen für die kommenden vier Jahre. Während sich die autarke Oculus Go als Gamechanger fungiert, positioniert sich die PlayStation-VR-Brille an erster Stelle als Zugpferd für die VR-Industrie.

SuperData-Marktforschung – VR-Markt um 30 % gestiegen; XR-Software erzielt zwei Milliarden US-Dollar Umsatz

Die Umsätze des VR-Marktes sind geringeren Prognosen zum Trotz im letzten Jahr um satte 30 % gestiegen. Im Jahr 2017 prognostizierten die Experten Umsätze in Höhe von ca. 3,3 Milliarden US-Dollar. Mit den erwirtschafteten 3,6 Milliarden US-Dollar aus dem letzten Jahr wurde diese Zahl klar übertroffen.

Grund dafür sind vor allem hohe Verkaufszahlen von VR-Hardware. Besonders die beliebte PlayStation VR (PSVR) treibt mit einem enorm umsatzstarken Q4 2018 die Zahl in die Höhe. So sollen alleine während der Feiertage rund 700.000 VR-Brillen über die Theken gegangen sein. Besonders die zahlreichen Bundles und Angebote könnten viele während der besinnlichen Zeit zum Kauf verleitet haben. So lockte der Black Friday nicht nur in Amerika, sondern auch in Europa mit zahlreichen Rabatten zu VR-Produkten. Auch die hohen Verkaufszahlen von VR-Veröffentlichungen wie Beat Saber dürften ihren Teil dazu beigetragen haben.

Neue PlayStation VR PSVR PlayStation 5

Neben der PSVR-Brille erfreut sich besonders die autarke Oculus Go im verkaufsstarken Q4 2018 großer Beliebtheit und kann rund 555.000 verkaufte Exemplare verzeichnen. Insgesamt wird über Verkäufe in Millionenhöhe spekuliert. Mit überschaubaren 160.000 verkauften Exemplaren der HTC Vive und 130.000 Oculus-Rift-Brillen schneiden die PC-Brillen im Vergleich eher schlecht ab.

Den größten Einfluss auf den Markt hat nach wie vor allerdings die Software. Besonders XR-Spiele spülen massiv Gelder in die Kassen der Entwickler. Entsprechend konnte alleine der AR-Titel Pokémon Go von Niantic 1,3 Milliarden US-Dollar Umsatz erzielen, was 66 % des gesamten XR-Spielemarktes von zwei Milliarden US-Dollar entspricht. Durch VR-Software wurden 1,2 Milliarden US-Dollar eingenommen. VR-Arcade-Einrichtungen erzielten ca. 16 % des Gesamtumsatzes.

Insgesamt sollen 6,6 Milliarden US-Dollar durch den gesamten XR-Markt erzielt worden sein.

Superdata-Marktforschung – Prognosen für das Jahr 2019

Doch neben der Analyse des letzten Jahres blicken die Marktforscher natürlich auch auf das bevorstehende Jahr 2019. Besonders die kommende Oculus Quest soll großes Kundeninteresse auslösen und dank des eher erschwinglicheren Preises von 399 US-Dollar zum Verkaufshit werden. Entsprechend wird mit Verkäufen in Höhe von 1,3 Millionen Exemplaren gerechnet.

Oculus Quest

Zudem wird ein kontinuierliches Wachstum innerhalb der nächsten vier Jahre vorausgesagt. Bis zum Jahr 2022 soll die XR-Industrie bis zu 34,1 Milliarden US-Dollar Umsatz erzeugen. Dies würde einem Wachstum von 442 % zum Jahr 2018 entsprechen.

Ob diese Prognosen gerechtfertigt sind, bleibt zunächst einmal abzuwarten. Allerdings kann der Markt nach aktuellen Erkenntnissen durchaus positiv auf die Zukunft blicken.

(Quellen: SuperData | Upload VR)

Der Beitrag SuperData-Marktforschung: VR-Markt um 30 % dank PSVR-Umsätzen gestiegen zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

SuperData: VR Grew 30% In 2018 Thanks To PSVR, Oculus Quest Will Be 2019’s Hit

SuperData: VR Grew 30% In 2018 Thanks To PSVR, Oculus Quest Will Be 2019’s Hit

After floundering in 2017, virtual reality hardware actually outperformed optimistic sales expectations last year, SuperData Research said today, with annual VR revenues reaching $3.6 billion — higher than the Nielsen-owned firm’s late 2018 forecast of $3.3 billion. That’s a 30 percent year-over-year increase in revenues, particularly noteworthy given holiday price drops for some of the leading VR devices.

According to SuperData’s Q4 2018 XR market report, Sony’s PlayStation VRbecame the market leader during the holiday quarter, selling 700,000 units — the largest number of headsets sold across any category. By contrast, the standalone Oculus Go sold 555,000 units, with the PC-tethered Oculus Rift and HTC Vive selling 160,000 and 130,000 headsets, respectively.

SuperData attributes the strong sales in part to appealing prices. Between Black Friday discounts and the release of games such as Beat Saber, the PSVR ended 2018 on its strongest note yet. For $199, the easy-to-use Oculus Go appealed to first-time VR headset buyers, though the firm says consumers “craved higher-end experiences in console, PC, and standalone headsets.”

For 2019, SuperData predicts that Oculus’ next-generation standalone headset, Quest, will be a hit and forecasts sales of 1.3 million units, thanks to “high consumer interest.” While Quest will have to hurdle a somewhat challenging $399 price point and waves of recent bad publicity for Oculus parent company Facebook, SuperData believes that hardware tethering has impeded consumer VR adoption, and Quest’s better-than-Go performance will make it more compelling to consumers.

Unsurprisingly, games are the biggest revenue generator for the extended reality category, earning 68 percent of XR software revenue. Niantic’s Pokémon Go alone generated 66 percent of the $2 billion in XR games revenue, demonstrating the cash-generating power of both mobile and AR technologies under the right circumstances. Location-based VR experiences helped grow XR revenues, as well.

The future is bright for the entire XR category, SuperData suggests. When all of 2018’s hardware, software, and experience revenues are considered together, XR generated $6.6 billion in 2018, and the numbers are projected to grow steadily each year for the next four years. By 2022, the firm expects $34.1 billion in XR revenues — a 442 percent increase over 2018 — thanks in large part to growing sales of VR and AR hardware, with smaller but still substantial sales of software.

This post by Jeremy Horwitz originally appeared on Venturebeat. 

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SuperData’s Latest Report Finds Mobile AR Reaching 1 Billion Users

Augmented reality (VR) may be trying to catch up to its technological sibling, virtual reality (VR), but it isn’t lagging – or slowing – at any rate, namely thanks to its adoption through mobile devices rather than headsets. Analytics firm SuperData has just released its latest report on the mobile AR market, finding that the technology has reached over 1 billion users worldwide.

Apple - Augmented Reality/AR At WWDC 18

It’s a technology company’s like Apple and Google are keenly interested in, hence why they created ARKit and ARCore respectively, to further advance the industry and make it more consumer friendly.

SuperData’s report focuses on mobile AR user profiles, mobile AR advertising, and why mobile AR is the next frontier for brands, rather than the apps and videogames being developed. It looks to analyze the type of people that use AR, sentiment towards AR ads, and why this new technology offers a unique marketing opportunity for brands.

When it comes to advertising in AR, SuperData finds that 56 percent of users view AR content as a creative use of the technology, estimating that two in three AR users view AR ads at least once a month.


Brands looking at marketing in AR should know that the largest AR demographic is women between 18-34, who seem to use more apps because SuperData recommends that marketers interested in targeting men between 18-34 may want to focus on in-game advertising.

As for the apps themselves, social media AR apps tend to lead the pack with 84 percent of users, while 41 percent of users report using AR features in online shopping apps. Ikea and Wayfair are just two home furnishing retailers that have made use of AR in their apps, allowing online shoppers to view furniture in their own home prior to purchase, so they can see if an item will fit and go with the overall decor.

VRFocus also reported on IDC’s latest VR/AR report yesterday, finding that the VR headset market had significantly grown, with AR also seeing an increase. As the AR and VR markets gain more traction, VRFocus will bring you the latest results.

SuperData Report Predicts Oculus Quest Sales Will Pass 1 Million Sales Next Year

Research and analysis firm SuperData has released its newest report on immersive technology, including virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR) and augmented reality (AR). The report concentrates on revenue and projections for this sector, with the aim of providing insight into hardware and software sales.

The report indicates that SuperData is confident that the release of the Oculus Quest stand-alone VR system will prove to be a turning point in the immersive technology space. The report contains a prediction that the Oculus Quest will outsell the Oculus Rift by more than 3 to 1 in its launch year.

Oculus Quest - Front

It is estimated that more than one million units of the Oculus Quest will be shipped next year, which the report says has potential to bring VR into the mainstream. It is expected that Oculus Quest and Oculus Go sales will drive VR revenue to more than double, with combined sales projected to reach nearly 2.5 million units worldwide in 2019.

Two other major developments in the immersive media space is the huge growth in AR and location-based VR entertainment. Mobile AR revenue is set to double year-on-year according to the report, estimated to reach $2 Billion (USD) by the end of 2018. By 2021, mobile AR will generate more revenue than VR software for the first time, surpassing $17 Billion.

“SuperData’s latest research and analysis points to the fact that 2019 will be the year of VR,” explained Stephanie Llamas, Head of XR at SuperData. “Previous iterations of our findings have tracked the market as it has gained momentum and we believe the launch of Oculus Quest will be a major force in pushing it over the tipping point into the mainstream.”

SuperData also finds that the user base for AR is also growing, with ARKit and ARCore consumers now reaching a combined 117 million each month. Further information can be found on the SuperData website.

For future coverage on the VR industry, keep checking back with VRFocus.

Google, HTC and SuperData to Discuss Current State of VR & AR in Free Webinar

Twice a year VR Intelligence holds its flagship VRX events, one in San Francisco during December and VRX Europe in May. Occasionally the company holds small events concerning virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies, one of which will be taking place next week featuring Google, HTC and SuperData.

VRX Webinar

The free webinar will see representatives from Google, HTC and SuperData, discuss the latest trends, current challenges and biggest opportunities in VR and AR. They are Vinay Narayan, Vice President, Product and Operations (Americas), HTC Vive; Steven Kan, Head of Global Strategy, AR and VR, Google; and Stephanie Llamas, VP of Strategy and Head of XR, SuperData Research. The webinar will be moderated by Amy Peck, Founder & CEO, EndeavorVR.

There have been a lot of highs and lows of the past 12 months which the group will discuss. From more aggressive sales tactics which has seen VR hardware prices dropped and sales increase, to the increased uptake of AR by developers thanks to open platform releases of ARKit and ARCore.

On the flip side user adoption is still low which is a concern for developers looking to make a profit. CCP Games, an early adopter of VR and one of the most high profile thanks to multiplayer title EVE: Valkyrie made a shock announcement in 2017 that saw the studio leave VR development and close studios.

If you want to check it out the webinar will take place on 19th July at 11am PDT/ 7pm BST. To register for the one hour webinar you’ll need to register here.

Last month saw the final speakers confirmed for the VRX Immersive Enterprise conference, designed for senior business leaders from across the immersive tech industry to come together and focus on opportunities and challenges in enterprise companies. As for the main VRX 2018 event, that’ll take place from 6th-7th December, 2018 at San Francisco. Super Early Bird tickets are still currently available on the official website.

For any further updates from VR Intelligence on future events, keep reading VRFocus.

Report: 1.8m Oculus Go Devices Sold Over Next Three Quarters

The release of the Oculus Go standalone headset is being singled out as a turning point for virtual reality (VR) and for immersive technology in general by some experts and analysts. SuperData Research have laid out a number of insights into what the immersive technology market can expect over the coming months.

SuperData Research have previously delivered forecasts and reports on the state of the VR, augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) markets, and with the release of the Oculus Go, the firm is releasing some predictions on how the sector will shape up.

Stephanie Llamas, VP of Strategy and head of XR at SuperData Research has provided some of the insights into how things will develop, first predicting that the Oculus Go will sell 1.8 million devices over the next three quarters, with an expected surge during the run up to the Christmas season.

Llamas further predicts that location-based VR will have a big impact, as it is currently on track to hit $1billion (USD) in revenue by 2021. This figure includes theme park ticket sales from venues which include VR along with arcades, permanent installations and pop-up experiences. This figure matches other reports which are expecting location-based VR to see a significant rise in growth.

“XR will almost double this year largely as a result of the mobile AR space moving beyond Pokémon GO,” Llamas said, “With 80K ARKit applications cropping up and almost 60M users using those apps, Apple has provided a proof of concept that shows growth potential of the market. Games make will make up 80% of this years mobile AR revenue as that is where the clearest monetization model is. By 2021, we’ll see AR claim 17% of mobile games in-app sales, reaching $15.8B.”

Further information on SuperData Research work in the XR area can be found on its website. For further news and reports from the immersive technology market, keep checking back with VRFocus.

Bethesda Rule The VR Charts For 2017

The past year was a good one for virtual reality (VR) titles but it seems that Bethesda have taken the crown for the best selling products.

Fallout 4 VR screenshot

According to a report published by research firm SuperData, both Skyrim VR and Fallout 4 VR were at the top of the sales charts for 2017 on PlayStation VR and PC, respectively. Worth noting is that Skyrim VR is currently only available on the PlayStation VR with Fallout 4 VR requiring a HTC Vive in order to play.

The news of the two flagship titles from Bethesda having a successful year is not really a surprise but it goes to show how much interest there is in VR and titles such as these. VRFocus’ Senior Staff Wrtier Peter Graham’s review of Fallout VR he gave full points stating: “Fallout 4 VR is such a massive experience that VRFocus could go on writing for hours. What you want to know is, is it worth investing your time in? That’s an easy yes. What Bethesda has done with Fallout 4 VR is create the ultimate Fallout experience.”

SuperData Report 01

The report goes on to detail the top five selling titles on each of the two platforms. The top five earning PC VR titles for 2017 were as follows:

  • Fallout 4 VR
  • Job Simulator 
  • Raw Data
  • Arizona Sunshine 

On PlayStation VR the top five titles were:

  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR
  • Job Simulator
  • Batman: Arkham VR
  • I Expect You To Die

In VRFocus’ review of Skyrim VR Editor Kevin Joyce said: “The achievement made by The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR is one by way of both hardware and design to capitalise upon this. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR’s level of immersion is simply fantastic,”

Though Bethesda, and fans alike, will be happy with this news our eyes now look to the future of what the company might have planned. With Bethesda holding their E3 2018 conference on Sunday, 10th June it will be interesting to see if any new VR titles are announced by the company. With the likes of Skyrim VR, Fallout VR and DOOM VFR under their belt for 2017, proving the company can deliver outstanding VR experiences the future is looking bright.

For more stories like this in the future, keep reading VRFocus.

Superdata Report Predicts Rise of AR and MR

A new report released by research company Superdata suggests that revenue from augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) will more than double over this year, though videogames will continue to earn the majority of software revenue.

According to the report, titled ‘Nowhere to Go But Up: The Future of XR’, 2017 marked the first year where AR and MR investment pulled ahead of virtual reality (VR), with the report further forecasting that trend will continue through until 2021. Investments in immersive technology grew 40% over 2017, with 51% of total invested going towards AR and MR.

The data shows that the majority of revenue generated by VR software will continue to come from VR videogames, with a predicted 58% of software revenue being produced by videogames, since customers remain reluctant to pay for non-gaming VR entertainment.

The report notes that the top immersive entertainment earners in 2017 came from Bethesda, with Fallout 4 VR and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR topping charts on PlayStation VR and PC VR platforms. DOOM VFR has a slightly less impressive release, but nonetheless was one of the most successful immersive titles of 2017, with Bethesda RPGs topping the charts.

With successful AR products such as Pokemon Go raising interest in AR technology after making $1.8 billion (USD) since launch, and the upcoming release of the Magic Leap headset causing significant levels of interest from consumers and industry, the forecast is for a continued upward trend in AR and MR products.

Superdata are predicting that Mobile AR titles will continue to be the primary driver for revenue through until 2021, earning approximately twice the revenue acquired by AR and MR headsets. This is partially the result of the cost of the AR/MR hardware, which will likely remain out of reach of the majority of the general population.

Magic Leap One Lightwear 2

The full report can be found on the Superdata website. VRFocus will continue to keep you informed on the latest industry trends.

SuperData Research 2017: Rift legt zu, Vive baut ab, PSVR gewinnt

Das vergangene Jahr stand bei PC-Brillen im Zeichen der Preiskämpfe: Oculus eröffnete mit dem Summer of Rift im Juni 2017 den Reigen und senkte massiv den Einstiegspreis seines VR-Systems. Später zog HTC zwar nach, verkaufte aber laut den Zahlen von SuperData Research trotzdem weniger Einheiten als im Jahr zuvor. Völlig unbeeindruckt von der Konkurrenz schnappt sich die PSVR die Krone bei den „großen VR-Brillen“.

SuperData Research: Zahlen für 2017 im VR-Markt

Die Zahlen von SuperData ergeben ein höchst gemischtes Bild: Insgesamt stieg der Umsatz mit VR-Hardware nur leicht von 1,5 auf 1,7 Milliarden US-Dollar. Tatsächlich knickte beispielsweise 2017 die Samsung-Gear-VR-Brille ein und verkaufte 2017 lediglich 3,7 statt 4,5 Millionen Einheiten im Jahr zuvor. Auch Googles Daydream konnte erneut nicht abheben, im Gegenteil. Die VR-Halterung verkaufte sich nur noch 153.000 statt 209.000 mal. Unter ferner liefen fungieren derzeit noch die Windows Mixed Reality Headsets, die aber auch erst im Oktober 2017 erschienen: 95.000 VR-Brillen haben demnach neue Besitzer gefunden. Nach den teilweise massiven Preissenkungen in Amerika könnte sich das Bild allerdings wandeln. Zuletzt konnte man auf Amazon für schlappe 217 US-Dollar ein Windows-Headset erwerben, derzeit liegen die Preise bei rund 270 Dollar.

SuperData Research VR

Die vielleicht interessantesten Zahlen betreffen hingegen die Oculus Rift und HTC Vive. Konnte HTC mit 420.000 verkauften Headsets im Jahr 2016 seinen direkten Konkurrenten noch klar abhängen, setzte der chinesische Hersteller 2017 nur noch 297.000 Brillen ab. Die Oculus Rift entwickelte sich hingegen von 243.000 Einheiten auf 326.000 Einheiten und konnte sich somit im letzten Jahr vor der HTC Vive platzieren. Die Verkaufszahlen dürften aber beiden Unternehmen nicht schmecken, denn im letzten Jahr gab es einen eindeutigen Sieger: Die PSVR steigerte sich von 745.000 verkauften VR-Brillen im Launch-Jahr 2016 auf 1.693.000 Einheiten im letzten Jahr und kommt damit auf insgesamt über 2,4 Millionen Systeme. Demnach wäre das Weihnachtsgeschäft von Sony hervorragend gelaufen: Bis zum 3. Dezember hat der japanische Hersteller laut eigener Aussage die 2-Millionen-Marke geknackt.

Für dieses Jahr sieht SuperData recht zuversichtlich in die VR-Zukunft und sagt eine Verdoppelung bei den Hardware- und Software-Verkäufen voraus. Der komplette Report lässt sich über die Webseite von SuperData Research kostenlos nach dem Ausfüllen des Kontaktformulars als PDF herunterladen.

(Quelle und Grafiken: SuperData Research)

Der Beitrag SuperData Research 2017: Rift legt zu, Vive baut ab, PSVR gewinnt zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!