Meta Quest 2 beim Super Bowl

Gestern fand der Super Bowl statt und Meta nutzte die Gelegenheit, um eine 60 Sekunden lange Werbung für die Meta Quest 2 auszuspielen. Kein besonders billiger Abend für das Unternehmen, aber es war eine gute Chance, um das Metaverse einem breitem Publikum schmackhaft zu machen.

Meta Quest 2 beim Super Bowl

Der Werbespot soll zeigen, wie man mit Meta Quest 2 mit alten Freunden wieder neuen Spaß haben kann. Die Werbung richtet sich dabei nicht an Kinder und junge Erwachsene, sondern nimmt die Millennials in den Fokus. Hierzu passt auch der abgespielte Song Don’t You (Forget About Me) von Simple Minds.

Die 60-Sekunden-Version entstand aus einer Zusammenarbeit von Meta und der Werbeagentur Anomaly LA. Zwar war der Spot ursprünglich deutlich länger (siehe verlinktes Video), jedoch ist die Werbezeit sehr teuer und begrenzt, weshalb man das Originalvideo für den Super Bowl wohl gekürzt habe. Immerhin sollen laut Medienberichten 30 Sekunden Werbezeit beim Super Bowl bis zu 6,5 Millionen US-Dollar kosten.

Während die Meta Quest 2 also weiter Richtung Mainstream wandert, wird sie in Deutschland nicht offiziell verkauft. Ihr könnt sie aber über Amazon Frankreich bestellen. Unseren Langzeittest zur Brille findet ihr hier.

Wie empfandet ihr die Meta Quest 2 Werbung während des Super Bowls? Ist es traurig, dass der Hund nur in VR mit Freunden Spaß haben kann? Oder ist das Metaverse eher eine Chance?

(Quelle: Road to VR)

Der Beitrag Meta Quest 2 beim Super Bowl zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Watch Super Bowl LV For Free In VR This Weekend With Bigscreen

This weekend you can watch the Super Bowl in VR, for free, in Bigscreen on Quest, Rift, Index, Vive, WMR, or any other SteamVR headset.

Almost two years ago Bigscreen began offering TV channel features and has expanded to include actual paid movie premieres and ad-supported free movies, in addition to the multitude of ways VR users can just hang out and share their screens in VR. Now, thanks to CBS Sports broadcasting the Super Bowl for free online, Bigscreen is adding the big game to the list.

This Sunday, February 7th, anyone with a compatible VR headset (basically a Quest or PC VR headset) can jump into Bigscreen and hang out with people from all over the world and watch the Super Bowl live for free.

If you’re on PC VR you can host your own private room, but if you’re on Quest you’ll have to join an existing room from your headset. The CBS Sports livestream will be featured prominently on the home page so it’ll be like walking into a series of sports bars to hang out and enjoy the game with likeminded NFL fans.

The Super Bowl LV event in Bigscreen kicks off on Sunday, February 7th, at 3:30 PM PT when the Kansas City Chiefs take on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. For the first time in the history of the NFL, one of the teams in the Super Bowl is the host city for the event. Since the locations are planned years in advance, it’s always been impossibly rare, making this a historic game regardless of the outcome.

Do you plan on watching the Super Bowl in VR? Let us know down in the comments below!

Pepsi Go Back Takes VR Users Through Time And Pepsi Commercials

What do you watch the Super Bowl for? That’s right, the commercials. And if anything can get us excited for commercials it’s football, followed swiftly by virtual reality (VR), and this year Pepsi are going to take us on a trip through history. The history of Pepsi commercials at least. And while you can see the new Pepsi commercial at the Super Bowl, you’re sure to enjoy it much more in VR.

pepsi go back gif

Pepsi Go Back is a WebVR experience that will take you on a journey through time and space, and shares with users Pepsi’s most iconic moments. VR takes the experience one step further and makes users feel as if they were there.

The experience was created in partnership with Google, and more details are revealed on the Google blog, where Group Creative Director of the Google Brand Unit, Suzana Apelbaum, explains the experience and what users can expect.

Going from a Back to the Future DeLorean to 1992’s Cindy Crawford commercial Halfway House Cafe, and through history, the experience will bring users closer to the brand, continuing the growing trend we’ve seen with brands gravitating towards VR to market their products.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen VR and Pepsi collide – a few years ago we saw Pepsi in Japan using VR to advertise their Pepsi Strong product.

You can watch the Pepsi Go Back VR experience right here, and you can view it with any WebVR compatible device, opening users on a variety of head-mounted displays (HMDs) to view the experience, including Samsung Gear VR and Google Daydream users. You can also view the experience in desktop browsers that support WebVR, but without a VR HMD you’re going to have to deal with viewing the experience in 2D – sorry!

Anyone actually attending the Super Bowl in Minneapolis can visit a Pepsi Generations Live booth for a demo with a Google Daydream unit. Nothing quite like seeing Super Bowl commercials at the big game itself!

As more brands release VR experiences and apps in order to enhance their brands, you’ll hear about it first right here, so make sure to keep reading VRFocus.

Save Big During The Super Bowl With The Ally Big Save

Saving money, watching football, what else do you need out of life? Nothing, that’s what. So thank Ally Bank for bringing us the wisdom on how to save during the Super Bowl this February 4th, as they launch The Ally Big Save, an interactive mobile game that’ll help you save cash.

the big ally save 2

It’s an augmented reality (AR) videogame that challenges users to think about their savings and spendings, by visualising money in a virtual dollar drop. It’ll be available for download from Janaury 31st through to the day of the big game.

Andrea Brimmer is chief marketing and public relations officer at Ally Bank, and she wants customers to be more aware of their spending so they can make more sound financial decisions; “On a day and stage where America is being flooded with messaging to spend big, Ally wants to inspire consumers to focus on saving for something bigger to make a more meaningful impact on what matters most to them and those they care about. As the company that disrupted financial services with the first online-only bank built around the needs of its customers, we felt that disrupting the market on the biggest day of advertising with this non-traditional approach is perfectly fitting.”

Once users download the app they’ll be able to specify what they want to save for, and during commercial breaks during the Super Bowl, money will fall across the screen. Users can use AR to interact with the money. You collect as many points as you can, and attempt to increase your score during the next break. At the end, you may win a cash prize bringing you closer to your desired goal – though you’d have to be very lucky indeed…

“Ally is built to ‘Do It Right’ with financial services and products that help customers focus on saving for a better life for themselves and others,” added Brimmer. “Through our augmented reality experience, we hope to give Americans the tools to visualize a future where their savings goals are attainable – with the support of a true ally.”

It’s an interesting way for users to think about their finances, we can only hope to see more creative uses of AR on mobile in the near future, especially if they’re tied to sports events. For all of the latest news on AR apps, stay on VRFocus.

This Week In VR Sport: Super Bowl Gets Immersive, Mixed Reality Statistics & VR Ski Training

Sports keeps modernising as athletes demand the best ways to practice, the most immersive ways to train, and fans keep demanding the best ways to view and interact with their favourite pastime. Every week here on VRFocus we collate the top sports stories of the week which involve new technologies.

Whether you’re a sports fan or just a technology buff, you’ll find some fascinating facts in our news stories below – make sure to check back at the same time next week for more from the world of sport.

Get Augmented Reality ‘Immersive View’ Of The Super Bowl

Going to a busy event can be a hassle, but StubHub are making it easier than ever for Super Bowl fans to attend the biggest NFL event of the year. Everything in the immersive view experience allows you to understand every aspect of the game and event. Parking, picking up tickets, attending pre-game events, finding seating, everything can be done and organised through your phone, and with augmented reality (AR) capabilities to boot.

Matt Swan, StubHub CTO says the new immersive view shows clear value for consumers; “StubHub’s immersive view experience not only demonstrates a practical use case for AR within ticketing and live events, but also serves as an important milestone for the industry. When it comes to our users, we’re passionate about providing solutions in ticket buying and selling that offer a clear value. As the first ticketing player to implement this technology, we hope to further enhance the purchasing experience ahead of the biggest day in football.”

Users on iOS devices will be able to use immersive view on the Super Bowl ticket buyers landing page on the StubHub app.

Kindred Futures And Zappar Collaborate On Mixed Reality

Kindred Futures Zappar

Two companies are coming together to change how we look at sports statistics, fantasy leagues and more. They hope to present sports with mixed reality (MR) taking fans deeper into the sporting experience and making it more immersive and interesting than ever before.

Jeremy Yates from Zappar commented “The main barrier of getting mixed reality to the mass market is the cost of new hardware. There’s an exciting future of data visualisation, with mixed reality providing an immersive and engaging way to both view and interact with information. This exploration is all part of our goal of democratising this technology. We’re very excited about partnering with Kindred to see how we can drive innovation and bring the future closer to today.”

Meanwhile, Will Mace, head of Kindred Futures has said; “We’re very passionate about ensuring that audiences are given enough data to make sensible gaming decisions and think that our experiment with Zappar is an exciting step in the right direction.”

We’ll have more news on the new technology as we get it.

U.S. Ski Team Trained In Virtual Reality For Olympics


The 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games are approaching fast, and SportTechie reports that the U.S. ski team have been practicing hard using virtual reality (VR) for the event. STRIVR has built VR training programs for the NFL, and now they’ve built recreation of the ski courses that will be featured during the Winter Olympics, giving athletes the opportunity to train.

Troy Taylor, high performance director at U.S. Ski & Snowboard said; “Obviously there is nothing that can replace the real world experience, but VR is proving its worth in terms of allowing an athlete to see the course they will race on before they actually compete.”

Hopefully the knowledge the VR practice has given them will give them a real world edge on the slopes too, though the proof will come when the events kick off on February 10th.

For all of the latest sports news in the world of VR, makes sure to keep reading VRFocus.