The VR Waifu Problem

There is a commonly cited ‘fact’ that the VHS format won the home videotape format wars because it allowed pornography to use the format, while Betamax would not. This is actually an apocryphal story, but nonetheless feeds into the idea that any new form of video storage and distribution will, inevitably, be used for porn. Inevitably, pornography has begun to appear in virtual reality (VR) and even augmented reality (AR). Along with that has come another trend, something I have dubbed ‘Waifu Simulators’.

The most famous of these is Summer Lesson, the PlayStation VR title which had the premise of the player giving lessons to a young woman over the Summer break. As the VRFocus preview noted, this often led to the player being put in awkward psuedo-romantic situations, with the sense of immersion giving the feeling that you are invading the personal space of someone you barely know – this is especially cringe-worthy if the player is much older that the depicted age of the character in Summer Lesson.

Summer Lesson Screenshot
Don’t stand so close to me… please.

There was, predictably, a lot of people commenting that the reviewer, our own Kevin Joyce, didn’t ‘Get’ the videogame and the culture that created it. While they might have a point regarding different cultural viewpoints, there are a number of ways this type of videogame can be described as awkward at best and downright creepy at worst.

There are quite a number of these ‘waifu simulators’ around. Many of which take popular characters from videogames like Shining Resonance, or vocaloid character Hatsune Miku and let players view them in various poses, in different outfits or go on stilted ‘virtual dates’.

Firstly, its notable that the characters featured in these types of videogames are almost always very young, often teenagers. Considering the average age of a PlayStation 4 users is 35, this does raise some red flags.

Secondly, these type of videogames always seem to make an uncomfortable number of assumptions about the player – namely, assuming that they are A) Male B) Straight.

Megadimension Neptunia VIIR new VR-Scenes-9

This was particularly odd in Megadimension Neptunia VIIR. Like a lot of RPGs, the Neptunia series draws a lot of female fans, and there are also a lot of LGBT fans of the series. Why then, does its first VR title revert to this straight male default, when its audience is considerably more diverse?

The assumption seems to be that players view these female characters as surrogate girlfriends at best, and objects at worst. There doesn’t seem to be an option to just make friends with these characters, such as the systems in titles such as Persona. Instead you sit through excruciating ‘flirty’ dialogue or accusations you are perving on the characters.

Dating simulators have their place, and when used cleverly the systems in them can even be fun, or even frightening (see Doki Doki Literature Club for an example… or don’t if you are of delicate constitution) but the use of female characters as ‘bait’ to draw in a specific audience feels deeply uncomfortable and regressive.

VR videogames can do so much better than this when it comes to creating relationships with fictional characters. We don’t need them to pose in skimpy outfits to feel close to them.

PSVR: Summer Lesson mit Snow und Shinjo bald auf Englisch

Summer Lesson für PlayStation VR (PSVR) lässt euch in die Rolle eines Tutors schlüpfen, um japanische Schulmädchen zu unterrichten und gemeinsame Zeit mit ihnen zu verbringen. Im Land der aufgehenden Sonne erfreut sich der PSVR-Titel großer Popularität und auch hierzulande baut sich eine Fanbase um das VR-Spiel mit dem etwas anderen Spielkonzept auf. Jetzt gibt es gute Nachrichten für Freunde des Nachhilfeunterrichts, denn die beiden DLCs um die Mädchen Allison Snow und Chisato Shinjo erscheinen dieses Jahr mit englischen Untertiteln.

Summer Lesson – Allison Snow und Chisato Shinjo in Englisch

In Summer Lesson von Bandai Namco Games Ltd. dürft ihr in der Rolle eines persönlichen Lehrers Schulmädchen Nachhilfestunden geben. Dabei gilt es nicht nur, die Sprachfähigkeiten eurer Schülerin zu verbessern, sondern auch zwischenmenschlich mit den Mädchen zu interagieren. Egal ob in der Wohnung, am Strand oder auf einem Festival – ihr fungiert als ständiger Begleiter eures virtuellen Schützlings. Das Konzept geht offensichtlich auf, denn in Japan erfreut sich der VR-Titel größter Beliebtheit.


Auch in Europa gibt es einige Freunde des VR-Titels, obwohl sich die Veröffentlichung auf den asiatischen Raum beschränkt und ein entsprechender Account im PlayStation Store oder Import der Silberscheibe nötig ist. Einen Wermutstropfen gab es jedoch bisher für nicht-asiatische Fans, denn die beiden zusätzlichen Episoden um die Mädchen Allison Snow und Chisato Shinjo waren bis jetzt noch nicht in englischer Sprache verfügbar. Doch dies ändert sich bald, denn die beiden Kapitel sollen noch in diesem Jahr in Süd-Ost-Asien mit englischen Untertiteln erscheinen.

In Summer Lessons mit Chisato Shinjo abreitet ihr in einem riesigen Haus bei einer reichen Familie. Die Tochter der Familie erhält Privatunterricht und ist zwar gebildet, doch ihr fehlt der soziale Umgang mit Gleichaltrigen. Deshalb müsst ihr als Social Coach einspringen und ihr die Richtlinien des sozialen Miteinanders erklären.

Einen anderen Ansatz geht Summer Lessons: Allison Snow, denn die blonde Musikerin versucht, die japanische Kultur näher zu erkunden und benötigt dafür eine kulturelle Begleitung. Ähnlich wie im ersten Teil stehen auch hier diverse DLC’s mit unterschiedlichen Szenarien bereit.

Wir werden euch über das genaue Veröffentlichungsdatum sowie entsprechende Erwerbswege der englischsprachigen Versionen auf dem Laufenden halten.

(Quellen: VR Focus | Videos: PlayStation Japan Youtube | 876TV Youtube)

Der Beitrag PSVR: Summer Lesson mit Snow und Shinjo bald auf Englisch zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Summer Lesson Fans Can Teach Allison Snow and Chisato Shinjo In VR Soon

The curse of not being able to speak Japanese means that gamers the world over have had to miss out on plenty of obscure, quirky and interesting games over the years. It’s a shame, but often global audiences just aren’t quite ready for the enterprising and revolutionary gaming ideas that the Japanese market are ready for. One of these virtual reality (VR) videogames is Summer Lesson, a PlayStation VR experience where you get close to Hikari Miyamoto, a young girl, and teach her a lesson. In the Summer.

Summer Lesson Screenshot

While it looks and sounds quite sweet there’s an odd dark undertone to Summer Lesson. Despite that though, there’s already a small legion of fans that want the other two Summer Lesson videogames, Allison Snow and Chisato Shinjo, available in English; and luckily, it’s happening very soon.

The two new Summer Lesson videogames are finally making their way to Southeast Asia, so that’s Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Idonesia. They’ll be making their way there in 2018, and of course they will be fully subtitled in English. Luckily, the PlayStation 4 isn’t region locked, meaning you can happily import and play the two VR experiences and fully enjoy them, though they will still include the original Japanese voice actors.

We took a look at the trailers for both Chisato Shinjo and Allison Snow, and, well, they’re interesting. Anyone looking to hit it off with waifus in VR will be of course over the moon with the news, as new waifus can only be a good thing for any affection seeking VR fans.

If you want to hang out with and teach the two new girls, Chisato Shinjo and Allison Snow, then you’ll need to import a copy of the videogame from a Southeast Asian retailer – or a company that manages to get stock from the region. It’s a relief that the PlayStation 4 allows us to play these regardless of our home region, because we can’t help but be fascinated by the experience.

For all the latest on waifu romancing and VR experiences, and we know you want to hear more about it, make sure to keep reading VRFocus.

New Summer Lesson Trailer Reveals New Student

Earlier this month it was revealed that Summer Lesson would be adding a new student with a new expansion pack titled Summer Lesson: Chisato Shinjo – Seven Days of Etude. The latest trailer revealed at Tokyo Game Show reveals some more details.

Chisato Shinjo lives in a large, impressive house and is part of a prominent, wealthy family. However, she is also something of a recluse who doesn’t go out to socialise very much. Though intelligent, she can be prone to selfishness, with something of a bleak, pessimistic personality. It will be the player’s job to get to know her, and teach her about what is happening in society and how to get along better with others.

As has been the case for previous chapters of Summer Lesson, Summer Lesson: Chisato Shinjo – Seven Days of Etude will have optional DLC packs containing extra scenes, costumes and events. There is also likely to be a deluxe DLC pack as there was for previous chapters.

Summer Lesson: Chisato Shinjo – Seven Days of Etude will be released for PlayStation VR on 12th October, 2017. You can watch the Tokyo Game Show trailer below.

VRFocus will bring you further news on Summer Lesson as it becomes available.

Summer Lesson Third Student Revealed

As promised in last week’s teaser, this week sees the reveal of a new student for fans of the Summer Lesson series to interact with. The new student is named Chisato Shinjo, and will be voiced by Marie Hatanaka.

As revealed in the latest edition of the Weekly Famitsu magazine, the new Summer Lesson expansion will be titled Summer Lesson: Chisato Shinjo – Seven Days of Etude. Other information discovered by Ryokutya indicates that Chisato is the daughter of a wealthy family, and though possessing high intelligence, she is prone to selfishness and has something of a bleak, nihilistic personality. Chisato is also something of a recluse who rarely leaves the house, and the player has been hired to teach her about what is currently happening in society.

Summer Lesson Chisato Shinjo Famitsu

As was the case for Hikari Miyamoto and Allison Snow, Summer Lesson: Chisato Shinjo will be available with optional DLC packs which will contain extra costumes, and additional scenes. Full details of the DLC packs have yet to be revealed, but two of the extra scene DLCs are set to be titled Evening Youth Story and Ballad Show Story. There is also expected to be a Deluxe DLC pack which will likely bundle all the available DLC together for a higher price, and will also contain extras such as a PlayStation 4 theme featuring a ‘chibi’ version of Chisato.

Summer Lesson: Chisato Shinjo – Seven Days of Etude is set to be released on the Japanese PlayStation Store on 12th October, 2017. Visitors to the Tokyo Game Show on 21st-24th September will be able to see the new expansion shown at the Bandai Namco booth.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Summer Lesson as it becomes available.

Summer Lesson Teases New Student

Popular PlayStation VR title Summer Lesson already offers players two students to teach, Hikari Miyamoto and Allison Snow, and now publisher Bandai Namco are teasing a third.

A teaser showing a silhouette of a new student appeared on website Famitsu, along with news that the name of the new student was Chisato Shinjo. Little has been revealed about the new character so far, save from a mention in Summer Lesson: Allison Snow, where there was a brief line about a young woman living in a large mansion.

The reveal of the teaser on this date, 31st August, is regarded as significant by fans of Summer Lesson, since that date marks the end of summer. The developers have not said much about their plans for Chisato Shinjo, save to mention that they are working on “Something different for those seven days of Summer.”

No price or release date was mentioned, nor is there further word on plans for an official Western release of the Summer Lesson titles. At the moment, Western fans are having to content themselves with PlayStation VR bundles available through importers.

The previous new student Alison Snow was made available in three bundles through the Japanese PlayStation store in late June, with the most basic version costing 2,980 yen. Another two bundle packs were also available, which added extra DLC content and more costume options.

It seems likely that Summer Lesson: Chisato Shinjo will also come with some DLC bundles, though Western fans will remain disappointed at the lack of official release for their region.

VRFocus will bring you further news on Summer Lesson as it becomes available.

Details on Summer Lesson: Allison Snow Released

Though western PlayStation VR owners are still waiting for an official release of Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto and trying to content themselves with import bundles, Japan is gearing up for the release of the second Summer Lesson experience with a character not seen much since early demos; Allison Snow.

The new episode of Summer Lesson involves Allison Snow, a young musician who is trying to learn about Japan and its rich culture. The setting is a traditional Japanese home buy the sea, featuring an expansive garden and days of blue sky and sunshine.

There are several bundles available for order through the Japanese PlayStation Store. The first, Summer Lesson: Allison Snow Seven Days Garden (Basic Game Pack) costs 2,980 Yen and allows the player to spend seven virtual days in the company of Allison Snow, including four different situations and various encounters and endings. Different costumes can be unlocked through gameplay. For players who buy the Game Pack early, two extra costumes are included ‘Gothic-Rock’ and ‘Kawaii Mint’.

There is also the Summer Lesson: Allison Snow DLC Set Pass, available for 5,340 Yen and which requires the Allison Snow Basic Game Pack in addition, and contains a bundle of downloadable content, including the International Exchange add-on experience pack, the Allison Snow Summer Sky Singing Voice experience pack, additional costumes and a special clothing event.

The third bundle is the Summer Lesson: Allison Snow Deluxe Edition and includes all the content in the other two bundles, along with two extra scenes and costume sets. The Deluxe Edition pack costs 8,320 Yen.

A trailer for Summer Lesson: Allison Snow is available to view below.

VRFocus will continue to bring you updates on Summer Lesson as they become available.

PlayStation VR Summer Lesson Bundle Now Shipping Worldwide

The hugely popular first release of Katsuhiro Harada’s Summer Lesson, known as Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto, has been met with a welcome response in western territories thanks to the launch of an edition featuring English language subtitles. However, while an international launch remains a seemingly distant possibility, import retailers are bridging the gap.


A special edition bundle including the PlayStation VR head-mounted display, Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto and all current downloadable content (DLC) was announced by Sony Interactive Entertainment Hong Kong (SIEHK) back in April 2017, prior to the videogame’s initial release. That bundle arrived in Asian territories alongside the launch of the videogame itself, and is now available to order worldwide via import specialist Play Asia.

The bundle includes the following:

• PlayStation VR with PlayStation Camera
• Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Edition Seven Days Room
• Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Edition PlayStation VR cleaning cloth
• Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Edition Day Out DLC
• Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Edition Second Feel DLC
• Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Extra Scene: Café (Outfit & Situation)
• Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Extra Scene: Grand Fireworks (Outfit & Situation)

This package is currently being offered for £451.10 GBP, a somewhat costly package considering the recent spate of retailer discounts on the PlayStation VR HMD, but nonetheless there will likely be many interested parties in what will surely be considered a collector’s item in western territories.

A second edition of Summer Lesson has been announced, Summer Lesson: Alison Snow, but no details on the release – in either Asian or western territories – have yet been announced. VRFocus will of course keep you updated with all the latest details

Sony Announces Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto Bundle Pack for PlayStation VR

As a special limited quantity promotion, Sony Interactive Entertainment Hong Kong (SIEHK) has announcedSummer Lesson branded PlayStation VR bundle for Asian customers.

The Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto Bundle Pack will include the core videogame plus the following DLC content:

  • Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Seven Days Room
  • Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Second Feel
  • Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Day Out
  • Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Extra Scene: Café(Outfit & Situation)
  • Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Extra Scene: Grand Fireworks(Outfit & Situation)

Summer Lesson Hikari Miyamoto Bundle Pack

The entire bundle will be priced at $3,880HK – approximately $499 USD, and the bundle will also include a free “cleaning cloth” for PlayStation VR while stocks last. Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto Bundle Pack will launch this month, on 27th April.

For western PlayStation VR users there’s still no sign of Summer Lesson launching outside of Asia. There was a tease in 2016 when the title’s producer Katsuhiro Harada said that if a region has particularly enthusiastic fans ‘that does make it more possible.’

Instead there’s always Alchemy VR’s newly announced experiences for the headset, David Attenborough’s First Life, Cocos: Shark Island and Atomic Ghost Fleet. Or for something much more Japanese themed there’s always Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle which will be out in the summer.

For the latest PlayStation VR news, keep reading VRFocus.

PSVR Summer Lesson: Bandai Namco enthüllt drittes Schulmädchen [Update]

[Update] Summer Lesson für die PSVR erfreut sich in Japan größer Beliebtheit. Durch eine Fassung mit englischen Untertitel können auch westliche Spieler ohne japanische Sprachkenntnisse in die Lehrerrolle schlüpfen und einem Schulmädchen Nachhilfe geben. Der Entwickler Bandai Namco hat nun die Erweiterung Summer Lesson: Chisato Shinjo – Seven Days of Etude für den 12. Oktober angekündigt, derzeit allerdings nur für Japan. In dem Spiel geht es um die Tochter reicher Eltern. Sie ist zwar intelligent, verlässt aber nur selten das Haus und braucht daher Nachhilfe bei der sozialen Interaktion. Sie ist nach Hikari Miyamoto and Allison Snow das dritte Mädchen in der Schulmädchen-Serie.

Ursprüngliche News:

Das Spiel Summer Lesson von Bandai Namco Games Ltd. unterscheidet sich stark von anderen VR-Spielen, denn das Spielkonzept baut auf dem Sprachunterricht eines japanischen Schulmädchens auf. Das macht das Spiel einzigartig und der Titel erfreut sich in Japan größter Beliebtheit. Bisher war das Spiel nur innerhalb des asiatischen Markts erschienen, doch mittlerweile wurde bereits eine englischsprachige Version angekündigt. Damit die internationalen Interessenten des Spiels am Ball bleiben, haben sich die Verkaufsspezialisten von Play Asia etwas Besonderes ausgedacht.

Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto

Im ersten Kapitel des Spiels fungiert der Spieler als ein Tutor, der Hikari Miyamoto bei ihren Sprachübungen hilft. Dabei verbringt man Zeit mit ihr, interagiert mit dem Mädchen in ihrem Raum und der Welt außerhalb ihres Hauses. Zusätzlicher Content ist ebenfalls vorhanden und ständig erscheinen neue Erweiterungen. Die englische Version des Spiels enthält direkt ein zusätzliches Paket von vier DLCs, jedoch bleibt der Fokus auf dem Mädchen Hikari. Mit zusätzlichen Erweiterungen werden eventuell auch andere Charaktere eingeführt.

Chance auf eine Hikari Miyamoto Figur bei der Vorbestellung des Spiels

Einer der führenden Import-Videospielverkäufer Play Asia bietet zur Veröffentlichung von Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto ein besonderes Gewinnspiel an. Jeder Käufer, der das Spiel vorbestellt oder bereits vorher vorbestellt hat, nimmt automatisch am Gewinnspiel teil. Der Preis ist eine von fünf Hikari Miyamoto Figuren in einem Maßstab von 1:8 von Figuarts Zero, was 21 cm entspricht. Das Gewinnspiel gilt lediglich für die physische, englische Version von Summer Lesson für PSVR und nicht für Downloads.


Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto wird am 27. April 2017 ausschließlich für Playstation VR veröffentlicht. Das dazugehörige Gewinnspiel gilt bis zum Datum der Veröffentlichung. Der Link für das Gewinnspiel befindet sich hier. Wir dürfen gespannt sein, was die englischsprachige Version zu bieten hat. Wer schon immer einmal Interesse daran hatte, einem japanischen Mädchen Nachhilfeunterricht zu geben, dem sei das Spiel wärmstens empfohlen.

(Quellen: vrfocus, Play-Asia)

Der Beitrag PSVR Summer Lesson: Bandai Namco enthüllt drittes Schulmädchen [Update] zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!