SubVRsive Announce XR Labs a new Internal Studio Focused on VR/AR & MR Experiences

Earlier this year SubVRsive announced the completion of a Series A funding round, securing the company $4 million USD of investment. Today, its revealed new expansion plans in the form of a new internal studio called XR Labs, focused on creating virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) experiences.

While SubVRsive itself will continue to create immersive experiences on behalf of brands and agencies, XR Labs will be freer to develop interactive apps that the company and its employees are interested.

In a blog posting, Johannes Larcher, Chief Executive Officer at SubVRsive says: “As the industry that we call home continues to grow and evolve, more and more exciting solutions are being created every day that push the boundaries of what is possible. And it is in this spirit that we are launching XR Labs; a name we chose because it not only encompasses the entire reality spectrum of today but represents the endless possibilities of the tools and platforms of tomorrow.”

SubVRsive XR Lab Announcement 1

“Led by Ian Villamin, our VP of Interactive Development, XR Labs will provide a space within SubVRsive dedicated entirely to this pursuit,” continues Larcher. “Here, our engineers, developers, and designers will have the freedom and resources necessary to turn their gaze to the future and work on applications that can be used to solve significant problems and alleviate real user pain points through the power of VR, AR, and MR.”

The company hasn’t yet revealed what projects XR Labs is currently working on, just that further details will be revealed soon.

SubVRsive was founded in August 2015, becoming an Emmy-nominated VR company that has worked with some leading brands like The American Heart Association, Lionsgate, Procter & Gamble, and Showtime Networks.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of SubVRsive and now XR Labs, reporting back with the latest announcements.

SubVRsive: 4 Million Dollar zur Finanzierung von VR und AR-Produktion gesichert

Produktionsfirmen von 360-Grad-Medien werden immer wichtiger. Unternehmen suchen nämlich immer neue kreative Wege, um ihre Produkte zu vermarkten, ihre Visionen zu teilen und sogar um ihre Mitarbeiter zu erziehen. SubVRsive ist ein Team, das bereits mit MTV zusammengearbeitet hat und sogar eine Emmy-Nominierung für ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Showtime erhielt. Die Entwickler gaben bekannt, dass sie das erste Finanzierungsziel von 4 Millionen US-Dollar erreicht hätten. Zudem ernannten sie den ehemaligen Senior Vice President von Hulu, Johannes Larcher, zum neuen CEO.

Eine wichtige Alternative zum klassischen Marketing

Auf dem Blog des Unternehmens beschreibt man das Potenzial von VR und AR und wie es möglich sei damit die besten Inhalte für die Kunden zu generieren:

Wenn unsere Erfahrung im immersiven Geschichtenerzählen uns etwas gelehrt hat, ist es, dass Virtual Reality und Augmented Reality grundlegend neu definieren, wie sich Marken mit ihren Zuschauern verbinden. Während die Optik, der Sound und die Bewegung des traditionellen Videos die Vorteile von Marken erklären, erlaubt die immersive Natur der Virtual Reality den Verbrauchern, sämtliche Vorteile selbst zu erleben – und diese Erfahrung ist fesselnd. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Virtual Reality und Augmented Reality weiterhin die Kraft des Geschichtenerzählens vorantreiben wird und den Marken mehr und mehr effektive Möglichkeiten geben werden, ihren Einsatz mit dem Publikum zu vertiefen.

Die Finanzierung gestattet

Diese erste Finanzierungsrunde war das Ergebnis von Investitionen eines einzigen Teilnehmers, der WPP. Dieser gehört zu den weltweit führenden Kommunikationsdienstleistern. WPP investierte bereits Vermögenswerte in die Bereiche Marketing-Technologie-Beratung oder Content-Management. In einer eigenen Pressemitteilung äußert sich der Konzern, dass weiterhin die Strategie verfolgt werde, in SubVRsive zu investieren, um ihre Angebote in Technologie, Daten und Inhalten zu vervielfältigen. Zusätzliche Finanzierungen sollen dafür sorgen, dass die wachsende Nachfrage von Marken und Medien-Kunden durch zusätzliches Personal schneller bearbeitet werden kann. Zudem soll es möglich sein, dank neuen Wissens und zusätzlichen Fähigkeiten an Projekten zu arbeiten, die den bisherigen traditionellen Pfad des VR-Film verlassen.

(Quelle: Upload VR)

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SubVRsive Secures $4 Million Funding For VR and AR Production

SubVRsive Secures $4 Million Funding For VR and AR Production

360-degree media production companies are becoming more and more important as companies reach out for creative ways to market their products, share their creative visions, and even educate their employees. SubVRsive, a team that has worked with MTV and has even earned an Emmy nomination for their collaboration with Showtime, announced that they’ve completed a series A funding round, acquired $4 million, and appointed former Hulu SVP Johannes Larcher as their new CEO.

On the company’s blog post about the funding, they wrote of the potential of VR and AR when it comes to providing the best content for their clients:

If our experience in immersive storytelling has taught us anything, it’s that Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are fundamentally redefining the ways in which brands connect with their audiences. While the sight, sound, and motion of traditional video allow brands to explain their benefits to consumers, the immersive nature of Virtual Reality allows consumers to experience those benefits for themselves – and that experience is captivating. We are convinced that Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality will continue to push the envelope of storytelling and will offer brands more and more effective ways to deepen their engagement with their audiences.

The funding round was the result of investments from a single participant, the WPP, which is one of the world’s leading communications service companies. WPP already has assets in marketing technology consultancy, content management, and others. As stated in their own press release on the new development, investing in SubVRsive continues their strategy to diversify their offerings in technology, data, and content. We chatted with the current SubVRsive CCO, Austin Mace, via email about the funding and the direction of the company from this point forward.

“The additional funding will allow us to accelerate hiring that is needed to keep up with a growing demand from brands and media clients, as well as increase our ability to work on projects that transcend our traditional sweet spot of cinematic VR,” Mace says.

When it comes to WPP, he notes that they bring “terrific experience and relationships with the world’s leading brand marketers” and that the SubVRsive team is looking forward to bringing these newer technologies to WPP’s family of agencies and brand clients. “The outlook for the rest of this year is bright. We plan to grow our team with the best talent in the industry and continue to push the boundaries of storytelling in VR and AR.”

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SubVRsive Secures $4M in a Series A Funding Round, Appoints New CEO

SubVRsive, a virtual reality (VR) content company specialising in the creation of branded experiences has announced the completion of a Series A funding round. This has secured the company $4 million USD in investment.

Funding rounds usually tend to involve several companies or investors, SubVRsive’s on the other hand had just one, communications services company WPP. WPP has been following an investment strategy focusing on three key areas: technology, data and content. WPP’s digital assets include companies such as Acceleration (marketing technology consultancy), Cognifide (content management technology), Conexance (data cooperative), Salmon (e-commerce), and Hogarth (digital production technology).


SubVRsive was founded in August 2015, becoming Emmy-nominated VR company that has worked with leading brands like The American Heart Association, Lionsgate, Procter & Gamble, and Showtime Networks. With the investment SubVRsive will bring the benefits of VR and augmented reality (AR) to WPP’s agencies and brand clients.

Back in November VRFocus reported on IMAX Corporation announcing completion of the first phase of a $50 million VR fund to help finance the creation of at least 25 experiences, of which   WPP was a partner.

In addition to the funding SubVRsive appointed Johannes Larcher as its new chief executive officer (CEO). Larcher was previously part of the leadership team that built video on demand service Hulu.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of SubVRsive, reporting back with any further announcements.