Stunt Corgi VR Launches Onto Oculus Rift

After a successful launch on the HTC Vive the virtual reality (VR) simulation videogame about making a Corgi perform stunts is now on Oculus Rift.

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Stunt Corgi VR puts players in command of a rather cute Corgi that is ready to perform a number of crazy stunts all in the name of entertainment. By setting up an obstacle course filled with cannons, hoops of fire, falling anvils and even portals for your Corgi to hop, roll and skateboard through, players can build the ultimate stunt course. Since its initial release back on the HTC Vive two months ago, the team at Studio Roqovan have been hard at work working to improve the title ahead of the Oculus Rift release.

James Chung, CEO of Studio Roqovan commented on the Oculus Rift release by stating: “We’ve been working hard over the last two months to provide updates to the game based on initial player feedback. We’ve added in teleport, improved our stunt designs, given players ways to share levels they’ve created, added auto-save features, and of course, support for the Oculus Rift. We’re committed to providing a fun, welcoming, and creative space for our players to experience.”

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On top of building the best obstacle course for their corgi, players can also play dress up in Stunt Corgi VR by picking from dozens of different outfits and accessories, leading to over 300,000 possible costume combinations. Stunt Corgi VR is available via Steam and the Oculus Store with a launch discount of 33% making the title only $9.99 USD to celebrate the new platform release.

VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham reviewed Stunt Corgi VR saying: “Stunt Corgi is one of those VR titles that’s hard to define. It doesn’t really fit into any category and doesn’t feature any goal as such – for those that like a start and end to their videogames. The experience is missing certain options like movement or being able to manipulate the items – like stretching or shrinking them – but that doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable to play. Stunt Corgi is a videogame you’ll either love and spend hours on or find it amusing for an hour then get bored, the question you need to ask yourself is, how much do you love making corgi’s jump through hoops?”

For more on Stunt Corgi VR in the future keep reading VRFocus.

Keeping a Tight Leash on Studio Roqovan’s Stunt Corgi

Fan of the dog show Crufts? Like watching dogs running around performing all manner of tricks? Well Studio Roqovan, the team behind first-person shooter (FPS) World War Toons has got your back with its second virtual reality (VR) release Stunt Corgi. Naturally VRFocus has taken an interest in the new release and created another gameplay video for our readers to enjoy.

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Announced in December and released for HTC Vive a couple of week’s ago via Steam, Stunt Corgi is a sandbox title where you can build all sorts of obstacle courses for your pet corgi in a roomscale sized garden. With an assortment of over 25 items with which to build some impressive stunts VRFocus had its corgi jumping through fire rings and performing action barrel rolls in no time.

Building courses are one thing, but what’s a good course without some style and bravado. So there’s an extensive closet full of items to accessorize the pooch. Over 100 combinations of skins and clothes are available, a veritable cornucopia of hats, jackets and boots can be worn, giving your corgi that much desired look of a stunt dog. All of these are free, there’s no need to unlock anything, or pay a micro transaction.

Additionally, there’s also the option to share levels through screenshots and video on social media channels like Facebook in an upcoming update.

The gameplay video will showcase all of this and more – at one point the desire to fling the corgi out the garden does occur – as VRFocus demonstrates how not to build an obstacle course.

Review: Stunt Corgi VR

Studio Roqovan certainly has a quirky sense of humour. The virtual reality (VR) developer is well known for its online multiplayer World War Toons on PlayStation VR, a first-person shooter (FPS) that not only features snipers and soldiers but a Yeti and gorilla as selectable characters. So you’d be right in thinking the developers next title might feature more of the same humour and cartoonish design, and it hasn’t disappointed. Rolled out this month for HTC Vive is an experience no one could have guessed, a stunt creation videogame where the star of the show is a corgi dog.

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Yeah that’s right, Stunt Corgi is all about building weird and wacky courses for your pet pooch to run, jump and roll through, as many times as you like. Set in a back garden, all the objects needed to create the courses are instantly available, there’s no need to unlock anything. At your disposal are basic items like ramps, boxes, planks of wood, barrels and more. While an advanced menu holds cannons, teleporters, fans, trampolines and other items. A third menu gives you access to various effects to make the entire show visually impressive, adding fire, a glitter ball, smoke, sirens and other loud, bright actions.

The studio has included a few examples to give you an idea of how things work, then it’s entirely up to you to build something in this sandbox environment. While a first glance this may seem like a videogame for kids, due to the mechanics it tends to be more suited to older players as getting everything just right can be a bit finicky.

Stunt Corgi has been designed to fully use the HTC Vive’s roomscale system so you need to physically walk around to place items. They can be picked up and moved around at distance – even spun with both controllers – but there’s no option for moving them towards or further away, you need to do that with your feet. This is fine if you have a decently sized area to play in, otherwise you may run out of room quickly. Another issue by not having movement options comes when you’ve filled the garden with a complicated course and a particular section needs editing yet there’s stuff in the way, it’s not always practical to walk around it.

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So movement maybe limited, yet the amount you can do isn’t. There’s a decent enough range of items to interact with that you could spend hours and hours on different designs and never create a similar course twice, depending on your imagination. The corgi also has a few tricks up its paw for getting around, each of which you control. Why run from place to place when rolling is much more fun. Or how about jumping fearlessly onto a trampoline after walking up a ramp on hind legs, this corgi does it all.

This all takes place in wonderful cartoon environment that won’t be taxing to any VR-ready PC. Lower specced PC’s may start to struggle once the area is littered with items however, although VRFocus’ GTX 970 seemed to handle everything well.

Stunt Corgi is one of those VR titles that’s hard to define. It doesn’t really fit into any category and doesn’t feature any goal as such – for those that like a start and end to their videogames. The experience is missing certain options like movement or being able to manipulate the items – like stretching or shrinking them – but that doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable to play. Stunt Corgi is a videogame you’ll either love and spend hours on or find it amusing for an hour then get bored, the question you need to ask yourself is, how much do you love making corgi’s jump through hoops?



  • Verdict

HTC Vive: Stunt Corgi VR ab sofort auf Steam erhältlich

Wir kündigten bereits im Dezember das humorvolle VR-Hundespiel Stunt Corgi von Studio Roqovan an, das euch in die Rolle eines Stunt Coordinator für den besten Freund des Menschen versetzt. Euer vierbeiniger Begleiter träumt von einer Karriere als Stuntstar, weshalb ihr zur Kamera greift und einen Parkour für euren Corgi erstellt. Der Indie-Simulations-Titel ist ab sofort für HTC Vive auf Steam erhältlich.

Stunt Corgi für HTC Vive – Mit Stunts und Explosionen zum Hundestar

Ganz frisch ist Stunt Corgi exklusiv für HTC Vive auf Steam erhältlich und erlaubt die Erstellung wahnwitziger Parkours für euren Corgi. Im Sandbox-Stil dürft ihr euren virtuellen Hinterhof mit allerlei Gegenständen und Hindernissen bestücken, die daraufhin von eurem vierbeinigen Freund durchlaufen werden. Von Kanonen über brennende Ringe bis hin zu fallenden Fässertürmen – eurer Kreativität sind kaum Grenzen gesetzt.

Neben der Umgebung könnt ihr ebenso die Choreografie des Hundes bestimmen und durch die Auswahl der unterschiedlichen Parkours für verschiedene Stunts im Durchlauf sorgen. So wird der kleine Hund beispielsweise mit einer Kanone in ein Portal gefeuert, um daraufhin mit einem Skateboard auf der anderen Seite herauszuhüpfen und eine Rampe herunterzufahren. Die Entwickler von World War Toons bleiben ihrer Linie treu und bieten den Spielern auch in Stunt Corgi VR eine Mischung aus Wahnsinn und comichafter Spielfreude an.


Zusätzlich gibt es unzählige Kombinationsmöglichkeiten an Accessoires und Skins, um dem Corgi ein einzigartiges Aussehen zu verpassen. Ob Piratengewand oder Wikinger-Outfit, die Auswahloptionen bieten mehr als 100 verschiedene Variationen an.

Zur Veröffentlichung gibt es derzeit noch einige kleinere Bugs, die den Entwicklern jedoch bereits bekannt sind. Dazu zählen kleinere Audio-, Speicher- wie auch Animationsprobleme. Diese dürften jedoch in kurzer Zeit behoben werden.

Stunt Corgi VR ist für HTC Vive für knapp 15 Euro auf Steam erhältlich.

(Quellen: Stunt Corgi | Video: Studio Roqovan Youtube)

Der Beitrag HTC Vive: Stunt Corgi VR ab sofort auf Steam erhältlich zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

HTC Vive: VR-Hundespiel Stunt Corgi erscheint Januar 2018

Das Studio Roqovan zeigte bereits mit World War Toons, wie man humorvolle Spiele in der virtuellen Realität im Comicstil verpackt. Nun schicken sie die Spieler in ihrem neuesten VR-Titel Stunt Corgi für HTC Vive auf eine wilde Stunt-Reise. Euer Vierbeiner Corgi hat nämlich einen großen Wunsch: ein Superstar in den sozialen Medien zu sein. Dafür müsst ihr einen möglichst spektakulären Parkour basteln, den euer Fellträger anschließend versucht zu meistern – Explosionen und jede Menge Wahnsinn inbegriffen.

Stunt Corgi – VR-Hundeschule für HTC Vive

Dank moderner Medien verschafft nichts so schnell Berühmtheit wie eine Kombination aus süßem Tier, Humor und halsbrecherischen Situationen. Nach diesem Erfolgsrezept versucht ihr in Stunt Corgi eurem vierbeinigen Freund den Wunsch zu erfüllen, ein Star zu werden. Ihr baut also einen actionlastigen Parkour für euren Corgi, um das Ganze letztlich mit der Kamera festzuhalten.


Um den Parkour zu erstellen, stehen euch 25 Gegenstände zur Verfügung. Von brennenden Reifen, die es zu durchspringen gilt, über rollende Fässer bis hin zu riesigen Rampen könnt ihr alles Mögliche einbauen, um das spektakulärste Video zu erhaschen. Zudem dürft ihr die Choreografien und Bewegungen eures Hundes während des Durchgangs festlegen. Dabei verläuft der Stunt dank Eigenwilligkeiten eures womöglich zukünftigen Stars sowie nicht voraussehbarer Kleinigkeiten nie ganz nach Plan.


Außerdem könnt ihr  Corgi mit verschiedenen Hüten, Brillen und Kostümen nach eigenem Belieben ankleiden. Mit mehr als hundert verschiedenen Kombinationen bestehend aus Accessoires und Skins sollte für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei sein.

In einem zukünftigen Update möchten die Entwickler zudem die Option einbauen, eure Screenshots und Videoaufnahmen direkt per Social-Media-Kanäle zu teilen. Vielleicht werden sie dort dann tatsächlich ein Hit?

Stunt Corgi soll am 15. Januar 2018 auf Steam für HTC Vive erscheinen, ein Preis steht noch nicht fest.

(Quellen: Stunt Corgi | Video: Studio Roqvan Youtube)

Der Beitrag HTC Vive: VR-Hundespiel Stunt Corgi erscheint Januar 2018 zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Studio Roqovan’s Latest VR Experience Takes you into the World of Corgi Stunt Training

Studio Roqovan’s first virtual reality (VR) title World War Toons for PlayStation VR showcased a quirky side to the studio, creating a title that was based on factual events and designs, only with a lighthearted cartoon twist. So it not too surprising that the studio has kept that comedic inspiration but turning its attention away from first-person shooters (FPS) to something far more unique in VR, dog training.

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The name says it all, Stunt Corgi, where you have a rather adventurous pet who enjoys performing stunts. In this sandbox experience, you will have the opportunity to create the ultimate stunt course for your corgi to complete. With over 25 props to play with you’ll have your corgi jumping through fire rings and performing action barrel rolls in no time, with plenty of options to create the most daring of courses.

On top of creating all manner of stunt courses players will be able to unlock an extensive closet full of items to deck out their pet corgi. Whether that’s a fetching cape, glasses, and even an Evel Knievel inspired outfit are available to make each corgi one of a kind, with 100+ combinations available. Players will also be able to share their levels through screenshots and video on social media channels like Facebook in an upcoming update.

Studio Roqovan’s most recent release was a cut down version of its FPS, World War Toons: Tanks Up for Samsung Gear VR, which arrived back in September. This puts you in command of a WWII tank as you fight of waves of Axis enemies trying to destroy you. As for World War Toons itself, nothing has been released concerning the title since a winter skins update in July. More notable is the lack of information regarding a PC-version, as a call for sign-ups was released back in April and still listed on the website.

Stunt Corgi is scheduled to release on 15th January, 2018 for HTC Vive through Steam. VRFocus will continue its coverage of Studio Roqovan, reporting back with the latest updates and announcements.