Watch Stargate Origins in BigScreen VR This Weekend

Virtual reality (VR) movie theatre platform Bigscreen has announced its next movie night showing will be Stargate Origins.

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Bigscreen released back in 2016 for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive and has quickly grown to be a must have app for any VR user. By allowing people to enter a virtual movie theater, Bigscreen has brought the experience of going out to see a film into virtual space and created a social platform. Users can create their own rooms to invite friends into and sit back to enjoy a good film or show together in VR. Thanks to the Big Rooms Update last month users can now even make rooms that support up to 12 users at the same time.

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The Stargate Origins showing will allow users to watch the first two episodes of the series along with some behind-the-scenes content and trailers. Showtimes will start every 30 minutes from 6PM Eastern on Thursday 8th March, until 3AM Eastern on Sunday 11th March. There is no need to sign-up or purchase a ticket for the showing as anyone is able to jump into Bigscreen and join in. Take note that the showing of Stargate Origins will only be available in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, and Australia. Additionally, only those running Windows 10 will be able to partake in the screening as well.

Of course a supported VR headset is required as well meaning you will need an Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, all SteamVR-compatible headsets and all Windows Mixed Reality (MR) headsets. The Bigscreen application is available for free via the Oculus Store, Steam and the Microsoft Store.

For those who cannot make the showing you will be able to watch all of Stargate Origins and Stargate Command via video on demand (VOD) within Bigscreen. There is currently work be done to provide regular, weekly content in 2018 which will include both paid and free screenings of movies, TV shows and video content. This is being done thanks to Bigscreen’s work with studios like MGM and Paramount Pictures to ensure that users will have access to a wide range of 2D and 3D content. Back in December of last year Bigscreen had a showing of Top Gun 3D as well, which gives you an idea of the sort of content they are hoping to provide more often.

VRFocus will bring you more updates on this in the future so stay tuned for more.

‘Bigscreen’ Free Screenings of ‘Stargate Origins’ Start Today, Check Showtimes Here

Bigscreen, the social VR app that lets you mirror your desktop to a massive movie screen, has partnered with MGM to bring the first two episodes of Stargate Origins for free to the platform for some limited-time showings. The Stargate Origins showing follows a successful communal watching of Paramount Picture’s 3D version of Top Gun (1986) back in December that Bigscreen CEO Darshan Shankar says attracted nearly 10,000 people.

The showings coincide with the three-episode Stargate Origins finale event coming today, March 8th. Besides showing the first two episodes of the series, there will also be some “exciting bonus content,” for Bigscreen viewers.

image courtesy Bigscreen

Showtimes begin every 30 minutes starting at 6PM Eastern (local time) on Thursday March 8th, and go until 3AM Eastern (local time) on Sunday March 11th. Showings of Stargate Origin are free, although only users in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand will be able to join in – no doubt an issue with licensing.

No ticket or sign-up is required, simply download Bigscreen from the Oculus Store, Steam, or the Microsoft Store. Bigscreen offers cross-compatibility between Oculus Rift, HTC Vive,all Windows “Mixed Reality” VR headsets, and other SteamVR-compatible headsets.

If you’re looking to squeeze in a few extra episodes outside of the official viewing, you might want to ask around to see if there’s anyone signed up to the Stargate Command subscription service, as you can cast anything and everything your monitor can display to your own instance of a virtual movie theater.

This month’s communal showings follows a recent update to Bigscreen that includes new environments and a new 12-player per room limit.

The post ‘Bigscreen’ Free Screenings of ‘Stargate Origins’ Start Today, Check Showtimes Here appeared first on Road to VR.

Bigscreen: Stargate Origins Filmnächte vom 8. bis 11. März

Werbung für Virtual Reality Hygiene

Bigscreen veranstaltet in Kooperation mit MGM Studios vom 8. bis zum 11. März 2018 Filmnächte und zeigt dabei Folgen von Stargate Origins. In diesem Zeitraum können virtuelle Kinogänger die ersten beiden Episoden der Sci-Fi-Webserie auf einer Kinoleinwand in der virtuellen Welt gemeinsam mit anderen Gästen betrachten. Zusätzlich gibt es diversen Behind-the-Scenes-Content und verschiedene Trailer.

Bigscreen – Virtuelle Filmnacht mit Stargate Origins

Bigscreen entwickelte sich dank diversen Updates von einer einfachen App zum Übertragen von Bildschirminhalten in die VR zum Social Hub für Film und Serienfreunde. Seit dem Cinema Update dürfen die VR-Nutzer in einem virtuellen Kinosaal Platz nehmen und gemeinsam mit Freunden und Bekannten ihre Lieblingstitel ansehen. Das letzte Update führte dann noch größere Räume und die Möglichkeit hinzu, mit bis zwölf Personen gleichzeitig beispielsweise einen Film zu sehen.

Ende Dezember präsentierten die Entwickler bereits Topgun in einer VR-Filmnacht, allerdings war der Film nicht bei uns zu sehen. Stargate Origins wird hingegen auch hierzulande in Bigscreen aufgeführt. Ab heute werden im 30-Minuten-Takt die ersten beiden Episoden der Webserie in den virtuellen Kinos mit diversem Bonusmaterial wie Behind-the-Scenes zu sehen sein. Für VR-Nutzer in Deutschland, England, Kanada, Neuseeland, Australien und Amerika werden entsprechende Kinosäle bereitgestellt.


Die Spin-off-Serie wird seit 2018 ausgestrahlt und setzt Catherine Langford, die Tochter des Archäologen Paul Langford, in den Mittelpunkt der Geschichte. Ihr Vater entdeckte im Jahr 1928 in Ägypten ein mysteriöses Portal entdeckt, das in der Lage ist, Menschen in eine andere Welt zu befördern. Die Tochter beginnt, die Geheimnisse hinter dem Fund zu erforschen und muss dabei die Erde vor einem drohenden Untergang bewahren.

Wer Interesse an weiteren Teil der Stargate-Serie hat, kann sich auf Stargate Command anmelden und sämtliche Episoden in seinem eigenen virtuellen Raum in der App betrachten oder klassisch in der Realität verfolgen.

Die Stargate Origins-Filmnacht findet vom 8. bis zum 11. März kostenlos in bereitgestellten Bigscreen-Räumen statt. Die VR-App ist ebenfalls gratis und auf Steam, im Oculus Store und im Microsoft Store für alle gängigen VR-Brillen erhältlich. Eine Umsetzung für PlayStation VR (PSVR) und mobile Brillen ist zwar angekündigt, aber noch nicht erschienen.

(Quellen: Bigscreen | Video: Bigscreen Youtube)

Der Beitrag Bigscreen: Stargate Origins Filmnächte vom 8. bis 11. März zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Bigscreen To Host Stargate Origins Screenings In VR This Week

Bigscreen To Host Stargate Origins Screenings In VR This Week

Following the success of its Top Gun-focused screening late last year, Bigscreen is back with another major piece of entertainment, but this time it’s in the form of a TV show. Starting tomorrow March 8th at 3PM PT and running every half hour, Bigscreen will host screenings of Stargate Origins episodes, behind-the-scenes content, and trailers.

The screenings will conclude at 12AM PT Sunday, March 11th.

Stargate Origins is a new TV series based on the 1994 film, Stargate, and was first announced at last year’s San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) as a prequel series for MGM’s Stargate Command subscription service. The first three episodes premiered last month and will likely be the focus of this screening.

Bigscreen is a VR app that lets users gather together to watch movies and videos (such as in this case) and also stream their entire desktop PCs to shared VR environments for virtual co-working spaces, virtual LAN parties, and more.

The last time Bigscreen had a major screening in VR with Top Gun, most people stayed around to watch at least a full hour of the movie, which is a pretty long time for continuous VR usage. Stargate Origins episodes are much shorter than a feature length film, so you can break up your veiewing across the entire weekend if you want.

In order to watch the show all you’ve got to do is show up — no purchase required. The streams will be available to viewers in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand. If you’re interested, you can get Bigscreen on Steam, Oculus Home, or the Microsoft Store.

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