Virus Popper Offers Clean Educational Gameplay Focused on Hygiene

Educators the world over understand that to get through to youngsters, sitting them in front of a book to read hoping the information soaks in isn’t enough. Whether young or old, if the content you’re consuming is engaging and interesting then you’re more than likely to retain the information and hopefully seek out more. With the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic one of the most important lessons people need to learn is hygiene and washing their hands properly. So Starcade Arcade has created a virtual reality (VR) experience to do just that, Virus Popper.

Virus PopperThe premise is simple, wash your hands and then start popping the incoming viruses using a range of household items, gaining a score along the way as well as building a multiplier. Get hit by a virus and the multiplier resets, get hit by too many and it’s game over.

As the viruses fly in, building in number you can grab hold of disinfectant sprays, floor mops and toilet scrubbers to destroy the little green viruses. Each particular item can only be used a select number of items, after which they disappear and you have to grab another one when ready. Virus Popper even jokes about the public panic buying of toilet roll as the viruses attach to the rolls so you have to throw them away.

Another important aspect is to not touch your face. It’s an action most people do numerous times a day without even thinking about it, yet that can be one of the main ways COVID-19 gets from a surface onto your hands and then into your system. So Virus Popper will penalise you for this action.

Virus PopperThe core gameplay loop is just a few minutes of fun but if you’ve got a couple of kids stuck indoors, climbing the walls because of the lockdown then Virus Popper is entertaining enough. Plus they can challenge each other for the highscore.

Virus Popper’s main draw isn’t in the gameplay, more its message and the washing of hands at the very start. You can’t start until both hands have soap on them, followed by washing them under the water for 20 seconds. Now you may assume this is basic knowledge but it’s the time which is critical. Have you ever counted to 20 whilst washing your hands, it can be longer than you think? There’s a handy timer which lets you know when to stop, warning you if you’ve not done anything correctly.

It’s this sort of content which youngsters can easily grasp and find appealing, instilling a sense of hygiene without being forceful. Another big benefit is the fact that Virus Popper is free to play via Steam when it launches on 9th April, so if you’ve got a compatible PC VR headset there’s no excuse to download and give it a try for five minutes, you might learn something. Educational VR is one of the best use cases for the technology, with Virus Popper a simple yet effective example.

Virus Popper Is An Educational VR Game About Personal Hygiene To Help Combat COVID-19

Washing your hands is important; so important, in fact, we’ve even got games about it now. Virus Popper is a free educational VR game about personal hygiene that teaches players the value of hand washing, social distancing, and the danger of viral infections.

Virus Popper was created by a two-person development team as VR For Good project, led by Alexander Clark and published by Starcade Arcade. The game will release for free on April 9th on the Oculus Home Store, Steam, and Viveport.

At the start of the game before the action starts, you’ve actually got to wash your hands, virtually, in the game for at least 20 seconds with soap. During the game the goal is to defend yourself from virus orbs flowing toward you by blasting them with cleaning spray, toilet brushes, mops, and more.

Hopefully this will help build strong habits. Other novel implementations of personal hygiene best practices (and the COVID-19 pandemic) include NPCs coughing into their elbows instead of their hands or into the air, the robot companion, Proxi, measuring distances to ensure aliens are at least 6-ft apart, and increasing the chance of your character getting infected if you ever touch your face.

There are also rolls of toilet paper to stack, but it does absolutely nothing to help. Well played.

Even though Virus Popper is positioned as an educational game it should be stated that this is not officially endorsed by the CDC, WHO, or any other official organization as a means of accurate education for hygiene and cleanliness to combat COVID-19. But, the core of it is about washing hands and avoiding touching your face — both things the CDC, WHO, and everyone else agree are smart to do.

For more on Virus Popper, check out the game’s Steam page.

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