‘Star Wars: Squadrons’ Review – The New Top Gun of VR Dogfighters

Star Wars: Squadrons is here, the space dogfighter from EA’s Motive Studios. Although it was created primarily for console and PC, the game also includes a VR mode for SteamVR headsets and PSVR which allows you to play both the entire single player campaign and multiplayer component from the immersive first-person view of your VR headset. While it lacks a few of the things we’ve come to expect from a game built from the ground up for VR, it makes up for these design concessions by delivering an awesome full-length campaign, a serviceable multiplayer mode, and graphics so refined that you’d swear you were truly stepping inside the Star Wars universe.

Star Wars: Squadrons Details:

Available On: SteamVR (Steam, Epic Games, Origin), PSVR
Release Date: October 2nd, 2020
Price: $40
Developer: Motive Studios, EA Games
Reviewed On: Quest (via Link), Oculus Rift


It seemed like yesterday when the whole VR community was hyped for the release of Star Wars: Battlefront Rogue One X-Wing VR Mission (2016). It was a modest free DLC to the base game on PS4, but it symbolized a beginning commitment by EA Games to people somewhere in the middle of the Venn diagram of Star Wars fans and VR enthusiasts. Years have passed, and it wasn’t clear whether the studio would make good on its tantalizing first glance at VR.

But now Star Wars: Squadrons is here, and it’s easy to imagine what a big budget—I mean a truly massive budget—can bring to the table in terms of visual polish, voice acting, writing, and just about everything that’s missing in VR now. Despite having dipped their collective toes into the medium early on, EA is a relative newcomer to the scene when it comes to VR games, so I wasn’t sure what to expect going into the VR mode of Star Wars: Squadrons.

Image courtesy EA Motive

I’m here to say: Star Wars: Squadrons is awesome…with a few caveats—minor design gripes that you will probably forgive in the face of the game’s immersive, fully-realized cockpits of the franchise’s most beloved fighter ships, the well-crafted story missions that toss you from Empire to New Republic across 14 levels, and the ranked multiplayer mode that will have you battling anyone with the game, console, PC, and VR headset alike.

Single Player

Booting up in VR is unfortunately a bit of a pain, requiring you to start from outside the headset in order to toggle on the VR mode in settings. You’ll need to forget your motion controllers entirely too, because the only control schemes are keyboard and mouse (on PC), gamepad, and HOTAS flight sticks. I played with my Xbox One controller, although the game is really begging for a HOTAS setup for full immersion. I don’t own one, but even then Squadrons was a joy to play. It’s also exceptionally hard if you’re up for the challenge. More on that below.

Image captured by Road to VR

You’re first kicked into the mandatory Prologue, which gives you some a really basic tutorial on flying and shooting, and also sort of lures you into the single player campaign too where you’ll get a more complete look at what each of the game’s ships have to offer. Don’t be mistaken though, the single player mode isn’t a glorified tutorial like you might have seen in other games, but rather a full eight-hour experience that features a cast of characters on both sides of a galactic game of cat and mouse.

Image courtesy EA Motive

I won’t spoil anything here, but suffice it to say that the story mode is definitely worth playing all the way through, which can be done on four difficulty modes: Story Mode (practically impossible to die), Pilot, Veteran and Ace. The story mode includes a few familiar faces, and and some new ones too. Without reservation, I can say Squadron’s puts some of the new films to shame in terms of writing quality and character development, and that’s even on the ancillary characters who are just along for the ride, who you meet back at the hangars for one-way chats.

Image courtesy EA Motive

Throughout the story, you’re introduced to all of the game’s ships, which include a cast of TIE fighters and bombers on the Empire side, and an assortment of iconic rebel fighters on the New Republic side. About halfway through you’re then given mostly free reign on what ship you want to take and what loadout you want to equip it with.

The UI can be really overwhelming at moments, as you’re fed multiple streams of info, from tutorial info on how to use new weapons, to enemy icons, to selector switches that let you reprioritize your level of speed, firepower, and shields. If you ever find yourself dying too much and being overwhelmed, you can always kick down the difficulty level, which predictably makes enemies both dumber and easier to kill. Story Mode still requires effort, but enemy lasers are less effective, and your teammates rain heals down on you.

Image courtesy EA Motive

Flying is a familiar experience for anyone who’s played arcade space sims before, although you’ll still probably need some time to get used to each ships’ turning abilities and loadout array. I found myself constantly switching back to the controller menu to bone up on button placement due to the number of weapons, shields, and other functions you can do in the game.


Multiplayer offers ranked matches that divide you into one of four classes: Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber, and Support, all of which are pretty self explanatory for anyone who’s played a modern team shooter. It’s still early days, so you’re likely to find a wide mix of player levels as soon as you boot into multiplayer. Team chat is automatically enabled so you can strategize with other players across multiple mission types, including team death match called ‘Dogfights’ and ‘Fleet Battles’, which include attack and defend on each team’s Capital Ships.

Image courtesy EA Motive

I found myself flashing back to EVE: Valkyrie (2017) somewhat, as the game’s multiplayer is very similar, offering up your standard set of various asteroid fields dotted with pickups like repair modules. If you’re totally content with those two modes, you may be completely happy with multiplayer, although I would have liked to see more game modes to mix things up. Suffice it to say, you’ll never run into a bot since there’s gads of players across Xbox, PS4 and PC. I still think multiplayer will need bigger and better modes to keep people coming back for more.

I’m not great, but I also had the chance to play the campaign all the way through, something that helped me gain familiarity with the ships systems, like boosting firepower on the fly and then escaping with quickly with boosted engine power. I’m not certain I had a leg up on console/PC players though, as the ships FOV is naturally limited and it’s easier to get overwhelmed with the sheer amount of info flying at you left, right and center.

Thankfully there’s no pay-to-win component here; the only thing available are ship and avatar skins which you gain as you level up.

'Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge' Coming to Quest This Holiday Season, Trailer Here


One of my biggest complaints is the lack of motion controller support. Looking at the finely-tuned interior of the ships really calls out for more immersion, and a greater ability to flip switches and mess with targeting computers. I get why it isn’t, partly because it would kill the fast-pace nature of the game, but it’s still something you’d expect from a VR game nowadays.

Image courtesy EA Motive

Still, I can’t overstate just how pretty the game looks. On Oculus Quest (via Link) I ran into constant frame drops and tracking hitches with my GTX 1080, which is above the game’s minimum spec of GTX 1060. Still, this probably had more to do with system-level encoding for Link and not the game itself. Booting up with Rift immediately showed that the game ran smoothly on high settings, which showed off the game’s shadows, dynamic lighting, surface reflections, and massive galactic scale in all its sci-fi glory. EA could have easily dumbed down both the ships’ interiors and exteriors, but the level of detail everywhere is astounding to see in VR.

Cutscenes are all presented in a curved 2D display, which is a bit of a letdown, but I can understand why the studio kept them this way. Still, you’re not losing out on too much, as you’re also given the opportunity to teleport around the hangar and visit crew members, all of whom have unique personalities and dialogue about the results of missions.

Image courtesy EA Motive

Talking with crew members isn’t interactive, like you might see in an RPG, but the fine attention to detail with character mocap, textures, and cloth simulation are all top notch. Characters very nearly push to the other side of the uncanny valley, which is further enhanced in VR since you’re looking at the characters face-to-face. Voice acting is also stupendous, which anyone would be able to appreciate across the board, however it’s a pity players on flatscreen can’t appreciate the game’s characters like you can in VR.

In any case, the test of a VR mode is whether you would stay in VR, or just play it out on flatscreen. If you’ve read this far, you’ll probably know my answer is a resounding yes.

'Star Wars: Squadrons' VR FAQ – Supported Headsets, Comfort Settings, Min Specs & More


I’ve definitely had a hard time with VR dogfighters in the past due to the tight turning and loop-de-loops that are necessary to get a bead on enemy ships. In general, a cockpit helps stave off nausea thanks to the continual reference point, although I’ve definitely pushed past my comfort level in the pursuit of keeping up with the competition.

The game’s cockpits are heavy and typically pretty enclosed. The worst offender is the TIE fighter, which can be construed as a good or bad thing depending on your comfort level. It’s good because the ship’s tiny front-facing window limits you field of view for more comfort, but it also kills you peripheral, making you depend more on instruments and UI to pursue enemies. I don’t think the developers could do much about this since the TIE fighter is engrained in the universe’s lore since the late ’70s.

Image courtesy Motive

Even the comparatively open X-wing offers plenty of metal to keep you grounded in your flying cage though. Motive does a few other things to mitigate this though by adding in heaps of particle effects to give you more of a grounding in the wide open spaces, something you really shouldn’t underestimate for user comfort. In all, I played for hours at a time with no effect across all of the game’s ships, and I’ve had issue in the past with EVE: Valkyrie.

Outside of the cockpit back at base, you can teleport around to specific nodes to hear character dialogue. Snap-turn is there, but if you have a swivel chair or a working neck, you probably won’t need it.

The post ‘Star Wars: Squadrons’ Review – The New Top Gun of VR Dogfighters appeared first on Road to VR.

Star Wars: Squadrons VR Multiplayer Gameplay Livestream With Flight Stick

For today’s livestream we’re playing multiplayer in Star Wars: Squadrons, a AAA immersive space combat game from EA Motive! If you’re curious about how we livestream the way we do then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup.

In case you missed it yesterday, our review-in-progress published for Star Wars: Squadrons, including impressions on the story mode, gameplay, and VR support. We’ll update it with a finalized score once we finish the story and spend time with the multiplayer modes this weekend. Speaking of, now that the game’s out, we can dive in for some multiplayer right now! We may be joined by some other Upload staff on the stream as well.

Our Star Wars: Squadrons livestream is planned to start at about 10:30 AM PT today and will last for around an hour or two so, give or take. We’ll be hitting just our YouTube and I’ll be streaming from an Oculus Quest via Link using a T.16000M flight stick. I’m flying mostly solo on this one and will pin chat inside my cockpit to keep an eye on things.


Star Wars: Squadrons VR Multiplayer Livestream

Check out the Star Wars: Squadrons stream embedded right here and down below once live:

You can see lots of our past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist or even all livestreams here on UploadVR and various other gameplay highlights. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe to us on YouTube to stay up-to-date on gameplay videos, video reviews, live talk shows, interviews, and more original content!

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely. Let’s get ready to go!

‘Star Wars: Squadrons’ VR FAQ – Supported Headsets, Comfort Settings, Min Specs & More

Star Wars: Squadrons is almost here and will bring with it optional support for a wide range of VR headsets. This article brings together many of the VR specific details about the game, like which headsets are supported, what comfort settings are available, and what the minimum and recommended specs are if you’re playing in VR.

Launching this week on October 2nd, Star Wars: Squadrons is a space dogfighting game with a single player story and 5v5 multiplayer modes. The entirety of the game is optionally playable in VR, if you’ve got the right system.

Which VR Headsets Does Star Wars: Squadrons Support?

Platform VR Support SteamVR/OpenVR Support Native Oculus Support
EA Origin (PC) Yes Yes
(Index, Vive, WMR, Rift S, Rift, Quest via Link, etc)
(Rift S, Rift, Quest via Link)
Steam (PC) Yes Yes
(Index, Vive, WMR, Rift S, Rift, Quest via Link, etc)
Epic Games Store (PC) Unconfirmed Unconfirmed Unconfirmed
PlayStation 4 Yes
× ×
Xbox One No × ×

* we’re waiting to hear back from EA Motive for official confirmation on VR support on these details

Can You Play Star Wars: Squadrons on Oculus Quest?

Oculus Quest itself does not support Star Wars: Squadrons. However, if you have a VR-capable PC, you can plug your Quest into your PC via a USB 3 cable to play PC content, including Star Wars: Squadrons (this is known as Oculus Link). If you don’t already have a long USB 3 cable, here’s our affordable recommendation for an Oculus Link cable.

See the section below to find out if your PC meets the requirements for Star Wars: Squadrons in VR.

What Are the Minimum Specs for Star Wars: Squadrons VR and Recommend Hardware Requirements?

If you’re playing Star Wars: Squadrons with a VR headset, these are the official minimum and recommended specs:

Minimum (for VR) Recommended (for VR)
Operating System Windows 10
Processor Ryzen 3 1300X / Core-i5 6600k Ryzen 7 2700X / Core-i7 7700
GPU Radeon RX 480 / GeForce GTX 1060
Radeon RX 570 / GeForce GTX 1070
Storage 40GB

Does Star Wars: Squadrons Support VR Motion Controls? What Flight Sticks Are Supported?

Image courtesy EA Motive

Unfortunately Star Wars: Squadrons does not support VR motion controllers like Oculus Touch, Valve Index controllers, Vive wands, or PS Move. Motion controllers also cannot be used simply as a gamepad to control the game.

Star Wars: Squadrons supports keyboard & mouse, gamepad, and HOTAS (flight sticks). EA Motive says it has tested the game with the following flight sticks (though a broader range may be compatible):

  • Saitek X52
  • Saitek X-55 Rhino
  • Thrustmaster T16000M
  • Logitech Extreme 3D Pro
  • Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas One (Xbox One)
  • Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas 4 (PS4)

What VR Comfort Options Are Available in Star Wars: Squadrons?

Image courtesy EA Motive

Star Wars: Squadrons is designed to be played seated and doesn’t have any locomotion beyond flying your ship around. Some cinematic sequences will have the player outside of their ship however. The following VR comfort options are available in Star Wars: Squadrons:

  • Smooth turn / Snap Turn
  • Snap turn angle setting (30 degrees by default)
  • FOV Filter (peripheral blinders) while turning
  • FOV Filter (peripheral blinders) strength

How to Enable VR in Star Wars: Squadrons

Since Squadrons is a VR-optional game, it may not show in your headset by default. To enable VR in Star Wars: Squadrons first launch your VR headset software (ie: Oculus desktop application or SteamVR).

After launching the game, open the in-game Settings and find the ‘Toggle VR’ option. This will transfer the game to your headset (you may need to hit a confirmation dialogue in your headset within a limited amount of time to prevent the game from reverting to your monitor).

Does Star Wars: Squadrons Support Cross-play between VR Headsets, non-VR, and Platforms?

Image courtesy EA Motive

Yes, Star Wars: Squadrons supports cross-play multiplayer between all platforms that the game is available on. You can play with your friends no matter which platform they’re playing on or which headset they’re using. VR and non-VR players also play together by default.

Can You Play Star Wars: Squadrons Without a HUD?

Image courtesy EA Motive

Yes although the game as a HUD, you can optionally disable it and rely purely on the in-cockpit instrumentation for maximum immersion.

Got more questions? Let us know in the comments below and we’ll track down the answers.

The post ‘Star Wars: Squadrons’ VR FAQ – Supported Headsets, Comfort Settings, Min Specs & More appeared first on Road to VR.

Star Wars: Squadrons VR Pre-Launch Gameplay Livestream With Flight Stick

For today’s livestream we’re playing Star Wars: Squadrons, a AAA immersive space combat game from EA Motive! If you’re curious about how we livestream the way we do then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup.

In case you missed it earlier this morning, our review-in-progress published for Star Wars: Squadrons, including impressions on the story mode, gameplay, and VR support. We’ll update it with a finalized score once we finish the story and spend time with the multiplayer modes this weekend. Let’s just say I kind of love it so far.

Our Star Wars: Squadrons livestream is planned to start at about 10:45 AM PT today and will last for around an hour or two so, give or take. We’ll be hitting just our YouTube and I’ll be streaming from an Oculus Quest via Link using a T.16000M flight stick. I’m flying solo on this one and will pin chat inside my cockpit to keep an eye on things.


Star Wars: Squadrons VR Livestream

Check out the Star Wars: Squadrons stream embedded right here and down below once live:

You can see lots of our past archived streams over in our YouTube playlist or even all livestreams here on UploadVR and various other gameplay highlights. There’s lots of good stuff there so make sure and subscribe to us on YouTube to stay up-to-date on gameplay videos, video reviews, live talk shows, interviews, and more original content!

And please let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next! We have lots of VR games in the queue that we would love to show off more completely. Let’s get ready to go!

New VR Games October 2020: All The Biggest Releases

What are the biggest new VR games for October 2020? Find out in this month’s full rundown!

We know, we know, there are two things on your mind this month: X-Wings and standalones. Star Wars: Squadrons and the Oculus Quest 2 combine to make this arguably VR’s biggest month yet, but there’s plenty more to look forward to this month. Let’s dive in.

New VR Games October 2020

Star Wars: Squadrons (October 2nd)
EA Motive – PC VR, PSVR

If there were any VR game that might ever be able to steal a bit of Quest 2’s spotlight this month, it’s this. Squadrons will fulfill many a dream when it lets us take part in multiplayer space battles in X-Wings and TIE Fighters later this week.

Blaston (October 8th)
Resolution Games – Quest, Quest 2

Tense VR showdowns are the highlight of Resolution Games’ latest Quest experience. Two players will need the fastest fingers, heads and torsos if they’re to avoid the other’s hail of bullets while trying to gun them down.

Oculus Quest 2 (October 13th)

Here’s the big one. Facebook’s latest standalone VR headset arrives, bringing with it improved resolution, more horsepower and a lighter, more comfortable design, all starting at $299. Expect launch games aplenty.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners (October 13th)
Skydance Interactive – Quest, Quest 2

Somehow Skydance Interactive has managed to fit one of the year’s best VR games onto Quest and Quest 2. How does it hold up? Find out when Saints & Sinners makes its long-awaited debut on the standalone headsets.

Little Witch Academia: VR Broom Racing (October 13th)
UNIVRS – Quest

Little Witch Academia gets its own VR game! Shoot through the sky on your broom and interact with the series’ colorful cast of characters.

Rez Infinite (October 13th)
Enhance Games – Quest

A beloved classic gets its long-awaited Quest treatment. Rez is a relaxing on-rails shooter with pulsating visuals that utterly astound you.

Space Channel 5: Kinda Funky News Flash! (October 13th)
Grounding – Quest

Another Japanese hit comes to VR. Space Channel 5 is a dancing game in which you move to the beat to take down evil aliens.

Beat Saber Multiplayer (October 13th)
Beat Games – Quest, PSVR, PC VR

Beat Saber’s brand new Multiplayer update will be coming to all its platforms – including Quest 2 – where you and 4 friends tackle any of the game’s tracks together.

Kizuna Ai

Another Japanese favorite here – Kizuna Ai Touch The Beat is a glowstick-waving idol-adoring simulator.

AGOS: A Game Of Space (October 28th)
Ubisoft – PC VR

An intriguing and atmospheric space exploration game, AGOS has you piloting a ship through star systems, analyzing deep space and assembling upgrades. This one was surprise-announced in September and we haven’t seen much about it since, so there’s still a lot to learn.

What do you make of the new VR games October 2020 list? Let us know in the comments below and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more coverage.

New VR Games October 2020: All The Biggest Releases

What are the biggest new VR games for October 2020? Find out in this month’s full rundown!

We know, we know, there are two things on your mind this month: X-Wings and standalones. Star Wars: Squadrons and the Oculus Quest 2 combine to make this arguably VR’s biggest month yet, but there’s plenty more to look forward to this month. Let’s dive in.

New VR Games October 2020

Star Wars: Squadrons (October 2nd)
EA Motive – PC VR, PSVR

If there were any VR game that might ever be able to steal a bit of Quest 2’s spotlight this month, it’s this. Squadrons will fulfill many a dream when it lets us take part in multiplayer space battles in X-Wings and TIE Fighters later this week.

Blaston (October 8th)
Resolution Games – Quest, Quest 2

Tense VR showdowns are the highlight of Resolution Games’ latest Quest experience. Two players will need the fastest fingers, heads and torsos if they’re to avoid the other’s hail of bullets while trying to gun them down.

Oculus Quest 2 (October 13th)

Here’s the big one. Facebook’s latest standalone VR headset arrives, bringing with it improved resolution, more horsepower and a lighter, more comfortable design, all starting at $299. Expect launch games aplenty.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners (October 13th)
Skydance Interactive – Quest, Quest 2

Somehow Skydance Interactive has managed to fit one of the year’s best VR games onto Quest and Quest 2. How does it hold up? Find out when Saints & Sinners makes its long-awaited debut on the standalone headsets.

Little Witch Academia: VR Broom Racing (October 13th)
UNIVRS – Quest

Little Witch Academia gets its own VR game! Shoot through the sky on your broom and interact with the series’ colorful cast of characters.

Rez Infinite (October 13th)
Enhance Games – Quest

A beloved classic gets its long-awaited Quest treatment. Rez is a relaxing on-rails shooter with pulsating visuals that utterly astound you.

Space Channel 5: Kinda Funky News Flash! (October 13th)
Grounding – Quest

Another Japanese hit comes to VR. Space Channel 5 is a dancing game in which you move to the beat to take down evil aliens.

Beat Saber Multiplayer (October 13th)
Beat Games – Quest, PSVR, PC VR

Beat Saber’s brand new Multiplayer update will be coming to all its platforms – including Quest 2 – where you and 4 friends tackle any of the game’s tracks together.

Kizuna Ai

Another Japanese favorite here – Kizuna Ai Touch The Beat is a glowstick-waving idol-adoring simulator.

AGOS: A Game Of Space (October 28th)
Ubisoft – PC VR

An intriguing and atmospheric space exploration game, AGOS has you piloting a ship through star systems, analyzing deep space and assembling upgrades. This one was surprise-announced in September and we haven’t seen much about it since, so there’s still a lot to learn.

What do you make of the new VR games October 2020 list? Let us know in the comments below and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more coverage.

Star Wars: Squadrons VR Review – The Galaxy’s Finest Space Combat

Star Wars: Squadrons is finally here and it absolutely delivers. From the incredible set piece moments, excellent new characters, and fantastic VR space combat, this is an adrenaline-fueled blast in the galaxy far, far away that you won’t want to miss. Here’s our Star Wars: Squadrons VR review with all the details!

I don’t typically play space combat games, space sims, flight sims, or any of that sort of stuff. Furthermore, I’ve never played a game with a flight stick for more than just an hour or two to test things out. All of that changed with Star Wars: Squadrons.

From the very first moment I booted it up I played the entire game with a VR headset and flight stick, specifically the Thrustmaster T.16000M HOTAS, and it was so good — so authentic even — I don’t really want to play it any other way. I’ve tried keyboard and mouse and gamepad too, both get the job done and it really feels great with a gamepad for my tastes, but I surprisingly prefer the flight stick or full HOTAS instead. For a game that’s designed for VR and non-VR across PC and consoles with cross-play on everything, this is perhaps the best compliment I can give: it feels made for VR. And from what we’ve heard, it basically was from the very start.

Star Wars: Squadrons Story Mode

In Star Wars: Squadrons the story shows both perspectives and bounces back and forth between the Galactic Empire and New Republic. The Prologue is split into two parts, introducing both sides, immediately after Alderaan is destroyed during the events of A New Hope. Then it fast-forwards a few years and the rest of the game takes place after Return of the Jedi in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor.

Right at the start of the game you get to customize each of your pilots down to their face, voice, and name. I wasn’t expecting this considering you don’t really see them much, but these are the same avatars you’ll use in multiplayer so getting ownership of your identity across the game for both the Republic and Empire is a great touch.

The entirety of Squadrons takes place from a first-person perspective whether you’re talking to crewmates in the hangar or flying your starfighter during a mission; it’s a big reason why the VR support feels so natural. The only times the camera is not inside of your face are during the cutscenes that take place before and after missions.

For these moments, when the camera is sweeping across your squadron or zooming in on characters while they fly, you see a rectangular letterbox floating in front of you, sort of like the Cinematic Mode on PSVR. It’s absolutely immersion breaking, no doubts about that, and a bit of a bummer, but cutscenes like this are expected in non-VR games so this is a price to pay in order to get VR support out of a AAA project like this. Sacrifices needed to be made and I’d rather have a VR hanger and briefing room than 30 second cutscenes in VR.

star wars squadrons tie fighter cockpit

The other sticking point about Squadrons’ VR support is that there is zero motion controller functionality here. You have no hand presence in the cockpit at all — it’s just a head tracking only game. Some die hard VR purists will likely be upset about this, but honestly, give me a great flight stick over inaccurate motion controllers that lack realistic resistance and tension any day. You’re sitting still when you play a game like this so all you need is head tracking. It works great, looks great, and most importantly, feels great.

Even if Squadrons was just its Story Mode and practice/training map and that’s it, this would feel like a complete game. My playthrough came in around the 10 hour mark, but it could probably go higher if you played on a high difficulty setting or replayed missions to get more medals. There are four difficulty modes to pick from so there is some replayability, but I imagine most people will spend the majority of their time in multiplayer..

Surprisingly, the cast of new characters is memorable and full of personality for both the Republic and Empire. Between missions there are opportunities to chat with all of them to learn more about their backstories and motivations that helps add a lot of context to how they act. One of the Republic pilots used to race previously and your squad mates poke fun at her for being a show off. Eventually, she teaches you how to drift in an X-Wing and it’s an exhilarating moment reminiscent of scenes with Poe from the new trilogy.

Most of the missions can be boiled down to taking out squadrons of enemy fighters, defending larger ships, eliminating big ships, and escaping or escorting. I’d be lying if I didn’t say this gets repetitive, but the way EA Motive mixes things up, shuffles these pieces around, and introduces one-off set pieces here and there keeps you on your toes. By the time you reach this midpoint of the story in Mission 6 things get pretty interesting with bombing runs in a Y-Wing and a big, bombastic finale that rivals the spectacle of the films themselves. Chase sequences were also some of the best moments and it made me wish for more time trials or flight trials to put my pilot skills to the test.

Star Wars: Squadrons Gameplay And Ships

In a lot of ways this feels like a dream game for Star Wars fans. We’ve gotten dozens of games focused on the Jedi vs Sith with lightsabers and force powers and there have even been a heavy share of ground combat games that require you to know your way around a blaster. But not since the 90s and early 2000s have we gotten a game that was really focused on space combat in the Star Wars universe. Until now.

The industry has made huge strides with technology in recent years and visually it’s hard to find any faults at all with Star Wars: Squadrons. The overall presentation quality is on par with DICE’s Star Wars Battlefront II. Each map has a similar layout — they’re all in space after all — but the planet backdrops are gorgeous to behold and various bits of debris add enough variety here and there.

In VR there have been some performance concerns. For me personally VR mode only worked if the game was windowed, but after a patch it works from Borderless mode as well. I notice some very occasional stuttering on Ultra with an RTX 2060 Super, i5-9600K, and 32GB RAM but it’s not enough to really impact the experience. I’ve heard of others having far more issues with crashes and freeze ups in VR but haven’t experienced that personally.

The hangar is the unexpected highlight of the package due to how immersive it is to chat with crew members and just watch people working in the background. You really get a sense for what the inside of a hangar might truly feel like, almost like waiting in line at a big Disneyland Star Wars ride. And Squadrons features an excellent score that swells in combat appropriately and punctuates every moment with just the right emphasis. And yes, it’s all functional in VR — including the hangar and briefing room, complete with NPC conversations.

Star Wars Squadrons HOTAS Support

Squadrons is a special kind of wish fulfillment in that regard. Every cockpit is painstakingly recreated here with insane attention to detail so that instruments and indicators are all in different places depending on which ship you’re flying. From the wide, open canopy of the X-Wing and A-Wing to the closed tunnel vision of the TIE Fighter, each ship feels and plays dramatically different.

As far as I can tell equipment loadout options are the same or on par across factions, for balance, but the choices you make will change based on the ship. Since the X-Wing has shields maybe you sacrifice a bit of its hull capacity for better acceleration or speed? Perhaps you want to beef up the TIE’s maneuverability even more to go all-in on a zippy ship that’s hard to hit? You can get really creative there.

Star Wars: Squadrons VR Review – Comfort

Since Star Wars: Squadrons is an always first-person VR space combat game, it’s impossible to eliminate all artificial motion. By nature you’re flying a ship in space, banking, turning, and rotating during combat. For some people it’s going to be uncomfortable no matter what, but some ships may be better than others. For example, the TIE Fighter has a very enclosed cockpit so the field of view outside of the cockpit is more limited than the more open X-Wing and A-Wing. Playing with a flight stick also helps to ground you and aid immersion which can combat sickness.

When you’re out of the cockpit you can turn on snap turning instead of smooth turning if you’d like for hangar exploration, or you can just turn your head around instead. Compared to other space combat games I’ve played, it seems quite smooth and comfortable but I don’t typically get sick so it’s hard to say. As long as performance is good, framerate is consistent, and you’re not seeing any major issues it should be okay for most people. No one on staff has been affected by playing. it.

The first three missions of the story after the prologue have you flying X-Wings and A-Wings, so switching back to a TIE Fighter in the next mission after that is a huge shock to the system. Not only do these fast and nimble fighters not have any shields, but they’re far more agile as well. Drifting in a TIE Fighter feels like you’re doing a donut in a street racer and watching the stars swim by as you flip around is extremely exciting.

star wars squadrons cockpit

Even though Squadrons isn’t a space combat simulator game, it’s more of an arcade-style experience, there is still a lot of depth here. For starters, you’ve got to manage your system’s power flow. For Republic, that means engine, lasers, and shields. By flicking the switch on the top of my joystick I can reroute power on the fly to whatever I’m doing at that moment. On top of that, you can designate shields for the front, back, or balanced during combat, boost, drift, and more.

At first it’s a lot to take in; there is a steep learning curve when using a stick essentially for the first time and being in VR, you can’t exactly see the buttons easily, but you eventually get the hang of things. I tried playing with a gamepad a little bit and the learning curve is far less steep. It feels really, really good with a controller in your hands and you don’t lose out on any functionality playing that way. I also tried out keyboard and mouse, but for me, that felt like a huge step backwards in terms of immersion.

After I got a feel for where each button was it all started to feel like second nature. Keyboard and mouse, as well as gamepad, have the same sort of muscle memory that kicks in after a while to a lesser extent, but after trying all three formats the HOTAS is absolutely my favorite way to play, followed by gamepad.

Star Wars: Squadrons Multiplayer

There are two main multiplayer modes: Dogfight and Fleet Battles. You can do a solo Fleet Battle with everyone else filled by AI allies and enemies, or invite friends in for a co-op affair against the AI as well. As far as I’ve seen there is no way to do a solo Dogfight match against AI or to have a co-op Practice flight, but you can spawn squadrons during Practice to sharpen your dogfighting skills.

You don’t even unlock Fleet Battles until your online rank is at least 5, so Dogfight is all you can do at first. There is a ton of map variety ranging from destroyed docking yards, massive relay stations with trenches and debris, or even huge asteroid fields that resemble obstacle courses. Not crashing becomes just as difficult as avoiding enemy fire. There’s even a giant, empty map that’s just a void of space. Keeping up with speedy TIE Fighters there is extremely difficult.

In Fleet Battles though, that’s where Squadrons really comes alive. In this game mode there are two armies with massive flagships anchoring their spot in space. First, the fighters battle it out in a game of tug of war to try and earn enough “morale” to wage an assault. From there, whoever wins the tug of war, takes the fight to the enemy’s two medium-sized capital ships. Once those are down you can attack the opponent’s massive flagship to win the match — but it’s not that simple.

At any time during a Fleet Battle the enemy can win back the morale tug of war and flip to the offensive, forcing you to go on the defensive. Once you’re attacking a flagship, like a Star Destroyer, you can take out its subsystems such as the shields, its power supplies, its turrets, and so on to slowly chip away until it’s destroyed in an epic ball of fire.

There is an in-game tutorial that takes you through all of this against AI, as well as the aforementioned AI enemies only mode you can play solo or with friends.

The biggest problem facing Star Wars: Squadrons though is a question of longevity. Once you finish the campaign all you can do is Dogfighting (Team Deathmatch) and Fleet Battle, that’s it. There are no plans for DLC, no plans for new maps, new ships, or anything like that. The developers have been very clear that Squadrons is sold as-is and will not be a live service game. It’s a great game already, but it could offer so much more had EA been willing to fund an ongoing support cycle. Instead, it’ll never grow beyond what it is right now. Hopefully there is enough interest to generate plans for a sequel that does get ongoing support.

Squadrons also contains a seasonal ranking structure, similar to most AAA online games, complete with ranks, rewards, daily missions, and so on. There are plenty of carrots to keep you moving along and coming back to earn juicy cosmetics since EA has stated there will be no microtransactions at all this time.

star wars squadrons empire republic

Star Wars: Squadrons Review Final Impressions

While I would say that Star Wars: Squadrons has exceeded my already lofty expectations overall, it’s not without its faults. It still manages to out-perform every other VR space combat game I’ve tried across the board for my tastes and offers a ton of nuance in its gameplay and immense entertainment with its full campaign. If you got a chance to try the brief, but magical, X-Wing VR Mission in the first DICE Battlefront game on PS4 with PSVR and wished it could have been made into a full game, then this is exactly that and so much more. Multiplayer is thrilling and extremely fun, but is lacking in options and variety a bit. There were some tiny performance issues and a lack of VR motion controller support, but all that is forgivable.

Minor gripes aside, for fans of Star Wars, fans of arcade-style space combat, and fans of just flat-out immersive VR, it doesn’t get a whole lot better than Star Wars: Squadrons.



good bad pro con squadrons review

For more on how we arrive at our scores, check out our review guidelines. This review was originally published on October 1st as a review-in-progress and has since been updated and finalized  throughout.

Review Scale

Star Wars: Squadrons is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One for $39.99. VR support is included with PSVR on PS4 and any PC VR headset on PC through Origin, Steam, and the Epic Store. This review was conducted primarily via Link cable on PC with an Origin copy of the game using an Oculus Quest and Quest 2 via Link cable and Virtual Desktop. It was also tested on a Rift S.

For more on Star Wars: Squadrons, such as the best HOTAS controllers and flight sticks to try, check out our coverage hub for everything VR in Star Wars: Squadrons.

Best Flight Sticks And HOTAS Controllers For VR Space Combat And Flight Games Like Star Wars: Squadrons

Star Wars: Squadrons releases October 2nd (check out our info roundup for more details) and is fully playable not only in VR, but with a flight stick or full HOTAS (Hands-On Throttle And Stick) setup on both PC VR and PSVR. This is our list of the best options!

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One note worth mentioning is that Star Wars: Squadrons is not a space flight sim. This is an arcade-style space combat game. While you will need to manage power systems and fly well during dogfights, it’s relatively pick up and play compared to more complex games. As a result, it’s totally playable on just a controller, keyboard and mouse, or even a single flight stick without a full HOTAS if you wanted.

Since this very well may be the first real game many people have played with a flight stick or HOTAS, we’ve got a list of the best controllers to get for that game — or any compatible VR game.


Best Flight Sticks And HOTAS Controllers For Flight Sims and Star Wars: Squadrons


thrustmaster t.16000M fcs flight pack

Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS (PC)

Amazon: $320 for HOTAS, $100 for stick only, or $380 for HOTAS and pedals

This is the HOTAS I have at home that I have continued to use personally after reviewing it back in 2017. while I haven’t too spend much time with it since I don’t play a lot of flight sims, it’s still been a great experience every time I have used it. The stick itself is extremely sturdy and feels fantastic in my hand. There is a throttle as well, but I personally usually just use the stick because it has a built-in slider at the bottom that acts like a throttle. So I rest my left hand on the left side and move the throttle slider with my thumb.

One feature I love is that you can twist the stick (in addition to pushing it forward, back, left, and right obviously) which is great in flight games for yaw control, or rotation of your ship. You can get just the stick for around $100 instead, which is what I prefer on PC as explained.


Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS X (PC)

Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS X (PC)

Amazon: $160

I have not personally used this one but it’s recommended often across message boards and Reddit, plus it has great reviews coming in at 4.5 stars after over 5,000 ratings. That’s quite solid. It’s more affordable than the previous option with similar functionality here — although the stick and throttle do seem to be connected. I love the ergonomic design and easily accessible buttons on both sides of the device though.


logitech extreme 3d pro

Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick (PC)

Amazon: $40

I have not used this stick, but plenty of people recommend it (4.5 stars on nearly 4,000 ratings) as an extremely affordable entry-level stick-only device. There’s no throttle included at all, but for this price it’s hard to beat. You get 12 buttons and enough stick movement to play most VR games that function with a stick only.


Ace Combat 7 Thrustmaster 2

Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS 4 (PC, PS4)

Amazon: $140, GameStop: $80

If you’re planning to play Squadrons on PSVR (or other games like Ace Combat 7 or EVE Valkyrie Warzone) then this is a great HOTAS to get. Jamie played Ace Combat 7 in PSVR with this and loved using it. I haven’t used it recently, but I did use it at an event once and really enjoyed the feel and design. It’s similar to the HOTAS X from above, but a little cheaper, and with PS4 support. There are only 440 reviews on Amazon as of the time of this writing, but it seems to be a good all-around choice if you want a decent HOTAS setup without breaking the bank.


hori hotas flight stick

HORI HOTAS Flight Stick For PlayStation 4 (PS4)

Amazon: $330 HORI: $200

This setup is a little pricier, but you get the benefit of a device that is tailor-made for the PS4. This even has a built-in PS4 touchpad so you don’t need to take off the headset or grab a controller at all. Additionally, like the T.16000 for PC and most other premium HOTAS setups, you can separate the throttle and stick for a more comfortable arrangement.


Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog (PC)

Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog (PC)

Amazon: $999+, eBay: $380+

Good luck finding one, but this is one of the most premium HOTAS setups you can get for PC. As a premium offering, this setup is more than just a game controller — it’s an actual replica from the U.S. Air Force A 10C aircraft. All the buttons, switches, and physical components look just like they do in that aircraft’s cockpit. That’s pretty wild and it features over 19 buttons with fantastic precision.

That’s our list of flight stick and HOTAS recommendations for VR space combat and flight sim games. Are you excited for Star Wars: Squadrons? Do you have other recommendations? Let us know down in the comments below!

Community Download – Empire Or Republic In Star Wars: Squadrons?

Community Download is a weekly discussion-focused article series published (usually) every Monday in which we pose a single, core question to you all, our readers, in the spirit of fostering discussion and debate. For today’s Community Download, we are focused on Star Wars: Squadrons Starfighters. We want to know what your preference is between the Empire (TIE Fighters, etc) and Republic (like the X-Wing) when it comes to Star Wars: Squadrons Starfighters. Which will you choose?

We’ve finally reached Star Wars: Squadrons launch week! There are only a few days left before we can strap on our VR headsets and be transported to the cockpit of iconic starfigthers like the X-Wing, TIE Fighter, A-Wing, TIE Interceptor, and more. Needless to say I, personally, am quite excited.

We’ve already published a detailed breakdown of all the details you need to know about before playing Star Wars: Squadrons, which has full VR support on both PC and PS4 (via PSVR), and we’ve also got details on the intricate customization options, ranking and progression, and the tactical power management. Not to mention the impressive-looking single player gameplay trailer.

There is a lot to take in here. You’ve got lots of ships to choose from, all of which have their pros and cons, so it can be overwhelming. We haven’t had a chance to check the game out just yet, but we’ll have a full review as soon as we can.

What do you think based on what you’ve seen so far? Do you think you’ll lean towards flying for the Republic or the Empire? Let us know down in the comments below!

Featured Image Source: Reviews.org 

New Details On Star Wars: Squadrons Progression, Ranked System

There’s only a few days until the release of Star Wars: Squadrons, and we have some new details on the game’s progression system and its version of competitive ranked matches.

The game will feature a couple of different systems –– Levels, Operations, Ranks, and Challenges.

Levels will work just like most other games — doing almost anything will give you experience, which gradually levels you up. You’ll unlock Requisition points for the first 40 levels, which can be used to unlock new ship components. The goal is not to make you more powerful as you level up, but provide you with more options — once you hit level 40, you’ll have the points to unlock every available component.

Star wars squadrons challenges

Challenges will take two forms — Daily and Operation Challenges. The former will be simple objectives that rotate daily while the latter will be tied to the game’s Operations.

Operations in Squadrons will be similar to what other games call a season. Each 8-week Operation cycle will feature challenges that reward unique cosmetics and will also be tied to your Fleet Battles rank.

star wars squadrons ranks

The Operation cycle will be Squadrons equivalent of a competitive ranked season, with 6 ranks – from best to worst, Galactic Ace, Legend, Valiant, Hero, Hotshot, and Maverick. Each rank will also have tiers from I to V – for example, Valiant I, Valiant II, Valiant III and so on — and ranks will reset at the end of every 8-week operation cycle.

Doing well in your matches and completing the Daily and Operation Challenges will also grant you a currency called Glory, which can be used to purchase cosmetics for your ships. According to EA, there will not be any microtransactions in Star Wars: Squadrons.

Star Wars: Squadrons is set for release this Friday on October 2nd for Xbox, PC, and PS4, with support for PSVR and PC VR headsets.