How to Enjoy Star Wars day in VR

Vader Immortal

Love it or loathe it there’s no getting away from the sci-fi juggernaut that is Star Wars. Especially since the franchise highjacked May 4th thanks to its similarity with a famous phrase from the films. There are plenty of celebrations going on such as Steam’s limited-time deals but what about VR? Here VRFocus has complied how you can celebrate Star Wars Day using the latest immersive tech.

Star Wars - Porg


  • Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series

If you own an Oculus Quest or Oculus Rift/Rift S then your first port of call should be Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series. Exclusive to the Oculus platform, the series isn’t a fully blown videogame, rather mixing interactive elements with cinematic scenes.

Nevertheless, the series is still treated as canon for those diehard Star Wars fans, with its storyline set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. You get to wield the force, test your lightsaber skills out in a dojo and fight Darth Vader, what more could you want?

The series is set across three instalments each retailing for £7.99 GBP. Check out VRFocus’ review of Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series to see what we thought.

Just announced today, Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series will be coming to PlayStation VR summer 2020.

  • Star Wars: Droid Repair Bay

Released back in 2017 and created by ILMxLAB, Star Wars: Droid Repair Bay tasks you as an astromech technician for the rebels with repairing BB-8 and his droid friends.

With an official story linked to Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the videogame is all about getting these droids ready back into the fight against the First Order.

Completely free, Star Wars: Droid Repair Bay is available on Steam for Valve Index and HTC Vive, or if you have one laying around Samsung Gear VR.

  • Trials on Tatooine

Another freebie for HTC Vive and Valve Index owners, Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine is one of the earliest (if not the earliest) official titles for VR headsets.

Set on the desert world of Tatooine, you get to repair the iconic Millennium Falcon and defend droid hero R2-D2 from incoming stormtroopers using a lightsaber.

Star Wars: Droid Repair Bay screenshot
  • Star Wars: Project Porg

A title likely few will play due to its exclusivity to Magic Leap 1, Star Wars: Project Porg was a mixed reality (MR) experiment by ILMxLAB.

Centred around the fluffy little bird-like creatures called Porg which appeared in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, this is essentially a pet simulator where you have to keep the Porg’s healthy and entertained.

  • Star Wars: Jedi Challenges

Hailing back from 2017 when smartphones were still being used for VR purposes, Star Wars: Jedi Challenges was unusual in the fact that it was an augmented reality (AR) experience which required a headset specifically designed for the title, the Lenovo Mirage AR.

The original headset came with a replica lightsaber but you needed a compatible smartphone and a spare £250. The kit was relaunched last year with new controllers and MARVEL Dimension of Heroes but still tanked. No longer available on Lenovo’s website, the headset can still be found on Amazon’s US site for around $64 USD.

  • Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire

A location-based entertainment (LBE) experience from The VOID which certainly would’ve been packed today had it not been for COVID-19 lockdown measures, Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire is worth a visit when restrictions ease.

A multiplayer title for up to four people, Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire offers untethered VR gaming set on the molten planet of Mustafar. Providing what The VOID calls a ‘hyper-reality experience’ which involves heat, wind and other elements to increase immersion, you’re dressed as Stormtroopers infiltrating an Empire base. With puzzles to solve and blasters to shoot enemies, this is another title which is treated as canon, created in partnership with ILMxLAB.

Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire


Of course, you may want to spend today watching all the films, animation series and other Star Wars content. Unless you own any of it on DVD or BluRay then the only way to do this now is through streaming service Disney+.

Unlike Netflix which does have a VR app, Disney+ doesn’t, so you’ll need to use desktop mirroring services like Bigscreen Beta or Virtual Desktop. Disney+ currently offers a 7-day free trial, so sign-up online to start your week-long binge.

Either app makes it relatively easy to mirror your desktop into a VR headset like Oculus Rift, Valve Index or HTC Vive. VRFocus uses Bigscreen Beta in conjunction with Oculus Quest for example. While not as handy as a dedicated app, the method still offers a decent VR solution.

And that’s your lot. If VRFocus has missed any other content or ways of enjoying Star Wars in VR do let us know in the comments below.

Star Wars: Project Porg Is Like A Tamagotchi For Magic Leap, Out Now

Star Wars Project Porg Magic Leap One AR

Forget Jedi training and duels with Darth Vader; the most important Star Wars AR app just released. That’s right, Project Porg is now available for Magic Leap One.

Wait, what’s Project Porg?

I’m glad you asked! A few years back we reported that Magic Leap had partnered with ILMxLAB, a division of Lucasfilm. Then, at last year’s LeapCon, the pair announced Project Porg. It’s like an AR Tamagotchi starring the cute little critters that you either loved or hated in The Last Jedi. Sort of like the film itself! This week the app launched for Magic Leap One owners. You can see the trailer for it below.

In the game, C-3PO instructs you to look after a Porg. The idea, ILMxLAB explains, was to build a relationship akin to owning a dog or a cat. You’ll go through a Porg’s lifecycle, playing with it and caring for it. You can even raise a family of the little guys. Who wouldn’t want to spend time with their adorable little faces? Those abyssal eyes and miserable frowns?

Okay so it might not be the ultimate Star Wars adventure but it looks like a fun experiment. Real talk, though: did anyone else think that Hoth demo teased at the start of the trailer looked really cool? We’d like to get our hands on that too, please.

Project Porg is available to download for free. Elsewhere, ILMxLAB is still working on Star Wars: Vader Immortal. It’s an interactive VR series which will pit players against the iconic villain. Expect the first episode to debut on Oculus Quest later this year.

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ILMxLAB Bring Star Wars: Project Porg to Magic Leap for Free

If you put together a list of top brands that companies would love to be associated with, then Star Wars has to be high on that list, with a dedicated following of fans the world over. When it comes to virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) the franchise has already graced The VOID with Star Wars: Secret of the Empire, there’s the to be released Star Wars: Vader Immortaland Lenovo even released the Mirage AR headset just for Star Wars: Jedi Challenges. Today, ILMxLAB has announced the release of Star Wars: Project Porg, a free experience for Magic Leap.

Star Wars: Project Porg is ILMxLAB’s first public experiment in mixed reality (MR) storytelling, designed exclusively for the Magic Leap One Creator Edition headset.

The entire experience revolves around the fluffy little bird-like creatures called Porg’s – made famous in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Just like any other pet simulator Star Wars: Project Porg is all about keeping these little critters healthy and entertained. This means users need to continually feed and play with their pet Porg’s, teaching them how to navigate real-world environments whilst taking care instructions from everyone’s favourite droid C-3PO (voiced by Anthony Daniels).

ILMxLAB has released a video going into further detail regarding the project, how it came about and what the team managed to achieve using Magic Leap’s spatial computing technology. Vicki Dobbs Beck, ILMxLAB executive in charge, and other key spokespeople all feature, plus there’s a small amount of footage of an as yet unreleased MR experiment called Project Hoth.

Magic Leap hero-scene_3x

This experiment originally debuted at Magic Leap’s LEAP Conference in October 2018, with additional smart home integrations shown exclusively for the conference.

Ever since the launch of Magic Leap One, the company has been growing its roster of developers, with the likes of Insomniac Games with Seedling, Funomena with Luna: Moondust Garden, and Rovio Entertainment in collaboration with Resolution Games with Angry Birds FPS: First Person SlingshotFor the average consumer however, don’t expect to get your hands on a Magic Leap One anytime soon. The device retails for $2,295 USD and is only available in certain US cities. For more updates, keep reading VRFocus.

[Update]: Magic Leap: Star Wars: Project Porg erscheinen


Star Wars: Project Porg ist ab sofort kostenlos für die Magic Leap One im digitalen Store erhältlich.

Zusätzlich veröffentlicht ILMxLAB zum Release einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des AR-Projekts in Videoform:

(Video: ILMxLab YouTube)

[Originalartikel vom 7. Februar 2019]:

Star Wars: Project Porg wurde erstmals auf der L.E.A.P., der ersten Entwicklerkonferenz von Magic Leap, vorgeführt. Nun gibt es Neuigkeiten zum AR-Titel für die Magic Leap One, denn per Twitter verkündet ILMxLab die anstehende Veröffentlichung der Star-Wars-App.

Star Wars: Project Porg – AR-App für Magic Leap One erscheint in Kürze

Die AR-App Star Wars: Project Porg sollte ursprünglich im Dezember 2018 erscheinen, nach einer Verzögerung soll der Release jedoch jetzt zeitnah für die Magic Leap One folgen. Ähnlich wie die fiktiven Wesen aus dem Star-Wars-Universum schlüpft auch das AR-Projekt in naher Zukunft, wie die ILMxLabs von Disney per Twitter verkünden:

Das AR-Experiment soll es den Spielern ermöglichen, die knuffigen Wesen aus Star Wars: The Last Jedi zu domestizieren. Dafür müsst ihr das Vertrauen der kleinen Vogelwesen gewinnen und ihnen Zuneigung und Streicheleinheiten schenken. Durch das Füttern von Snacks, die kleinen Tiere bevorzugen Fische, erzeugt ihr ein Band zwischen euch und eurem Schützling und könnt daraufhin mit den großäugigen Gefährten spielen. Die ikonische Roboter C3-PO steht euch dabei als Ratgeber zur Seite, um die Aufzucht der Porgs richtig anzugehen.

Ein genauer Release-Termin ist allerdings noch nicht bekannt.

(Quellen: Road to VR)

Der Beitrag [Update]: Magic Leap: Star Wars: Project Porg erscheinen zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

ILMxLAB’s ‘Star Wars: Project Porg’ Virtual Pet Experience Comes to Magic Leap One

As movie tie-ins go, the Star Wars franchise has it all (even Star Wars-branded fruit at one point). Now, Magic Leap says the porg-tastic AR experience Star Wars: Project Porg is available on Magic Leap One. Latent Tamagotchi fans, look out.

Update (February 19th, 2019): Magic Leap & ILMxLAB announced that ‘Star Wars: Project Porg’ is now free on Magic Leap One. ILMxLAB also released an behind-the-scenes look at ‘Project Porg’ (linked below).

In the experience, C-3P0 drops off a baby porg. Much like an old school Tamagotchi or Neopet, you take care of the porg, play fetch, feed it, and help it raise baby porgs too. Yes. There’s a laser pointer, and apparently porgs love them as much as cats.

Original Article (February 6th, 2019): Project Porg was originally slated to release in December 2018, and we weren’t sure what happened to the project in the meantime. In a series of tweets today, both Magic Leap and ILMxLAB announced that the immersive AR experience is “hatching soon.”

First teased at Magic Leap’s developer conference last October, ILMxLAB’s Project Porg is an AR experiment that tasks you with gaining the trust and affection of your porgs by feeding them treats, playing with them, and following instructions from C-3PO, voiced by original actor Anthony Daniels.

There’s no definite release date yet on the porgy-pet simulator, although Magic Leap One owners are probably used to waiting at this point, as the company is still making strides to fill out its content store. Hopefully the company’s Independent Creator grant program will help, as they’re awarding between $20,000 to $500,000 to successful applicants.

The post ILMxLAB’s ‘Star Wars: Project Porg’ Virtual Pet Experience Comes to Magic Leap One appeared first on Road to VR.

Magic Leap: Star Wars: Project Porg vorgestellt

Im Zuge der L.E.A.P., der ersten Entwicklerkonferenz von Magic Leap, präsentiert ILMxLAB die neue AR-Erfahrung Star Wars: Project Porg für die AR-Brille. Weitere Informationen sowie eine spielbare Demo zur kommenden Star-Wars-App werden am Mittwoch den 10. Oktober veröffentlicht.

Magic Leap – Star Wars: Project Porg für Magic Leap One angekündigt

Das XR-Labor ILMxLAB von Lucasfilms kündigte eine neue experimentelle AR-Erfahrung aus dem Star-Wars-Universum für die Magic Leap One an. Die AR-App Star Wars: Project Porg führt die Nutzer/innen in die Welt der knuffigen Porgs, welche ihr Debüt in Star Wars: The Last Jedi feierten.

NVIDIA RTX Star Wars Demo

Innerhalb des AR-Titels dürft ihr mit den großäugigen Fellknäueln interagieren, um das Vertrauen der kleinen Gefährten zu gewinnen. Je mehr Bindung ihr zu den Tierwesen aufbaut, desto mehr könnt ihr ihnen beibringen. So folgen euch diese bald auf Schritt und Tritt und führen auf euer Kommando Kunststücke aus. Der ikonische C3-PO steht euch dabei als Mentor und Ratgeber zur Seite, um die richtigen Schritte zur Domestizierung einzuleiten.

Das XR-Labor ist unter anderem für die VR-Erfahrung Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire (2016) verantwortlich, welche in den Arcades von The VOID vorgeführt wird. Ebenso interessant für Star-Wars-Fans ist die Arbeit an Star Wars: Vader Immortal für Oculus Go. Die interaktive VR-Serie soll die Zuschauer/innen auf den Planeten Mustafa führen, um die Geschichte des dunklen Antagonisten näher zu bringen.

Eine erste Demo der neuen AR-App soll auf der Entwicklerkonferenz L.E.A.P vorgeführt werden. Dort erwarten uns zudem innerhalb einer Keynote am Mittwoch weitere Informationen und Details. Die L.E.A.P. findet vom 9. bis 10. Oktober in Los Angeles statt.

(Quellen: ILMxLAB | Road to VR | Video: ILMxLAB YouTube)

Der Beitrag Magic Leap: Star Wars: Project Porg vorgestellt zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

‘Star Wars: Project Porg’ AR “experiment” Announced for Magic Leap

ILMxLab, Lucasfilm’s immersive media group, today announced Star Wars: Project Porg, an augmented reality “experiment” built for Magic Leap. In the experience, players will interact with the big-eyed fuzzy creatures introduced in The Last Jedi, with some helpful guidance by C-3PO himself.

Just ahead of this week’s Leap Con conference, ILMxLab has announced the Star Wars: Project Porg “experimental demo” for the headset. As of now it’s unclear if the studio plans to release the experience to Magic Leap owners, or if it’ll be kept for demo purposes only. However, back when the studio first revealed the Trials on Tatooine (2016) VR experience, it did eventually make it publicly available for Vive users after keeping it close to the chest for a while.

Whether or not you’ll be able to download it on Magic Leap right away, the company at least says attendees of Leap Con can expect to see the demo this week. Inside, they’ll need to earn the trust of the porgs by interacting with them, including “[teaching] them how to maneuver real-world environments […].” The iconic C-3PO will be present to help the player learn to care for the critters.

New VR 'Star Wars' Series Slated to Launch on Oculus Quest Next Year, Trailer Here

ILMxLab says in the announcement of Star Wars: Project Porg that they’ll be talking more about the experiment on stage during the Leap Con keynote on Wednesday, as well as a session during the conference.

Road to VR will be on the ground at Leap Con to bring you the latest, stay tuned!

The post ‘Star Wars: Project Porg’ AR “experiment” Announced for Magic Leap appeared first on Road to VR.