‘Drunk or Dead’ Studio Announces Starship Trooper-Style Shooter ‘B3’

4 I Lab, the studio behind Drunk or Dead (2017), released a trailer announcing their next game, B3, a co-op VR shooter that’s definitely borrowing some of its vibe from Starship Troopers (1997).

Not much is known about the game besides its release date, fall 2019, and its target platforms, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Windows “Mixed Reality” VR headsets.

According to the trailer, it will launch on Steam.

4 I Lab, a Belarus-based VR studio, appears to be basing B3 off their prototype game SST, which was Greenlit on Steam last year. Although it’s not certain at this point, here’s a description from the SST Steam page:

Stand at the frontline of defence and play your key role in this war, to reverse its course into humanity’s win and immortalize your name with great deeds!

SST is a first person co-op VR-shooter where you defend your base from waves of attacking monsters.The base is protected from back and sides with mountains. On the front side it has a wall with firing points. To protect the base, you need to move all around this points, using a teleport system. So, when you need to go to another point, you look on the flag above it and instantly teleport to the point.

Monsters appear from the side of the desert in random waves. They attack the wall. After the destruction of the wall monsters penetrate the base. The game is over when first monster reaches the control point inside the base. There will be several types of monsters and they will require different tactics to defeat them.

The studio has released several DLCs for Drunk or Dead in the past year, a zombie shooter that puts plenty of emphasis on bar hopping (and shooting) your way through western honky-tonks. Like Drunk or Die, we’re hoping for a high degree of polish to the Starship Trooper-style wave shooter.

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Drunk or Dead: Entwickler öffnen neue IndieGoGo-Kampagne für SST

Mit Drunk or Dead haben die Entwickler von 4 I Lab im Januar 2017 einen nicht ganz ernsthaften Zombie-Shooter für SteamVR veröffentlicht. Im Spiel müsst ihr den richtigen Pegel halten, um optimale Kampfeigenschaften zu entwickeln. Je betrunkener der Spieler ist, umso langsamer vergeht die Zeit. Jedoch werden auch eure Schüsse immer ungenauer. Dafür erhöht sich aber gleichzeitig die Punktzahl, falls doch eine Kugel ihr Ziel findet. Jetzt startete die Kampagne zum neuen Spiel SST, in dem ihr sogar selbst auftauchen könnt.

SST auf IndieGoGo

Mit SST wollen die Entwickler einen Sci-Fi-Shooter in die virtuelle Realität bringen, in der euch riesige außerirdische Käfer angreifen. Den vier unterschiedlichen Klassen an Gegnern könnt ihr euch entweder alleine oder gemeinsam im kooperativen Modus entgegenstellen. Zudem wird es klassischerweise unterschiedliche Waffen und Geschütze geben, mit denen ihr eure Basis verteidigen könnt. Theoretisch ist SST also ein normaler Wave-Shooter, nur mit dem Unterschied, dass ihr eine komplette Basis bewachen müsst und nicht nur einen kleinen Punkt auf der Karte.

Wenn ihr die Entwickler unterstützen wollt, dann erhaltet ihr für 10 US-Dollar einen Steam-Key des Spiels, sofern das Spiel erscheint. Für 20 US-Dollar erhaltet ihr einen Pre-Release-Key (ab Februar 2017), damit ihr bereits vor der finalen Umsetzung in das Spiel hineinschnuppern könnt. Zudem könnt ihr euch für 50 US-Dollar einen Season Pass sichern und für 100 US-Dollar spezielle Waffen und Rüstungen. Für 250 Dollar könnt ihr sogar euer eigenes Konterfei im Spiel sehen. Da SST auf SteamVR erscheint, sollte es mit der Oculus Rift, der HTC Vive oder zum Veröffentlichungstermin mit den Windows Mixed Reality Brillen spielbar sein. Hier findet ihr die Kampagne auf Indiegogo.

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Drunk or Dead Developer Launches IndieGoGo Campaign for new VR Title SST

4 I Labs, the team behind the innovative wave shooter Drunk or Dead has announced its next project, codenamed SST. The studio is looking for $600,000 USD in funding over the next two via IndieGoGo to bring the videogame to life.

Set in a futuristic sci-fi universe which is overrun with bugs – Starship Troopers anyone? – players have to defend their base from hordes of scuttling critters who want to get in and rescue their captured queen.

SST screenshot

Featuring both single-player and multiplayer co-op gameplay, SST currently features four different bug classes; Soldier, which is the most common enemy and attacks in packs; Jumpers, which emit a piercing cry before they attack, jumping into the air and exploding raining acid down on enemies; Flyers, which spit acid from the skies and lastly the Tank, which is well armoured and shells from a distance.

So to counteract this threat players have got some weaponry at their disposal. The ever trusty pistol for those close encounters, an assault rifle for medium to long range killing and grenades to dissipate groups. While that might not sound a lot the base does come equipped with a large caliber machine gun for when things get really tough. All the guns feature infinite ammo – so no dead man click moments – but they do overheat when used aggressively. As SST is still in the very early stages of development 4 I Labs does plan on introducing more weapons as time goes on.

For those interested in backing the project, funding tiers start from $1 but that won’t get you the videogame. For $10 you’ll get SST when it fully launches in 2018 – estimated between May – July. Spend a bit more however and you’ll get access to an alpha version right away, with $30 securing two Steam keys. The studio plans on supporting Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR, but the campaign page does state if the early keys are suitable for both Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

To see SST in action check out the trailer below. As 4 I Labs release further details on the videogame and its IndieGoGo campaign VRFocus will let you know.