Sprint Vector Gets New Map And Characters Today

Sprint Vector Gets New Map And Characters Today

Attention racers: there’s more Sprint Vector goodness heading your way today.

Developer Survios just launched Update 1.3 for its VR racing game, labeled the Big Bang update. Headlining the free patch is a new map named Cosmic Odyssey. As the name suggests, this is a space-set map, located in a top-secret research center that has you dodging mines as you speed down circuits. You can check it out in the trailer below.

Arguably the bigger inclusion here, though, is new characters. Rockslide, who pleasingly looks like a thinner version of Korg from Thor: Ragnarok, is a sentient comet in search of a bipedal body. Necho, meanwhile, is a cat with half a machine for a body.

Next up is a new leaderboard mode that includes ‘Pure Leaderboards’. These task players with getting the fastest lap times in single-player time trials without the assistance of power-ups or weapons. Competition is based purely on skill, so you’ll have to practice your speedrunning if you want to keep up.

Best of all, all of this content is free thanks to sponsorship from Intel. What are you waiting for? Get racing.

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Oculus & ESL: Start der 2. Saison der eSports-VR-Liga mit über 220K US-Dollar Preisgeld

Im letzten Jahr rief Oculus gemeinsam mit Intel und der ESL die VR-eSports-Liga ins Leben, in der professionelle Teams in den beiden VR-Titeln The Unspoken und Echo Arena bis zum Finale in Kattowitz gegeneinander antraten. Kürzlich verkündet Oculus die zweite Saison der VR-Liga in Kooperation mit der ESL, in der die Kontrahenten um ein Preisgeld in Höhe von 220.000 US-Dollar miteinander konkurrieren dürfen. Zusätzlich nehmen die Veranstalter insgesamt fünf weitere kompetitive VR-Spiele in die Liga auf und verändern das Turniersystem, um für mehr Flexibilität zu sorgen.

Zweite Saison der E-Sports-VR-Liga – Neues Turniersystem und fünf weitere VR-Titel

Die zweite Saison der VR-Liga startet am 18. Mai mit dem action-reichen Magierduell The Unspoken, indem die zauberaffinen Kontrahenten einen Monat lang gegeneinander antreten, um sich einen Platz an der Spitze der Liga zu sichern.

Bereits am 20. Mai folgen die Turniere für Echo Arena, in denen die Spieler in taktischen Drei-gegen-Drei-Duellen einen Monat lang in der Schwerelosigkeit um den Sieg kämpfen. Daraufhin beginnt am 4. Juni ebenfalls einen Monat lang erstmals die Rangliste für das rasante Rennspiel Sprint Vector. Auch der bisher unveröffentlichte VR-Shooter Echo Combat soll im späteren Verlauf des Jahres Teil der Turnierszene werden.

Echo Combat

Neben diesen VR-Titeln sollen zwei weitere bisher unbekannte Wettbewerbsspiele während der Monate Juli und August bekannt gegeben werden. Danach sollen nochmals drei weitere eSports-Spiele veröffentlicht werden. Zusätzlich findet vom 16. bis 17. Juni ein Einladungsturnier für die Community des Multiplayer-Shooters Onward aus der VR Master League statt, das gleichzeitig einem guten Zweck dienen soll: Die erzielten Gewinne sollen der Wohltätigkeitsorganisation Stack Up zugutekommen, einer Organisation zur Unterstützung von Kriegsveteranen durch Gaming.

Das diesjährige Finale der Liga soll nach fünf Monaten der Turnierphase auf der Oculus Connect 5 im Oktober 2018 stattfinden. Die Teilnehmer können dieses Jahr ein Preisgeld in Höhe von 220.000 US-Dollar gewinnen und partizipieren in einem flexibleren Turniersystem. Die Teilnahme ist auf der offiziellen Webseite der ESL möglich.

(Quellen: Upload VR | Oculus Blog | ESL VR | Video: VR League Youtube)

Der Beitrag Oculus & ESL: Start der 2. Saison der eSports-VR-Liga mit über 220K US-Dollar Preisgeld zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Oculus Announces VR League: Season 2 in Collaboration With ESL

While esports like CS:GO and League of Legends (LoL) are massively popular, attracting ever growing numbers of fans whilst offering even bigger prize funds, the virtual reality (VR) is hot on their heels. Last year Oculus, in partnership with ESL and Intel created the VR Challenger League featuring multiplayer titles like The Unspoken and Echo Arena that anyone could enter. Today, Oculus has again teamed up with ESL for a new-look VR League: Season 2.

Echo Arena artwork

For season 2 Oculus has expanded the lineup of vidoegames available, Echo Arena and The Unspoken return but are this time joined by Survios’ Sprint Vector and military simulator Onward. Up to seven titles are said to be participating across the five-month competitive period with three more still to be revealed.

The competition begins tomorrow 18th May, with a month of magical combat in The Unspoken. This will then be followed by  a month of frenzied racing in Sprint Vector starting on 4th June. The titles for July and August will be revealed nearer the time.

For Echo Arena fans a four week competition will return on 20th May. Last year Echo Arena saw 258 players across 98 teams worldwide compete. Additionally, later in the year Echo Combat will be introduced to the VR League, with its own competition.

Sprint Vector Final screenshot1

“Oculus is committed to fostering long-term growth of the VR esports ecosystem, and Season 2—with its new format and additional games—is an amazing next step on this exciting journey,” says Oculus Head of Esports Christopher K. McKelvy in a statement.

Oculus’ VR League will also support the VR Master League with an Onward Invitational event from 16th – 17th June. The live event will be held at the ESL UK Studios, also benefiting Stack Up, a charity supporting US and Allied veterans with gaming.

VR League Season 2 will feature a prize pool in excess of $220K USD. The VR League is open only to legal residents of the 50 U.S./D.C., Canada, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom, who are over the age of 13. For further updates on the tournament, keep reading VRFocus.

Something For The Weekend: Feel The Rush Of Oculus

Another week, another weekend and another chance to pick up a great deal on a number of titles. To help you out VRFocus has put together some of the best virtual reality (VR) deals from the Oculus Store for both Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR owners, to help you find your next favourite. As always be sure to check back every weekend for even more deals right here on VRFocus.

Sprint Vector coverart

Sprint Vector

“There’s very little to dislike in Sprint Vector. Sure there will be times when that competitive edge over takes you, getting annoyed when you fudge a jump but that’s to be expected. The single-player has enough to get you started with a few hours of gameplay, yet it’s the multiplayer that’ll have you coming back for more. Here’s hoping that Sprint Vector draws in enough of a crowd to sustain it, rather than becoming another multiplayer focused experience that gets forgotten about. Which would be a shame, because from where VRFocus is standing Sprint Vector is another hit for the studio.” – Read VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham’s review of Sprint Vector here.

Sprint Vector is currently on sale for £18.39 (GBP) down from £22.99 and in fact is having a free weekend until 8am BST on 9th April should you want to try the title out before purchasing to celebrate the newly released update.

Ground Runner: Trials

Step into the driving seat in this fast paced sci-fi Hoverbike shooter in which players must go up against the odds sing speed, grace and combat. By using the motion controls to track your hand motions on the bikes controls and the weapons you have to use, Ground Runner: Trials will give you an adrenaline rush unlike no other as you become the most skilled hoverbike pilot there is.

Ground Runner: Trials is currently on sale for for £7.99 (GBP) down from £14.99.

The Climb screenshot

The Climb

From hoverbikes to scaling heights, The Climb will give you the exhilaration of extreme solo climbing as you climb higher then you ever have before. Take your time and enjoy the view or complete to have the faster time on the leaderboard with both touch and gamepay controls. Powered by the CryEngine, The Climb is a realistic climbing experience without having to leave your own house.

The Climb is currently the low price of £18.99 (GBP) down from £29.99.

Arizona Sunshine screenshot

Arizona Sunshine

“Arizona Sunshine is by no means a masterpiece, however it is a significant step closer to the VR experiences that early adopters know the technology is capable of. Hesitating to innovate too much, Arizona Sunshine cleverly picks-and-chooses from the key mechanics that have proven to work in four years of PC VR development and brings them to PlayStation 4 feeling almost new. Vertigo Games has created a hugely enjoyable FPS videogame for the early days of VR, but one which will undoubtedly look dated in just a few months.” – Read VRFocus’ Editor Kevin Joyce’s review of Arizona Sunshine on PlayStation VR here.

Arizona Sunshine is currently on sale for £18.39 (GBP) down from £29.99.

I Expect You To Die screenshot_04

I Expect You To Die

Live out the life of an elite secret agent in this puzzle title that will test all your skills as you attempt to survive deadly situations in immersive and dangerous locations. Can you complete each of the operations using problem-solving skills and your wits along with the power of telekinesis that you also have? No matter what the situation, keep your cool and try to get out alive by using ever resource you have. Can you be an elite secret agent?

I Expect You To Die is now only £10.99 (GBP) down from £18.99.

Rez Infinite AreaX 02

Rez Infinite

Winner of Best VR Game at The Game Awards 2016 and the return of a legendary title, Rez Infinite invites players to once again return to the full 360-degrees of mind-blowing synesthesia. Blast your way through waves of enemies and giant transforming bosses full of colours and sounds that sync and bled to the techno soundtrack that fills this title. Rez Infinite offers a fully immersive experience unlike anything else and is sure to give players a wild ride.

Rez Infinite is available for only £10.99 (GBP) which is down from £18.99.

galaxy golf vr screenshot

Galaxy Golf

If you are looking for a new way to play crazy golf then why not take a trip to the outer reaches of our Galaxy in Galaxy Golf. Defy gravity as you work your way through tricky terrain and mini-planets in as few shots as possible. Play it safe and go for par or will you launch your ball into an orbit hoping for a hole-in-one? With simple one-touch controls and the freedom of VR to move, aim and view, Galaxy Golf will keep you entertained for some time as you take a golfing trip around the galaxy.

Galaxy Golf is currently over half price on sale for £0.79 (GBP) down from £3.99.

Wheel Rush Screenshot 01

Wheel Rush

Get into the driving seat once again as you burn rubber on a space speedway with no speed limit. Featuring an endless track with obstacles to avoid and plenty of ways to earn points, Wheel Rush is a title that will give you the thrill of riding fast with no limits in your way. Just try not to cash as you race to become the faster rider in the galaxy.

Wheel Rush is currently on sale for the super low price of £0.08 (GBP) down from £0.79.


“Take a dive into the adrenaline-pumping world of wingsuit flying with Rush. The intense VR action will have you on the edge of your seat as you soar down mountainsides at breakneck speeds. Weave through canyons, dodge outcrops, and plummeting down sheer drops as you race towards the finish line.”

RUSH is currently only £2.99 (GBP) on sale from £5.99.

Paint VR Screenshot 01

Paint VR

Lastly today is something a little bit different as Paint VR is on sale. Have you ever wanted to bring your artist skills to life in VR? Well, with Paint VR you can do just that as your imagination is the only limit here. With a range of different brushes and tools to aid you in creating your next masterpiece, Paint VR is an immersive way to escape the real world and paint.

Paint VR is available for only £1.99 (GBP) right now on sale from £3.99.

That is all for this week but remember that VRFocus gathers all the best sales and deals every week, so check back next weekend at the same time to discover more.

Play VR Racer ‘Sprint Vector’ for Free on Rift This Weekend, Win Prizes April 7th

Sprint Vector (2018), the VR racing game that uses a unique locomotion system to send you speeding through the world’s Mario Kart-style tracks on your own two feet, is finally getting a free access weekend on Rift. Oh, and you might have the chance to win big at Oculus’ ongoing two-year Rift anniversary giveaway too.

Already in effect, Rifters can grab Sprint Vector for free right this second and play in its adrenaline-pumping multiplayer matches. Free access continues until April 9th at 3 AM ET (local time here).

To enter in a chance to win a prize, you’ll need to play a multiplayer match on Saturday, April 7th between 1PM – 2PM PT (local end time here). And no, you don’t have to win the match to enter, you just have to play during that one-hour window. Prizes include Oculus Store credits, a brand-new PC, and the exclusive “Golden Account” that unlocks 100 games for free.

If you miss out on this weekend’s giveaway, next weekend marks the last chance to try as Oculus will open a new free access weekend for a yet-unannounced game.

What makes Sprint Vector so unique? Developers Survios dub their novel locomotion scheme “Fluid Locomotion,” a system which requires you to pump your arms as if you were running in place in order to move. You can also think about it as if you were skiing with ski poles, but instead of pushing off the ground with a pole, you thrust your arms downward while activating the trigger button on your controller, thus moving you forward.

It really is massive amounts of fun, but just make sure to keep a bottle of water and a towel handy for longer sessions. Check out why we gave Sprint Vector a solid [9/10] in our review.

The post Play VR Racer ‘Sprint Vector’ for Free on Rift This Weekend, Win Prizes April 7th appeared first on Road to VR.

Sprint Vector Joins the Space Race in DLC Update

Survios launched its competitive multiplayer Sprint Vector a couple of months ago and this week the studio released the first big update. The Space Race 1.2 update adds a brand new map for players: Outer Vegas, alongside additional improvements. 

Sprint Vector spacerace

The new map features the same gameplay Sprint Vector players have come to expect from Survios, this time on a neon drenched course filled with deadly drops off every turn, erratic gravity warps and a big twist at the end. Of course Outer Vegas is riddled with the usual amount of shortcuts and alternate routes for those master players who love to jump and fly, and risk it all.

Explaining Outer Vegas’ design Survios said: “Filled with complex lighting and visual effects, the space map was a labor of love for our artists and designers. Originally a cold, hard sci-fi-inspired course (think Raw Data), everyone agreed the vibe wasn’t jiving with the rest of Sprint Vector’s crazy-colorful aesthetic—until the day someone yelled “Space Vegas!” as a joke.”

In addition to the new map the update includes ongoing gameplay stability improvements, AI behaviour updates, and graphical performance upgrades to allow for a smoother sprinting experience overall across all solo and multiplayer maps.

Sprint Vector OuterVegas1_B

If you’ve not yet tried Sprint Vector and happen to own an Oculus Rift then you’ll be able to try it for free this weekend. Survios is participating in Oculus’ Rift Gold Rush event so from 5th – 8th April players will be able to unlock a secret achievement as well as participate in special challenges.

The Space Race Update is available now for free. It’s the first of a two-part sponsored content series in collaboration with Intel, as further details are announced VRFocus will let you know.

Patch Notes for Update 1.2

  • New Map: Outer Vegas – “Outer Vegas” now live for both single-player and multiplayer races.
  • Improved Multiplayer Loading – Players no longer get stuck at a black screen when loading into a multiplayer area.
  • Improved Stability – Includes several improvements to server and client stability and optimizations for performance to improve player experience.
  • AI Pathing and Behavior – Includes several improvements to AI performance and behavior throughout the game.
  • Improved Collision – Includes several improvements to collision volumes and path smoothing throughout the game.
  • Graphical Performance Improvements – Contains several assorted adjustments to streaming volumes and distances to improve graphical performance.

Known Issues

  • [PLAYSTATION] Leaderboard scores are not currently updating on the final three challenge maps, SidewinderBlastoff and The Gauntlet. We are currently investigating this issue and intend to fix it with a patch as soon as possible.
  • [MULTIPLAYER] On occasion, racers who complete the race will not be teleported to the Race Completion Zone.
  • [MULTIPLAYER] Players who have been muted via the wrist menu may become unmuted when transitioning to a new map.
  • [MULTIPLAYER] Players will sometimes lose speed lines and aim assist cones after passing through power-up orbs.
  • [MULTIPLAYER] Players sometimes get stuck on an endless multiplayer loading screen. Workaround: Bring up your Windows date and time settings to make sure that “Set time automatically” is turned on.
  • [OCULUS] Oculus users experience strobe effect on loading screens. Workaround: Turn on “Rift Core 2.0 Beta” found in the Beta tab of Oculus Home settings.

Sprint Vector mit neuer Strecke und im Rift-Wochenende

Sprint Vector gehört sicherlich zu den recht spärlich gesäten VR-Highlights in diesem Jahr. Nun erhält der Titel eine neue Strecke, die man armschwingend durchrasen darf. Wer eine Oculus Rift besitzt, kann sich zudem auf das Wochenende freuen. Denn Sprint Vector ist der nächste Titel, den man für eine begrenzte Zeit kostenlos spielen darf. Außerdem ist er Teil des Gold Rush Events von Oculus.

Sprint Vector: Update bringt neue Strecke, Gold Rush Event

Der Multiplayer-Raser Sprint Vector ist für die Oculus Rift, HTC Vive und PSVR erhältlich und kann durch rasante Renn-Action überzeugen. Mit dem heutigen Update erweitert sich die Streckenvielfalt, denn neu hinzu kommt die Piste Outer Vegas. Laut den Kollegen von Upload VR müsste es am 3. April 2018 um 21 Uhr erscheinen.

Wer den Titel noch nicht kennt oder mit dem Kauf zögert und eine Oculus Rift besitzt, bekommt ab dem 5. April 2018 bis zum 8. April die Gelegenheit, kostenlos mit Sprint Vector durchzustarten. Das könnte sich gleich doppelt lohnen, denn das Spiel ist auch Teil des Gold Rush Events am 7. April, bei dem man beispielsweise Credits für den Store gewinnen kann. Oder sogar einen Golden Account, bei dem Oculus die besten 100 Spiele kostenlos freischaltet. Alle Preise und Informationen hat Oculus auf dieser Webseite zusammengetragen.

Sprint Vector ist nach Brass Tactics der zweite Titel im Gold Rush Event, der nächste folgt am 14. April 2018. Das Rennspiel ist derzeit für PlayStation VR (PSVR) im Sonderangebot für 17 Euro statt 25 Euro erhältlich. Die Steam-Version für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive schlägt mit 28 Euro zu Buche, im Oculus Store für die Rift mit derzeit 24 statt 30 Euro.

(Quelle: Upload VR)

Der Beitrag Sprint Vector mit neuer Strecke und im Rift-Wochenende zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Sprint Vector Gets New Track Today, Oculus Free Weekend Incoming

Sprint Vector Gets New Track Today, Oculus Free Weekend Incoming

Have you been hitting the track every day? Feel like you’re the world’s sprinting champion and have the lap times to prove it? Need a new challenge? You’re getting one today.

Sprint Vector, Survios’ mad multiplayer VR racer, is getting a free update at 12pm PT today. Highlighting the patch is a brand new map, Outer Vegas, which you can see in the trailer below. On this course, you speed through a luxury space resort set between two black holes, dealing with gravity warps as you search for shortcuts. It looks suitably spacey, with tight corridors for you to navigate.

But that’s not all. If you haven’t tried Sprint Vector yet and you own an Oculus Rift, this weekend will be the perfect time to give it a go. The game will be free to play on the Oculus Store from April 5th to 8th, and is the next title to feature in the Rift Gold Rush Event. That means that if you’re playing a multiplayer game of Sprint Vector between 1pm to 2pm PT on April 7th, you’ll be in with a chance of winning Oculus goodies like Store credit and perhaps even the elusive Golden Account, which unlocks 100 free games.

As for the DLC, it’s the first in two free pieces sponsored by Intel, with the second update arriving in May.

We’re big fans of Sprint Vector here at UploadVR. We said it was a “great example of a game that could not exist without VR. The act of swinging your arms from side-to-side as you boost along massive, sprawling levels in contention with other racers is exhilarating. It makes for one of the silliest looking games to watch someone play but one of the most intense (and exhausting) experiences you can have in a headset.”

Best give it a try, then.

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Here’s All The PlayStation VR Titles Releasing This Spring

Sony have announced a large number of virtual reality (VR) titles that will be coming to PlayStation VR and PlayStation 4 in Spring of this year.

Rick and Morty screenshot

Following the release of stunning VR recently on PlayStation VR including Moss, The Inpatient and Sprint Vector, PlayStation VR is set to keep up the releases with over 30 titles releasing this Spring. There are a wide range of different VR titles on the list, ranging from relaxing experiences to action packed titles where players will be busy in heated combat.

Pixel Ripped 1989 new screenshot16

Some of the standout titles from the list include Rick And Morty: Virtual Rick-Ality, which VRFocus’ Senior Writer Peter Graham reviewed last year on PC saying: “If you enjoy this style of interactive VR experience then you’ll appreciate Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality even if you’ve not seen the cartoon, there’s even sections catering to first-person shooter (FPS) fans. Really though this is a video game for those that love Rick and Morty, and quite frankly that’s no bad thing. Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality is a madcap, fun filled adventure from start to finish, perfectly suiting VR’s qualities, it should not be missed.”

Pixel Ripped 1989 is also making its way to PlayStation VR and is set to release on 22nd May, 2018. VRFocus sat down with the developer, Ana Ribeiro to talk about the VR titles release and development which you can see for yourself here.

You can see the full list of PlayStation VR titles below which once again, will releasing this Spring. Of course, it is always possible there could be delays but should all go well players will be able to all of the following in the coming months.

  • Anamorphine
  • Apocalypse Rider
  • Ark Park
  • Chromagun VR
  • CoolpaintrVR
  • Crisis of the Planet of the Apes
  • Flatline Experience The Other Side
  • Floor Plan
  • Headbutt Factory
  • Hopalong: The Badlands
  • Island Time
  • Just in Time Inc.
  • Killing Floor: Incursion
  • MLB Home Run Derby VR
  • Nothin’ But Net
  • One Piece Grand Cruise
  • Pixel Ripped 1989
  • Prana
  • Preta: Vendetta Rising
  • Quar Infernal Machines
  • RadianVR
  • Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality
  • Rooms the Unsolvable Puzzle
  • Separation
  • Smash Hit Plunder
  • Super Amazeballs
  • Super Kaiju
  • Syren
  • The Perfect Sniper
  • Time Carnage
  • Tom
  • VR Apocalypse
  • War Robots VR: The Skirmish
  • Xing: The Land Beyond

VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest for these titles in the future so stay tuned for more.

Sprint Vector Gets Series Of Community-Focused Weekly Challenges

Sprint Vector Gets Series Of Community-Focused Weekly Challenges

The best way to keep people coming back to your game is to keep releasing new content — it’s a tried and true method of maintaining a high retention rate. Sprint Vector just recently launched on Rift, Vive, and PSVR but that isn’t stopping developer Survios from coming back with new things to set your sights on already.

Starting today, there will be a new Weekly Challenge each Friday running throughout every weekend. Every challenge will provide a specific goal on a particular map for everyone to try and complete and compete against one another for.

The Steam announcement reads:

“Not only do the Weekly Challenges encourage you to show us what you got on an assortment of maps and game modes, but a victory gives you a shot at participating in Mr. E’s Master League, an upcoming community competition where only the speediest survive!”

Plus, you’ll even get especial flair on the official Survios Discord channel and an invite to an exclusive “Winner’s Circle” chat channel.

The first Weekly Challenge started yesterday, 2/15, and runs through 2/18. The objective is to complete a Time Trial on the Termination map with a time of 01:35:00 or better. That’s it! Naturally, that isn’t super simple to do, but it’s well within the realm of being possible for most players.

Are you planning on participating? Let us know down in the comments below!

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