Vertical Shift Looks Like A Multiplayer Spider-Man Game For Oculus Quest

Marvel won’t get it together to give us a full Spider-Man VR game on Oculus Quest. But developers Sliverimage and WASD Productions might fill that gap with Vertical Shift.

A new trailer for this indie VR game, set to arrive on SideQuest, debuted this week. It showcases the game’s core concept, in which players swing around arenas in Spider-Man style action. Notably, the other characters in the trailer are all called Peter Porker, a reference to both Spidey and his cartoon pig counterpart, Spider-Ham. You can also use jetpacks and wings to zoom about levels.

Vertical Shift’s developers say the game will feature different competitive modes like tag, capture the flag and even sports like soccer and racing options. You fire ‘webs’ out of guns, aiming for boost pads floating around the map and gliding through the air when you let go. Note that what’s on show in the trailer is only an early concept video; it’s not meant to look final. You can keep up-to-date with the game via its new Twitter account.

It seems like it could be a lot of fun for VR fans with iron stomachs. We’ve seen a lot of fan-made Spider-Man VR tributes over the years but only a handful of official games featuring the web-slinger. There was the disappointing Marvel Powers United VR on Oculus Rift, though Sony Pictures recently released a pretty good tie-in to Spider-Man: Far From Home.

For now, all we know is that Vertical Shift is coming to Quest this year.

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Swing Around Like Spider-Man On Quest In A Free WebVR App

A new WebVR experience developed by u/_talkol_ on Reddit allows users to swing around buildings using web-shooters, just like Spider-Man. The experience is open source and runs through WebVR. It therefore works with any WebVR-supported headsets, notably including the Oculus Quest, and is available for free.

To try out the experience, you just need to open the Oculus Browser on your Quest (or the browser on any other VR headset that supports WebVR experiences) and navigate to in the browser.

The page will load a welcome screen explaining the controls. When you’re ready, you can press the VR button in the bottom right to launch the experience in full-screen VR. Various Spider-Man soundtracks and songs will play in the background as you swing around the buildings. You can use your triggers to shoot webs, the grip buttons to make sharper turns and, for more advanced users, the thumbsticks will be used to control how tight the webs are, affecting your velocity. You can view some footage of the app below, however we experienced audio issues while recording, so none of the sound effects or music are audible in the video.

It takes a while to get used to, and while there’s not a whole lot to do in the city, it is nonetheless incredibly exhilarating to swing around like Spider-Man. Once you get a hand of the mechanics, you can start to pull off some really good stunts that you’ve seen in Spider-Man movies before. There are some crystals placed in select locations around the map, which you can try and fly through to collect, but apart from that you’ll just be swinging around the city in whichever direction you please.

It should also be noted that this is an unofficial Spider-Man experience, not developed in conjunction with, or with permission of, Marvel. It does feature Spider-Man imagery and sounds, but the developer stated on Reddit that they “hope Marvel will regard it as fan stuff, it’s open source, non-profit and even [has] no ads.”

If you’re looking for something more official, there’s the similar and slightly more high-tech Spider-Man: Far From Home VR movie tie-in from a few months ago, on PC VR and PSVR. Despite some comments stating that they were considering a Quest port, that has eventuated just yet.

Have you tried out this fan-made Spider-Man experience on the Quest? Let us know what you think in the comments.

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Spider-Man, Ultron Return In Avengers: Damage Control Trailer

Marvel, ILMxLAB and The Void are launching Avengers: Damage Control next week. A new trailer reveals a few surprise returning characters.

The story trailer for the experience just went live. It gives us our first look at gameplay. More importantly, though, it confirms that Spider-Man himself will be stopping by in the multi-user location-based adventure. We can’t tell if it’s Tom Holland voicing him, but we’re just happy to see him flip into our headsets after the recent drama between Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures.

Perhaps the bigger surprise is the return of an Avengers villain; Ultron. He hasn’t appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron. It’s never been confirmed if Damage Control is official MCU canon but it could well be, marking this return as one fans won’t want to miss.

Also showing up in Damage Control are Hulk, War Machine, Black Panther and Falcon. We also know that Dr. Strange, Ant-Man and The Wasp all put in an appearance too, voiced by their big-screen counterparts. Players themselves will put on a suit of armor that features a mix of Stark and Wakandan technology. It looks like a mashup of Iron Man and Black Panther suits. We’ll be interested to see how the experience feels given last year’s Marvel: Powers United VR was a bit disappointing.

Tickets to Avengers: Damage Control are on sale now, with the experience opening October 18. Prices start at around $40. It’s only showing in the US and Canada for now, but fingers crossed we see it elsewhere in the near future.

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VRecap #5: Void Meets Avengers, Sony Buys Insomniac, Win The Tower 2!

Get yourself out of Gamescom, find a quiet spot with decent WiFi and dig in; VRecap #5 is here!

Even without throwing in our recent trip to Germany, it’s been heck of a busy week. First up, Sony acquired one of the biggest VR developers out there, Insomniac Games. They did games like The Unspoken and the upcoming Stormland, exclusively for the Oculus Rift. What does that mean for the developer’s existing relationship with Oculus? Could we see Insomniac on PSVR? Oh the possibilities!

Elsewhere, we’ve got an update from The Void that confirms the company is working with both Marvel and Sony Pictures on new location-based VR projects. Perhaps they’ll create a reality where Spider-Man is still in the MCU?

Too soon? Sorry.

Oh and, yes, we’ve been to Gamescom! We’ve got a quick preview of our adventures in Cologne this episode before we round up the week’s releases. We saw a heck of a lot of VR games out there, so keep an eye out for a bunch of previews heading your way over the next week or so. In fact we’ve already got a few ready for you, like Iron Man VR and Espire 1!

As for the competition, this week we’re offering up free copies of The Tower 2. This VR obstacle course makes full use of room scale tracking and gives you quite a workout. If you want to be in with a chance of winning, just follow this link.

Okay, time to get out of here and enjoy the weekend. What are you going to be diving into this weekend?

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Community Download: What Do You Think Of Sony Acquiring Insomniac?

Community Download is a weekly discussion-focused articles series published (usually) every Monday in which we pose a single, core question to you all, our readers, in the spirit of fostering discussion and debate. For today, we want to know what you think about the news that Sony has acquired game developer Insomniac Games?

Yesterday the news broke that Sony is acquiring Insomniac Games, the developers behind last year’s PS4-exclusive, Spider-Man, as well as a host of Oculus Studios published VR titles: Edge of Nowhere, Feral Rites, The Unspoken, and Stormland. Prior to all of that, they developed several PlayStation-exclusive games as well, such as Spyro The Dragon on PS1, Ratchet & Clank mostly on PS2, and the Resistance series on PS3.

The news as a whole isn’t much of a surprise, but Insomniac had been far less aligned with the PlayStation brand in recent years compared to the past. In addition to developing three (and soon their fourth) Oculus Home-exclusive VR game, they also released Sunset Overdrive not along ago, an Xbox One-exclusive action adventure title.

So, the question at hand is: What do you think of Sony acquiring Insomniac Games? What does it mean for VR?

Stormland development will be unaffected by this news, reportedly, but it likely puts a pin in future Oculus-exclusive VR games for the time being and should open up the door for PSVR-exclusive ones instead. Maybe we will finally get that amazing VR-focused full Spider-Man game that we’ve been dreaming out.

Let us know your thoughts down in the comments below!

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Community Download: Which Superhero Do You Want To Play As In VR?

Community Download is a weekly discussion-focused articles series published (usually) every Monday in which we pose a single, core question to you all, our readers, in the spirit of fostering discussion and debate. For today, we want to know which superhero you most want to play as in VR?

Virtual reality has the potential to offer some extreme power fantasies. We’ve even written a dedicated list to rounding up some of our favorite power trip VR games that make you feel incredibly powerful. But general wish fulfillment is one thing: we want to take some time to focus on what amounts to VR roleplaying or cosplaying as iconic heroes instead.

Marvel Powers United VR has a large cast of heroes to play as, but it’s a bit shallow overall. Spider-Man’s recent Far From Home VR experience does a good job of bringing web slinging to life, but that’s about all it does. Batman Arkham VR was barely a game and Megaton Rainfall is a respectable attempt at a Superman-esque VR game. But for the most part, we’re still waiting on that great superhero experience in VR.  Fingers crossed Iron Man VR is as great as it could be.

So we want to put the question to you: Which superhero do you most want to play as in VR? Do you want a team-up game or a dedicated VR experience all about that hero?

Let us know your picks down in the comments below and we’ll see what everyone thinks would make the best superhero VR game.

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A New Spider-Man VR Game Is Coming This Week And I’m Cautiously Optimistic

spider-man far from home VR

Peter Parker is back from the land of dust and ready to swing into his next adventure next month. Spider-Man: Far From Home hits cinemas in early July and, as with most Sony Pictures-produced movies, it’s getting a tie-in VR experience. Poor ol’ Spidey doesn’t have the best track record with VR, but I’m actually cautiously optimistic about this one.

See, I played Spider-Man: Far From Home Virtual Reality Experience back at Mobile World Congress in February. While this is indeed a tie-in piece and not a ‘full’ game, it was the first Spidey VR app to finally let me web-swing. The VR experience for Spider-Man: Homecoming was a largely stationary experience and the web-slinger was significantly nerfed in 2018’s Marvel Powers United VR. Homecoming developer CreateVR is returning for this experience and the team seems to have taken some lessons from its first attempt.

From what I played back in February, web-swinging is closer to something like Windlands here. You’re more zipping between buildings than you are swinging around them. We’ve got some gameplay below, though the player isn’t having an easy time with it.

The PlayStation Blog says the piece will let you pick from four different Spidey suits. It also teases that a “colossal and dangerous enemy is waiting.” We’d presume that would mean Far From Home big bad, Mysterio, but it could be something else.

Anyway, look for the app to launch on PSVR sometime this week. I played it on the Rift back at MWC so expect it to launch there too, and probably on Vive as well. No word on a possible Quest version but, if it comes to Valve Index with finger-tracking support I’ll die of happiness. Thwip!

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