apelab has today launched the full edition of Break a Leg on the Samsung Gear VR, a new virtual reality (VR) videogame which casts the player as an unfortunate magician. Available to download now, this final release version follows a preview chapter launched back in June of this year.
Who is the greatest magician of the universe? Harry Houdini? David Copperfield? Well, today it could become you: starting tonight, Samsung Gear VR owners can enter the enchanted world of Break a Leg and perform tricks like a true illusionist on Halloween Night.
Break a Leg is a VR experience inspired by the magic shows of the 19th Century. The videogame tells the tale of an unknown creature that has kidnapped you as part of a plan to unleash the ‘Ultimate Power of The Galaxy’. Only a human being can unleash its force by going through the ancient book of Stellar Tricks written by Houdini’s Great Great Aunt Maggie in person.
Using the new Samsung Controller as a wand players will perform iconic magic tricks such as “The Orange Tree”, “The Vanishing Assistant” or train your sleight of hand in Break a Leg’s second act, called “The Professor”.
“VR and theater are really close, it is all about acting. In Break a Leg you really are the actor on your own stage,” states Maria Beltran, CDO at apelab. “The game is also really funny, with strange and exotic creatures and great challenges, it is a total new world.”
apelab developed Break a Leg using their own SpatialStories software, which is currently taking on beta applications. This Unity plugin, currently in development as a full software title, allows developers to craft augmented reality (AR) or VR videogames and experiences without any prior coding knowledge. Users simply upload designs, convert them into interactive objects and assign to them predefined behaviors.
Break a Leg is now available to download from the Oculus Store, exclusively for Samsung Gear VR, priced at $5.99 USD/ £4.49 GBP. The official launch trailer for Break a Leg follows below and VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest from apelab.