Spaceteam VR’s Co-op Party Begins Later This Month

Spaceteam VR

With the coronavirus lockdown in most countries likely to continue into the near future, people are looking for new and entertaining ways to remain connected with friends and family. Later this month British indie developer Cooperative Innovations will be releasing its co-op party title Spaceteam VR, ideal for groups looking for some hectic entertainment.

Spaceteam VR

Spaceteam VR is based on the mobile title from 2013, designed to offer hectic gameplay which tends to descend into shouting at each other to complete tasks.

None of which are easy because they’re randomly generated, incorrectly assigned instructions filled with technobabble. The core online multiplayer mode allows up to six players to participate around a central console, each player having their own board of dials and buttons. The aim is to keep the spaceship you’re all travelling on in one piece whilst under the constant threat of annihilation from supernova, asteroids, slime, aliens and more.

As to why the studio decided upon turning the title into a VR experience: “because it was an obvious choice for us, it’s a very funny cooperative multiplayer game and the reason we set up the business was to make the most of the social and collaborative nature of VR” said Cooperative Innovations’ CEO and Co-Founder Simon Barratt in a statement.

Spaceteam VR

“It’s just like Spaceteam but attached directly to your face with an extra dimension and lots more arm-flailing!” notes original Spaceteam creator Henry Smith of Sleeping Beast Games. “It’s great being able to see your VR teammates frantically mashing their consoles beside you. And there are lots of little touches that really capture the feeling of the original game.”

To ensure ultimate flexibility, Spaceteam VR isn’t purely an online VR multiplayer. When allowed to, there’s a local mode which supports both VR headsets and mobile devices, plus you can also play solo with robot teammates.

Spaceteam VR is scheduled to arrive for Oculus Quest, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index and Windows Mixed Reality headsets on 21st May, supporting cross-platform gameplay. A PlayStation VR version is also in the works for 2020.

For further updates on Spaceteam VR, keep reading VRFocus.

Spaceteam VR Reveals Local Co-Op Mode With Smartphones/Tables

Cooperative Innovations is living up to its name with the upcoming Spaceteam VR. Alongside the main multiplayer mode for up to six VR users, people with smartphones and tablets can join in on the fun too.

With this feature, players can use an app to join in with a VR player’s game. They’ll be represented as robots, but the core of the game will remain the same; keep your ship functioning as you hurtle through space by yelling out commands to others to follow and listening out for orders relating to yourself. As you can probably imagine, chaos quickly ensues.

The smartphone and tablet version was, of course, how the original version of Spaceteam was played. The VR version adds in a bunch of new features like interactive commands to repair terminals and customizable avatars.

Any mix of VR and mobile players can fill out a six-player game, giving Spaceteam an interesting versatility for party play in VR. Plus, the Oculus Quest and PC VR versions of the game will all support cross-play, as will a PSVR version that will launch soon after the original editions.

Spaceteam just had a showing at PAX East in Boston, where it was the final game showcased in the Omegathon livestream. Nearly 40 minutes of gameplay is below.

The game’s coming soon to PC VR and Quest, so keep an eye out. It’s also due for showings at SXSW, EGX Rezzed and Insomnia 66 later this year.

Will you be checking out Spaceteam VR at launch? Let us know in the comments below!

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Co-operative ‘Shout-em-up’ Spaceteam VR to Offer Cross-Platform Gameplay

Initially revealing development of a co-operative party title called Spaceteam VR almost a year ago, British indie developer Cooperative Innovations is due to release the title across multiple platforms this Spring. Today, the studio has confirmed that gameplay will be cross-platform between smartphones and virtual reality (VR) headsets.

Spaceteam VR

An officially licensed version of the popular mobile classic Spaceteam, Cooperative Innovations’ Spaceteam VR looks set to become one of the most cross-playable VR videogames ever thanks to local and online support. Described as a ‘co-operative ‘shout em up”, Spaceteam VR is all about keeping your spaceship intact by using a range of tools in conjunction with a console hosting various levers and dials.

Each player will have their own unique console, needing to communicate the instructions that appear on the monitor above their head. “Each instruction is made up of a selection of nouns, verbs and symbols, which are put together randomly to produce humorous technobabble, such as “Pump Inducer”, “Fill Debris” or “Set 😊 to 2″,” notes the description.

Spaceteam VR will allow up to six VR players to connect online, whether they’re on Oculus Quest, Valve Index or PlayStation VR. Or if you’re all in the same room one person needs to be in VR while everyone else can be on phones or tablets. “…not only is the game going to be playable online on up to six headsets across all the popular manufacturers, but you’ll be able to play locally with people on their smartphones or tablets as well as multiple VR headsets. Players can take it in turns to experience the VR version while still co-operating and shouting technobabble at each other!,” said CEO and CoFounder Simon Barratt in a statement.

Spaceteam VR“Also we’re super excited to announce a single-player mode which is perfect if you find yourself without internet connectivity! Two robot AI characters will join you to help you achieve your Spaceteam mission!,” adds Alex Earle, Community Manager for Spaceteam VR.

Spaceteam VR is scheduled to launch Spring 2020 for Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, HTC Vive, Valve Index and Windows Mixed Reality headsets, with a PlayStation VR version arriving shortly after. For further updates keep reading VRFocus.

Spaceteam VR Brings Frantic Co-Op Party Play To Quest + More In 2020

Start warming up your shouty voice; Spaceteam VR is on its way to Quest and other headsets in early 2020.

As we confirmed during yesterday’s Holiday VR Showcase, Cooperative Innovations adaptation of the smartphone classic will arrive in Q1 of next year. Quest is a lock for release, but expect to see it on other platforms too. You can see new footage of the game below, which shows a heck of a lot of improvements to the game since we revealed it at our E3 VR Showcase earlier in the year.

In Spaceteam, you have to fix your ship. The problem is that only your friends have your instructions, and you have to shout over the top of each other to be heard. The further you travel into the depths of space, the harder things become. It’s not long before you’re screaming over the top of each other in a desperate struggle to be heard. Maybe not a great game for your neighbors, then.

The VR version of the game adds in lots of unique interactions like defending yourself with a raygun or hammering your console to fix it. Plus, you’ll be able to customize avatars to appear as ridiculous as you see fit, and then meet up with your friends as a group of intrepid (and stupid-looking) explorers.

Elsewhere, Cooperative Innovations is still working on Raiders of Erda and is also releasing tools for VR developers too.

Will you be screaming at your friends when Spaceteam VR arrives next year? Let us know in the comments below!

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E3 2019: Here’s A First Look At Spaceteam VR’s Zany Co-Op Gameplay

Spaceteam VR

We had a lot of cool games to show at our E3 VR Showcase earlier today. Many of them, though, were single-player. Spaceteam VR is not single-player. It is most certainly not single-player.

No, Spaceteam is an adaptation a highly successful mobile game. In it, players team up online to pilot a spaceship. You have a set of controls with a bunch of impossibly confusing words on them. Don’t know what to do with them? That’s because your friends have to tell you.

Every player is given a set of instructions to bark. They don’t know who it’s relevant to, nor exactly what it means. The result is basically a bunch of people shouting at each other in increasingly hilarious situations.

For Spaceteam VR, developer Cooperative Innovations is bringing a bit of physicality to the game. Orders now translate to switches to be pulled and buttons to be pushed, for example. There’s also new VR content like ray guns to combat progress-blocking blobs.

It’s early days right now but Spaceteam is looking like a whole lot of fun. We’re especially big fans of the game’s expressive avatars, which show up a fair amount in our showcase segment.

Spaceteam VR is coming soon. How soon? We don’t know, exactly. Nor do we know exactly which headsets it’s coming to. But we do know we’re excited — let’s hope more news is on the way for later this year. As for our E3 VR Showcase? You can catch up with all the news in the video right here.

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Spaceteam VR Coming From Cooperative Innovations

Spaceteam VR Coming From Cooperative Innovations

Get ready to scream your head off at your virtual friends; Spaceteam VR is on the way.

Cooperative Innovations today announced that it has licensed the award-winning mobile game from Sleeping Beast Games and is developing a VR version of it. The game will be coming to both home-based headsets and VR arcades later this year.

Living up to the developer’s name, Spaceteam is all about cooperating with friends to pilot a spacecraft. In the original version, each player operates different parts of the ship’s interface. Their friends get orders on the screen that they have to call out and the relevant person responds. On mobile, that means sitting around in a circle and screaming directions at the top of your voice in hopes that the right person hears you over everyone else. It’s a little nuts, to say the least.

We can easily see the game translating to VR. Imagine sitting in a cockpit next to your friends and frantically pulling levers and flicking switches at their command.

There’s still a lot to learn about the VR version of the game, though. Studio CEO & Founder Simon Barratt says that an alpha version will be making its way to testers soon. You can also sign up to a newsletter here.

Cooperative Innovations itself is based in the UK and is working on several VR projects. We’ve been following the team’s first project, Raiders of Erda, for some time now. It’s a multiplayer VR dungeon crawler that looks like it could scratch a Skyrim itch. The studio also recently revealed a VR/AR avatar mapping system named Ikabod.

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