‘Space Pirate Trainer’ Multiplayer Arena Offers a Glimpse into the Future of Arena-scale VR

Space Pirate Trainer (2017) on Oculus Quest received a substantial update last week, which brings to the wave-based shooter two new multiplayer modes, one of which basically turns your Quest into a mobile laser tag machine for some 1v1 multiplayer action. Just like the base game, the new additions are well-polished, although the large-format Arena mode comes with a fair bit of friction that may limit these sorts of experiences from taking off before VR headsets are more widespread.

NoteSpace Pirate Trainer DX is a free update for people who own Space Pirate Trainer on Quest prior its September 9th launch. The game on Quest is now priced at $25. The classic Space Pirate Trainer remains available on Steam, Oculus Rift, PlayStation and Microsoft stores for $15.

Before the update’s release on September 9th, Space Pirate Trainer on Quest was a single-player wave shooter that boasted extremely high polish. It’s one of those basic experiences everyone should have at least once in VR since it’s so easy to pick up for newcomers and so difficult to put down.

The game, now named Space Pirate Trainer DX on Quest, includes two new modes: Versus, a multiplayer version of the classic solo mode, and Arena, which offers up a few large-format maps for a 1v1 shootout that you might typically find at a VR arcade.

Arena: Star of the Show

I’ll go into all of the necessary safety precautions and caveats below—please don’t miss that—but first a bit on gameplay.

Arena literally uses the entire allowable Guardian space on Quest, a full 10 × 10m (33 × 33ft) space, and there’s no side-skirting that. Over the course of a few days I visited an outdoor basketball court with a local Quest-owning friend so I could bite into both single and multiplayer modes within Arena, which offers up five maps where you can either go head-to-head with another player, or go against waves of increasingly difficult bots.

Simply put: Arena is fun, tiring, and really worth your time if you can organize a match. If.

Unlike the standard single-player mode in SPT, in Arena you’re given a single pistol with infinite ammo and a hand-held shield that can only be activated for a short amount of time. The pistol can either shoot in semi-auto, or with a single charge shot that bounces around everywhere. Keen users of the charge shot can bend bullets around corners and secure a hit, although I never did.

Each player has three lives and no health bar, so getting hit once will force you to respawn in one of four specific zones within a set amount of time, otherwise it will slowly count down and take yet more lives from your bank of three. Arena keeps track of what zones you can respawn at so you’re not spamming a single spot.

Just like the classic wave-based mode, Arena’s bot-mode serves up increasingly difficult waves of baddies which eventually overwhelm you. Bot-mode is fun, and makes for a bitesize way to enjoy Arena before you can setup a proper match, although I’m not sure I would go through the trouble of securing a suitable space just to play Arena’s single-player in the future since it doesn’t offer nearly the same gameplay depth of the classic single-player mode.

As you’d imagine, the 1v1 mode is where Arena truly shines, as it essentially presents a miniature version of laser tag, playable both online in separate spaces over the internet, or locally by using either existent WiFi or a WiFi hotspot on your phone.

To play in the same physical space you’ll need to calibrate accordingly, which takes some finessing the first few times. The best way to do that is to stand approximately in the middle of the playarea and place a piece of tape. Configure that as you center point by facing that direction and hold the ‘Oculus’ button to recalibrate the game’s orientation. From there, you should be safe to play in the same court.

YouTuber ‘VR Oasis’ does a much better job than me at showing off just how it all works on camera in this head-to-head local match.

Notably, Arena doesn’t feature a match-making function, so you’ll need to find games manually, either by securing some 1v1 time with a friend or by trawling Discord servers for random people. Even if it did have match-making, you’d probably never find a game. More on that later.

If you’re looking to spend some time between matches, one really neat function is the level builder tool, which lets you place blocks of variable sizes in the full playspace and change around the positioning of the spawn points.

In all, the measure of immersion thanks to 1:1 physical movement really makes Arena feel like a premium experience you might well pay for at a mall or VR arcade.

Gameplay left me with very few actual gripes. Maps are fairly samey, and really only act as slightly different spaces to run and hide around. I was really hoping for a little more complexity to both maps and the general “straight shootout” nature of the game, although the pure novelty of it being able to replicate the feeling of a more premium experience was pretty cool on its own. It’s truly got just enough going on right now to make me want to share it with friends.

In the end, I understand why the team didn’t include artificial locomotion like teleporting and smooth stick motion, but I still can’t help but think the game would benefit from offering a hybrid model, where users in arena-scale spaces can play against people in more cramped areas. That would certainly make finding a quick pickup game easier.

High Barrier of Entry

Developers I-Illusions call their Arena mode “a glimpse at the future of VR,” and I think that’s the right way to couch it. It certainly isn’t the ‘now of VR’—and not just because it requires a massive 33 × 33ft (10 × 10m) playspace, or about the size of half a basketball or tennis court. You’re thinking, “I know just the place down the road that will work great,” but there are some caveats to contend with here which we can almost entirely chalk up to the Quest’s hardware.

The developers suggest playing indoors, although that presents its own hurdles when you aren’t a member of a gym or have free access to a large enough indoor area at a moment’s notice. I live in a pretty typical city apartment and I don’t have access to those sort of spaces without paying for it, so I searched out a space nearby my house that seemed to work okay. Yes, I looked like a total dork in the public park, but stepping into the game’s new otherworldly shooting arenas soon insulated me from any possible outside judgement.

Image captured by Road to VR

It’s important to note that outdoor play is dicey on Quest, as the headset’s positional tracking doesn’t fare well in either direct sun or low lighting conditions. If you want to play outside, you’ll typically need to play at dawn, dusk, or when it’s shady enough to establish a rock-solid Guardian. Simply put, going out in full sun is basically a no-go, and playing at night with adjacent street lights can be equally unfeasible if they aren’t bright enough. You’ll also need to make sure people aren’t going to run into your invisible play area, something bystanders might do since there’s no clear indication that you’re about to make a blind dash for cover behind an invisible wall three meters away.

The amount of clear intention required to play Arena sets a high barrier to overcome for such a small addressable population of players, although that may not always be true. As VR headsets become yet more diffuse, one day it may be entirely normal for people to bring their own headsets to the gym to play an even grander arena-scale games. The difficulty of not being able to play outside in full sunlight might also be a non-issue as companies prioritize the hardware for outdoor play compatibility, making every park a place where you might run around and battle against friends or strangers.

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VR Learns To Sprint With Space Pirate Trainer DX

Space Pirate Trainer DX offers Oculus Quest owners VR’s most compelling reason to head out of the home and beyond “room-scale.”

The original 2016 game Space Pirate Trainer from I-Illusions is one of consumer VR’s earliest and most widely played wave shooters, becoming a go-to demo for friends of so-called “room-scale” VR. The newly added “arena” mode in the DX edition on Quest dramatically expands the game’s reach by requiring play areas measuring at least 10 meters (or nearly 33 feet) in each direction. There’s a level editor, a single-player mode and five included levels while “co-located arena mode” sees two players align their play spaces layered atop one another by “facing in the exact same direction and holding the right controller ‘Oculus’ button for two seconds,” according to I-Illusions.

The game doesn’t need laser tag’s physical barriers nor does it make paintball’s mess. A 10 meter play area is enough to offer short corridors perfect for a quick physical sprint while steep drop-offs and rigid-looking walls ward you away from the edges. And if you listen for actual footsteps, they can pinpoint the other player’s location behind a nearby virtual wall.

“Make sure your space is clear of obstacles,” I-Illusions advises in its review guide. “If you leave the guardian for any reason, or take off your headset, be sure that the playspace is aligned correctly – as you did during initial setup. This is super important for co-location play. Respect personal distance between players — There’s a warning to alert you when you’re too close.”

Other key suggestions include tying your shoelaces and “don’t lean on any virtual walls,” the I-Illusions review guide explains, “we’ve all been there.” Indeed, that last tip underscores the level to which you are both blindfolded to the physical world while your senses are tasked with trusting a simulation in a way you never have before. Players of Eleven Table Tennis reported a similar phenomena being so engrossed you fall over trying to lean on a non-physical ping pong table.

Most people wearing a VR headset from 2016 to now have learned to move at a certain cadence in VR. Moving in VR at a steady but careful speed provides time to remember what to do if you see a gridded wall appear. But here, you’re ducking behind a virtual wall and moving quickly to slink around a nearby corner for a better angle on your opponent. These fast-paced movements call for a level of confidence from the player that’s never been common before in tethered room-scale VR. And after so many years playing VR in a range of small rooms, suddenly sprinting confidently in VR feels like an absolute breath of fresh air.

The release of the arena mode accompanies the addition of a more traditional “versus” mode that can be played in more common small-scale play spaces. In tandem with the release of these new features, I-Illusions is joining Waltz of the Wizard Natural Magic and Pistol Whip in raising the price of their game to drive the development of a title with a much larger scope than was possible initially. The DX edition of Space Pirate Trainer on Oculus Quest and Quest 2 is $24.99 for all the new features while existing Quest owners get them as a free upgrade.

Some arena-scale location-based VR companies like Zero Latency offer backpack-based computers to power their VR headsets. Wearing an uncomfortable backpack, though, can be cumbersome and players can have a bad experience if they are rushed through their fitting. SPT:DX, meanwhile, is delivered straight to VR headset owners at home and could conceivably open up a “Bring Your Own VR” headset model to some form of out-of-of home VR entertainment.

Will we see a future where people can rent a VR headset like a pair of bowling shoes to play against someone who brought their own gear to a large-scale open arena? Space Pirate Trainer DX may be a step in that direction and we’re excited to see if a community rallies around this new kind of large-scale VR sport.

The VR Drop: Explore a New Tomorrow

VR Drop 03092021

Welcome to another Friday VR Drop, your regular round-up of the virtual reality (VR) videogames due for release in the coming week. Oculus Quest owners are in for a treat, whether they like powerful narratives, a bit of travel, or have the space for some epic multiplayer battles. Plus, PC VR users get a look in but nothing for PlayStation VR unfortunately.

Space Pirate Trainer DX

Space Pirate Trainer DX – I-Illusions

Ok, so normally on the VR Drop we don’t feature updates to videogames but this one is a little different, in fact, it’s a lot different. Space Pirate Trainer was one of the quintessential wave shooters back in 2016 that everyone had to play and it’s still fun now. I-Illusions’ update to Space Pirate Trainer DX takes the title in a bold new direction turning it into a laser tag multiplayer where two players either locally or online can run around a virtual arena. The only caveat, you need an area that’s at least 10m x 10m (32ft x 32ft).

  • Supported platforms: Oculus Quest
  • Launch date: 9th September

Goliath – Anagram

An animated short that’s currently part of Venice VR Expanded, Goliath: Playing With Reality is: “a true story of so-called ‘schizophrenia’ and the power of gaming communities.” Narrated by Academy Award-winning actor  Tilda Swinton, the piece: “guides you through the many realities of Goliath, a man who spent years isolated in psychiatric institutions but finds connection in multiplayer games.”

  • Supported platforms: Oculus Quest
  • Launch Date: 9th September

BRINK Traveler – BrinkXR

A travel experience where you can explore 12 beautiful locations including Mount Whitney, Alabama Hills, The Wave, Arches National Park and Death Valley National Park. A virtual guide is on hand to provide useful information on these places of natural wonder.

Legendary Tales – Urban Wolf Games

Coming to Steam Early Access is Legendary Tales, an action role-playing game (RPG) that supports both single and multiplayer co-op – up to 4 players. Step into a dungeon with friends to fight hordes of monsters, collecting useful items along the way to upgrade your abilities. The developer aims to fully launch the videogame in early 2022.

Hell Road VR

Hell Road VR – Travolab Replay

As one game enters early access another steps out the door, this time it’s Hell Road VR. Crossing zombies with Road Rash, Hell Road VR is all about racing through a post-apocalyptic world killing as many of these brain hungry monsters as possible. Utilise weapons including an SMG, spear, crossbow, grenade launcher and more, then upgrade your ride to deal out more carnage.

Space Pirate Trainer DX Update Adds Arena Mode to Oculus Quest in September

Space Pirate Trainer DX

I-Illusions has been talking about expanding the Space Pirate Trainer universe for a couple of years now, going much bigger and bolder with a full arena-scale shooter. Today, the studio has confirmed that Space Pirate Arena won’t be a separate title, instead, it’s going to come in the form of a major update for the original, Space Pirate Trainer DX.

As previously revealed the studio has been working on a large-scale arena shooter where players can run around a wide-open space, shooting each other like they’re playing laser tag. This is the first of two new modes coming in the update, with Arena also coming in two flavours; Online Arena and Co-Located Arena Mode. Both require a space that’s at least 10m x 10m (32ft x 32ft) so your living room is out of the question. Hiring a sports hall or other similar venue will be needed here, transforming the area into a cyberpunk platform to run around in.

In Online Arena you’ll be able to challenge a friend to a match whilst Co-Located Arena Mode means two of you can play in the same physical space. There’s also a single-player mode where you can fight against droids. These new features have meant I-Illusions developing new mechanics to stop players from walking through walls or bumping into each other.

The other new mode arriving in Space Pirate Trainer DX is Versus. Adding another multiplayer element, this time you don’t need as much space. Instead, players go head-to-head online in the normal Space Pirate Trainer area, however, there’s a twist. Each time you shoot a droid one will spawn to attack your opponent and vice-a-versa, creating manic shooting battles in the process.

Space Pirate Trainer DX

“We think Arena is the ultimate multiplayer game, and as a team it’s the thing that excites us the most. We still need to see if players are excited enough to find a space to play, but hopefully it will just become a thing people like to do – showing off creative places to play in a fun and safe manner,” said I-Illusions’ Dirk Van Welden on the Oculus Blog.

Space Pirate Trainer DX will be an Oculus Quest exclusive, arriving on 9th September for $24.99 USD. Remember, it’s a free update so you can pick up the original Space Pirate Trainer for $14.99 until 8th September. For further updates on Space Pirate Trainer DX, keep reading VRFocus.