Ubisoft’s Eagle Flight & Space Junkies Will be Free for VR Arcades For a Limited Time

Space Junkies new header

As COVID-19 lockdowns begin to ease in some countries around the world, businesses are beginning to reopen which also includes location-based entertainment (LBE) venues like VR arcades. Today, LBE content distribution platform SynthesisVR has announced that Ubisoft’s Eagle Flight Arcade and Space Junkies Arcade will be license-free to operators for a limited time.

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The gesture is to help commercial premises in these difficult times, as the public are slowly allowed to resume social activities. So from now until 30th September (11.59pm PST) those arcades which use SynthesisVR can access Eagle Flight Arcade and Space Junkies Arcade for free. If they already subscribe then no additional steps are required.

Eagle Flight was one of Ubisoft’s earliest videogames developed exclusively for virtual reality (VR) headsets like Oculus Rift. The gameplay allows you to fly around a deserted Paris 50 years after humans have disappeared. You can fly past iconic landmarks and race though narrow streets, competing against other players and protecting territory.

Space Junkies on the other hand, is a sci-fi first-person shooter where you face off PvP style in orbital arenas. Equipped with backpacks, in these zero-g matches every direction could spell danger. You’re equipped with a basic loadout with more powerful weapons littered around the environment, offering a chance to improve your odds or get caught in a trap.

Space Junkies

The measure is one of a number big companies have been rolling out to help the LBE VR industry since it was effectively closed down several months ago. Hologate, for example, developed new Hygiene and Safety Standards which could be used by most venues, Zero Latency has been installing systems remotely and Vertigo Arcades has just launched team-based experience Ghost Patrol VR.

VRFocus’ The Virtual Arena has been closely following developments, from reopening plans to how the pandemic will affect the industry going into the future. As VR arcades begin to reopen VRFocus will keep you updated on the latest industry news.

Ubisoft Announces Space Junkies Arcade, Available in 100+ Locations Worldwide

While Ubisoft is still in the process of developing its virtual reality (VR) shooter Space Junkies for home use, the studio has taken an unusual step by announcing the launch of the arcade version, and with it a special tournament in conjunction with the Virtual Athletics League.

Space Junkies Arcade map

From today, Space Junkies is available in over one hundred VR arcades worldwide, allowing players to engage in both local games with friends and online matches with other locations. The arcade version will feature a variety of maps, characters to choose from and weapons to take down opponents. Head on over to the blog post to find a continually updated list of Space Junkies locations.

And to celebrate the launch of Sapce Junkies Arcade, Ubisoft has teamed up with Virtual Athletics League for a tournament starting later this month. Called the Space Junkies International 2v2 Tournament, you can register at one of the 32 participating arcades from today until 18th February 2019. Players can also ask their local VR arcade to contact the Virtual Athletics League to join the tournament.

The first phase of the tournament will then start on 19th February, running through to 6th March. The remaining teams will then face off in the play-offs starting on 11th March, with the Grand Finals happening on 15th March 2019. Any team of two players can enter, with $4,500 USD + in prizes up for grabs.

Space Junkies

Described as: “A visceral, jetpack-fueled VR Arcade Shooter where you fly through deadly Orbital Arenas in hostile space, facing off in extreme battles!,” by Ubisoft, Space Junkies has already seen several open betas take place during the course of 2018. Players engage in either 1-v-1 or 2-v-2 matches using a variety of weapons such as “Sunblasters” and “Bioguns” to dispatch enemies.

When it comes to an actual launch for home systems like HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, Ubisoft has merely stated 2019, without ever giving a definitive date. With the launch of the arcade version, it surely can’t be too long before Space Junkies gets an official consumer launch. As and when further details are released regarding the home version VRFocus will let you know. In the meantime find a local arcade to play Space Junkies.

Ubisoft’s VR Shooter ‘Space Junkies’ Comes to 100+ Arcades Ahead of Launch

Ubisoft today announced in a blogpost that a special arcade edition of their upcoming VR shooter Space Junkies has rolled out to “100+ arcades” around the world. To celebrate, Ubisoft is collaborating with the Virtual Athletics League to throw a Space Junkies International 2v2 Tournament, which starts this month.

The tournament will see over $4,500 worth of prizes given away to the top teams.

Teams, composed of two players, have until February 18th to join the try-outs and enter the tournament. Registered teams will face players from other arcades during the regular season from February the 19th to March 6th.

The remaining teams will face off in the play-offs starting on March 11th up until the Grand Finals on March 15th.

image courtesy Ubisoft

Ubisoft says more than 30 arcades have already confirmed they’re taking part in the tournament. Check out the full, updated list here.

Space Junkies Arcade is a separate version of the game, Virtual Athletics League admin Dallin Funk says, although it’s unclear what makes it different at this point. Ubisoft Montpellier says the full release is slated to happen “soon” on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive for home users.

Preview: 'Space Junkies' Feels Like VR's Spiritual Successor to 'Unreal Tournament'

We went hands-on with Space Junkies at E3 last year, and it’s proven to be a highly polished shooting experience reminiscent of zero-G version of Unreal Tournament. Its quick, comfortable gameplay seems pretty well-suited for arcades. If you want to see more, check out a full match in closed beta.

That said, it’s pretty unorthodox for a company to host a world-wide tournament for a game that hasn’t even been released yet, having only gone through a few closed betas in the past year. While it’s unclear why, one plausible explanation could be the studio is trying to generate hype to mitigate any chance of the title falling in the footsteps of the company’s other VR titles, Eagle Flight (2016), Werewolves Within (2016), and Star Trek: Bridge Crew (2017)—all of which have suffered from slumping online engagement after their initial launches.

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