SoKrispyMedia Launches ‘Daydreams’ Series With Video Game Vehicle

SoKrispyMedia has announced that the first part of its ‘Daydreams’ series, a series of 360 degree short films which have been created as a partnership between SoKrispyMedia, MWM and Google. The first title in the series to be released is called Video Game Vehicle.

SoKrispyMediaIn the video Eric and Sam turn their carinto the ‘ultimate’ virtual reality (VR) machine and speed through a series of digital worlds. At first it’s all fun and games, but when they encounter a glitch, mayhem unfolds and they risk getting stuck in the simulation forever. The film co mbines live-action footage of actors in a car seat, which was shot against a green screen, the rest of the footage is CGI, which has been rendered using Unreal Engine 4.

It is becoming increasingly common for real-time rendering tools such as Unreal Engine 4 to be used when creating digital effects, as it provides a different set of tools for animators to work with when creating visual effects for films. Unreal Engine 4 also has a specific toolset for virtual reality (VR), which offers an advantage when creating for VR or 360 degree video.

“Real Time rendering is revolutionizing visual effects, allowing us to work faster and smarter. Utilizing unreal engine in our pipeline has allowed us to pre-vis with ease and utilize virtual camera and programmed events in our projects with fantastic results.” said Sam Wickert, creative at SoKrispyMedia.

The video uses Unreal Engine 4 for most background an environment rendering, which provided real-time results while working, enabling the creative team to do much more with pre-visualisation to perfect the scenes. Wickert used depth maps which were provided by Google’s Jump software that let him rotoscope out a character in the video, meaning areas could be matted out without needing a green screen backdrop. While traditional rendering techniques were used for the vehicle, all environmental lighting geometry was obtained from Unreal Engine in order to get a consistent and realistic look for the vehicle.

SoKrispyMedia say that these shorts are being made with state-of-the-art technology in partnership with the Google Engineering team, which gives them access to tools and technology no other creator currently implements. You can view Video Game Vehicle from SoKripyMedia below. For further news on new VR and 360 degree content, keep checking back with VRFocus.

Life In 360°: Remote Control Menace

It’s easy to imagine what virtual reality (VR) could become to the videogame scene.  As I’ve discussed before on VRFocus it is easier to write a fiction than create a reality when it comes to technology and though the fiction can inspire it can also lead to disappointment in the reality of the situation. That said, of course, there’s nothing wrong with a healthy imagination. Take a videogame like Counter-Strike for instance.  What would that be like if it was something you could step into and be completely immersed in its reality?

Life In 360° / 360 Degree VideoWell, last week Madison Wells Media (MWM) in partnership with SoKrispyMedia (Chalk Warfare, Internet Surfer) released the first of three 360 degree video shorts in a new series called SoKrispy Daydreams. Which also ties in with Google Daydream.  The first video in that series, called Tiny Tank sees the team step into such a videogame world, as they hunker down in preparation to destroy the enemy HQ.  All that’s in their way? Well, pretty much everything the enemy force can throw at them. Thankfully, help is at hand from a small remotely controlled tactical tank in their supply drop and soon enough the assault begins – with your ‘in-game’ viewpoint being that of top-mounted camera onboard the tank.

There’s also a couple of jokes about getting a bit too close when no one can see what’s going on, and hey – they’re not exactly wrong. See our article about our own scrapes, bumps and bruises to find out more.

“We believe in this next generation of storytellers and foresaw the team at SoKrispyMedia would break new ground in VR filmmaking,” Executive Producer of MWM Immersive, Ethan Stearns said in a statement. “This partnership with SoKrispy perfectly represent the kind of bespoke collaborations with boundary-pushing artists that MWM prides itself on.”

Two additional shorts for the series, Video Game Vehicle and Do Not Touch, will be launching over the next couple of weeks – in fact it might be an idea to check out VRFocus tomorrow if you like the below.

“Tiny Tank was shot on the Yi Halo camera and director Sam Wickert employs cutting edge visual effects along with pyrotechnics, 100 feet of motion control track, and the Action Factory stunt team to deliver a 360 video experience unlike any other. Tiny Tank is delivered in Ultra HD 3D with specialized audio.”.

Life In 360° will of course be back at the usual time on Wednesday and Friday with another 360 degree video.

YouTube Duo SoKrispyMedia Takes Immersive Style To The Next Level With VR

YouTube Duo SoKrispyMedia Takes Immersive Style To The Next Level With VR

With major 360-degree media companies like Blend Media garnering interest from executives involved with media platforms like TheLADBible and Maker Studios, it’ll be no surprise when the format takes a stranglehold on a large chunk of video sharing networks. Slowly but surely, YouTube tastemakers are utilizing 360-degree video and VR on their creative platforms and taking their creativity to the next level. The latest example is an intriguing 360-degree video that takes advantage of a particular YouTube channel’s unique style with the perfect marriage of creativity and technology.

Sam Wickert and Eric Leigh make up SoKrispyMedia, a channel known for videos that break down walls by bringing digital and physical art elements into the real world, and they’ve released a cool new video.

Considering they’ve emulated VR interactions in some of their work, them utilizing the 360-degree format and VR was essentially an inevitability. In “Internet Surfer”, Sam and Eric meld their creative ideas with assistance from Reality One and Wevr to take Eric on a physical tour of the internet. Due to some wonky happening, Eric gets physically pulled into YouTube and hilarity ensues as he stumbles into the lives of hilarious impressionist Jamie Costa, the action intense Corridor Digital crew, video magician Zach King, and fashionista Lindsey Rem. There’s even a portion of the video with animation from Cyanide and Happiness.

Hopefully, creations like this aren’t just one-offs, as many of the creators involved in this video would be a boon to the 360-degree media ecosystems. Even beyond that, it’s clear that humorous content translates to the medium even for more popular entities like the Always Sunny In Philadelphia crew’s recent video that lets you become a total badass (nothing goes right, of course). Fingers crossed that we get much more comedic content across various networks in the very near future.

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