Skyrim VR: The Life and Times of FocVRus

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR presents a huge and violent land for travellers, finding aggression at many more of its turns than you will peace. VRFocus recently embarked upon a quest as the unlovable sneak FocVRus; a thief with basic magika skills and a penchant for disruptive behaviour. Join us now as we catalogue his first – and last – days in the land of the Nords.

Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshot

The series of pieces below is an account of an unscripted adventure in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR on PlayStation VR. Each decision made had a reason for doing so within the remit of the character that had been designed. A personality that differed from a typical playthrough, FocVRus follows the main questline of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR, but does so without a care for the disruption his actions may cause along the way.

Entering into this quest, VRFocus laid out a few minor rules. Firstly there should be no restarting; a death is a death, and aggression towards non-player characters (NPCs) – accidental or otherwise – must stand. Secondly, no levelling-up: the entirety of this five-day adventure remains at level one. Finally, no purchasing items; a thief is a thief, and what FocVRus wished for must be stolen, received as a reward, or taken by force.

The five days detailed below, including videos of gameplay footage included for each day, showcases a player’s journey from lowly thief to widely respected thief. It’s a testament to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as a six-year-old videogame that it can still feel fresh thanks to virtual reality (VR), wherein The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR is arguably one of the best titles available for the PlayStation VR.

My Life as an Adventurer: Skyrim VR – Day One

My Life as an Adventurer: Skyrim VR – Day Two

My Life as an Adventurer: Skyrim VR – Day Three

My Life as an Adventurer: Skyrim VR – Day Four

My Life as an Adventurer: Skyrim VR – Day Five


Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshot

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim VR launched on PlayStation VR in November 2017. The expectation is that this VR adaptation of the Bethesda Game Studios classic will also launch on PC in 2018, however no specific announcement has yet been made about the possibility of this port. As ever, VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details.

My Life as an Adventurer: Day 5 in Skyrim VR

After successfully outrunning the Whiterun guards – not my first and certainly won’t be my last time hotfooting it from the law – I find myself on the trail of High Hrothgar looking for these Greybeards that the Jarl of Whiterun informed me of. They’ve been calling me. I heard them roar like thunder across the sky after I felled the dragon, and now I feel compelled to heed their call.

However, little did I know about just how recluse these weirdoes are. 7,000 steps you say? Pah. It felt like twice that.

I meet a few interesting people on my journey however; some delivery guy at the foot of the climb, a religious type who makes the pilgrimage to High Hrothgar every year, and a warrior who appears to be carrying some very fine jewellery. The latter of which I of course decide is too wealthy for her own good, and knowing that no one else is around I decide to relieve her of her burden by force. She puts up little resistance, and I find myself in possession of some rather tasty looking stolen goods.

I venture further and see no sign of the bears the delivery man’s friend had warned me about, though I do spy a frost troll lurking about. I manage to stay out of its way as I journey further, and upon reaching the top pf the mountain there is little to welcome me. A shrine with an empty chest? Who are these people?

Entering High Hrothgar the Greybeards quickly gather around me in a slightly intimidating manner. They assure me that all is well and enquire about my experiences with dragons, soon asking me to demonstrate the power I had gained. They too refer to this as a ‘shout’.

They endeavour to teach me more, offering me great power in the form of words. I’m along for the ride, but somewhere in the back of my mind I wonder where this is all leading. A second word for my shout that appears to break momentum, and an all new word that grants me a shout powerful enough to gain my own; why would these Greybeards be so keen to offer me this power with nothing in exchange?

It soon dawns on me that this isn’t a one-sided deal. The Greybeards have an objective, too. The hero that this land has slowly come to believe I can be is the agenda they too are pushing for. They present me with a quest and warn of the danger that lies ahead; talk of battling more dragons and becoming a hugely powerful being for the sake of all of Tamriel. This is not what I bargained for.

I leave High Hrothgar without the enthusiasm with which I arrived. This isn’t the life I was bargaining for. Perhaps it would’ve been better had my fate been determined by the executioner those five long days ago?

My Life as an Adventurer: Day 4 in Skyrim VR

Heading to the Western Watchtower as commanded by the Jarl, I find the detachment of Whiterun guards accompanying me are the talk-less-fight-more type. They have little time for my rather amusing antics, if I say so myself, and instead are after one thing: honour. Honour bores me, however. What good is respect if you’re dead?

Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshot

I intend to avoid the trappings of ill health as long as possible. While these nameless warriors want to find fame and glory, all I want is a bit of cash and a quick exit from this dragon nonsense. It would appear however, that fate has something else planned for me.

Approaching the Western Watchtower we discover it in ruins. It’s clear that the information was correct and a dragon had attacked the encampment. After a small amount of investigation we realise it’s still in the area, and as we do it returns for another round. I quickly make my way past the Whiterun guards and into the derelict tower, hoping to find some cover from the raging fire and flowing arrows. However, as I make my way to the top of the tower I see the guards are falling at the hand of the dragon’s breath quicker than I ever could imagine. I could say that I resolved to what was my given duty, and that I should take my place alongside these brave men. In truth however, I realised that if the entire battalion were to fall it would mean facing the dragon entirely on my own; not a task I would relish.

I return to the battlefield and quickly catch the dragon unawares; spewing fire and swinging my blade as if I were invincible. It so happens that, in that moment at least, I more or less was.

Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshotThe dragon fell quickly and, as it did, something overcame me. That same power seeping into my consciousness I felt at Bleak Falls Barrow returned, as if the dragon’s soul was entering me and taking control of my body. As I regained full consciousness, I noticed the remaining guards standing around in astonishment.

Cries of the ‘dragonborn’ and ‘shouts’ were calling from what few men remain. I listened to their tales of heroic deeds and legends from the Nord, unconvinced. However, I decided to try and appease them. Summoning all of my inner strength, I discover something new inside and let out a great burst of energy; it appears I have developed a new talent. One which is, according to my companions here and now, is made of legend.

I return to the Jarl of Whiterun and inform him of the incidents that have occurred. He is surprisingly pleased and informs me of the Greybeards; a group of supposedly peaceful fellows whom have been calling to me. He names me Thane of Whiterun and advises me to follow the call; two assets which one of his advisors is none-to-happy with. Decidedly irritated by his snide remarks, I lose my temper. This was a mistake.

My Life as an Adventurer: Day 3 in Skyrim VR

My journey to Bleak Falls Barrow was not without incident. Two rather angry giants took a disliking to me after I paid some interest in the contents of their treasure chest. A wholly unfair act of judgement with a punishment not fit for the supposed crime; a thwacking with their massive clubs. I decided to resolve and not interact with any more of these wandering nuisances as I recuperated and ventured forward; after all, I have a mission to achieve.

Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshot

As I approach the top of the mountain side upon which Bleak Fall Barrow resides I feel the air growing colder. A steep set of stairs stands before me, and I know exactly what will be waiting at the top. I’ve been in Skyrim long enough to know that bandits like to set up camp outside ancient ruins, especially on mountain tops. Drawing my sword as I approach, I’m proven right. These two are short work however, and upon ransacking their corpses I quickly realise weren’t the most efficient thieves in the land. There’s loot here at Bleak Falls Barrows, but it’s not going to be with the living.

Sure enough, more bandits wait inside with nothing of value; even their lives. They fall, one-by-one, and leave nothing behind but a lifeless corpse. I venture further into the depths and find all sorts of menacing traps lying in wait, but it’s only when I reach the crypt do things become interesting.

Suddenly I become surrounded. The dead are rising from the crypts as Draugr warriors; armed and shielded and vying for my blood. I’ve heard of such things before, but never encountered them face-to-face. As I try and cut them apart, I realise that their dry, shrivelled skin must have a weakness: fire. I turn my attention to a flame spell I had learned some years ago and, though not practiced in it, it makes quick work of the enemy. I feel drained however, unable to mentally channel my energy. I must look for some other way to combat any further Draugr I encounter.

A few corridors and stairways pass by and suddenly I’m encased in spider-webs. Not my ideal scenario, but an enemy I am much more familiar with; a giant frostbite spider. I deal with it quickly and free a captive from its web, only to find that he has the Golden Claw that will be required to open the door to the final chamber. He’s not exactly grateful to me for freeing him though, and quickly hotfoots it in the opposite direction. Git.

If he won’t share with me, I don’t want to share with him. Boom, you dead, sucker. He’s no warrior, and looting his corpse gives me not only the Golden Claw, but also the key on how to use it hidden away in his journal.

I venture forward, noticing flammable liquid on the floor and detaching lanterns attached to the ceiling to aid the speed at which I feel the Draugr that pursue me. Eventually I reach that final room. I inspect the area before activating the Golden Claw in the door, but no treasure lies here. It must all be within this final chamber.

As the door slides out of my way and I ascend the stairs it reveals, I find myself in a huge open space; running water, bridges and various pieces of once glorious furniture adorn what must be a burial chamber. Something calls me from beyond the decaying luxury however; a word inscribed on the back wall.

I cannot tell you what happened to me in that moment. It was like I became possessed by that word. All of my surroundings disappeared and all I could see was a language I don’t understand. The waves of time flew by and yet it felt like only a second had past. Little did I know that during this time something had awoken.

Regaining my composure I turn to see a Draugr awakening: a fierce looking beast of a former man, heavily equipped and eager to punish me for disturbing his sleep. He is, however, very slow. I sprint towards it and hack away with my sword before it even manages to get to its feet. It’s handy being light-footed sometimes.

I find the treasure I came for upon the felled Draugr; the Dragonstone. Now I must return to Dragonreach. Wasting no time I find a quest giver happy to receive me and Jarl equally happy to reward me, but at the same time a new mission has been placed upon me: a dragon has been sighted, and I must venture forth with a detachment of Whiterun guards to investigate.

My Life as an Adventurer: Day 2 in Skyrim VR

A new day has dawned and I am free. A big wide world stands before me, and I can do whatever I want with it. My new found companion suggests that we should part ways and this I should head to Solitude, but this is not what I came to Tamriel for.

I take it upon myself to follow my companion until we arrive at Riverwood. After all, he tells me he believes I’ve earned my freedom and so I intend to use it. Upon entering the small mill town I meet a young man by the name of Sven, who tells me he has designs on a local lass named Camilla Valerius. However, she is already involved with an archer who works at the mill, and so together we hatch a plan to bring one Faendal down. I have never met Faendal, but it’s so very hard for me to ignore my more mischievous side at times.

Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshot

After meeting with the local blacksmith and relieving him of many of his possessions, I locate Camilla in the store she and her brother run together. I deliver a letter which is suggested to be from Faendal and, unsurprising, Camilla is not amused. It’s only after leaving the premises to inform Sven of my success that I meet Faendal; a short, dull-witted Wood Elf for whom I feel less sympathy than I did before I lead the love of his life to spurn him. A bad deed perhaps, but one which has brought me great pleasure.

I soon get bored of these people and their trivial lives. As entertaining as wreaking havoc amongst their loved ones and staling their possessions may be, I intend to find greater fortune and set out on the road to Whiterun.

Well, I say road, but Whiterun is actually a fair distance away, so forget that. Instead I decide to take a shortcut, passes over fields and through streams. A few dead wolves and nasty fish bites later and I find myself arriving at Whiterun stables on outskirts of the city. As I approach the gates of Whiterun I’m told the city is closed; have they not heard of my heroic deeds?! Or, at least, the reputation I am somehow attaining for being a hero…

I smoothtalk my way passed the guard and I’m in. But its night time and I don’t know the layout of the city. Quickly deciding that breaking-and-entering is not wise until I’ve done at least some surveying, I decide to head up to the keep, known as Dragonsreach, and see what goodies the Jarl keeps tucked away, however upon my arrival I find that things aren’t quite as I expect.

Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshot

The Jarl and his advisors look to me not only for information, but also for assistance. Who I am now? First a convict then a messenger, now some sort of sword-for-hire? They better pay me right for this.

After some rambling about bad guys, high kings, obtaining information, fetch quests and such, they give me the destination of Bleak Falls Barrow. And I’m off. I can’t stand chitter chatter anyway.

My Life as an Adventurer: Day 1 in Skyrim VR

I am FocVRus, a wizard of unequalled intelligence in the land of Skyrim. My fame until now has been muted, but the path of fate that lay out before me was not one I could have expected. Taken captive as punishment for a crime I did not commit, I soon found myself plummeting down a rabbit hole of destiny from which there was no escape, and now somehow the fate of the world rests upon my shoulders. What a burden to bear.

Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshot

I awoke travelling upon a cart with two beaten looking men, and one who had been both gagged and bound. My morning had begun in a sorry state, but was nothing compared to what was still to come. One of the passengers was quick to inform me that the tied-up man to my right was in fact Ulfric Stormcloak; a rebellion leader with a reputation I was aware of, but I did not have time to be worried by such trivial matters such as who governed the land. Such concerns are for people who live within society, not on the fringes of it. Yet still, here I was in the company of a traitor/hero – depending on which side of the coin you sat – on my way to meet a grisly end.

During the journey I was informed of the situation Mr. Stormcloak had found himself in, and upon arrival at our destination, Helgen, it was clear that the Imperial Legion were not about to accept my innocence in his presence. Another of the captives, Lokir, attempts to make a run for it and is shot dead by archers. I however, would accept my demise gracefully.

As I lie down upon the chopping block, the black-masked face of death starring upon me brandishing his axe, something not too short of miraculous happened; a dragon swooped in an lay waste to the entire of Helgan.

Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshot

Without great choices for ally I followed Ulfric and his Stormcloak companion, all the while attempting to avoid the dragon’s blaze. My hands still in cuffs I am unable to defend myself, but my feet can move me to safety if I avoid detection. A guard takes pity on me and escorts me across the burning battlefield, telling me to stay close in order to survive. He soon realises that he alone cannot take on the dragon, and unties me if only to provide himself with another sword by his side.

We run together through a dungeon, entertaining colleagues of my new found ally before battling knee-high spiders with the new sword I’d acquired. With my newly freed hand I’m now able to use my casting ability, healing myself every step of the way as Stormcloak stragglers hit hard and insect bites are not easily avoided. Soon, we see daylight, and freedom is truly mine once again.