Virtual reality shooter Archangel tries to capture the feeling of controlling a giant mechanized robot while it tells a story of corporations and technology threatening to take over the world.
Fresh off a newly revealed trailer for virtual reality (VR) videogame Archangel, showing a world in need of some swift mecha-suited heroism in order to fight back against a tolitarian regime, Skydance Interactive (through CEO Peter Akemann) took time out at this year’s E3 in order to discuss a bit of the studio’s history, their plans for E3 and just what gamers can come to expect from the world of Archangel.
Archangel, a story-driven shooter, comes first to PlayStation VR for two weeks next month by way of a timed exclusive before heading to PC VR and both the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift head-mounted displays (HMDs). The plot centres around the player who takes control of a giantic mecha as part of a resistance group fighting against a United States government which has fallen into darker shades following natural disasters laying waste to the planet. A tyranical rule, held in part by a shady conglomerate, which is clamping down on anything remotely resembling personal freedom in the name of security.
VRFocus is at E3 for the duration of the event and will be bringing you regular news updates, features, previews, videos and interviews from Los Angeles throughout the week. Stay tuned for more information on Archangel and the other VR videogames on display.