nDreams Release new Shooty Fruity Trailer for PlayStation Experience

Today the annual PlayStation Experience has begun in California, with Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) showcasing the very latest content for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR. If you happen to live in the UK you may not have stayed awake until 4am to see the livestream – which VRFocus’ dedicated team just so happened to do. As part of the event British virtual reality (VR) developer nDreams has released a new trailer for its upcoming title Shooty Fruity.

In Shooty Fruity players are challenged to multitask by scanning, packing and serving all whilst keeping mutant fruit at bay.  So whilst turning pineapples, pomegranates, oranges and more into bullet ridden juice on the floor, there are numerous shifts to complete, including the newly revealed Canteen job role. New weapons can be purchased in the staff room, the game’s central hub where players can also customise and test their load out, including C4 launchers, flak cannon-style shotguns, revolvers, assault rifles and more.


While the video is purely for the PlayStation VR version of Shooty Fruity, when the title arrives on 19th December it will also support Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Pre-orders are available for €19.99 EUR/$19.99 USD/£15.99 GBP with early adopters getting free exclusive content, including the ‘Explody Bear’ grenade and the ‘Golden Guns’ skin pack for their arsenal.

VRFocus previewed an early version of Shooty Fruity, and caught up with Pat McGuigan, producer of Shooty Fruity at Gamescom 2017 to discuss the teams latest VR experience.

nDreams is the studio behind videogames such as Gunner for Gear VR, The Assembly for PlayStation VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift and Danger Goat for Google Daydream. It recently announced the launch of Danger Goat for Windows Mixed Reality headsets, further expanding Microsoft’s content lineup.

For any further updates to Shooty Fruity or announcements from nDreams, keep reading VRFocus.

Lots of Juicy Shooty Fruity Screenshots Revealed.

On Friday VRFocus reported on nDreams officially announcing the launch date for its next virtual reality (VR) title, a peachy first-person shooter (FPS) called Shooty Fruity. Alongside the new trailer, the studio also released a bunch of new screenshots for you to plum through.

The new images showcase some of the environments, weapons and enemies you’ll come across while trying to achieve some of the day to day tasks in Shooty Fruity, like manning the cashier counter or relaxing in the staff room.

Shooty Fruity challenges you to scan, pack, serve and more whilst firing stacks of guns at tons of mutant fruit across their glowing supermarket ‘Career’. Designed from the ground up for VR headsets and motion controls, all sorts of mutant produce such pineapples, pomegranates and more will descend upon you whilst multitasking jobs across numerous shifts, including the newly revealed Canteen job role. The staff room isn’t just some area to chill out, it’s also the game’s central hub where players can purchase new weapons, customise and then test their load out, including C4 launchers, flak cannon-style shotguns and more, all whilst grabbing a cup of coffee.

Mixing wave shooter gameplay, with some British humour, Shooty Fruity from prominent VR studio which has already produced a number of well known titles, such as Gunner for Gear VR back in 2015, Danger Goat for Google Daydream earlier this year, and The Assembly for PlayStation VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift in 2016. nDreams also publish VR videogames for other studios like Paw Print Games’ 2D side-scrolling beat-‘em-up Bloody Zombies.

As previously reported, pre-orders for Shooty Fruity are now available, unlocking exclusive content like new weapons and skins ready for launch in a few weeks time on 19th December.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of nDreams and Shooty Fruity, reporting back with the latest updates.



‘Shooty Fruity’ Coming to All Major VR Platforms December 19th, Launch Trailer Here

UK-based studio nDreams, the minds behind The Assembly (2016) and producer of Bloody Zombies (2017), and Near Light today announced that its upcoming tongue-in-cheek shooting game Shooty Fruity is slated to simultaneously launch on PlayStation VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift on December 19th, 2017.

Shooty Fruity basically turns you into a multi-tasking deranged grocery store clerk as it challenges you to keep your job of scanning, packing, serving fruits all while shooting the hell out of slightly more intelligent (and frightening) mutant fruits. Shooty Fruity gives you plenty of customizable weapons including C4 launchers, flak cannon-style shotguns and more.

From the trailer, it looks like there’s some definite influence from Job Simulator (2016), with its silly job training pretext and deadpan voice overs. We haven’t had a chance to dive into the fruit-shooting Shooty Fruity (say that 10 times fast), but we’ll be bringing you the review on launch day, so check back then.

Anyone who pre-orders the game, or buys it over the holiday season, will get free exclusive content, including the “explody bear” grenade and the “Golden Guns” skin pack.

The game will be priced at €20/$20/£16. Preorders are available on PSN and Steam.

The post ‘Shooty Fruity’ Coming to All Major VR Platforms December 19th, Launch Trailer Here appeared first on Road to VR.

nDreams’ Shooty Fruity Coming to PlayStation VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift in December

British virtual reality (VR) developer nDreams – the studio behind The Assembly – announced its latest title, a grocery store based shooter called Shooty Fruity in August for Gamescom. Today, the team has revealed that the title will be jointly launched on PlayStation VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift on 19th December 2017.

In Shooty Fruity players are challenged to multitask by scanning, packing and serving all whilst keeping mutant fruit at bay.  So whilst turning pineapples, pomegranates, oranges and more into bullet ridden juice on the floor, there are numerous shifts to complete, including the newly revealed Canteen job role.


New weapons can be purchased in the staff room, the game’s central hub where players can also customise and test their load out, including C4 launchers, flak cannon-style shotguns, revolvers and more.

“We’ve been overwhelmed by the reception so far of Shooty Fruity, most notably being chosen by gamers at EGX 2017 as one of the Top 10 of the Show,” said Patrick O’Luanaigh, CEO/Store Manager at nDreams in a statement. “If you thought Job Simulator was a blast, wait to you get a load of Shooty Fruity and its arsenal of berry-bursting weapons. Work has never been this much fun!”

Pre-orders for Shooty Fruity launch today, retailing on all three head-mounted displays (HMDs) for €19.99 EUR/$19.99 USD/£15.99 GBP. As a bonus for early adopters will get free exclusive content, including the ‘Explody Bear’ grenade and the ‘Golden Guns’ skin pack for your arsenal. Head on over to PlayStation Store or Steam to make use of the offer.

You can also check out VRFocus’ preview of an early version of Shooty Fruity, or watch Pat McGuigan, producer of Shooty Fruity discuss the videogame.

nDreams has already produced a number of well known VR titles, such as Gunner for Gear VR, Danger Goat for Google Daydream, and The Assembly for PlayStation VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. Whilst also publishing Paw Print Games 2D side-scrolling beat-‘em-up Bloody Zombies.

For any further updates to Shooty Fruity ahead of launch or after, keep reading VRFocus.

Shooty Fruity Brings Killer Food To PSVR, Rift, and Vive This December

Shooty Fruity Brings Killer Food To PSVR, Rift, and Vive This December

Picture this: you’re a cashier at your local, neighborhood grocery store and while you’re in the middle of scanning some canned vegetables a giant, menacing orange comes rolling down the aisle. You grab a gun that’s inexplicably slid down your checkout counter and pull the trigger to send orange juice and blood scattering throughout the entire supermarket. That’s the bizarre premise you’re presented with in Shooty Fruity, the latest upcoming VR game from nDreams set to release on PSVR, Rift, and Vive this coming December 19th, 2017.

I first played a pre-announcement build of this game (when it was known under the codename “Bananas”) back at E3, but now it has a real title and release date. Stylistically it looks a bit like Job Simulator, but much more deadly and anti-food.

“We’ve been overwhelmed by the reception so far of Shooty Fruity, most notably being chosen by gamers at EGX 2017 as one of the Top 10 of the Show” said Patrick O’Luanaigh, CEO at nDreams in a prepared statement. “If you thought Job Simulator was a blast, wait to you get a load of Shooty Fruity and its arsenal of berry-bursting weapons. Work has never been this much fun!”

Anyone that pre-orders the game, or buys it over the holiday season, will get free exclusive content, including the ‘Explody Bear’ grenade and the ‘Golden Guns’ skin pack for your arsenal.  You can already pre-order the game on the PSN Store and on Steam.

Let us know what you think of Shooty Fruity thus far down in the comments below!

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Preview: Shooty Fruity – Should’ve Taken that Job in McDonald’s

Job Simulator: The 2050 Archives was undoubtedly a highlight of the first wave of modern virtual reality (VR) consumer software, and so it’s perhaps inevitable that a number of copycat titles would emerge. While this argument could easily be levelled at nDreams – which readily admit Owlchemy Labs’ hit was an influence – Shooty Fruity does bring something unique to the mix.

Shooty Fruity screenshotCast as a cashier in a convenience store, everything seems fairly normal. Ahead is the view of the shop floor, stacked with a variety of generic goods, and were it not for the lack of any customers you’d believe that the videogame was little more than simulation of that summer job in Tesco. Scanning products that come along a conveyer belt and dropping them into a collection area; this isn’t rocket science. However, above is a moving rail from which guns can be collected. Not your average retail establishment, then?

Before long, menacing looking limes start encroaching on your position. Lemons, berry and gigantic melons are your adversaries in Shooty Fruity. The objective of the videogame is relatively simple: shoot the fruit while still processing the purchased goods. Using the HTC Vive motion-controllers, Oculus Touch or PlayStation Move, Shooty Fruity tasks the player with balancing the swiping of items with the shooting of bad guys. At first it’s a little like rubbing your belly while patting your head, but soon it becomes a test of visual assessment over any kind of strategy.

Scanning more goods will light-up icons on your checkout that will reward you with better guns, but you can only sustain a small amount of hits from the fruit (designated by light bulbs atop the checkout) before its game over. Maintaining balance between the two tasks is Shooty Fruity’s core gameplay loop.

Shooty Fruity screenshotDuring VRFocus’ playtest, wherein the four minute sample level was played through multiple times, it was discovered that the enemy arrangement isn’t random. Specific enemies will approach in a set order, but even then finding the right balance between aggression and ‘work’ wasn’t obvious. Shooty Fruity does have a surprising amount of depth in the assessment required, if not in the bulletpoints of the gameplay design.

The gameplay progression in Shooty Fruity is still being kept under wraps. We’ve been promised a great deal of variety in the weaponry and different gameplay modes, but exactly how much depth this will add remains to be seen. Despite suggesting Shooty Fruity will launch at a budget price, there’s still a concern about the longevity of the title. Many of VR’s early adopters would argue that not every videogame needs to expect to be the player’s first VR experience, and Shooty Fruity runs the risk of not delivering anything new to this core audience.

The suggested 1950s Americano theme currently feels lost in the swathe of bright colours and fruit with faces. The weaponry is supposedly tied to the era though in practice there was little to distinguish it from generic pistol, generic magnum and so on. The promise of customisable weaponry in the final release version could certainly change this, however.

Shooty Fruity screenshotShooty Fruity is essentially an enjoyable VR experience that feels a little too late to make any real impact. There’s lots of potential to add more core mechanics and expand on the formula, but at present there’s little sign this will occur prior to launch. VRFocus will be getting more hands-on time with Shooty Fruity in due course, and will keep you updated as the videogame approaches launch on Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR later this year.

Shoot the Fruit in nDreams’ New VR Exclusive

nDreams has today announced a new virtual reality (VR) exclusive title, Shooty Fruity, in development for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR. Set for release late in 2017, Shooty Fruity casts the player in the role of a cashier at a convenience store that’s being overrun by mutated fruit.

Shooty Fruity screenshotShooty Fruity cashiers must face hordes of mutant killer fruit as they attempt to perform their job to the best of their abilities. As the store’s stock comes along the conveyer belt, the player must also grab weaponry and take out the giant fruit encroaching on their checkout. A customisable arsenal of fruit-killing guns is at your disposal, including revolvers, shotguns and bomb launchers, as well as power-ups that will give you an explosive advantage.

Shooty Fruity is set to launch late in 2017, though no specific release date has yet been announced. The official reveal trailer for Shooty Fruity is available below, and VRFocus has already been hands-on with the title, bringing you a preview of the videogame later today.