VR Weekly 25: Magic Leap, Oculus-Software-Rückgabe, Spiele der Woche

Heute hat Chris einen neuen Mitstreiter an seiner Seite, um die Themen der Woche zu besprechen: Friedrich Schadow. Nach einer kurzen Sichtung der wichtigsten Neuigkeiten geht es in die Tiefe bei Magic Leap und Oculus. Zusätzlich haben wir unsere beiden VR-Titel der Woche ausführlich gespielt und in Hands-on-Videos festgehalten. Freut auch auf Sam und Konrad.

VR Weekly: Magic Leap und Oculus-Software-Rückgabe

Seit kurzer Zeit kann man gekaufte Software im Oculus-Store unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen zurückgeben: Bei VR-Erfahrungen für die Oculus Rift darf man den Titel bis zu zwei Stunden lang innerhalb von zwei Wochen testen, um sich zu entscheiden, ob man ihn behalten mag. Das ist gut für den Konsumenten, aber was bedeutet das für Entwickler?

Eigentlich hat sich ja nur die Webseite verändert und sie bietet genau so wenige Informationen wie zuvor: Magic Leap lüftet zwar noch immer nicht den Vorhang, aber das neue Design und die Möglichkeit, einen Newsletter zu abonnieren, versprechen einiges. Kommt die AR-Brille von Magic Leap noch dieses Jahr?

Spiele der Woche mit hartem Sam und weichem Konrad

In den Spielen der Woche stellen wir euch zwei VR-Titel vor, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten. In Serious Sam geht es um knallharte und blutige Waffengewalt. Ja, es ist nur ein Wave-Shooter. Nein, das ist nichts Schlechtes an sich. Und wenn man zu einem greifen soll, dann zum ernsthaften Sam.

Der zweite Titel ist eine deutsche Produktion und setzt voll auf den Knuddelfaktor. Konrad the Kitten lässt euch mit einer virtuellen Katze spielen. Der Clou: Man kann den Touch Controller von der Oculus Rift oder HTC Vive einem echten Plüschtier umbinden. Das Spiel trackt dann das flauschige Wesen, was den Kuschelfaktor der Erfahrung deutlich erhöht. Wir hatten den Entwickler Konrad bei uns zu Gast und nutzten die Chance, unsere Katzenliebe in der virtuellen Realität zu testen. Konrad the Kitten ist bei Steam für 10 Euro erhältlich.

Der Beitrag VR Weekly 25: Magic Leap, Oculus-Software-Rückgabe, Spiele der Woche zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope – Full Release Update und Rabatt

Die Entwickler des Spiels Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope waren fleißig und haben seit Erscheinen des Spiels mehrere größere Updates veröffentlicht. Mit dem aktuellen Full Release Update verlässt der Actiontitel für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive den Early-Access-Status und bietet drei neue Level sowie weitere Schmankerl. Außerdem nutzen die Entwickler das Ereignis, um neue Spieler mit einem Rabatt von 25 Prozent anzulocken. Die Aktion ist allerdings zeitlich befristet und endet schon nächsten Mittwoch.

Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope Full Release

Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope mit Full Release Update

Elf Monate nach Veröffentlichung steht nun das laut Entwickler „epische“ Full Realease Update von Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope bereit. Es bringt nicht nur drei neue Level mit, sondern auch erstmals zufällig generierte Gameplay-Elemente in den neuen und fünf alten Leveln. Die Elemente befinden sich in den drei Modi Arena, Endlos-Angriffswelle und der täglichen Herausforderung.

Außerdem haben die Entwickler dem Update noch einige neue Funktionen spendiert. Beispielsweise kann man jetzt alleine spielen, während man auf einen Co-op-Player wartet. Im Changelog listet das Entwickler-Studio Croteam VR alle Erweiterungen und Änderungen auf. Wer Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope noch nicht besitzt, hat jetzt eine gute Gelegenheit, zuzuschlagen: Bis zum 27. September kostet der Shooter auf SteamVR 27,74 Euro statt 36,99 Euro. Als Grafikkarte benötigt man mindestens eine AMD R9 290 oder NVIDIA GTX 970, empfohlen wird eine NVIDIA GTX 1070.

Wer keine Abneigung gegen Wave-Shooter hat, findet in Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope gediegene bleihaltige Unterhaltung mit dicken Wummen. Chris hatte Gelegenheit, den Titel kurz vor der Veröffentlichung zu testen und zeigte sich damals vom alten Bekannten in neuer VR-Umgebung recht angetan. Hauptkritikpunkt war seinerzeit noch der sehr kurze Umfang von knapp einer Stunde. Mit den inzwischen acht Updates haben die Entwickler diesen aber aus dem Weg geräumt. Beispielsweise brachte das Valtos-Update für Serious Sam VR beispielsweise einen neuen Planeten, sechs neue Gegner-Typen sowie eine neue Waffe mit.

Der Beitrag Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope – Full Release Update und Rabatt zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Serious Sam VR Bundle 44% Off In Steam Sale

The Steam sales continue to suck money out of the wallets of Steam users looking for great games to play at a reasonable price. Publisher Devolver Digital are helping with this endeavour by offering up to 90% off their Steam catalogue, including the Serious Sam VR titles.

The offer includes the various Serious Sam titles, including Serious SamVR: The First Encounter, Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter and Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope, which have been reduced by 25% to £22.49 (GBP) each. Alternatively, a full bundle of the aforementioned three games is available for £50.61, a price drop of 44%.
Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (Beta) has been knocked down by a massive 90% to £1.09 from its usual price of £10.99.

Also available is the Serious Sam Complete Pack, which includes almost every Serious Sam game and is available with a discount of 93%, putting the price down to a mere £8.21, a huge drop from the usual price of £103.89. The Serious Sam HD Gold Collection is a similarly good deal, having a discount of 93% to put it at a price point of £2.89, down considerably from £41.95.

Other titles available in the sale are The Talos Principle, getting an 81% discount to a price of £10.26, Hotline Miami, dropping 75% to £3.75. Shadow Warrior and Shadow Warrior 2 are down 68% to £23.15. Smaller titles such as Not A Hero are also available with big discounts, with Not a Hero down to £2.49, Mother Russia Bleeds down to £5.49 and cult hit Hatoful Boyfriend available at a 80% discount for £4.77.

Further information can be found on the Devolver Digital Steam sale page.

VRFocus will keep you informed on other offers and discounts as they becomes available.

Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter Blasts onto HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

If you’re a fan of the Serious Sam franchise then you’ll be glad to hear Croteam and Devolver Digital have released a bumper amount of content for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. The developers have launched Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter as well as bringing Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter out of Steam Early Access.

Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter brings the same frantic gameplay as its predecessors, arming players to the teeth with an array of outrageous weaponry to take on the armies of god-like being Mental. To aid in the fight Sam has some new toys: Sniper Rifle, Flamethrower and Chainsaw, which can all be dual wielded for ultimate stopping power. Players can utilise their favourite combinations, or head into battle with the same guns if they prefer.

Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter 1_03_Teotihuacan

Alongside the single-player carnage, there’s now 16-player versus multiplayer modes, some are unique whilst others are based on campaign levels. On top of that there’s classic co-op action in a 12-level campaign mode featuring multiple difficulty settings, increased enemy strength, friendly fire/infinite ammo options.

The multiplayer modes include: Beast Hunt and Team Beast Hunt; Survival and Team Survival; Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch; My Burden; Last Man Standing and Last Team Standing; Capture the Flag and Instant Kill.

So what does it cost for all this? There’s a variety of options to choose from. Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter currently has a limited time discount available of 25 percent, dropping the cost from £29.99 GBP to £22.49. Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter retails for £29.99 including Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (Beta). Finally you have Serious Sam VR Bundle, which includes all these previous titles and Serious Sam: The Last Hope all for £61.85 rather than £89.97, a 31 percent saving.

Checkout the new trailer below, and for all the latest Serious Sam VR updates from Croteam and Devolver Digital, keep reading VRFocus.

Serious Sam Fusion 2017 Beta Brings Upgrades For VR & Non-VR Alike

Croteam have announced that they are working on fresh virtual reality (VR) rebuilds of the Serious Sam series of games. Serious Sam Fusion 2017 is out in Beta form, and available for free to owners of previous Serious Sam titles.

Croteam plan for Serious Sam HD, The First Encounter and The Second Encounter to be part of the Serious Sam Fusion 2017 bundle, as well as Serious Sam 3: BFE and VR versions of the older Serious Sam games. The developer have completely rebuilt Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, which is the first game in the bundle to become available.

The new versions are 64-bit compatible with full support for SteamOS, Linux and OSX as well as PC. The new versions are using the new Vulkan API to replace DirectX9. There are a host of new features, including mod support, a new save game system and even a new physics engine.

The rebuilt games are available completely free for anyone who has previously bought Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, The Second Encounter or Serious Sam 3: BFE. The current version of the Serious Sam Fusion 2017 bundle is still in Beta, so the developer warns that there may well be bugs and glitches still in the game.

The developers are currently working on implementing the other games in the bundle, which will all be playable from a common application, so there will be no need to quit out and go back in. Also, users with VR versions of the games will be able to play multiplayer games alongside those who have the standard non-VR versions.

You can find out more at the Serious Sam Fusion 2017 Steam page.

VRFocus will bring you further updates on Serious Sam and related videogames as they come in.

Serious Sam 3, The Second Encounter, and Talos Principle All Getting VR Editions

Serious Sam 3, The Second Encounter, and Talos Principle All Getting VR Editions

Croteam did what Croteam does best and burst onto the VR scene last year with a surprise new game in the Serious Sam universe with Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope in Early Access and a port of the original Serious Sam, with added VR support and full locomotion, also in Early Access. Naturally, the studio’s next three VR projects were suddenly announced today, with little preamble, by way of company blog post.

As it turns out, the studio is also working on adapting the next two mainline entries in the frenetic shooter franchise, dubbed Serious Sam VR : The Second Encounter and Serious Sam VR 3: BFE. Each entry will be VR ports of the existing second and third installment in the long-running series. We don’t have anything else to go on at this time, but given how fast-paced, gory, and action-packed the games are on standard flat displays, they should be great additions to any VR gamer’s library.

Also of note is that Croteam will bring The Talos Principle to VR, which is a much slower-paced, surprisingly introspective, and thoughtful puzzle game. Intuitively, out of all the studio’s previously released projects, this one makes the most sense for a VR adaptation of them all.

For fans of Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope, the wave shooter iteration of the franchise, a large free update called the “Shanti” update is coming soon. “The update will include the new planet (Shanti), new weapons (one melee and one long ranged weapon), new feature (Sam’s personal shield) and a very scary new boss,” according to the blog post.

Among the remaining updates, Croteam also assures that the long-awaited Serious Sam 4 is still in development and non-VR titles are moving forward as well. Smaller teams have been established internally to focus on VR projects while SS4 presumably ramps up development towards the finish line. At this point, I’d say it’s a fair assumption it will have VR support.

Finally, the core engine used in their games is getting a big overhaul dubbed the Serious Sam Fusion 2017 update which enables better 3D audio, split-screen, more OS support, more controller support, multi-thread rendering, multi-monitor support, and improved overall visual fidelity.

What do you think of the existing two Serious Sam VR games? Will you be picking up the next two and any future Croteam VR projects? Let us know in the comments below!

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