PlayStation VR Version of Seeking Dawn Officially Cancelled

One of the most ambitious virtual reality (VR) projects to arrive in 2018 for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive was Multiverse Entertainment’s Seeking Dawn. A month after release the studio laid out a road map of future updates which included a PlayStation VR version by the end of the year. That was not to be, and this week the team have confirmed the port has been cancelled.

Seeking Dawn

Multiverse Entertainment made the announcement via its Facebook page, stating:

“I have two announcements to make a good and a bad one. Let’s start with the bad one. Long term Multiverse supporters probably understand where this is going. After 6 months of hard work, sleepless nights and tons of frustration we are officially canceling [sic] the Seeking Dawn PSVR project. I know it’s a bummer, trust me we are even more frustrated than you guys are. We didn’t want to accept the obvious and tried our best to deliver on the promise. I have just one request, please be understanding guys, we are an indie company, a startup with somewhat limited resources, and believe me if we didn’t care about our community, we’d drop the project much earlier; honestly, we just didn’t want to disappoint. Seeking Dawn PSVR was a beautiful and ambitious dream, but unfortunately, one that will not come true, at least for the time being.”

The team went on to say: “The good news is we are working on the Seeking Dawn PC version. This time it’s not too ambitious, we are already alpha-testing. I played the demo myself and it’s awesome! Hope you will enjoy it as well as soon as it’s ready.”

Seeking Dawn

It was always going to be a herculean effort to squeeze Seeking Dawn onto PlayStation VR. While many PC VR titles have managed to make the leap to PlayStation 4, Seeking Dawn was one of the most visually impressive VR experiences of 2018 – even if it did lack in other areas. VRFocus gave it three-stars in our review, commenting: “Seeking Dawn is the kind of title you have a love/hate relationship with. On the one hand when it works smoothly it’s a really fun and beautiful VR experience to play, with masses of content and hours and hours of gameplay. Unfortunately, it’s not perfect, with plenty of repetition and glitches that need finessing.”

The team has released a number of updates since then including a Halloween special. As Multiverse Entertainment make further announcements, VRFocus will keep you updated.

Seeking Dawn: Angekündigte PSVR-Version auf unbestimmte Zeit auf Eis gelegt

Entwicklerstudio Multiverse Entertainment hat die Konsolenportierung von Seeking Dawn für PlayStation VR (PSVR) auf Eis gelegt. Dies verkündeten die verantwortlichen Devs auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite des Studios. Grund für das Ende der Entwicklung seien zu anspruchsvolle Grafikanforderungen des VR-Titels, die derzeit noch nicht erfüllbar wären.

Seeking Dawn für PlayStation VR (PSVR) – Portierung des Sci-Fi-Abenteuers vorerst abgebrochen

Seit der Veröffentlichung von Seeking Dawn für PC-Brillen im Juli 2018 verspricht Entwicklerstudio Multiverse die Veröffentlichung einer Konsolenportierung des Sci-Fi-Abenteuers für PlayStation VR (PSVR). Während die PSVR-Community geduldig wartete, wurde im Dezember letzten Jahres ein Content-Update durchgeführt. Zeitgleich wurden Fortschritte in der Entwicklung des Ports hervorgehoben, welche die Spielerschaft vertrösten sollte. So hieß es damals:

“Dank der harten Arbeit unseres fantastischen Entwicklerteams haben wir endlich eine neue spielbare PSVR-Demo von Seeking Dawn. Gleichzeitig arbeiten wir eng mit Sony zusammen und versuchen unser Bestes, um die PSVR-Version für die Spieler herauszubringen, die bereits so lange darauf warten. Wir sind sehr begeistert darüber, dass wir endlich die Fortschritte, die wir in Bezug auf PSVR gemacht haben, teilen können und können es kaum erwarten euch mit weiteren Informationen zu versorgen.”

Nun gibt es unerfreuliche Nachrichten zum Thema, denn die Portierung des VR-Titels wurde offiziell auf Eis gelegt. Grund dafür seien zu hohe Grafikanforderungen und daraus resultierende Probleme, verkündeten die Devs in einem Statement auf Facebook:


Screenshot von “VRgrid” via Reddit

In einem offiziellen Statement erklären die Indie-Entwickler die Lage und rufen zu Verständnis auf:

“Nach 6 Monaten harter Arbeit, schlaflosen Nächten und tonnenweise Frustration kündigen wir offiziell das Ende des Projekts Seeking Dawn für PSVR an. Ich weiß, es ist eine Schande und glaubt mir, wenn ich sage, dass wir noch frustrierter als ihr sind. Wir wollten das Offensichtliche nicht akzeptieren und versuchten unser Bestes, um unser Versprechen einzuhalten. Ich habe nur eine Bitte, bitte versteht, dass wir eine Indie-Firma sind, ein Start-up mit begrenzten Ressourcen. Und glaubt mir, wenn wir uns nicht für unsere Community interessieren würden, hätten wir das Projekt viel früher fallen lassen; ehrlich gesagt, wir wollten einfach niemanden enttäuschen. Seeking Dawn für PSVR war ein schöner und ehrgeiziger Traum, aber leider einer, der sich zumindest vorerst nicht erfüllen wird.”

Gleichzeitig versuchen die Entwickler mit der Entwicklung einer Nicht-VR-PC-Version des Spiels zu vertrösten, die sich derzeit in der Alpha-Phase befindet.

(Quellen: Seeking Dawn Facebook | Reddit | Upload VR)

Der Beitrag Seeking Dawn: Angekündigte PSVR-Version auf unbestimmte Zeit auf Eis gelegt zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Seeking Dawn PSVR Port Canceled Because ‘Graphics Are Just Not There’

Seeking Dawn PSVR Port Canceled Because ‘Graphics Are Just Not There’

Pour one out for Seeking Dawn’s PSVR support today, folks. After almost a year of uncertainty as well as announcement of a “playable” PSVR build four months ago, Multiverse has officially decided to cancel the planned PSVR port of co-op first-person VR shooter, Seeking Dawn

The news was first spotted by theVRgrid on Reddit which we then confirmed on the actual studio Facebook page in a comment on an existing thread. In that comment the company said, “We have a build, but the graphics are just not there. We are probably gonna freeze the project for the time being.”

Since then, Multiverse has officially posted a public statement on their page about the cancellation:

“After 6 months of hard work, sleepless nights and tons of frustration we are officially canceling the Seeking Dawn PSVR project. I know it’s a bummer, trust me we are even more frustrated than you guys are. We didn’t want to accept the obvious and tried our best to deliver on the promise. I have just one request, please be understanding guys, we are an indie company, a startup with somewhat limited resources, and believe me if we didn’t care about our community, we’d drop the project much earlier; honestly, we just didn’t want to disappoint. Seeking Dawn PSVR was a beautiful and ambitious dream, but unfortunately, one that will not come true, at least for the time being.”

While unfortunate, the news isn’t really that much of a surprise. The port’s development seemed overly ambitious from the very start and seemed unlikely to begin with. Visually, Seeking Dawn is a demanding and gorgeous game with some of the most detailed and beautiful environments we’ve seen in VR yet. While the actual gameplay and progression ended up being more tedious than it was really worth, it’s tough to find faults with it from a visual perspective. Getting a game like that running on a PS4, in VR, at a sustained framerate was a tall ask.

Our full video review of the PC VR version

In the same announcement post, Multiverse also said that the development on the “PC version” of Seeking Dawn is coming along well, which we assume means a non-VR flat version of the game. If that gets support for co-op between VR and non-VR, such as is possible with games like Gunheart, that could inject some life into an almost year-old game. There is a free-to-play version out as well if you just want to dip your toes in and try it out.

The news about the canceled Seeking Dawn PSVR port is unfortunate, but we look forward to see what Multiverse works on next.

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Seeking Dawn 2.0: Update bringt zahlreiche neue Inhalte; PSVR-Portierung weiterhin in Arbeit

Das futuristische VR-Surival-Spiel Seeking Dawn erhielt Ende November ein kostenloses DLC, welches mit zahlreichen neuen Inhalten die 2.0 Version des Titels einleitete. Dazu zählen diverse Performance-Upgrades sowie Gameplay-Verbesserungen, aber auch jede Menge neuer Content.

Seeking Dawn 2.0 – Kostenloser DLC bringt zahlreiche neue Inhalte

Bereits im Oktober veröffentlichte Entwicklerstudio Multiverse die kostenlose Seeking Dawn: Free to Play Edition, um neuen Spielern die Möglichkeit zu geben, in die Sci-Fi-Welt des Survival-Abenteuers einzutauchen. Doch auch der Haupttitel Seeking Dawn wurde mit einigen Updates aufgemotzt. Besonders das große 2.0-Update sorgt für ordentlich Content-Nachschub für Überlebenskünstler, um auf das Feedback der Community einzugehen.

So integrieren die verantwortlichen Devs einen neuen Master-Modus mit drei völlig neuen Zonen ins Spiel. Innerhalb einer neuen Kampagne könnt ihr eure Waffen nun fleißig upgraden und dadurch kontinuierlich verbessern. Zudem gibt es ein neues Buff- bzw. Debuff-System, wodurch ihr durch die Nahrungsaufnahme kurzzeitig gestärkt werdet oder eventuell einen Malus erhaltet. Entsprechend stoßt ihr auch auf neue Lebensmittel und auch an eurer Ressourcenverwaltung hat sich einiges geändert.


Die neue Zone The Frozen Hollow  sowie die aufgearbeiteten Versionen von Mount Omen und The Depthless Lair laden zudem zu ausgiebigen Erkundungstouren mit neuen Gegnertypen ein. So findet ihr unter anderem mechanische Versionen bisheriger Widersacher. Außerdem ist der Schwierigkeitsgrad nun individuell anpassbar, wodurch sich Hardcore-Gamer größere Herausforderungen stellen können. Beta-Spieler dürfen sich über ein besonderes Geschenk freuen, das ihre lange Treue zum Titel belohnt.

Neben den neuen Inhalten sorgen CPU- und Rendering-Optimierungen für ein besseres Spielerlebnis. Beim Abspeichern wird nun auch die Position des Spielers berücksichtigt und die gesamte Spielwelt sollte sich nun lebendiger anfühlen. Zudem gibt es einige obligatorische Fehlerbehebungen.

Die gesamte Liste der Änderungen findet ihr hier.

Auch die PSVR-Version des Spiels ist weiterhin in Arbeit. So schreiben die Devs auf Nachfrage von Upload VR Folgendes:

Dank der harten Arbeit unseres fantastischen Entwicklerteams haben wir endlich eine neue spielbare PSVR-Demo von Seeking Dawn. Gleichzeitig arbeiten wir eng mit Sony zusammen und versuchen unser Bestes, um die PSVR-Version für die Spieler herauszubringen, die bereits so lange darauf warten. Wir sind sehr begeistert darüber, dass wir endlich die Fortschritte, die wir in Bezug auf PSVR gemacht haben, teilen können und können es kaum erwarten euch mit weiteren Informationen zu versorgen.”

Seeking Dawn ist für 33,99 Euro für Oculus Rift, HTC Vive und Windows-VR-Brillen auf Steam erhältlich. Die kostenlose Free-to-Play-Version findet ihr hier.

(Quellen: Steam Blog | Upload VR)

Der Beitrag Seeking Dawn 2.0: Update bringt zahlreiche neue Inhalte; PSVR-Portierung weiterhin in Arbeit zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Seeking Dawn Gets Laundry List Of Updates As PSVR Port Is Now ‘Playable’ Internally

Seeking Dawn Gets Laundry List Of Updates As PSVR Port Is Now ‘Playable’ Internally

Seeking Dawn was one of the most heavily-marketed VR games of the year and even though it didn’t quite live up to expectations, it still delivered a lengthy, feature-filled campaign with full co-op support and one of the most visually striking VR worlds we’ve seen yet. Luckily, Multiverse didn’t stop working on it after it officially launched.

In addition to releasing a free-to-play version of the game that includes co-op recently, the developers have released a slew of other updates and fixes. Specifically last month a big 2.0 update came out with a new Master Mode that includes weapon upgrades, difficulty adjustments, and three entire brand new zones to explore. There’s also now a buff/debuff feature related to eating food, general balancing, new enemies, and various optimization fixes.

That 2.0 update is easily one of the largest we’ve seen for a VR game to date post-launch and is a great sign for the developer’s ongoing support.

On top of this, Multiverse is also making strong progress on next year’s PSVR port for Seeking Dawn. Junior Ferreira, Digital Media Manager for Multiverse, reached out to UploadVR recently with the following update on the PSVR version:

“Thanks to the hard work from our fantastic dev team, we finally have a new playable Seeking Dawn PSVR demo. At the same time, we are working closely with Sony and trying our best to push out the PSVR version for our players, who have been waiting for it for so long…We are so excited to finally be able to share the progress we’ve made regarding PSVR, and can’t wait to share more with you and our fans.”

Unfortunately that’s all we know so far, but hopefully the PSVR version will launch with all of these updates included from the start. We’re especially interested in seeing what the control schemes are like in Seeking Dawn given how fluid and robust the options are on PC VR platforms like Rift and Vive. The PS Move controllers, while capable of supporting games like Borderlands 2 VR, are far from ideal.

Let us know what you think of this news down in the comments below and check out our full review for more details on the game.

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‘Seeking Dawn’ to Get Free-to-Play Edition Next Week with Spooky Halloween Theme

Multiverse Entertainment announced that Seeking Dawn (2018), the multiplayer sci-fi shooter adventure, is heading to Steam and the Oculus Store with a new free to play edition on November 1st.

Seeking Dawn puts you in the boots of a space marine who’s assigned to carry out a search and rescue mission on a mysterious alien planet—pretty standard pretense for a sci-fi RPG shooter. You craft weapons, gather supplies from the environment, and replenish your hunger and thirst from food you find, be it the fresh kill of a strange beastie, or the glittering alien fruit picked along the way. The game supports Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Windows VR headsets.

Image courtesy Multiverse Entertainment

Seeking Dawn: Free to Play Edition will feature starting level of the full game, including the ability to play either solo or in multiplayer co-op. The free to play version however has been reskinned to fit with the Halloween spirit, including jack-o-lanterns, hostile predators, jump scares, and “ruthless enemies unlike anything we’ve shown so far,” the studio says.

Continuing: “The primary focus of this version of the game is to show players how to get into the swing of things and prepare them for their real adventure found in the official paid version. With that said, the FTP version will contain themed content such as this one which will include a variety of Halloween inspired assets.”

Image courtesy Multiverse Entertainment

We gave Seeking Dawn a middling [6.5/10] in our review for its high degree of polish that was frankly marred by some pretty dull chores. Since launch, the team says they’ve worked with the community to fix some the issues we noted when back in July, including a tune-up for the game’s hunger and thirst mechanic and a number of bug fixes and quality of life issues that are said to make the game a smoother experience overall.

The improvements have been carried over to the game’s free to play version, so it’s a good way to figure out for yourself if the studio has truly delivered.

To inaugurate Seeking Dawn’s new free to play version, the studio is also putting the full game at 25% off the original $40 price tag, available on Steam and the Oculus Store.

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It’s Helloween in Seeking Dawn’s Free to Play Edition

Multiverse Entertainment’s Seeking Dawn arrived earlier this summer with the intention of offering a massive sci-fi adventure for virtual reality (VR) players. While in parts it excelled in other areas it fell short of the grand design, so in the following months the studio has released a swath of updates to finesse the experience. Today, the team has made quite a surprising announcement, a new version of the title for players to try for free, Seeking Dawn: Free to Play Edition.

Seeking Dawn

Seeking Dawn: Free to Play Edition is a cut back version of the main title, designed to give you a taster of the main event. Crucial features are still in play, so you can enjoy it solo or participate in co-op and multiplayer modes.

“The focus of this version, and specifically this theme, is to get players to team up and explore a hostile planet plagued by some of the scariest monsters we’ve seen yet,” said Multiverse in an email. “As they progress through the levels they will encounter many odes to Halloween, including extremely hostile predators, jump scares, and ruthless enemies unlike anything we’ve shown so far.”

That’s right, with it being Halloween season Multiverse Entertainment has embraced the spooky side. So the very first level of Seeking Dawn has been decked out in Halloween revelry – as you can see from these screenshots – with glowing pumpkins and ghoulish surprises strewn across the landscape.

Seeking Dawn

Seeking Dawn: Free to Play Edition will also see several other additions including the difficulty level being increase – much better for co-op play – the introduction of treasure boxes to find, new lobby settings if you’d like to just play with friends, you can lock it as the private room before jumping into the videogame itself plus a friendly fire option. And to top it all off, the general atmosphere and feel of the title is darker than the original.

Seeking Dawn: Free to Play Edition will be available via Steam from 1st November 2018. If you like the free version and want to go in depth with Seeking Dawn then Multiverse Entertainment is running a limited time discount for the title. From 29th October, 1am PT until 1st November there will be a 25 percent discount on Steam. Oculus Store gets a little longer with the 25 percent discount running from 26th October to 2nd November. For any further updates on Seeking Dawn keep reading VRFocus.

Polished VR Shooter Seeking Dawn Getting Free To Play Edition This Week

Polished VR Shooter Seeking Dawn Getting Free To Play Edition This Week

Remember Seeking Dawn? It was a visually splendid VR shooter from Multiverse that released a little earlier this year. We’d all but forgotten about it, but a mysterious free to play version of the experience was just listed on Steam.

According to the listing the free version of the game will launch on the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Windows VR headsets just in time for Halloween on October 26th. The page doesn’t actually include a great deal of information about how this version will differ from the original other than the features section, which notes players will take on “a terrifying boss” as opposed to “terrifying bosses” in the full game’s listing.

That says to us that this will likely be more like a demo than an actually fully playable free version with microtransactions. That said it does also list online player, so we’ve reached out to Multiverse to find out all the same. Back in August a developer road map for the game did promise that the PSVR version will be arriving in December, so we’ve asked if that’s still the case too.

We thought Seeking Dawn had its charms, but ultimately grinding and resource management bogged the game down too much. The idea of a free to play version that could let you bypass some of those elements by chipping in a little money is actually somewhat appealing, though it would have to be handled respectfully, of course.

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The post Polished VR Shooter Seeking Dawn Getting Free To Play Edition This Week appeared first on UploadVR.

Something For The Weekend: Rainy Oculus VR Deals

Sunday is here again meaning its time for another entry of Something for the Weekend, the weekly series where VRFocus bring you a number of deals on virtual reality (VR) titles. The rain does not seem to be stopping anytime soon so what better way to enjoy your weekend then to try a new Oculus Rift expereince. There are deals on some brilliant titles that will see players shooting aliens, playing golf, escape robots and even using a bow and arrow. As always, be sure to check back every weekend for even more deals right here on VRFocus.

Seeking Dawn

Seeking Dawn

Seeking Dawn is the kind of title you have a love/hate relationship with. On the one hand when it works smoothly it’s a really fun and beautiful VR experience to play, with masses of content and hours and hours of gameplay. Unfortunately it’s not perfect, with plenty of repetition and glitches that need finessing. It might not be VR’s summer blockbuster but Seeking Dawn isn’t quite the dud either.” – Read VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham’s review of Seeking Dawn.

Seeking Dawn is available now for £22.99 (GBP) down from the usual £29.99.

Everyday Golf VR

Everyday Golf VR

Step onto the green and get ready for a realistic golf experience in VR. Practice your driving and putting skills on this stunning course as you take your time to land the hole-in-one and improve your game. Designed to be an accessible and comfortable experience for all, players are sure to have a grand time no matter the weather.

Everyday Golf VR is available now for only £15.99 (GBP) down from £22.99.


Apex Construct

“Despite some minor gripes, its clear that Apex Construct represents the way forward for VR videogames, an absorbing, intriguing experience that draws you in with a rich world complete with its own history and mysteries to be unravelled as well as a fluid combat system. Apex Construct is the standard by which future VR titles will be judged, and an indicator that VR has stepped up its game.” – Read VRFocus’ Staff Writer Rebecca Hills-Duty review of Apex Construct.

Apex Construct is available now for £10.99 (GBP) down from £22.99.

FatFoods Screenshot 01

Fat Foods

“Having become too large from all the snacks your only method of transport is rolling your fat self everywhere. In Fat Foods, the goal is to eat as much as possible. In multiplayer mode, two players utilize the Oculus and a PC monitor to go head-to-head. Armed with a frying pan and spatula, the second player takes on the role of a giant, they must keep the other player from reaching the finish line. In the Mall level, the second player becomes a huge monster, causing havoc to the environment.”

Fat Foods is available now for £2.99 (GBP) down from £3.99.

Sky Duel: Tournament

Sky Duel: Tournament

Welcome to the future and get ready to participate in the battle of cyborgs throwing combat disks at each other. In this deadly competition players will need to move around the platforms to take aim and strike their opponent. Watch your step though and don’t fall unless you want to lose fast.

Sky Duel: Tournament is available now for £3.99 (GBP) down from £7.99.

SACRALITH: The Archer`s Tale

SACRALITH: The Archer`s Tale

“The game brings you to a quest for the magic stone that grants power over Dragons. Dozens of fights with hordes of enemies will be thrown at you your loyal allies along the way. The game world consists of various different locations with special firing spots. Move swiftly along these spots, choose the right view and angle for attack, protect your companions and defeat the enemy.”

SACRALITH: The Archer`s Tale is available now for £12.99 (GBP) down from £14.99.

Wanted Killer VR

Wanted Killer VR

Get ready to fire a lot of guns and go up against a lot of enemies as you play as hero different characters with four different play styles. Unleash dual-pistol damage as Ricky, get up-close and personal with Teo, strike as the stealthy assassin Mia or cut loose with machine gun-toting Aya. Use tactics and creative strategies as you leap through thrilling VR combat.

Wanted Killer VR is available now for £6.99 (GBP) down from £7.99.

Along Together screenshot

Along Together

“Despite the input system, VRFocus would argue that Along Together is not a point-and-click videogame as Turbo Button suggest. It’s much closer to a platform-puzzle videogame in that the experience is less about objectives and item collection, more concerned with path-finding. This certainly isn’t a negative comment however, as Along Together is a welcome addition to the Google Daydream’s software catalogue regardless of how you choose to define it. With a pleasing, chunky and colourful art style and a fine assortment of puzzles, Along Together is an easy recommendation for Google Daydream owners.” – Read VRFocus’ Editor Kevin Joyce’s review of Along Together.

Along Together is available now for £7.99 (GBP) down from £14.99.

Budget Cuts

As an employee at the mega conglomerate TransCorp it is your job to stamp papers and file files. That is until TransCorp think it is best to cut your job to save money and soon you are fighting for your life against the robots that work within HR. Teleport around the building looking for an escape and make use of limited weapons to take down your foes. This might be the worst day at work yet.

Budget Cuts is available now for £19.99 (GBP) down from £22.99.

escaperoomvr stories

Escape Room VR: Stories

“There’s plenty to like in Escape Room VR: Stories, with lots to find and a reasonable amount of puzzles to solve in each level, and the visuals are some of the best you’ll see in any virtual reality (VR) titleThere are some rough edges however, and even with the multiple endings puzzle fans will still find this a short experience. Find Escape Room VR: Stories in a Steam sale and it’s certainly worth a consideration.” – Read VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer peter Graham’s review of Escape Room VR: Stories.

Escape Room VR: Stories is on sale now for £8.99 (GBP) down from the usual £10.99.

That is all for this week but remember that VRFocus gathers all the best sales and deals every week, so check back next weekend at the same time to discover more.

Seeking Dawn’s Latest Update Patch Looks to Add Further Finesse

If VRFocus created a list of videogames that promised so much but didn’t quite hit the mark then Multiverse Entertainment’s  Seeking Dawn would definitely make the top five. It looked to be the summer blockbuster with beautiful visuals and an expansive game world, yet lacked the polish in key places. Since the July launch the studio has release a number of patches looking to improve things, the latest being one of the biggest.

Seeking Dawn header

The team have now released a long list of bug fixes, improvements and changes for Seeking Dawn, with some that probably should’ve been there from the start.

Features like a left-handed control scheme should really be basic additions nowadays, that has now been included. A nice touch is the addition of respawning next to collectible resources, mean less trudging around looking for a crucial part of the experience.

In VRFocus’ review Seeking Dawn achieved three-stars, because: “Seeking Dawn is the kind of title you have a love/hate relationship with. On the one hand when it works smoothly it’s a really fun and beautiful VR experience to play, with masses of content and hours and hours of gameplay. Unfortunately it’s not perfect, with plenty of repetition and glitches that need finessing. It might not be VR’s summer blockbuster but Seeking Dawn isn’t quite the dud either.”

Seeking Dawn

Check out the full list to see if Multiverse Entertainment has fixed any issues you may have had with Seeking Dawn. For any further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

Full Seeking Dawn changelog:

Bug fixes:
Fixed an asset loading issue where non-romanized characters in a file path caused the game to get stuck on the main menu
Fixed a bug where you could activate the shield while climbing
Fixed a bug where you could damage yourself in multiplayer while shooting close to your hands
Fixed a bug where Oculus users would not hear anything in the Oculus headset
Fixed a bug where the player orientation after teleporting in blink mode would be different from the hologram model’s orientation
Fixed a bug where firing the shotgun while having the hand close to the head would open the quick mission interface because of recoil
Fixed a bug where a drop pod door would not close in multiplayer if someone left the game before entering it
Fixed a bug where Locilus corpses would still move after dying
Fixed several network issues
Fixed several other errors

Improvements and changes:
Added a backpack function to only drop a portion of an item stack
Added a left-hand control scheme
Added achievements on Oculus Store version
Added the room code inside of the settings menu
Added more information in the save slot interface
Added camera rotation controls to the joystick of the Windows MR controller
Added the option for Vive controllers to move while either touching or pressing the trackpad
Added respawning to collectible resources
Changed remote players’ damage checks to be local for more realistic combat
Changed the firing mechanism of the Spitting Cobra
Changed forest lighting to make it brighter
Optimized several sudden framerate drop issues
Optimized networking
Optimized rendering and particle effects
Optimized logic calculations
Optimized environments
Balanced enemy and weapons stats
Updated the localization