SeaWorld Orlando Remove VR Headsets From Their Kraken Rollercoaster

Back in 2017 SeaWorld Orlando revamped their Kraken rollercoaster by added virtual reality (VR) headsets and feature to the ride to enhance the experience for visitors. Last month however it was reported that the headsets were missing from the ride and now it has been reported that the VR headsets on the Kraken rollercoaster are gone for good.

As reported by kvoa, the word comes from park officials who have confirmed that the removal of the VR headsets has indeed taken place and that they are gone for good. Though no detailed explanation has been given at this time it was noted that cleaning and adjusting the headsets for users was slowing down the lines of the Kraken rollercoaster to much. Given that this would of had a knock on effect on the overall satisfaction of users visiting the park, it is not really a surprise that the decision has been made to remove them.

The VR headsets were debuted back in June of last year and used as a means to enhance the ride which originally opened in 2000. Those with a VR headset on found themselves immersed within a virtual submarine that would follow the movements of the ride to evade deep-sea creatures such as the mighty Kraken. With the physical sensations provided with the locomotion and G-forces of the ride, combined with the virtual experience, the end result was something quite unique that gave visitors a real treat.

Now that the VR headset have been removed, those who were unable to experience the ride will be unlikely to find a means to enjoy it to the same degree in the future. It is possible that SeaWorld could release the video as a standalone experience for VR headsets but there is no word on if such a thing might happen at this time. Of course, without the 65mph speeds of the Kraken rollercoaster to enhance the experience, it wouldn’t be the same anyway.

VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on the on-going VR developers of SeaWorld Orlando along with everything else VR, so stay tuned for more.

SeaWorld Orlando Revamp Rollercoaster with Virtual Reality

Revamping rollercoasters is costly – even a simple aesthetic change is difficult, but to create an entirely new track? It’s an investment theme parks are hesitant to make, but virtual reality (VR) could very well change all of that. SeaWorld Orlando have taken the first steps, moving their Kraken rollercoaster into the virtual world.

We knew of SeaWorld’s intentions to bring VR to theme parks last year, but the results seem better than what we could’ve hoped, at least based on a recent article by the

Now, a VR head-mounted display (HMD) isn’t necessary to enjoy the Kraken experience, but it sounds like it is transformative. Wearing the HMD while on the rollercoaster of course gives users all the usual sensations on locomotion and G forces you’d expect, but with VR you’re taken to an underwater fantasy land, encountering sea life both from our real oceans and from legends.

The Kraken is, of course, the same rollercoaster fans of the theme park have always enjoyed, but regular guests are convinced that the virtual reality component changes everything.

Shooting along at 65mph embracing all the twists and turns in the track, you will of course feel like you’re truly flying by these incredible fantasy creatures. It’s an experience quite unlike anything else, with guests saying the usual pitfalls of VR are alleviated by the very motion, convincing your brain the things you’re seeing are very much real.

It’s a potentially massive move for virtual reality – coupling modern HMD’s optical trickery with very real sensations of locomotion and G force could make for an intensely immersive VR experience. We can’t wait to try it for ourselves!

For all of the latest on virtual reality, make sure to keep reading VRFocus.