Last month VRFocus reported on Ebb Software launching a Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign for its first-person horror title Scorn Part 1 of 2 : Dasein. Whilst not made specifically for virtual reality, the studio did plan on creating a VR level if that particular stretch goal was reached. And sure enough its has.
The VR stretch goal was for €175,000 EUR which was easily reached – the current total is just over €186,000 – with the developer explaining in an update: “The VR level will be a part of the main game, but it won’t be required to play it to progress through the game.”
Ebb Software hasn’t confirmed which headsets Scorn will be compatible with, but as the main title is PC-based and available through Steam, either Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or both will be likely.
With a dark visual aesthetic with a bio-mechanical theme – very reminiscent of artist H R Geiger who’s most well known for Alien – Scorn Part 1 of 2 : Dasein is a first-person horror in which players are thrown into this nightmarish world, with labyrinthine structures, gruesome creatures that can be curious, afraid, hostile or neutral, and contextual puzzles that merge organic and inorganic material.
The same goes for the weapons, which reflect standard guns like pistols or shotguns, just this time they have veins, blood and a tendency to wriggle.
The Kickstarter ends tomorrow if you still fancy backing the project – which the studio has been working on for two years – with the base pledge of €17 giving backers access to a full copy of the title when it launches next year.
For any further VR updates on Scorn, keep reading VRFocus.