Marvel Powers United VR Welcomes Villains Venom and Ultron

If the popularity of the current crop of Marvel films is anything to go by the upcoming virtual reality (VR) experience Marvel Powers United VR by Sanzaru Games for Oculus Rift is going to be met with quite a bit of excitement. Several playable characters have already been revealed such as Black Panther last week. Today it’s the turn of the villains, with Venom and Ultron now confirmed to be making an appearance. 

Venom Portrait

Everyone’s lovable anti-hero Venom is the convergence of two beings who share a fierce hatred of Spider-Man: disgruntled journalist Eddie Brock, and a spurned alien symbiote. Bonded and fused at the molecular level, Venom possesses incredible  strength and abilities as well as knowledge of Spider-Man’s true identity. Having made a brief appearance in 2007 film Spider-Man 3, and getting his own flick later this year, Venom is one of the most popular characters in the Marvel Universe.

Then there’s Ultron, a being created with the best of intentions, unfortunately the sentient robot rebels and becomes a threat to all humanity. “After being driven off into the far reaches of the cosmos by the Avengers and their allies, it was believed Ultron had been destroyed,” explains the synopsis. “However, his frayed consciousness persisted until he came into contact with a techno-organic alien race which assisted him in unifying his fragmented consciousness back into focus and into a new upgraded body. Ultron has targeted Earth and its mighty heroes once again, but this time he is coming prepared with new powers, abilities and strong allies.”

No details have yet been revealed on their actual in-game powers but expect them to be fairly brutal.

Ultron Portrait

Marvel Powers United VR is expected to be released on 26th July, 2018, with a price point of $39.99 (USD). The title is already available for pre-order, with interested customers needing to head to the Oculus Store for further info.

Other characters confirmed so far include Captain Marvel, The Hulk, Rocket Racoon, Deadpool, Black Bolt, Crystal and Thor. Check out VRFocus’ preview of Marvel Powers United VR for some hands-on thoughts. As further details are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.

Marvel Powers United VR Adds Black Panther to Roster

It’s been almost a year since Oculus and Marvel first announced that superhero action title Marvel Powers United VR would be coming to Oculus Rift headsets. There have been several Marvel films out since then, with one of the most popular and successful being Black Panther. No wonder that Marvel Games, Sanzaru Games and Oculus Studios have now announced that T’Challa, aka the Black Panther, will be joining the team-up.

So far seven playable characters have been revealed for the title, with players able to choose between Captain Marvel, The Hulk, Rocket Racoon, Deadpool, Black Bolt, Crystal and Thor, with Black Panther being the newest on the roster.

Black Panther can wield the amazing strength, agility and endurance of the Panther God as well as his remarkable vibranium suit which protects him from harm and help him come to the aid of allies when they are in danger.

Marvel Powers United VR is available for pre-order from today, and interested customers can find further information on the Oculus Store. The full experience is expected to go live on 26th July, 2018, with a price point of $39.99 (USD).

VRFocus were lucky enough to get a hands-on preview of Marvel Powers United VR, where it was said: “The core gameplay loop of Marvel Powers United VR is to have the team of players defend a central objective. This begins simply by fending-off waves of increasingly varied and powerful enemies before evolving into a fetch-quest in which players must gather power cells. The final evolution of the formula sees boss characters enter the fray, requiring much more co-operation and a greater mix of skillsets to takedown.”

The title is currently believed to be an Oculus Rift exclusive, and there is no work on if it will be ported to other platforms such as the Oculus Go.

For future coverage on Marvel Powers United VR and other upcoming VR titles, keep checking back with VRFocus.

What to Expect at E3 2018: Oculus VR

The Oculus Go is now available to the public as anew entry-level virtual reality (VR) device, and the original Oculus Rift head-mounted display (HMD) is going from strength-to-strength. Having skipped out on CES and a rather muted appearance at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) this year, Oculus VR must have a fully loaded deck to showcase at next month’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Los Angeles.

Oculus Go GDC Promo 03

Or at least that’s the hope. Not a lot has been said in recent months by Oculus VR’s first-party publishing teams and aside from the missing-in-action Marvel Powers United VR, currently in ongoing developer at Sanzaru Games, the schedule of exclusive videogame releases is beginning to dry-up. So what will the biggest videogame show of the year bring to the table?


New VR Games

Pretty much a given at this point; Oculus VR will have something new to show. We don’t know what it is or which studio it’s being developed by, but given Oculus VR is confirmed to be exhibiting and that the company usually has a presence at the PC Gaming Show, taking place on 11th June 2018 this year, we can surely expect at least one new title to be revealed somewhere along the line.

MARVEL Powers United VR Group

Marvel Powers United VR

Arguably having now missed the parade of free publicity that was Avengers: Infinity War, when Marvel Powers United VR will eventually see the light of day remains a mystery. Some might suggest that it would now be best delayed until the holiday season at the end of the year to capitalise on the influx of new players that will undoubtedly come at that time, but adding that extra six months of development time will undoubtedly increase the cost of the videogame to a point where it my be hard to recoup the investment, especially when considering the cost of the license and the still limited VR audience.


Oculus Studios

Having worked with the likes of Insomniac Games, Ready at Dawn, 4A Games, Carbon Games, Twisted Pixel and the former Darksiders developers at Gunfire Games – amongst many others – things have been suspiciously quiet on the Oculus Studios front lately. Frontman Jason Rubin insists there’s plenty in the pipeline, so what better time to show it than at E3? Especially as we’re still yet to have any confirmation of a showcase event such as Oculus Connect this year.

Sanzaru Games Tease What’s To Come in Marvel Powers United VR

VRFocus spoke to Matt Kreamer, Creative Director at Sanzaru Games about what they showcased at Oculus Connect 4 this year in San Jose, USA. Their Marvel Powers United VR was available to try and VRFocus managed to, but not only that also sat down with Kreamer to get a little more insight into Sanzaru Games and what they’re looking to add to the Marvel videogame. 

VRFocus made a list of the best superhero VR games to play and Marvel Powers United VR was one of those experiences. Disney seem to be dedicated to bringing their IP to virtual reality (VR) and providing fans with new ways to consume their Marvel comic book heroes. Marvel Powers United VR was announced back in October. It’s a four player co-op VR videogame exclusive to the Oculus Rift. Earlier this year this game was showcased at Comic Con where players could go into the Arena map and play as either Hulk, Rocket Racoon, Captain Marvel or Deadpool. Kreamer said that the feedback they got at Comic Con was phenomenal with big fans of Marvel and VR loving it.

At Oculus Connect 4, Sanzaru Games showcased new characters like Thor, Black Bolt and Crystal on a new survival mode with new boss Loki. Many more characters will be coming to the videogame, but Kreamer didn’t want to disclose and exact number. Marvel Powers United VR will not only offer more characters, but various maps, game modes but unlockables such as outfits, loots and collectibles when collecting experience in the shape of a purple crystal players collect after defeating a boss.

Kreamer explains that Sanzaru Games had worked with Disney, Marvel and Oculus Studios before so when the concept of the videogame was presented to them, they simply couldn’t resist working on it. Sanzaru Games worked with Disney on a videogame named Tron Runner and had already worked with Oculus Studios on two VR games, Ripcoil and VR Sports ChallengeThe former is a player vs. player title where players launch, catch and punch a speeding Ripcoil disc at one another whilst the latter featured a numer of minigame-esques sports scenarios to try out. Kreamer says, “It’s an interesting dynamic, you’ve have the marvel property. We got to make sure the characters look right, you want to make sure that you bring them to the best light. Then we have the Oculus side and all three parties are really working together.”

At the moment all Sanzaru games’s efforts are being dedicated to Marvel Powers United VR, however Kreamer hints at another videogame in the works as well. Fans of Marvel Powers United VR will have to wait till 2018 to play the title as well as have an Oculus Rift to play it. Follow VRFocus to keep up with the latest Sanzaru Games VR news. Watch the video below to get some tips on how Sanzaru Games tackled the challenge of bringing in characters with different modes of movement, abilities and characteristics in a multiplayer co-op VR videogame.


Preview: Marvel Powers United VR – MOBA-lite for the VR Fandom

Sanzaru GamesMarvel Powers United VR was the surprise announcement of San Diego Comic Con 2017, and since then has benefited from a constant stream of attention. Now, at Oculus Connect 4 in San Jose, the developer is hosting 4-player team sessions, allowing attendees to jump into the guise of one of their favourite Marvel superheroes like never before.

In this demonstration version the players are assigned a random character, though are able to choose a different superhero if they so wish. The Hulk, Crystal, Black Bolt, Rocket Raccoon, Deadpool and more are available in this limited preview build, each with unique attributes and a special moveset of their own.

Played in first-person, the demonstration of Marvel Powers United VR began with the hub area in which the player can choose which type of match they wish to enter; as well as access supplementary assets, such as battle records and a dancing Groot. Jumping into a local match (four PCs were synced for each match) VRFocus was cast as the Hulk; and an appropriately smashy time was set to be had.

The Hulk’s moveset is appropriately brutal, relying on slow and heavy attacks delivered in close proximity. Basic punches – performed simply by swinging your arms – will do some damage, but grabbing and throwing your opponents in a similar fashion to Robo Recall will break enemies with ease. Despite being very slow moving, a teleport attack is available that will launch the player forward and create an area-of-effect upon arriving at the destination. This will damage those affected, but also stun enemies not fatally wounded by the impact.

A second playthrough was made with Deadpool, which delivered a faster and more familiar first-person shooter (FPS) experience. One more keenly suited to those playing Marvel Powers United VR for the first time. SMGs, heavy pistols and katanas can be called upon at any time (with a cooldown period, which is sadly made less-than-obvious) and once ammunition is exhausted can simply be thrown away; in fact, the katanas can be used as projectiles along with shuriken should the player be in the position of waiting for a cooldown to end. Deadpool also has a teleport manoeuvre which has a much longer range than Hulk’s, but does far less damage upon impact.

The core gameplay loop of Marvel Powers United VR is to have the team of players defend a central objective. This begins simply by fending-off waves of increasingly varied and powerful enemies before evolving into a fetch-quest in which players must gather power cells. The final evolution of the formula sees boss characters enter the fray, requiring much more co-operation and a greater mix of skillsets to takedown.

This formula essentially makes Marvel Powers United VR a sort of co-operative MOBA. The players work together to defend waves of enemies as they build their own powers before executing on larger scale enemies. It eschews the tower defence ruleset of strategy-over-action and instead opts for a more immediate experience, and does so with the ideal that players can work together while still playing their own little battles with the enemy AI. The only real issue with this at present is that there’s no sense of depth on offer – is there more to each character than the four basic attacks? Marvel Powers United VR is part-FPS, part-MOBA, and with that looks to be an enjoyable experience for both VR newcomers and Marvel fans alike, but those familiar with the VR medium will have to wait and see if Sanzaru Games end up with just another wave shooter. Albeit one Marvel flavoured.



The VR Job Hub: It’s all About the West Coast

Bored of your daily commute, fed up with that bloke from accounts who always finishes the milk before you’ve had your first work brew of the day? Maybe it’s time for a change, time to augment your life with something fresh and new, you’re virtually out the door anyway as you’re reading a job listing page. So keep reading, maybe click on a link or two and submit a CV, because a new reality awaits.

View the new listings below for more information:

Location Company Role Link
Los Angeles, CA Immersv Full Stack Engineer Click here to apply
Los Angeles, CA Immersv Mobile SDK Developer Click here to apply
Los Angeles, CA Immersv System Engineer: IT/Ops Click here to apply
Seattle, Washington BigBox VR VR Software Engineer
(Full Stack)
Click here to apply
Seattle, Washington BigBox VR Growth Marketer Click here to apply
Foster City, CA Sanzaru Games Inc Gameplay/UI Scripter Click here to apply
Foster City, CA Sanzaru Games Inc Network Engineer Click here to apply
Foster City, CA Sanzaru Games Inc AI Engineer Click here to apply
Foster City, CA Sanzaru Games Inc VFX Artist Click here to apply
Foster City, CA Sanzaru Games Inc UI Artist Click here to apply
Foster City, CA Sanzaru Games Inc Gameplay Engineer Click here to apply
Foster City, CA Sanzaru Games Inc Character Artist Click here to apply
Foster City, CA Sanzaru Games Inc Prop Artist Click here to apply

As usual, you can check last week’s edition for further job listings. If you are an employer looking for someone to fill a role in a VR, AR or other related areas in the industry and want that position to be featured on next week’s VR Job Hub, please send details to either or

Check back with VRFocus next Sunday at 3PM BST and every Sunday for the latest roles in the VR industry.

Deadpool Joins Roster of 12 Heroes in ‘MARVEL Powers United VR’

Adding to the cast of Marvel heroes in the recently announced VR co-op adventure game Marvel Powers United VR, Oculus today announced that the wise-cracking “merc with a mouth” Deadpool will be added to the list, which has now been confirmed to offer 12 payable heroes in total.

With a pair of katanas, hand cannon pistols and accelerated healing, Deadpool joins Captain Marvel, Hulk, and Rocket Raccoon in the lineup—one that promises to offer 12 playable heroes in total, Oculus told us. The company is teasing more surprises and character reveals closer to launch.

Developed by Sanzuru Games, the studio behind VR titles Ripcoil (2017) and VR Sports Challenge (2017), Marvel Powers United VR is a first-person, multiplayer, action VR game where you team up in co-op mode to engage in fights around the Marvel Universe. After Lockjaw teleports you into the mission, you get to choose from a roster of Marvel’s greatest Super Heroes to battle against Super Villains like Ronan the Accuser and other Kree foes.

Release date is slated for sometime in 2018, launching on Rift + Touch. In the meantime, check out our hands-on with Marvel Powers United VR.

Comic-Con visitors will also get a crack at the first public demo of the game. Oculus Rift + Touch stations will be featured at the Marvel Booth so you can play all four characters as they take on Ronan the Accuser with the help of the Inhumans’ teleporting dog Lockjaw.

The post Deadpool Joins Roster of 12 Heroes in ‘MARVEL Powers United VR’ appeared first on Road to VR.