How To Play Stormland On Valve Index Or HTC Vive
Thanks to a patch developed by a self-described “computer geek homeschooler” in communication with the developer of Revive, you can now play Stormland on your non-Oculus PC VR headset!
When we tried to play Stormland on Valve Index on release date using the Revive hack, we were unable to make it work. The game would show on the monitor, but not in the VR headset.
Sometimes Revive needs a specific patch to support the latest Oculus games. Usually this happens within a matter of days of release- usually by the lead developer. But since the lead developer is currently on vacation, self-described “computer geek homeschooler” and YouTuber Jordan cooperated with him remotely to develop a patch to make Stormland work.
We tried this patch today on Valve Index and found it fully works. You can enjoy Insomniac’s game, which we gave 4 out of 5 stars in our review, on your headset of course.
DISCLAIMER: while we have run multiple virus scans on the .exe and .dll from this patch, we cannot guarantee their security. As with any executable you download from the internet, please exercise caution.
Step 1: Download The Oculus Rift Software & Buy Stormland
NOTE: Revive is not officially supported by Facebook or Insomniac Games. When spending your hard-earned money on an Oculus exclusive, please do so with the knowledge that Revive could stop working, or be blocked, at any time. However, Facebook has claimed that it will no longer do this.
Download and install the Oculus Rift software if you haven’t already.
Skip the first time setup until you’re at the store. Then simply search for Stormland and buy it.
The Oculus Store works mostly just like any other games store on PC.
Step 2: Install Revive (If You Haven’t Already)
Revive is the hack which allows Oculus Rift games to be played on non-Oculus headsets. It’s available on GitHub including full source code, and has been used for years. Some Oculus exclusive developers even recommend it on their Discord.
You can always find the latest version of Revive at:
Simply download the installer and let it run. Keep a note of the destination folder or just use the default.
Once installed, launch SteamVR and put on your headset. Look for the tab called ‘Revive’ on the SteamVR Dashboard and click it once. This will ensure that first time setup is done.
Step 3: Apply Jordan’s Patch
Remember, the current version of Revive doesn’t yet support Stormland, so you’ll need Jordan’s patch.
Close SteamVR and download the Revive Stormland Patch from Google Drive.
Extract the files from this ZIP into your Revive install directory that you noted earlier. If you want to make sure you do this right, simply use your mouse to drag and select ReviveInjector_x64.exe and the folder x64 and then drag them onto the files in the Revive folder.
Congratulations, Stormland should now work on your Valve Index or HTC Vive!
If you have issues, try restarting your PC.
The post How To Play Stormland On Valve Index Or HTC Vive appeared first on UploadVR.
Oculus Exclusive Games Finally Feel Truly Playable with Index Controllers & Revive
While it’s long been technically possible to play Oculus exclusive games on Vive and other SteamVR headsets thanks to an unofficial mod called ‘Revive’, the actual experience has always been decidedly clunky due to the significant differences between controller inputs. With Valve’s new Index controllers—which offer input-parity with Oculus Touch controllers—Oculus exclusive content finally feels truly playable with minimal compromise.
Facebook has far and away been the top funder of PC VR content, but has sought to keep it exclusive to the company’s own Oculus platform which only supports Rift headsets. Revive is a free, unofficial mod which allows SteamVR headsets to play Oculus exclusive content (provided the user owns the titles).
Revive has been around for a few years now, but trying to play Oculus exclusive content has always felt clunky because the Vive wand controller uses a trackpad, lacks face-buttons, has a grab button designed for discrete presses, and can’t detect index finger pointing.
The Oculus Touch controllers, for which the Oculus exclusive content is specifically designed, uses a thumbstick, two face buttons, a grab trigger designed to be continuously held, and can detect index finger pointing.
That means that Revive has to emulate a lot of the functionality expected of the Touch controllers in Oculus exclusive content, including mapping the thumbstick and face buttons to different quadrants of the Vive wand’s trackpad. Meanwhile, the difference in the wand’s grab button vs. Touch’s grab trigger makes a surprising difference—most Oculus games expect players to continuously hold the grab trigger to pick up objects, but doing so with the Vive wands is both uncomfortable and easy to accidentally let go because of the specific design of the wand’s grab buttons.
That leaves the overall experience of playing most of the Oculus exclusive content with Vive wands massively compromised. Yes, it technically works, but in many cases is an exercise in input frustration.
But everything changes with Valve’s new Index Controllers, which are readily compatible with any SteamVR headset that uses SteamVR Tracking.
Using the latest stable release of Revive, I tried out a handful of Oculus exclusive content with Valve’s Index headset and controllers, and was surprised to find what felt like a nearly native experience.
I knew that Revive was well architected, but wasn’t expecting to see it this functional with the Index controllers ahead of their official release later this week—even the ‘Oculus Touch Basics’ tutorial, which walks users through the inputs of the Touch controllers, worked flawlessly with the Index controllers.
I tried games like Robo Recall and Echo Arena (both of which deeply rely on the ‘continuous grip’ design of the Touch controllers) and found them significantly more playable than they ever were with the Vive wands.
In the case of Robo Recall, the player is constantly grabbing and throwing objects, and the game expects the player to consciously hold the grab button while objects are in their hands and then release on the fly to throw. On the Index controllers this is as easy as gripping the controller’s capacitive handle, which is translated to a ‘grab’ input, and then releasing the handle to throw. What’s more, Robo Recall’s locomotion uses a trajectory-based teleport which employs the thumbstick to independently define your forward facing position after the teleport. This works flawlessly with Index’s thumbsticks.
In Echo Arena, players are constantly grabbing the environment around them to move themselves around in zero-G, as well as using the face buttons for arm thrusters and the thumbstick center-click to boost and break. Once again, this is all wired up perfectly for the Index controllers and it feels very natural and easy to control.
I also tried First Contact, a short but interactive intro experience which makes extensive use of grabbing and button pressing with your index finger. A capacitive trigger on the Touch controllers allows the controller to infer when your real index finger is outstretched. Many Oculus games use this feature as a means of pressing small virtual buttons (and it works pretty darn well). Index also has a capacitive trigger and this pointing functionality is replicated perfectly with Revive, making First Contact practically feel like it was made for the Index controllers.
In fact, the Touch controllers have several capacitive sensors which allow your virtual hands to animate correctly depending upon which buttons or sticks you’re touching. Valve’s Index controllers have all of the same sensing capabilities, and it’s all rigged up correctly to animate your virtual hands even in Oculus content. (This does not include the middle, ring, and pinky fingers which Index controllers can track but Touch cannot).
The only caveat I found is that ‘grabbing’ with the Index controllers is very sensitive and thus takes some getting used to; basically Revive sends a ‘grab’ command as soon as you touch the handle of the Index controller with your fingers (even lightly), so you need to be very ‘binary’ about when you are or are not intending to initiate a grab.
SteamVR Input, Valve’s extensive system for modifying VR controller inputs, should allow users to create input bindings that even more closely match the functionality of touch controllers, which could solve this sensitivity problem.
– – — – –
I’ve yet to test the entirety of the Oculus exclusive library with Index, but from trying five diverse experiences so far, things seem extremely promising. It was beginning to look like a sad state of affairs—with Valve offering one of the top VR headsets, but Oculus offering much of the top exclusive VR content—but especially with the potential for game-specific fine tuning of Index controller inputs via SteamVR Input, it seems more possible than ever to have the best of both worlds.
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Oculus Rift Games mit Windows Mixed Reality Headsets spielen
Der Oculus Rift Store bietet einige exklusive Inhalte, die der Rift einen Vorteil im Wettbewerb mit den anderen Herstellern verschaffen sollen. Doch diese Exklusivität störte schon immer die VR-Community und so entstand schnell das Revive-Projekt. Mit diesem lassen sich Oculus-Rift-Spiele mit der HTC Vive spielbar machte. Nun erscheint in zwei Tagen der SteamVR-Support für die Windows-Mixed-Reality-Brillen und die gute Nachricht ist, dass ihr auch die Window Mixed Reality Headsets mit Revive verwenden könnt.
Oculus Rift Games mit Windows MR-Brille spielen
Wenn der SteamVR Support für die Windows-Mixed-Reality-Brillen am 15. November freigeschaltet wird, könnt ihr Revive einfach über das SteamVR-Fenster, welches mit einem Druck auf den linken Stick der Windows Mixed Reality Controller geöffnet wird, starten. Es empfiehlt sich, die Option „Trigger as Grip“ in den Revive-Settings einzustellen. Sie ermöglicht ein natürliches Greifen.
Solltet ihr Revive noch nicht besitzen, dann könnt ihr euch das Tool hier kostenlos herunterladen.
Der Beitrag Oculus Rift Games mit Windows Mixed Reality Headsets spielen zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!
DiRT Rally für Oculus Rift im Angebot: kurzfristig auf 12,50 Euro reduziert
Das Rennspiel DiRT Rally ist in der VR-Version für die Oculus Rift für kurze Zeit satte 75 Prozent günstiger: Der Preis sinkt somit von knapp 50 Euro auf sehr moderate 12,50 Euro. Das Angebot gilt allerdings nur noch bis zum 21. September 2017. Das Rallyspiel konnte im Test sogar unseren potenziellen Rennspielmuffel Chris hinter das virtuelle Lenkrad locken. HTC-Vive-Besitzer können über Revive ebenfalls ihre virtuellen Runden mit DiRT Rally drehen.
DiRT Rally: Dreckig um die Kurven schleudern
DiRT Rally hat sich schnell zu einem der beliebtesten Rennspiele für VR-Brillen entwickelt. Der VR-Titel ist zwar im Prinzip nur für die PlayStation VR (PSVR) und Oculus Rift erhältlich, dank Revive dürfen aber auch Besitzer einer HTC Vive in die realistisch gestalteten Rally-Wagen einsteigen. In unserem Test konnte DiRT Rally voll überzeugen. Wir empfehlen jedoch zur vollen immersive Erfahrung dringend ein Force-Feedback-Lenkrad zu benutzen. Im Test benutzten wir das Driving-Force-GT-Lenkrad von Logitech, das beispielsweise bei Amazon erhältlich ist. Erst dann dreht der Raser richtig auf und fühlt sich realistisch an.
Außerdem sollte man an den Grafikeinstellungen schrauben: Ein leistungsfähiger PC ist also Pflicht. Als Grafikkarte empfiehlt Oculus eine NVIDIA GTX 970 oder eine Radeon R9 290, stärkere Modelle holen aus dem Spiel naturgemäß noch mehr heraus. Zudem sollte man nicht zu sehr unter Übelkeit in der virtuellen Realität leiden, Oculus verleiht dem Racer den Komfort-Stufe Anspruchsvoll. DiRT Rally kostet bei Humble Bundle bis zum Donnerstag 12,50 Euro, der Normalpreis im Oculus Store liegt bei 50 Euro. PSVR-Besitzer werden im PlayStation Store mit 60 Euro zur Kasse gebeten.
(Quelle: RoadToVR)
Der Beitrag DiRT Rally für Oculus Rift im Angebot: kurzfristig auf 12,50 Euro reduziert zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!
Revive Creator Joins OpenXR Initiative ‘to help create a truly open VR standard’
CrossVR’s Revive, the software that allows HTC Vive users to play games from the Oculus platform, today announced it’s joining one of the leading initiatives in creating an open standard for VR and AR apps and devices, otherwise known as OpenXR.
Lead by the Khronos Group, OpenXR aims to eliminate industry fragmentation by creating a standard, royalty-free API that enables applications to target a wide variety of AR and VR headsets. Those already involved in the initiative include the likes of Oculus, HTC, Samsung, Valve, Epic Games, Unity, AMD and NVIDIA to name a few. Khronos has already helped create several open standards including WebGL, Vulcan, and OpenGL.
Jules Blok, the creator and driving force behind Revive, announced on his Patreon early this morning that CrossVR would be officially joining as an Associate Member, something he says will “represent your interests to help ensure that the next generation of VR headsets will have a truly open standard.”
Blok initially stated that, upon reaching the $2,000 per month donation mark, he would invest the $3,500 it took to join as an Associate Member, a non-voting position in the group that allows for full participation in OpenXR’s development.
Having recently reached his goal, in large part due to the help of a $2,000 monthly recurring donation by Oculus founder Palmer Luckey, Blok contacted the the Khronos Group to confirm he had the $3,500 membership fee and was ready to join. To his surprise, Khronos waved the fee, giving him free entrance into the working group.
Blok says the money originally earmarked for the membership fee will be spent on the Revive project instead. Learn more about Revive (and how to install it) on CrossVR’s GitHub.
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Valve Sends ‘Knuckles’ Controller Dev Kit to Revive Developer
Valve isn’t being shy about their support for Jules “LibreVR” Blok, the developer behind Revive, a hack which allows the Vive to play games from the Oculus store. Having patched SteamVR on more than one occasion to ensure Revive’s continued compatibility, the company has now sent Blok the Knuckles controller dev kit
Valve’s new Knuckles controllers have been widely praised by the developers who have been lucky enough to get their hands on them. The company has been sending dev kits of the controllers to select developers, and there’s presently no open way to get one without knowing the right folks at Valve.
Valve has sent one of the dev kits to Blok, the independent developer of Revive, a freely available hack that allows Vive users to play games from the Oculus store. For Oculus’ part, the company’s VR store only officially supports the Rift headset, and in 2016 had something of a standoff with Revive that prompted an update to their platform’s DRM policy which broke the hack. After community outcry, Oculus eventually reversed that decision and has been tolerating the hack since. Oculus founder Palmer Luckey (who is no longer with the company) recently pledged $2,000 per month in support of Revive’s development.
Valve, who of course now distributes VR games through Steam, seems to have found an ally in Revive, as it opens a door for Vive users into Oculus’ platform, allowing them to play a number of major VR titles that aren’t available on Steam. Without Revive as an independent intermediary, it might seem one step too aggressive if Valve had to build and maintain an unofficial door into Oculus’ platform themselves. Valve itself is however responsible for supporting the Rift on Steam.
In updates to SteamVR, Valve has on multiple occasions made tweaks and changes to ensure that Revive continued to work correctly. And now having sent Blok the Knuckles controllers, it seems pretty clear that Valve is supportive of what Revive is doing.
For Blok’s part the developer says that “these controllers will be very helpful to make a more natural Oculus Touch mapping,” and thanks Valve for sending them. Indeed the Knuckles controllers are more similar to Touch than the present Vive controllers, and with his hands on Knuckles it should make it easier for Blok to integrate proper support for the controllers into Revive once they are available more broadly.
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10 Oculus Exclusives HTC Vive Owners Should Play Using Revive Hack
Thanks to ReVive, a hack that lets SteamVR-compatible headsets play Oculus Rift exclusives, anyone with an HTC Vive can enjoy a number of unofficially supported games from the Oculus Store. Here we take a look at 5 of the games you shouldn’t miss—of course with the appended “buyer beware” warning that the Revive hack caries with it.
For non-Rift owners, losing access to a game you bought on the Oculus Store isn’t likely at this point, but it’s not something you should ignore either. Back when Oculus modified their DRM in a way that prevented Revive from functioning, thus blocking Vive users from playing Oculus games in their library, community outcry over the decision eventually led Oculus to reverse that particular stance on DRM, saying that in the future they wouldn’t use headset verification as part of the platform’s security protections. Despite the risk, we still think these Oculus exclusive games are worth playing.
Before you start, download Revive here and don’t forget to check out all the games on the Revive compatibility list.
Robo Recall
People used to think that fast-paced, high-action games would be too disorienting for new virtual reality users, but in Epic Games’ Robo Recall (2017), you can teleport around at full speed as you blast away at the game’s evil (and hilarious) robot army. If being able to tear your enemies literally limb from limb and beat a robot over the head with their own dismembered arm isn’t astounding enough, the level of detail and polish put into this game will make you reassess what’s possible in VR. This is another Touch freebie you’ll have to pay for as a Vive user, but at $30, you’d be hard-pressed to find something with this level of polish at this price on Steam.
Find out why we gave Robo Recall [8.5/10] in our review.
Lucky’s Tale
You can probably burn through this charming, family-friendly 3D platformer in a weekend—providing you’ve got a gamepad on hand—but at exactly zero dollars, Playful’s Lucky’s Tale (2016) is an easy sell. As one of the first third-person games for Rift, Lucky’s Tale helped define the Xbone Gamepad-era of VR gaming that Oculus is leaving behind now that the controller is no longer being bundled. Whether you’re racing with Lucky through lush trees, dodging swamp pits, battling menacing bosses, or mastering mini-games, youʼll feel like you’ve truly gone inside the world of a video game thanks to the magic of VR.
‘Lucky’s Tale’ on Oculus Store
Dragon Front
With a fantasy-meets-WW2 setting, this collectible card game takes place on a 4×4 grid battlefield featuring rampaging giants, intimidating war-machines, and soaring projectiles. As a freemium game from High Voltage, there’s still plenty of opportunity to play an exciting single-player campaign if collecting (and buying) card packs in multiplayer isn’t really your thing.
‘Dragon Front’ on Oculus Store
Dead and Buried
There’s plenty of gun slinging fun in this Western-inspired multiplayer shooter. Darned tootin’ if you can rob a runaway train, defend from zombie hordes, or battle it out in an old saloon—of course with your trusty six-shooters by your side (and a stick of dynamite for good measure). While this is free to Touch owners upon activation, if you’re looking for a well-rounded little shooter with a cowboy flair, the $40 sticker price may fit the bill.
‘Dead & Buried’ on Oculus Store
Esper: The Collection
Esper: The Collection gives you access to Esper (2016) and Esper 2 (2017)—two finely-crafted and ultimately intriguing puzzlers that give you psychic abilities to solve increasingly challenging tests. As an agent of ESPR, an organization set up to deal with the outbreak of telekinetic powers, you travel to exotic locations (not just your desk); solve puzzles, discover secrets, stop villainous plots, and fall unconscious multiple times. Interact with an array of characters, voiced by notable actors, Nick Frost, Lara Pulver, and Sean Pertwee, and Eric Meyers. Since you’re using your telekenetic powers, this isn’t a game that’ll use Vive controllers to their fullest, but it’s still a great options if you’re looking for a more passive, seated experience.
‘Esper: The Collection’ on Oculus Store
Lone Echo & Echo Arena
Two of the most well-received Oculus-funded games—both the campaign mode Lone Echo (2017) selling for $40 and the free multiplayer mode Echo Arena (2017)—are easy for Vive users to play thanks to the games’ native 360-degree setup. If you’re skeptical of the zero-g locomotion scheme, we suggest grabbing Echo Arena first, which doesn’t require Touch activation to nab for free. Either way, you’ll be amazed at how comfortable and immersive flying through space can really be in the first-person (i.e. not Adr1ft).
Find out why we gave Lone Echo [9/10] in our review.
Wilson’s Heart
Wilson’s Heart is a gritty first-person thriller from Twisted Pixel that jaunts through gads of sci-fi tropes ripped directly from the silver screen. As one of the most beautiful and visually cohesive VR games out for Touch, the game takes you through a black-and-white universe as experienced by Wilson, a hospital patient recovering from a curious surgery that has replaced his live-beating heart with a strange machine. Ripping it from your chest, you find it gives you a growing number of abilities to help you not only fight against your personal demons, but also some very real ones that have passed into the world thanks to experiments done by the brilliant, but clearly insane Dr. Harcourt
While falling into some overly campy territory, garnering it Wilson’s Heart a [7/10] in our review, the game is definitelty worth a play-through if you can find it for cheaper than its $40 sticker price.
‘Wilsons Heart’ on Oculus Store
Don’t say we didn’t tell you *not* to button-mash your gamepad before stepping into Chronos (2016), a third-person adventure by Gunfire Games. Slashing at enemies with the long-trained penchant for beat-em-ups will get you exactly nowhere in this Zelda-inspired, Dark Souls-ish-level of difficulty game where dying in the game physically ages your character. Starting out with either an axe or a sword, you leap through a multi-dimensional transport crystal to hunt down a dragon that has ruined your world. As an interesting mix of high-fantasy and a retro post-apocalyptic world, Chronos gives you plenty to gawk at, and even more to worry about as you hack and slash your way through dimensions.
Sitting at 4.5/5 stars on the Oculus Store, it’s a score we can easily get behind.
Edge of Nowhere
Edge of Nowhere (2016) is a third-person VR survival horror game created by Insomniac Games that strands you in the icy wasteland of Antarctica, leaving you with only a pick-axe, a shotgun, and some rocks to defend yourself against a bloodthirsty ancient species that lurk inside the snowy caverns. The lack of supplies makes for tense gameplay and forces the players to be creative and conserve resources, creating tense moments when you’re forced to decide whether you should use that last shotgun shell and blow the head off the horrible beast lurking nearby or just try the more risky route and sneak past. As a gamepad game
Find out why we gave Edge of Nowhere one of our highest ratings at [9.5/10] in our review.
‘Edge of Nowhere’ on Oculus Store
What’s your favorite Revive-able Oculus exclusive? Let us know in the comments below!
The post 10 Oculus Exclusives HTC Vive Owners Should Play Using Revive Hack appeared first on Road to VR.
‘Lone Echo’ and ‘Echo Arena’ Now Work on HTC Vive with ReVive Hack
Platform exclusivity is a divisive issue in VR; on one hand, big financial backing helps create awesome games like Lone Echo [9/10]—on the other hand, if you chose the ‘wrong’ headset, you’re boxed out of what might otherwise become one of your favorite games. Thanks to ReVive, a free hack which allows Vive users to play games from the Oculus platform, you can now play both Lone Echo and it’s free multiplayer companion game Echo Arena with an HTC Vive.
With the advent of Revive, a project built by Jules Blok (aka CrossVR), the hack became central to discussion of Oculus’ approach to building a VR platform when Oculus modified their DRM in a way that prevented Revive from functioning, thus blocking Vive users from playing Oculus games. Community outcry over the decision eventually led Oculus to reverse that particular stance on DRM, saying that in the future they wouldn’t use headset verification as part of the platform’s security protections.
Now, two of the most well-received Oculus-funded games—both the campaign mode Lone Echo selling for $40 and the free multiplayer mode Echo Arena—have gained unofficial support for the HTC Vive. And with a native 360-degree setup already supported by Oculus, it’s practically plug-and-play. Of course, there’s also no telling if Oculus’ decision will hold into the future, so the mantra “buyer beware” is still in effect for potential Revive users looking to purchase on the Oculus Store.
OpenXR (formerly Khronos VR) is also looking to unite what it considers a fragmented market by advocating a universal cross-platform standard that, according to the developers, enables applications to be written once to run on any VR system, and to access VR devices integrated into those VR systems to be used by applications. Names like Epic Games, AMD, ARM, Valve, Google and even Oculus are helping with the initiative.
Legendary programmer and Oculus CTO John Carmack had this to say about OpenXR:
“Khronos’ open APIs have been immensely valuable to the industry, balancing the forces of differentiation and innovation against gratuitous vendor incompatibility. As virtual reality matures and the essential capabilities become clear in practice, a cooperatively developed open standard API is a natural and important milestone. Oculus is happy to contribute to this effort.”
Oculus founder Palmer Luckey, who left the company back in March, has also backed ReVive financially to the tune of $2,000 per month to support its continued development.
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Oculus Founder Backs ‘Revive’—a Hack for Vive to Play Rift-exclusive Games—With $2K in Monthly Funding
Oculus founder Palmer Luckey, who left the company back in March, has backed a crowdfunding campaign for Revive—a hack which allows HTC Vive owners to play games from the Oculus platform—to the tune of $2,000 per month to support its continued development. The action comes in stark contrast to the closed ecosystem approach of the Oculus organization.
Revive is a free hack which allows users of the HTC Vive to play games from the Oculus platform, despite the platform not officially supporting any headset except for the Rift on desktop. Revive became central to discussion of Oculus’ approach to building a VR platform when Oculus modified their DRM in a way that prevented Revive from functioning, thus blocking Vive users from playing Oculus games. Community outcry over the decision eventually led Oculus to reverse that particular stance on DRM, saying that in the future they wouldn’t use headset verification as part of the platform’s security protections.
Since then, Revive has continued to work quite swimmingly, allowing Vive owners to play otherwise Oculus-exclusive games from the platform, unofficially. However, official support for Vive on the Oculus platform has not materialized, and Oculus continues to fund some VR content with exclusivity requirements that keeps the content from other platforms for a period of time, an approach which has proved controversial within the VR community.
Today Oculus founder Palmer Luckey made a $2,000 monthly pledge to the Revive Patreon campaign, a crowdfunding platform which allows people to offer continuous support for ongoing projects. The pledge, which Road to VR has confirmed to be authentic, means that Luckey will pay $2,000 per month in ongoing support for Revive, $24,000 annually, if he lets the pledge continue indefinitely.
Luckey’s choice to back the project comes seemingly in stark contrast to that of his former company. Exactly why he made the decision is so far unclear (he declined to comment), but one speculation is that his personal beliefs about whether or not the Oculus platform should be closed to other headsets differs from that of other decision makers at Facebook/Oculus.
According to the Revive Patreon campaign, the creator said that if the campaign hit the present top-level goal of $1,500 per month (now exceeded), they would pay the $3,500 fee to “join the Khronos Group as an Associate Member and help shape the OpenXR standard,” a widely supported in-development standard that aims to define how VR hardware should interoperate with VR software. Luckey’s pledge ought to buy the Revive creator a seat at that table, but it’s not clear how much influence they might have compared to the likes of major players like Oculus, Google, NVIDIA, Samsung, Valve, and others who are part of the initiative.
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