‘Stranger Things VR’ Review – Artful But Boring Brand Engagement

Stranger Things VR is a visually intense retelling of the TV show’s last two seasons from VR pioneers Tender Claws, known for their weird and wild VR experiences Virtual Virtual Reality (2017) and The Under Presents (2019). While Stranger Things VR showcases the studio’s patently deft art direction, the game feels distinctly like an extended brand engagement experience that’s more concerned with prepping us for the show’s upcoming fifth season than treading any new or interesting ground.

Stranger Things VR Details:

Available On: Quest 2/3/Pro
Reviewed On: Quest 3
Release Date: February 22nd, 2024
Price: $30
Developer: Tender Claws


If you’re thinking of playing the VR game and you haven’t seen the complete four seasons of Stranger Things on Netflix yet, you’re going to be in for some serious spoilers from the moment you get past the loading screen.

And forget it if you haven’t seen the show at all, as you’ll have absolutely zero idea of who’s who and what’s going on, as the entire game is presented in a way that heavily relies on the user’s familiarity with major events and characters from the show. It is “Stranger Things VR” after all, so that’s to be expected to some extent, although it’s a shame the studio didn’t have the leeway to tell a more unique story within the franchise’s universe.

That basically leaves the VR game hamstrung to retread the main bits from the third and fourth season, albeit starting backwards from the biggest plot point reveal and moving into the main antagonist’s backstory.

Image courtesy Tender Claws

At first, the game seems dedicated to fleshing out the show’s villain Vecna, as it traps you in the terrifying world of the Upside Down and tasks you with finding your way out, all the while taunted by ghostly memories of Dr. Brenner. There’s some light combat and interesting movement mechanics here, although mostly it’s about making your way through successive mazes that are linked together through gateways that you can open in the minds of Demodogs and giant flowers with Demogorgon heads. Yes, that aspect is trippy weird and I’m totally here for it.

Although it started off with what I thought was going to be a deeper exploration into Vecna (who doesn’t like a good antihero?), I soon found myself tackling levels that not only settled into heavy repetition, but were continuously punctuated with things I already know about the story. Beautiful and surreal, granted, but there’s no real payoff outside of that.

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About halfway through the game’s nine chapters, it was revealed I wasn’t actually going to stick around as Vecna and build my powers and skills to some satisfying conclusion, but rather I would be randomly shuffled around characters in what felt more like a loosely strung together speedrun of the show’s most recent narrative, punctuated by more predictable featurettes and repetitious combat with the only two real enemies in the game, the Demodogs and Demobats—both of which are easily dispatched by telekinetically tossing crap at them.

This is a shame, since Vecna’s mechanics are pretty promising, as you can spawn vines on structures that act as a basis for him to grip on with a sort of Spider-Man-eqsue ease. I would have liked to see this used to greater effect, and incorporated into puzzles, boss battles, more challenging parkour—basically everything the game is missing. Instead, you’re ejected from Vecna, and only ever get to use a sliver of those abilities as Eleven, who is significantly less fun as a playable character.

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That said, it took me around four hours to complete all nine chapters, and a little more to tool around with the bonus mixed reality games, which are fun but brief. The ending left me feeling about as bored as I was during the entire game, albeit with a credit roll and outro music as the only real indication it was all over.


The game’s visuals are highly stylized, and at times can be absolutely jaw-dropping. Despite some distinctly lower quality textures and lesser poly counts than the gameplay trailer above would suggest, Stranger Things VR clearly takes the mantra “every frame a painting” to heart.

In contrast to the lackluster gameplay I mentioned above, which at times felt more like a tutorial to something greater that never came, the game’s art and jarring surrealism does a lot of the heavy lifting.

Image courtesy Tender Claws

The game’s clear dedication to nightmarish surrealism and constant narrative switching comes at a cost to ’embodiment’, or feeling like you’re actually in virtual place and not just overly occupied doing some complex task. It’s the difference to being immersed in a movie or flatscreen video game and forgetting you’re sitting in a chair, and feeling like you’ve actually been transported to somewhere else. Being shuttled around from environment to environment and character to character so abruptly diminishes that ability to feel like you’re there and can trust the rules of the world, since you’re always left guessing where you’re going, who you are, what powers you have in what timeline, etc.

Still, the first half of the game does a great job of building up those mechanics that let you traverse chasms and stay out of the Demodogs’ reaches, although sadly enemy AI is pretty dumb, as enemies can oftentimes get hung up on game geometry and wig out stupidly.


There are two or three momentarily uncomfortable scenes that force artificial movement, and there are also a fair number of flashing lights that could be of concern to photosensitive users—the latter of which shows up as an on-screen warning before you start every game.

That said, it’s a fairly comfortable game thanks to a good number of options available to the user and an overall smart world design that respects the player, even in the face of Vecna’s ability to swing and move around on vines.

‘Stranger Things VR′ Comfort Settings – February 22nd, 2024

Artificial turning ✔
Snap-turn ✔
Quick-turn ✖
Smooth-turn ✔
Artificial movement ✔
Teleport-move ✖
Dash-move ✔ (as Eleven)
Smooth-move ✔
Blinders ✔
Head-based ✔
Controller-based ✖
Swappable movement hand ✖
Standing mode ✔
Seated mode ✔
Artificial crouch ✖
Real crouch ✔
English, Japanese, German, French, Korean, Italian, Portuguese (BR), Spanish
Dialogue audio
Languages English
Adjustable difficulty ✔
Two hands required ✔
Real crouch required ✖
Hearing required ✖
Adjustable player height ✖


The post ‘Stranger Things VR’ Review – Artful But Boring Brand Engagement appeared first on Road to VR.

‘Synapse’ Review – A Power I’ve Been Waiting For

Synapse is the latest action game from veteran VR studio nDreams, built exclusively for PSVR 2. While you’ll do plenty of shooting, players are also equipped with a telekinetic superpower that feels great as a core mechanic. But does the rest of the game live up to it? Read on to find out.

Synapse Details:

Available On: PSVR 2 (exclusive)
Release Date: July 4th, 2023
Price: $35
Developer: nDreams


Editor’s Note: Gameplay clips will not appear with cookies disabled, but you can click the

Synapse is a roguelite shooter where you’ll be blasting baddies with a weapon in one hand and controlling a telekinetic force power with the other. The game’s telekinesis ability is finely tuned, relying on PSVR 2’s eye-tracking to target whichever item you’re looking at. Look at a box and pull the trigger and suddenly you’re controlling its movements from afar. Look at an exploding barrel and pull the trigger and now you can toss it over to some enemies before pulling the trigger even harder to make it explode. Oh, and when you eventually get the ability to pick up enemies with your power, you’ll really enjoy launching them into the sky or send them crashing into the ground.

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Over many years I’ve wondered why we haven’t seen a major VR game built around a ‘gravity gun’ like mechanic. It seems so natural to want to interact with virtual worlds using interesting physics mechanics rather than just shooting.

Well Synapse definitely proves out the mechanic with a strong core implementation that feels a little bit like magic thanks to the eye-tracking targeting which generally works well (just don’t forget to recalibrate your eye-tracking). It’s undeniably fun to look at an enemy, pick them up, and send them flying to a timely demise.

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I also enjoyed the use of a two-stage trigger when it comes to manipulating explosive barrels—a light trigger pull lets you lift the barrel, while a full trigger pull makes it explode. It feels very intuitive while at the same time challenging you to think more carefully in the heat of battle about which object you’re controlling. It can feel effortless to see a barrel on the other side of the room, pick it up, then quickly hover it over to a group of enemies before crushing it to blow them away.

While I was hoping that there would be an increasing number of ways to interact with the environment using telekinesis, there’s little evolution on that front. You can control boxes, barrels, platforms, and (with later unlocks) enemies and grenades. But that’s about it. While the core mechanic feels great, it’s unfortunate that it doesn’t evolve into something more.

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In your other hand you’ll start with a pistol which is about as standard as you’d expect, though nDreams adapted the great reloading system from Fracked to give Synapse an even quicker and easier reloading system that works great for the game’s combat pace.

When you’re out of ammo the mag will eject just a few inches out of the gun and then stay there. To reload all you have to do is push it back into the gun. It sounds a little silly, but makes sense in the context of the game’s mind-bending subject matter. And another nice detail (which I can’t recall if the game even explicitly teaches you) is that your hand doesn’t need to be the thing that pushes the mag back into your weapon to reload… you can shove your gun against a wall or a rock to slide it back in too—a clever way to allow for an improvised one-handed reload.

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Reloading by pushing your mag against a wall works especially well considering the game’s hand-based cover system (also carried over from Fracked), which allows you to reach out to grab any cover and then use your hand to peek yourself in and out of said cover. It feels really natural and way more immersive than using the thumbstick to slide in and out of cover while crouched behind a wall.

As a roguelite there’s also unlocks to earn; some are temporary buffs that only last for your current run, while others are permanent and will make you better and stronger over time.

Everything I’ve said about the game so far is pretty positive, and warranted. But the game follows a strangely familiar pattern of flaws.

The thing about Synapse is that while the core mechanics (like telekinesis, reloading, and cover) work well, the rest of the game is a largely average wave shooter in the form of a roguelite. Quite unfortunately, many of the same core critiques of Synapse were equally true of nDreams’ last two big games: Fracked (2021) and Phantom: Covert Ops (2020).

It is a classic prognosis for the studio’s big action games at this point—not enough weapon, enemy, and encounter variety to really make the game sing.

For one, the game’s ‘levels’ feel completely homogenous. Combat isn’t meaningfully different from one to the next, which means every level feels essentially the same. Some destructible elements mix things up just a bit, but not enough to make levels feel dynamic and interesting.

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And then there’s the mere four enemies: regular soldier dudes, kamikazes, hefty bois™, and one rather annoying flying enemy.

Some of the AI is actually pretty good. Soldier dudes will move around, use cover, flank you, and throw some suspiciously accurate grenades at your feet. Hefty bois will keep you pinned down behind cover, throw objects at you, and charge at you.

Image courtesy nDreams

On the other hand, the exploding kamikaze enemies feel consistently more unfair than anything, considering they usually explode at your feet even after you killed them, thanks to momentum carrying their corpses right into you.

And then there’s the flying enemies which are much more of a nuisance than an interesting threat… and animate so poorly (making them difficult to hit) that I’m not sure if they’re bugged or not.

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Luckily my hatred for them made it that much more satisfying when I realized I could use my telekinesis to drop them into searing hot lava for an instant death.

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Minimal enemy variety is backed by a lack of encounter and scenario variety. Every level is beaten by killing all enemies on the map; they all seem to spawn fairly randomly and tend to come from all sides, making it feel like a wave shooter most of the time. Not only does the level’s objective never vary, but there’s a real lack of meaningful encounter design, making most fights feel the same.

That’s not to say that Synapse isn’t fun. I enjoyed my first full run through the game, which took about three hours to complete. But from then on out the game asks you to continue doing the same things against the same enemies with the same weapon and abilities—but now at a harder difficulty.

That’s usually how roguelites go, but there just isn’t enough variety in the gameplay or build options in Synapse to reach that engaging feeling of ‘just one more run’ after you’ve completed your first. Even the promise of unlocking more narrative through during subsequent runs isn’t enough considering the narrative is a paper-thin radio drama. nDreams says players can expect to take around 12 hours to complete three runs, each at increasing difficulty, which will reveal all of the narrative. But I have to say that I wasn’t compelled to complete all three. All-in, I probably spent about five hours with the game before feeling like I’d seen it all.


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Synapse has a really unique art style that I think they executed very well. The game runs well and generally sounds good too.

There’s no doubt the telekinesis is a more interesting and immersive way to interact with the game than shooting enemies at a distance. Being able to grip enemies with an invisible force, then toss them toward you while firing a flurry of bullets at them mid-air gives a strong feeling of direct control over the game’s virtual world, which helps anchor you to it.

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Similarly, using your hand to pull yourself in and out of cover, then slapping your mag against a rock to load it into your gun, feel very ‘hands-on’.

Image courtesy nDreams

Aside from these elements, most of the game is fairly run-and-gun and there’s almost no other up-close interactions (which are the kind that tend to drive high levels of immersion). While the setting is neat (battling inside of someone’s brain, à la Inception), the story had zero intrigue, and served only as a rough premise for the action that unfolds in the game.


Synapse is a run-and-gun game that doesn’t offer teleport. Aside from that, the essential comfort options are available, though I’m irked by the game’s implementation of snap turning, which is actually just a quick turn rather than a true snap turn (which tends to be more comfortable); Fracked had the very same issue.

Without teleport and with the expected pace of combat, Fracked might be a challenge for anyone that’s very sensitive to motion in VR, but otherwise feels largely average for comfort in a VR shooter.

One miscellaneous item worth noting here is that the game’s pistol tends to consistently shoot up and to one side, seemingly due to a lack of filtering on the weapon’s movement and the particular way the PSVR 2 controller tends to move in your hand when pulling the trigger in its ‘stiff’ state. This makes the pistol much less accurate than it seems it’s supposed to be.

Synapse’ Comfort Settings – June 28th, 2023

Artificial turning ✔
Snap-turn ✖
Quick-turn ✔
Smooth-turn ✔
Artificial movement ✔
Teleport-move ✖
Dash-move ✖
Smooth-move ✔
Blinders ✔
Head-based ✔
Controller-based ✔
Swappable movement hand ✖
Standing mode ✔
Seated mode ✔
Artificial crouch ✔
Real crouch ✔
Subtitles ✔
Languages English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Brazilian
Dialogue audio ✔
Languages English
Adjustable difficulty ✔
Two hands required ✔
Real crouch required ✖
Hearing required ✖
Adjustable player height ✔

‘Pixel Ripped 1978’ – Amping Up Nostalgia with Official Atari Backing

Virtual reality’s favorite nostalgia-fueled game-within-a-game is back, this time throwing you into a handful of reimagined Atari 2600 titles from the early ’80s. It’s another solid entry into the series, and as its casual approach to serving up a rash of classic gaming tropes are fairly tried and true at this point. While its first-person RPG focus this time around doesn’t really feel like the sort of substantial evolution that it could be, 1978’s smorgasbord of novelty and undoubtably heartfelt love of classic games does a lot to smooth over many of its rougher spots.

Pixel Ripped 1978 Details:

Available On: SteamVR, Quest, PSVR 2
Release Date: June 15th, 2023
Price: $25
Developer: ARVORE
Publisher: Atari
Reviewed On: Quest 2


Pixel Ripped returns with our digital hero Dot, this time taking us to the dawn of home video game consoles of the late ’70s and early ’80s. You do visit 1978, although you’ll spend a good amount of time in the pre-NES days of the early ’80s too. If you haven’t brushed up on your gaming history, that means stuff like Frogger, Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Space Invaders, etc. Okay, not those games specifically, but more on that in a bit.

If you’ve played the previous two standalone games, Pixel Ripped 1989 (2018) and Pixel Ripped 1995 (2020), you probably know the score: the series mixes in classic gameplay on CRT monitors with more immersive 3D action when you jump into the game. The new entry into the series follows this pattern, so if you’re looking for more of the same Cyblin Lord-beating action, you’re in the right place. Now your overworld character is Barbara ‘Bug’ Rivers, a fictionalized Atari developer who must help Dot stop Cyblin Lord from going back in time and completely changing the fundamental nature of the Pixel Ripped console game Bug is working on.

Image captured by Road to VR

Having Atari as an actual publisher comes with a few new perks for the series. For the first time Pixel Ripped 1978 has done away with its ‘near-beer’ approach to game references, which relied on its own litigation-free versions of popular console games to complete the nostalgic feel. Granted, the name brands you jump into, both as Dot and the overworld character Bug, aren’t the most iconic Atari has on offer: Crystal Castles, Fast Freddie, and Yars’ Revenge. In the game, they’re called Bentely’s Quest, Groovin’ Freddie, and Grave Yar, although the characters are all there.

Still, you’ll find some easter eggs as well as mini-games related to the system’s best-known titles, such as Frogger, Breakout, and Space Invaders to name a few, making it a true love letter to the second generation of console gaming.

Image captured by Road to VR

While late ’70s and early ’80s nostalgia is on full display—there’s an actual Atari 2600 console, game cartridges galore, and Atari 400 home computer—thankfully you won’t just be limited to the system’s eight-drectional joystick and single button when playing on your office CRT. As the game progresses, you’re handed more buttons which give those games significantly more depth and modern playability when played in 2D.

When playing inside the game, which is more consistently focused on first-person RPG gameplay, you’re again treated to a bright and blocky world that puts you head-first in reimagined 3D versions of each title, albeit infected by Cyblin Lord’s disruptive rips in space. The objective of each cartridge is to collect a crystal that will close each rip, leading you to an end-stage boss encounter.

Image courtesy ARVORE, ATARI

The RPG part of the game equips you with a few things: on the left hand is a wrist-worn device that can shoot out bug repairs, making up the bulk of the game’s casual puzzle-solving. On the right is a blaster which… blasts. And over your right shoulder is a random melee weapon, which is more comical than effective, offering stuff like an oversized tennis racket, a fish, or large ‘chancla’ slipper.

On first blush some things seem to be clear detractors in these first-person bits of the game, including repetitive shooting and melee combat, and some fairly lackluster upgrades. Enemy variation is also fairly low, offering up a pretty middling handful of flying and ground types, all of which feel like bullet sponges with their own unseen health bars.

Still, the game’s rhythmic drips of novelty do a lot to smooth over some of these momentary rough patches. Since there’s always something new around the corner and unique boss battle ahead of you, you might even think of those parts less as flaws and more like the sort of gameplay bottlenecks that were part and parcel of an era of gaming that was simplistic by necessity. Granted, Pixel Ripped 1978 is significantly more complex, but maybe it should be forgiven somewhat given the neurons it’s attempting to spark.


Pixel Ripped 1978’s focus on first-person RPGs stuff gives a new latitude to move around and explore the world than previous titles, which were nearly entirely seated. Here, level design feels mostly logical and consistent, although at times I was left scratching my head as what to do next, which led to some unintentional backtracking through levels. Upon death, all enemies reset, which is basically on-brand for any classic game out there. Thankfully the game autosaves, which is a merciful break in immersion from the titles of the early ’80s.

While Pixel Ripped 1978’s first-person RPG focus isn’t the homerun I was hoping for, its higher fidelity connection to the nostalgia certain ups the overall immersion factor. There’s something about seeing a real Atari 2600, handling the cartridges, and hitting play on a small CRT that just clicks a few neurons in my brain way more than a ‘Game Girl’ or ‘Turbo Drive’ playing ‘Rad Racoon’ ever could.

Image captured by Road to VR

Characters inside the 3D-ified Atari games are suitably blocky and colorful, while the art style in the overworld feels decidedly more Pixar-ish than previous titles. Character design and voice acting is effective here, although some of the mouth movements seem to be a little less refined than they ought to. Object interaction is also something that feels like could need more refinement, as found items only have a single attach point which can make selecting through multiple items a more difficult task than it should be.

Image courtesy ARVORE, ATARI

Overall, Pixel Ripped 1978 is a little rough around the edges when it comes to physical immersion, although it’s difficult to be too wrapped up in its sore spots when it’s so charming and heartfelt. It doesn’t feel like the result of a developer who’s just going through the motions and trying to pump video game references in your face for the sake of hitting some sort of nostalgia quota; Arvore’s love for classic gaming definitely shines through.


Dot’s helmet HUD does a lot to help mitigate some of the woes of free locomotion, so you can glide in all directions with minimal discomfort. There’s also teleportation and variable snap-turn available, which should keep basically everyone comfortable. The entire game is played on a single plane, so there isn’t any first-person platforming to speak of or vehicles that might cause user discomfort. Notably, like its other titles the studio designed Pixel Ripped 1978 to be played seated. Check out the full comfort checklist below:

‘Pixel Ripped 1978’ Comfort Settings – June 14th, 2023

Artificial turning
Snap-turn ✔
Quick-turn ✖
Smooth-turn ✖
Artificial movement
Teleport-move ✔
Dash-move ✖
Smooth-move ✔
Blinders ✔
Head-based ✔
Controller-based ✖
Swappable movement hand ✖
Standing mode ✖
Seated mode ✔
Artificial crouch ✖
Real crouch ✖
Subtitles ✔
Languages English
Dialogue audio ✔
Languages English
Adjustable difficulty ✖
Two hands required ✔
Real crouch required ✖
Hearing required ✖
Adjustable player height ✖

Full disclosure: The game features a number of voice-over cameos from people in the XR industry, most of which are found in a ringing telephone back at Bug’s office. I was offered a small, unpaid cameo here as well.

‘Firmament’ Review – Complex Puzzles & Visual Richness Lacking a Native VR Touch

Firmament was created in the spirit of Myst, the studio’s genre-defining puzzle adventure which maroons you in a strange realm with some very imposing architecture, all of which houses a smorgasbord of some patently challenging puzzles. In this respect, Firmament is kind of an old dog with a few new tricks, as it brings modern beauty and narrative finesse, although the game’s VR implementation sadly feels like a bit of an afterthought.

Firmament Details:

Available On: SteamVR, PSVR 2 (coming later)
Release Date: May 11th, 2023
Price: $40
Developer: Cyan Worlds
Reviewed On: Quest 2 via Link


Firmament: from Latin firmamentum—that which strengthens or supports. In an ancient cosmological sense, the word was also used to refer to the sky, or the vault of the heavens fixed above Earth. You’ll have plenty of time to ponder meaning that as you teleport between the four realms via the game’s conveniently located conveyance pods, which automagically shuttle you Dr. Who-style atop wind-swept mountains and steampunk botanical gardens just waiting to be explored (and fixed).

Image captured by Road to VR

Firmament dishes out real moments of awe between serving up maddeningly complex puzzles—basically a Cyan Worlds game through and through. The game’s gigantic machines will leave you scratching your head as you run back and forth just to make sure the figurative pilot light is on. While you have some narrative-based voice recordings and found notes to go by, you’re basically on your own when it comes to puzzling, meaning you won’t be babied by a ‘helpful robot’ who feeds answers into your ear. You’ll need to pay close attention to everything, and really get a grip of all the pieces in play before you can make sense of things. Beating your head against puzzles rarely works, so you’ll be greeted by some very familiar frustration if you’ve played any of Cyan’s most recent games, like Obduction or Myst VR.

Anyway, here are some useful hints: Watch out for every ladder. Watch out for every socket. Keep your head on a swivel and mess with everything a little just to see if it moves, but not so much that you scramble puzzles beyond their intended solvability.

Interacting with the world is done by way of activating a swath of standardized sockets, which pair to your hand-held ‘adjunct’ tool—kind of like a remote-controlled sonic screwdriver that lets you tether and interact with machines. Some sockets only have a single function, like opening and closing a door, while others have multiple functions that you’ll need to flip through. More on that in the Immersion section below.

Image courtesy Cyan Worlds

There is a lot of running back and forth, which feels more like a chore in VR than on traditional monitors. That frustration is compounded by moments when I wasn’t sure whether the game was borked, making me wonder whether it was me who screwed up or the game. It seems Firmament came well prepared for this eventuality at least, as you can safely reset back to a central location, which typically also resets puzzles too. While complex and mostly logical, a minority of puzzle solutions can be downright obtuse. I was provided with a solutions guide, which included hints as well as solutions, and I’m not ashamed to say I needed a few of those hints to complete the game, which I did in about nine hours.

In the end the juice is generally worth the squeeze with Firmament, as you’re whisked off to new, even more impressive areas of the game. While the ending left me feeling a little perplexed, the overall level of world-building is extremely high. I only wish I could be more present in the game and given more agency than casting my tether to manipulate glorified on-off buttons.


Firmament is a sumptuous and potentially beautiful game that I wish I could be more present in. My aging GTX 1080 was able to play along decently on medium graphics settings in most areas, which is more than I can say for Obduction. Still, some of the inherent beauty of the game is marred by jagged edges and a muddiness in some areas that feel like it’s really pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. My GPU, which is probably the minimum spec for VR at this point, was much happier sipping along on all low settings, so make sure to curb your expectations if you’re running an older or less powerful setups like mine.

I touched on some of the frustration of puzzle solving above, or rather, when solving puzzles goes wrong, but there’s another frustration that has more to do with level design, and not whether things are actually working properly. While slick and in line with ‘AAA’ games in terms of graphics, level design is still very much rooted in the studio’s point-and-click past, which means you’ll have less physical agency than you’d probably think is rational given the expectation of working hands and feet.

Image captured by Road to VR

In VR, I’m used to being able to not only do what I can in physical reality, like climbing and jumping, but even more. Some of the game’s level design feels like a step backwards in terms of what should be logically possible, like scrambling over a simple banister railing, or sidestepping a box to get to another area. I know that’s part and parcel of the studio’s puzzle style, but if I’m not offered some explanation beyond “no, you just can’t because of reasons,” it negatively impacts my perception of the inherent solidity of the world around me.

And while the world is so rich with possibility, the only meaningful way to interact with it is by using your adjunct tool to manipulate sockets, save a single other tool you’re given that disperses ice and other crusty bits in your way. This raises the question whether Firmament is making good use of VR beyond giving you a more immersive view of the game. Sadly, it doesn’t. It feels more like a flatscreen game with an optional VR mode that hasn’t really informed many of the game’s puzzles or much of its level design. While the amount of backtracking from place to place isn’t such an issue on traditional monitors, it feels way more like a chore in VR.

Image captured by Road to VR

And yet, all of the frustrations of Firmament never seemed to completely overwhelm me. The game’s score is excellent, complementing both its strong voice acting and mostly well-reasoned narrative. I only wish it were just a little more sympathetic to the modern VR gamer, and a little less of an optional mode that basically works, but not as well as you’d hope.


The game’s a bit at odds with standard VR movement schemes. While teleport and smooth movement are options, the game default movement scheme puts turning on one stick, and forward movement on another—something I’m not generally used to. Besides a few cart ride-style vehicles, the game is ultimately comfortable enough for most players.

‘Firmament’ Comfort Settings – May 18th, 2023

Artificial turning
Snap-turn ✔
Quick-turn ✖
Smooth-turn ✔
Artificial movement
Teleport-move ✔
Dash-move ✖
Smooth-move ✔
Blinders ✔
Head-based ✔
Controller-based ✔
Swappable movement hand ✔
Standing mode ✔
Seated mode ✔
Artificial crouch ✖
Real crouch ✔
Languages English, Italian, German, French, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish (Latin America)
Dialogue audio
Languages English
Adjustable difficulty ✖
Two hands required ✔
Real crouch required ✖
Hearing required ✖
Adjustable player height ✔

‘Another Fisherman’s Tale’ Review – A Captivating Sequel with More of Everything

We’re back for another dose of mind-bending puzzles à la Bob the Fisherman. The sequel offers up a longer, more emotionally complex story while packing in a ton of new puzzle mechanics that makes Another Fisherman’s Tale feel leagues ahead of the original in almost every sense.

Another Fisherman’s Tale Details:

Available On: SteamVRQuest 2, PSVR 2
Release Date: May 11th, 2023
Price: $30
Developer: Innerspace VR
Publisher: Vertigo Games
Reviewed On: Quest 2


Bob’s tall tales are taller than ever this time around, as the adventure swells to scale up to new emotional depths which reveal more about the real Bob and his family. I won’t spoil the story behind Another Fisherman’s Tale, because it’s really something you should unfold yourself. It talks about love, loss, responsibility, freedom—it’s way heavier than the first, and often strays outside of original’s safe storybook narration. Where you might have ignored some of the angsty Dad drama of the original Fisherman’s Tale, and just got on with the game’s smorgasbord of mind-bending puzzles, this time around the narrative takes more of a center stage, all while presenting new and innovative mechanics to keep you guessing.

The most prominent mechanic on display is the new ability to detach, replace and control your hands—like physically pop off your hands, trade them for more useful ones, and shoot them out to solve a variety of puzzles that only a little crawling (or swimming) remote controlled hand-beast might. Although you really only have two other hand styles regularly at your disposal besides your wooden digits, a hook for climbing and a claw for snipping, the puzzle variations are impressively wide.

Image courtesy Innerspace VR, Vertigo Games

While there are a ton of one-off puzzles to compliment, a constant throughout the game is the need remotely control your hands, which is done by twisting your motion controller in the correct relative direction and pressing the trigger to move them forward. You’ll be pulling levers, crawling your digits through circuitous routes, and grabbing key items before snapping them back to your arms where they belong. This took some getting used to, as oftentimes you’ll need to control your hands from afar while actually moving your body to different locations to get a better viewpoint, which can be confusing at times since your body’s relative position changes and your hands sort of wig out.

And with separable hands, you might as well be able to pop your head off too. Simply press two buttons (‘B’ and ‘Y’ on Quest) and you’ll launch your head forward to reach far flung areas for a better point of view. It’s basically plays out like a dash teleportation that follows a predictable arch as opposed to physically picking up your head ad tossing it around, which wouldn’t be terribly comfortable. More on comfort below though.

Image courtesy Innerspace VR, Vertigo Games

While I wouldn’t call any of the puzzles particularly hard, they’re always creative and rewarding. I had hints enabled, although you can turn them off in the settings, which mutes a few of Bob’s timely and helpful lines. Still, Bob isn’t overbearing in how or when he delivers hints, making him feel much more like a dad who wants you to figure something out on your own than a ‘helpful robot’ that just wants you to get on with the puzzle already.

My personal playtime was just under four hours, which puts it nearly four times longer than the original game. I didn’t feel like any of it was filler either, which is a testament to the game’s deeper story and puzzle variations that require the player to develop skills that are useful throughout—essentially everything I wanted from the original but didn’t get when it initially released in early 2019.


The star of the show is undoubtedly Bob, who is brought to life by the whisky-soaked tones of the probably never-not-smoking French comedian Augustin Jacob. In my review of the first game, I called Jacob’s interpretation more akin to a kitschy short that you typically see before a proper Pixar movie—charming, but not enough.

Image courtesy Innerspace VR, Vertigo Games

Here we get a full-fat dose of Bob as well as a new cast of characters that are equally engaging, making it feel more like that Pixar adventure I wished it could have been in the first place. One thing that hasn’t changed though is the inclusion of a sweeping score, which perfectly frames the game’s linear, sometimes storybook style adventure.

While the story goes off the rails at points, snapping you back to reality, it isn’t a large, open world with a ton of freedom of movement, or even puzzle creativity. Another Fisherman’s Tale is compartmentalized into chapters, each of which have a number of linear areas to unlock. The physical variety of the spaces though makes it feel less like a long series of closed escape rooms, which might otherwise feel a little too repetitive. That’s simply not the case here, as you’re always left guessing at what your next adventure will be, and where you’ll go next.

Image courtesy Innerspace VR, Vertigo Games

Set pieces are thoughtfully designed, and the cartoony nature of the game looks generally very good, even on the game’s most humble target platform, Quest 2. Object interaction is very basic, although that doesn’t detract too much since it’s mostly levers and a smaller momentary puzzle bits we’re dealing with here. As a result, there’s no inventory to speak of since all tools will be presented to you as needed, and thoughtful poofed back into existence in case you lose them.


Another Fisherman’s Tale has what we’d now consider the standard swath of comfort settings, which will let most anyone play with relative ease. There are moments though that personally make me feel a little iffy—not hang my head in the toilet bad, but I’ve played VR long enough to know my triggers.

In lieu of cutscenes, the game loves to do sweep your POV around slowly, which is mostly fine, although much of the time you’re being shrunk down so scenes can appear bigger. I generally dislike this lack of control, even if it only happens maybe once per chapter. There are also moments when your POV will be upside-down, however this too is a pretty rare occurrence. All things considered, it’s a pretty comfortable game that basically anyone can play without feeling anything but few momentary bits of weirdness.

‘Another Fisherman’s Tale’ Comfort Settings – May 11th, 2023

Artificial turning
Snap-turn ✔
Quick-turn ✔
Smooth-turn ✔
Artificial movement
Teleport-move ✔
Dash-move ✖
Smooth-move ✔
Blinders ✔
Head-based ✔
Controller-based ✔
Swappable movement hand ✔
Standing mode ✔
Seated mode ✔
Artificial crouch ✖
Real crouch ✔
English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Dialogue audio
Languages English, French
Adjustable difficulty ✖
Two hands required ✔
Real crouch required ✖
Hearing required ✖
Adjustable player height ✔

‘Propagation: Paradise Hotel’ Review – A Pretty Ok Impression of ‘Resident Evil’

Propagation: Paradise Hotel offers some patently terrifying moments of horror, but between the ever-lingering danger of zombified attacks and a few giant bosses—making for a very Resident Evil-inspired experience—there’s a bit of clunk that tarnishes what could have been a more memorable and cohesive experience. Still, it’s functionally a pretty solid zombie adventure that makes a clear departure from the franchise’s roots as a static wave shooter.

Propagation: Paradise Hotel Details:

Available On: SteamVR, Quest
Release Date: May 4th, 2023
Price: $20
Developer: WanadevStudio
Reviewed On: Quest 2 via PC Link


It’s the zombie apocalypse, and you’re bumming around the bowels of a non-descript hotel in some non-descript part of the world. You won’t have a lot of time to hang with your fatherly security guard pal though because you have to go and find your sister, who is gone for some reason. Okay, so the setup isn’t spectacular, but at least the zombie kill’n is pretty good, right? I’ll lead with an emphatic “yeah, mostly!”

Rule number one of zombies: shoot them in the head. That’s the ironclad directive you’re probably most familiar with, but there are some caveats in Propagation: Paradise Hotel. Shooting zombies in the head multiple times with a pistol makes them very sleepy. No, really. Shoot a zombie three times in the head and they’ll quietly lay down on the ground for a while. Sometime later, usually when you’ve tripped another lurch forward in the narrative, he’ll pop back up at a patently inopportune time to bother you once again.

As clear of a departure from zombie orthodoxy this is, the effect it had on me was something I can’t say I’ve felt in a zombie shooter before. Instead of worrying about walkers popping out from the ceiling (there are a few) or shambolically oozing out from closed doors or windows, you become much more fixated on every single corpse laying in the hallway, of which there are many. You aren’t roaming through an infinite hellscape either, as you’ll be backtracking, learning the layout of the hotel, and tip-toeing around zombies whilst pointing a gun in their face, lest they reawaken and start harassing you again.

Image courtesy WanadevStudio

In effect, any one of them could be waiting for you to lower your guard, open their eyes and grab onto your ankle. Sadly, a preemptive shot in the head is completely ineffectual, which is a letdown in the Immersion department, but more on that below. Just the same, you’ll be cautious because you can’t discount a single corpse, which is a new type of creepy that really kept me on edge. Knowing this, I would have loved the option to cut off some heads to put an end to the contant revisitations, but that’s just not in the cards.

That’s basically the case until you get a shotgun in the latter half of the game, and then those walkers lay down for good because you’ve effectively stumpified their infected brains (finally). What was previously one-on-one battles ramp up to three-on-one battles, putting the game’s only other gun (and most powerful) to the test. You’ll also start to rush through a few new classes of zombie in addition to some more difficult baddies, which offers some interesting variety in difficulty. Will you run into three walkers? One scorpion-style zombie? A ripped dude that can take a ton of shots to the face?

Image courtesy WanadevStudio

While there are a few difficult and unique zombies, there’s really only one true boss in the game. Full disclosure: I disliked it, and while I won’t spoil anything here, rest assured you’ll probably be frustrated too with how to take him down. He is ultra lame, and you’ll want to mute the game just so you don’t have to hear your character constantly shout ad nauseum “I need to knock him out!”

Ok. No. I will spoil the boss. Skip this paragraph if you want to avoid the spoiler: What does “I need to knock him out” even mean?? Don’t I need to kill this bastard? Do I need to knock him out before I kill him? Is that a hint? Do I need something to do that? Maybe I need to call the elevator and rig up something to knock him out? Maybe I need to escape the lobby and head up the stairs to get something I missed? Maybe I need to explode a fire extinguisher in his face to knock him out? Nope. My hand phases right through those, so it can’t be that. Maybe I need to die a dozen times before I learn he has a specific attack pattern with a singular weak point, hit it three times and meander my way to sequel-bait then the end credits? Yup, that’s it.

Anyway, many of the mechanical bits of Propagation: Paradise Hotel are very functional, and work well. The body-based inventory system isn’t overloaded, so you always have what you need, like a medical spray on your left flank, a flashlight that you can clip to your chest or hold in your hand, your 9mm pistol on your right, or the shogun over your shoulder. It’s all there and easy to grab. This compliments a 2D menu that you can pull up, which as mission-essential items, the map, settings, etc.

It’s not easy changing up a user’s expectation of level design when we all know what to expect more or less in a space as familiar as a hotel. Still, the game throws a few curveballs your way to keep you from mechanically looking through every room in the hotel, which spans seven levels. Still, the story itself didn’t feel like a compelling enough driver to keep you moving forward. The found notes add a little flavor, but don’t do enough to flesh out the background of what’s actually going on, leaving you to mostly just bump your head against each task until its complete so you can move onto the next.

Finally, the game, which took me around 3.5 hours to complete, also includes a few puzzles, although all solutions are published in found notes, so you just have to be thorough in your shelf-opening game.


Everything about Propagation looks the part, but very little is actually interactable, making it feel more like a flatscreen game than it probably should. There are a few key items you can pick up and use, but everything else is pure set dressing. I don’t want to underplay just how good the game looks, as it offers a visual acuity and variety that makes each room unique, and not at all the sort of copy-paste experience you’d logically expect from a motif that is basically supposed to look extremely uniform. Still, you can’t grab that fire extinguisher, or even pick up a bottle of detergent. You can only open doors and drawers, and interact with keys, key cards, and important notes.

That already feels pretty gamey enough, but just as things start getting good, you grab for an item and a big achievement pops up to ruin the atmosphere—because apparently you need to be constantly reminded that you just collected nine out of 30 secret items. I’d like my full field of view please, since I’m under constant threat of death and everything.

Image captured by Road to VR

One of the big narrative drivers is the game’s found notes, and I generally like the mechanic for its ability to either drive the narrative or unobtrusively flavor its back story. In VR, they can be especially immersive since you’re handling something that’s more of a physical artifact than just a bunch of text on a screen. This is where Propagation fails somewhat, as all notes feature a physical ‘next’ button at the bottom that you have to click, making it more like interacting with an eReader than something that was actually written by someone who lived, survived, and maybe even died in the hotel.

Maybe the notes could be shorter? Maybe they could have used the back of the paper? Maybe a different font? Whatever the case, interacting with a piece of paper shouldn’t feel this unnatural in a VR game.

Image captured by Road to VR

And the wacky unorthodoxy doesn’t stop there. While reloading weapons is a pretty standard experience, the gun’s ammo counter system is definitely not standard. The number indicated isn’t how many bullets you have in the gun, it’s how many are in the magazine. So, if you have 15 bullets in a fresh mag, as soon as you chamber one, the counter says 14.

That’s all well and good for the pistol, but if you forget it when using the shotgun, you may find yourself in deep dog doo-doo as you unintentionally cycle a live round out of the weapon by mistake. Provided you’ve loaded up the shotgun and chambered a round, you may have 3/4 rounds displayed. Once you’re in a tense battle though, and you’re displaying 0/4, you simply can’t be sure whether that 0/4 means you still have one in the chamber, or you don’t. You’ll load back up, shell by shell, until you’re at 4/4 again, but you don’t have any discernible visual indication whether you still have an empty chamber or not, so you cycle the pump just in case. An unspent shell flies out, lands on the floor, and disappears.

While it’s visually interesting and a mostly serviceable shooter despite those inherent flaws, the cherry on the cake is undoubtedly the game’s voice acting, which was clearly farmed out to native French speakers putting on their best American accents. This ranges from “I went to high school in Ohio for a year and picked up the accent pretty well,” to “How do you do, fellow American?” It’s more of an eccentricity than a knock per se, but it leaves me questioning where the hell I am on planet Earth.


As a 100 percent walking-based experience that doesn’t include forced locomotion, like on a rollercoaster or similar vehicle, the game proves to be very comfortable, save a single moment when there is some camera shaking. With a wide range of standard comfort options, most everyone will be able to play Propagation: Paradise Hotel without too much issue.

Propagation: Paradise Hotel’ Comfort Settings – May 8th, 2023

Artificial turning
Snap-turn ✔
Quick-turn ✔
Smooth-turn ✔
Artificial movement
Teleport-move ✔
Dash-move ✔
Smooth-move ✔
Blinders ✔
Head-based ✔
Controller-based ✔
Swappable movement hand ✔
Standing mode ✔
Seated mode ✔
Artificial crouch ✔
Real crouch ✔
Subtitles Yes
English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Polish
Dialogue audio Yes
Languages English
Adjustable difficulty ✔
Two hands required ✔
Real crouch required ✖
Hearing required ✖
Adjustable player height ✔

Gambit! VR Review: A Short Ride That Misses The Mark

This four-player co-op shooter by XREAL Games is now available for Quest and PC VR platforms. It promises a rich action-packed campaign but instead delivers a repetitive experience that’s over way too quickly – read on for our review.

Gambit! follows a group of mercenaries for hire who end up way over their heads after screwing up a job for a powerful client. The game drops you into a brief tutorial that isn’t up to par with explaining everything you need to know, but thankfully the mechanics are fairly easy to pick up as you go along.

The campaign can be played single-player or co-op, with each player taking control of one of four mercenaries. Each mercenary comes with their own distinctive special armament which takes the form of either a chainsaw, bow, stake gun or defibrillator paddles. With enough kills, you can activate the special ability, which makes you temporarily invulnerable and equips you with your unique destructive weapon for a short time.

Gambit! Review – The Facts

Platforms:  PC VR via Steam, Quest 2, Quest Pro (Review conducted on Quest 2)

Release Date: Out now

Developer: XREAL Games

Price: $19.99

Once you’ve selected a character, you dive straight into the action, darting around a small map with handguns akimbo taking out waves of humanoid enemies alongside your motley crew. Gameplay follows a simple formula of clearing a stage of foes before moving on to the next, with some boss battles in between. 

A wristwatch keeps track of your health and number of lives, as well as the special ability meter. A small amount of health can regenerate over time but to fully replenish the bar you will need to collect food – sometimes dropped by enemies – or buy additional health between stages using the points you earn. 

When your health goes to zero, you are downed and lose a life. It’s then up to one of your teammates to revive you in a fashion similar to After The Fall. As with health, lives can be purchased between stages using points earned and if you run out, then it’s back to the last checkpoint. 

Each stage contains hidden interactives like boxes, buttons, and valves, which unlock collectable items such as guns, attachments, and skins available to purchase. These hidden items and enemy item drops can also earn you cash, which you can use to buy content that you’ve unlocked.  

A Mixed Bag

Gambit! does some things well in its promise to deliver a fast-paced, campaign-driven co-op  shooter. Dual-wielding mechanics and an auto-reload feature allow for run-and-gun action that got my adrenaline pumping at times. There’s also a nice selection of standard weaponry and attachments to unlock, with the guns generally feeling good to handle and packing a punch.

Hidden items and other innovative gameplay elements also help to inject additional team-based fun beyond the core game. For example, hitting all of the hidden buttons on a stage releases a small blimp covered in targets that floats around whilst you and your compatriots desperately scramble to shoot it for a cash prize.

That said, for all of the elements that work well, there are also a fair amount that don’t. For example, the AI tended to be a bit hit-and-miss, with characters acting intelligently one moment by seeking cover and then standing stupidly in the path of oncoming fire the next.   

One notable immersion-breaking feature comes when you reach your last life. The game lets you know this by flashing the words ‘LAST LIFE’ in the upper-middle section of your field of view constantly until you die or gain another one. It ends up being more distracting than it is useful.

There is also the questionable ability to use your special attack during boss fights, which feels a lot like cheating. During one battle, I activated my special attack, making me invulnerable as I chainsawed away at the boss and simply waited for their health to drop to zero.  

Another issue is the dialogue between the foul-mouthed hired guns, which is designed to provide comic relief and set a light-hearted tone amidst the violence. While the banter had its moments, Gambit! felt like a needy kid trying way too hard to be cool, with the copious amount of swearing and juvenile humor coming across as forced and over the top.

Repetitive Grind

If I were to hone in on one of the biggest issues during my time playing Gambit!, it would be the repetitiveness that sets in fairly quickly. This was partly due to the lack of enemy variety, with the game packing stages full of standard grunts that sometimes look different but essentially act the same. 

There are also snipers that operate from a distance and kamikazes that get up close and personal trying to electrocute you like deranged Pikachus. But that’s essentially it for the different enemy types on offer (not including the boss battles). Encountering and killing these same units over and over again soon gets old, regardless of whether you’re playing single-player or co-op. More to this, there’s no option to change guns between stages, so even an enjoyable weapon loadout begins to feel stale after a while. 

However, one of the biggest contributors to the repetition is the sole aim of clearing every enemy in each stage before moving on to the next. There’s only one exception to this, near the end of the game, where one player has the job of operating a series of levers while the team protects them. Having a goal that deviates from killing everything in sight was refreshing, but also served as a reminder of what the game lacks – varied objectives that make good use of the team-based gameplay.

Over Too Soon

The game is also a short ride – it took me just over two hours to zip through the single-player campaign. This doesn’t include finding all of the hidden goodies scattered throughout each stage. However, the promise of earning more weapons, attachments, and skins doesn’t seem like enough to encourage repeated playthroughs, especially given the issues mentioned above.

Gambit! includes deathmatch multiplayer options in addition to a Battle Royale-style PvP mode for four players called Municipal Mayhem. For those interested, these additional multiplayer features can give some extra life to the game beyond the main story. XREAL Games says more campaign content, such as the “Consumer Cleanup” zombie mode, is on the way and “close to release,” but it’s unclear how much depth and breadth this will add to what’s already available.

Gambit! Review – Comfort

Gambit! can be played either seated or standing. The fast-paced gameplay has the potential to trigger motion sickness with frequent running, jumping, and strafing at speed. Gambit! gives players the option to disable auto-run and enable a vignette to increase comfort.

Gambit! Review – Final Verdict

A co-op adventure with a rag-tag bunch of misfits teaming up to wreak havoc sounds great in theory. Unfortunately, the idea is poorly executed with cheap dialogue, repetitive gameplay and a short campaign that feels unfinished. The overall result is a promising but mediocre shooter that’s both underwhelming and forgettable.

UploadVR focuses on a label system for reviews, rather than a numeric score. Our reviews fall into one of four categories: Essential, Recommended, Avoid and reviews that we leave unlabeled. You can read more about our review guidelines here.

‘Vertigo 2’ Review – One of PC’s Greatest VR Games Since ‘Half-Life: Alyx’

The long-awaited sequel to Vertigo is here, bringing with it another dose of its distinctly Half-Life-esque flair and patently strange yet captivating universe. Does Vertigo 2 outdo the original? No need to leave you in suspense since you already read the headline. Quick answer: Yes. For the long answer, read on.

Vertigo 2 Details:

Available On: SteamVR
Release Date: March 31st, 2023
Price: $30
Developer: Zach Tsiakalis-Brown
Publisher: Zulubo Productions
Reviewed On: Quest 2 via PC Link


Like the first in the series, you’re again tasked with linearly fighting your way home through a robot and alien-infested science facility, however the sequel puts a host of new worlds and lifeforms between you and your version of Earth. You really don’t need to play the original Vertigo though to get lost in the weird and expansive narrative of Vertigo 2, although I would suggest it—if only for natural access to the narrative and about four more hours of blasting.

Even if you played Vertigo Remastered in 2020 like me though, you may still have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on in the sequel. The franchise’s brand of absurdist sci-fi kitch gets a new layer of narrative density this time around, one that may be too thick and convoluted for most. Whether you choose to engage with it or not really doesn’t change the fact that the underlying game is undoubtedly a triumph over the original, and many other such VR shooters to boot.

I wouldn’t hesitate to call it PC VR’s best game of 2023 so far, which is doubly impressive since it was basically made by a single person, Zach Tsiakalis-Brown. Seriously, for the magnitude of the experience, Vertigo 2’s credit screen is the shortest I’ve ever seen.

Courtesy Zulubo Productions

Granted, we don’t factor in a team’s size or budget—only the end product—but it bears mentioning just the same that this game, which is so solid and clever, was built by a very (very) small team without the sort of AAA budget we’ve seen squandered on experiences half this good.

While paying tribute to some of gaming’s greats, Vertigo 2 is a VR native through and through. Its 14 collectible weapons feature unique reload mechanics, all of which were designed with VR users in mind. The user-friendly emphasis on weapons means you won’t be faffing with doing real world actions like racking gun slides or manipulating charge handles, which are better suited for realistic combat sims with a much slower pace of gameplay. It’s not long until you find out a room of weirdos will magically zap into existence, hell-bent on setting you back to the last save point; realism simply isn’t a concern here.

Reloading typically requires you to eject a spent magazine (or pod of some sort) with a controller button press, grab a fresh magazine from your left hip holster, and insert the magazine into the mag well. Usually, you’ll only have three such magazines immediately at your disposal, as automatically regenerating ammo takes time. There’s a little counter where a magazine should be.

This means that although you’ll find yourself sticking to a number of more effective weapons along your adventure, both large-scale fights and boss battles will have you relying on weaker guns like your starter pistol as you wait for your favorites to become operational. Additionally, auto-recharging ammo means you won’t need to constantly hoover up loot around the level, save the odd health syringe or bomb you’ll find stashed around periodically.

Developing the muscle memory to rapidly reload, shoot, and change to a new weapon takes time, which can definitely add in a measure of unforeseen difficulty in a fire fight. Still, the wheel-style gun inventory system is accessible enough to eventually let you build that skill and put it to good use as the mixture and number of baddies increases.

Thankfully, you can upgrade a number of guns in your arsenal, which somewhat like Half-Life: Alyx is only accessible in one-off synthesizer points that you encounter on your one-way trip through the game’s 18 chapters.

It’s a tried-and-true method of forcing you to explore levels completely, because modding stations might be underwater, in a cave passageway that leads to nowhere, or hidden behind a bunch of filing cabinets. It’s not a terribly deep upgrade system, but it’s enough to keep those starter guns relevant as you progress through the arsenal of bigger and badder weapons.

Like the first in the series, Vertigo 2 is all about big and wild boss fights, of which there are 10 new encounters. I won’t spoil any of them for you, although they’re mostly what you’d expect, i.e. bespoke battles in medium-size arenas that require you to use the environment and your most powerful weapons to your advantage. Although pretty standard fare, bosses were both distinct and varied enough to keep your interest, and have attack patterns that you’ll have to decrypt, likely after a death or two.

Courtesy Zulubo Productions

Vertigo however goes a step further by tossing in a very wide assortment of baddies that mix and match as you traverse the multiverse. What’s more, you’ll need to intimately acquant yourself with all of their weak points as you head for the game’s end, as you’ll encounter a miasma of all of the multiverse’s baddies all at once.

One thing Vertigo 2 lacks is a wide set of puzzles. The quality of the ones there is good, although I really wish there were more. Still, it’s more about shooting, bosses, enemy vairety, and a weird story, and that’s fine by me.

The game’s lengthy and frankly astoundingly varied campaign took me around 10 hours to complete on the normal difficulty, although you could spend longer exploring every nook and cranny for weapon upgrades and easter eggs, or with a higher difficulty so enemies are more difficult to defeat.


The game’s infectious cartoon style is back on display, this time offering up much more fine-tuned environments that are massive in size and variability. While humanoid character models are a little stiff (and maybe overly avatar-y), enemy models and animations are all really well done, which accounts for 99 percent of your encounters anyway.

Courtesy Zulubo Productions

Outside of its excellent, sweeping musical score, one of my favorite bits about Vertigo 2 is the constant change in player expectations.

Once you think you know what the deal is with Vertigo 2, you’ll find an alien trying to rent you a boat, or a war between robots where you have to choose sides, and an interdimensional space opera that gets thicc. Level design slowly becomes equally unpredictable, as you’ll be whisked away at any moment to a new world, a new mission, and ultimately a new revelation about why you’re stuck in such an odd universe. It’s all stupid wacky, and I love it.

You may find yourself challenged with having to ostensibly sweep out a five-floor facility looking for a single puzzle piece, but have the mission completely changed halfway through. In another instance, you scurry up to what must be another boss battle, only to find the thing eaten by something much larger and terrifying. And it does it all without ever breaking the fourth wall. Your mission might be straight forward, or it might be completely derailed at any moment.

Meanwhile, Vertigo 2 unabashedly pays tribute to the Half-Life series, and many others in the process. You’ll find VR-ified health regen stations throughout most of the science-y levels mixed in with mobile versions of the wall-mounted syringes—definitely Half-Life inspired. Stick it in your arm, juice up, and keep going. You’ll immediately attune yourself to its audible beep too.

That said, character voiceovers range from professional to mediocre, which means you’ll probably need the subtitles on at all times so you don’t miss a word. Unfortunately, I found this out after the first cutscene which definitely required subtitles to be anywhere near understandable, since it’s between an alien with a thick Spanish accent and another one with its own Yoda-esque idiolect.

As a side note, the game also includes a number of recording options for when you want to capture in-game video, including a third-person view and smoothed first-person view for a more polished and stabile capture. Basically, all VR games should have those options considering how useful they are to recording in-game footage and screenshots. There’s even a smartphone that is basically just hotkeyed to Steam’s F12 screengrab function, making in-game shots in VR so much easier. Here’s my Insta-friendly selfie, starter pistol in hand.

Image captured by Road to VR


Vertigo 2 is a big and varied place, and it includes a number of things you should look out for if you’re sensitive to VR-induced motion sickness. Seasoned VR users and people not adversely affected by artificial locomotion shouldn’t have a problem playing through some of the most challenging bits from a comfort standpoint, as there are periodic bits of forced movement that may or may not jibe with your comfort level.

You’ll be forced to spring through the air on jumping pads, go on fast-moving vehicles that aren’t controlled by the player character, and strafe around at a near constant whilst shooting, which introduces lateral movement that some might feel uncomfortable with.

The game does however make full use of a hybrid locomotion system, which includes smooth locomotion and teleportation presented as viable movement options during gameplay. Provided you don’t want to use teleportation, users can also toggle a jump button in the menu settings, although this is not advisable if you’re at all sensitive.

Vertigo 2′ Comfort Settings – April 5th, 2023

Artificial turning
Snap-turn ✔
Quick-turn ✖
Smooth-turn ✔
Artificial movement
Teleport-move ✔
Dash-move ✖
Smooth-move ✔
Blinders ✔
Head-based ✔
Controller-based ✔
Swappable movement hand ✖
Standing mode ✔
Seated mode ✔
Artificial crouch ✔
Real crouch ✔
Subtitles Yes
Languages English
Dialogue audio Yes
Languages English
Adjustable difficulty ✔
Two hands required ✔
Real crouch required ✖
Hearing required ✖
Adjustable player height ✔

Vertigo 2 Review: A Constantly Creative & Engaging PC VR Experience

Seven years after the release of Vertigo, the sequel is now available for PC VR headsets. Vertigo 2 features an expansive campaign with witty writing, fantastic mechanics and endlessly creative gameplay. Read on for our full Vertigo 2 PC VR review.

When Vertigo released in 2016, virtual reality was in a very different place. While the indie VR release proudly wore its Half-Life inspirations on its sleeve, Valve itself had yet to release a flagship VR title. Half-Life: Alyx, alongside other landmarks like Boneworks and Saints & Sinners, were still several years out. Even when Vertigo Remastered released a few months after Alyx in mid-2020, it was still a 2016 VR game at heart that was “laying the foundations for what’s to come.”

 Vertigo 2 Review – The Facts

Platforms: PC VR via Steam

Release Date: March 30

Developer: Zulubo Productions

Price: $29.99

Vertigo 2 is a game built on those strong foundations, elevating the series to a whole new level of quality. No longer purely inspired by Valve’s flatscreen classics, this sequel pays respect to a pantheon of VR releases from the last decade. Integrating the lessons learned from those titles alongside its own innovations, Vertigo 2 offers a fantastic single player campaign on PC VR with a scale so epic that it’s hard to believe it’s largely the product of one developer.

Zach Tsiakalis-Brown heads up Zulubo Productions, the indie studio behind Vertigo 2. Others helped in the conception of Vertigo’s world and there were some additional hands onboard for specific elements of Vertigo 2’s development, but Tsiakalis-Brown is the driving force that brought the game to reality. He’s credited for the code, sound, writing and more – an impressive breadth in talent.

A Meaty Campaign

Compared to the original, Vertigo 2 features a lengthier campaign – clocking in at around 10 hours – with more of just about everything. There’s show-stopping cinematic moments, a plethora of diverse enemies (including countless unique boss battles) and a gamut of satisfying weapons to choose from. It’s a campaign that never stop surprising you with its manic creativity, while still managing to feel cohesive.

Just like the original, it’s also a campaign that’s very much inspired by Valve. At a base level, this means there’s some overt (and some subtle) references, such as the brief appearance of a crowbar weapon, alongside longer and more direct homages to specific flatscreen classics that Valve fans are sure to appreciate. However, an appreciation for Half-Life: Alyx is also evident throughout Vertigo 2, in big and small ways. Being able to wear a construction hard hat, for example, is a nice reference for those in the know, but there are stronger design cues that it references as well.

Vertigo 2’s campaign also shares structural similarities with Alyx. You play as a silent protagonist forced through increasingly twisted scenarios, often at the whim of charming or dodgy side characters. Separated into 18 distinct chapters, Vertigo 2 takes the pacing of Alyx and mixes it with the witty anti-capitalist satire of Portal and some gameplay elements of classic Half-Life titles.

That said, those influences aren’t to the detriment of enjoying the experience on its own merits. This is still a solid single player VR campaign that transcends being just a ‘Valve-like’.

Locked and Loaded

Continuing the story from Vertigo, you’ll work your way through Quantum Reactor VII, trying to reach the reactor core while alien creatures and environments seep through from other universes to get in your way. Gameplay is a mixture of light environmental puzzles, navigation and gun combat, all of which blend perfectly to create great moment-to-moment pacing. It’s a testament to the Valve-inspired design that Vertigo 2 doesn’t once direct the player with any form of navigation or UI waypoints. Environmental clues and emergent storytelling do all the work in that regard, effortlessly leading the player from one place to the next.

The combat is just as seamless and Vertigo 2’s guns are among the most satisfying I’ve used in VR, striking a perfect balance between creativity, realism and engaging mechanics. You’ll start with a classic plasma pistol, then gradually unlock Vertigo 2’s sci-fi variations on classic weapon types like shotguns, magnums, rifles and railguns.

You can use the guns with casual technique, but there’s precision to be found in the mastery of each weapon’s learning curve. Aiming down the barrel, each gun has a unique crosshair that will only align properly when you fastidiously adjust the angle of your shot. There’s a slightly different sweet spot for every weapon, which also each possess distinctive recoil and weight distribution. You’re constantly improving your technique with your favorite firearms, even towards the end of the campaign.

The ammo system is also incredibly intuitive, enabling fast and precise manual reloading while also encouraging frequent weapon switching. The available ammo for each gun automatically replenishes over time, and every weapon has three available magazines, placed right beside your hip. Each time you grab ammo to reload, the weapon’s corresponding magazine slot begins to replenish over time, at a different rate for each weapon.

The ammo slots for basic weapons, like the plasma pistol, refill almost instantly. This means you’ve always got an available magazine to reload, making plasma pistol ammo near-infinite. More impactful weapons will replenish ammo slower, encouraging you to shoot your shots and switch to a different gun while ammo replenishes. This system naturally encourages exploring all the game’s weapons, while also sparing the player from the tedium of environmental ammo discovery and menu-based inventory management. The process for manual reloading is also slightly different for each weapon, with nuances that give you another angle to master during combat.

Vertigo 2 Review – Comfort

Vertigo 2 includes options for teleport movement and stick-based smooth locomotion systems. The game features sequences aboard moving vehicles, airplanes and boats, as well as some sudden drops. There’s a plethora of comfort options available, including vignetting, smooth/snap turning, and head or hand-based locomotion direction. There’s also a sway reduction option for boats and other moving vehicles. 

Robos and Dinos and Aliens… Oh My!

Vertigo 2 features a dazzling selection of creative enemy types. There are floating eyeballs, hyperactive cube-shaped robots with machine guns, flaming lava rock aliens, dinosaurs big and small, somersaulting robot mechs and savage arrow-shooting centaurs, to name a few. Even the ‘standard’ robot enemies come in creative variations, such as fast-moving sniper bots or semi-invisible ninja stealth bots.

Each of these creative enemies present unique strategic challenges, the solution to which is often hinted at in their brilliant visual design. This is arguably where the game transcends its Valve-inspirations, offering much more variety in combat than Half-Life: Alyx. There’s a Nintendo-like pacing in the gradual introduction of new enemies. You start the campaign with foes presenting basic challenges – exaggerated physical attacks or slow-moving projectiles – and progress to ones with more complex movement and attack patterns. Later stages of the campaign pit the player against progressively difficult combinations of enemies, new and old, eventually culminating in a spectacular climatic battle.

Between the refreshing variety in enemy types and the gradual pace of weapon unlocks, Vertigo 2 constantly keeps you on your feet.

Stunning Environments & Epic Moments

On a visual level, Vertigo 2 is a huge step up from the original game and its Remastered counterpart, not just in terms of graphics but also art style. It’s still evidently an indie title – don’t go in expecting Alyx or Call of the Mountain’s level of detail – but it punches well above its weight and often looks spectacular.

There’s a distinct playful art style that permeates everything you look in Vertigo, from the environments to the enemies and the gun models.It’s not all perfect – Brian’s character model is an understandable weak point, for example, alongside some occasional low detail textures – but what it lacks in fidelity it makes up for in flair and strong direction.

The visuals are also enhanced by the epic scale of the environments and set pieces, which go well beyond the corporate confines of the Quantum Reactor. The game presents some dramatic vistas and physically huge areas across drastically different settings in each chapter.

The combination of stunning environments and creative gameplay scenarios becomes a recipe for some truly unforgettable moments. It’s hard to get too specific without delving into spoilers, but here are just some of many crazy moments you’ll experience in the campaign: fighting in the trenches of a robot civil war, getting stuck inside an animal’s stomach, exploring a Zelda-like civilization of seedling creatures, and fending off enemies in a high-speed boat chase through stormy weather. And that’s just scratching the surface.

Strong Writing & Minor Issues

Vertigo 2’s campaign concludes the story that began with Vertigo, while still hinting at other potential avenues for the series to explore in the future. The narrative features witty and highly satirical writing, dipped in a dose of snide towards corporate culture and the woes of capitalism. There’s an array of amusing voice-acted side characters, with generally good performances and strong dialogue across the board. It’s also a very funny game, with some genuine laugh out loud moments and a narrative tone that perfectly captures a Valve-like cynicism without falling into pastiche.

The strength of the game’s writing is what allows its campaign to explore such varied scenarios without ever feeling like it’s jumped the shark. The often-political tinge to the game’s craziness grounds the sci-fi metaverse narrative – an area in which the equally-zany but morally-limp Virtual Virtual Reality 2 failed.

There’s also over two hours of original soundtrack in the game, featuring music that matches the visual tone perfectly and sets the mood just right. Spatial audio is also employed quite effectively during gameplay, allowing you to easily identify the location of events happening outside of your field of view.

Despite all the above, there are a few minor issues and bugs on release. The game’s automatic save points are frequent and often well-placed. However, a small selection will trigger in less-than-ideal situations, such as the beginning of a combat encounter while on very low health and surrounded by enemies. There were also a few minor bugs and crashes during my playthrough, but none that prevented me from enjoying the game or advancing forward. Playing on a PC that falls well beyond the recommended specifications, I found performance to be mostly solid at 90 FPS on max visual settings, with very occasional hitches or chugs during the game’s most intense sequences.

Vertigo 2 Review – Final Verdict

Vertigo 2 is easily one of the best PC VR releases of the last few years. It pays homage Valve classics and others VR releases, but doesn’t fall victim to imitating them. Instead, it uses those inspirations to pave its own way forward and create a uniquely satisfying and epic single player experience.

The result is a game that features impressive visuals, amazing gunplay and a constant expression of creativity in both its game design and its world. For PC VR players looking for a solid single player campaign in the vein of Half-Life: Alyx, it’s an essential pick.

Upload VR Review Essential

UploadVR focuses on a label system for reviews, rather than a numeric score. Our reviews fall into one of four categories: Essential, Recommended, Avoid and reviews that we leave unlabeled. You can read more about our review guidelines here.

Not For Broadcast VR Review: Nightly News Has Never Been So Fun

Not For Broadcast is the propaganda broadcasting experience available now for Quest 2 and PC VR. This flatscreen-to-VR port translates nicely, delivering a wonderfully entertaining job sim filled with clever adult humor. Find out more in our Not For Broadcast VR review.    

It’s the 1980s and you’ve been appointed the studio director for the National Nightly News. A political party named Advance has also been voted into power and their increasingly tyrannical behavior means that things in the country soon start to take an Orwellian turn. You have the power to sway public opinion about the party one way or the other – the choices you make inside and outside the broadcasting studio will have significant ramifications.  

A game about broadcasting the National Nightly News might initially sound a bit pedestrian, but Not For Broadcast is nothing of the sort. There are two main elements to the gameplay. First is the interactive elements, all about keeping the audience tuned in by operating the right controls at the right times to deliver an entertaining broadcast. 

Then there’s the 43 hours of video footage that delivers a top-notch story – replete with political satire, slapstick comedy and dark humor – that is so engaging it will make you forget you’ve got a job to do. Watching the news team exchange acid-tongued barbs off-air and being privy to the deliberately over-the-top drama in the newsroom is hilariously entertaining.

 Not For Broadcast VR Review – The Facts

PlatformsQuest 2Quest Pro, PC VR (Review conducted on Quest 2)

Release Date: Out now

Developer: NotGames, Babaroga

Price: $25

Not For Broadcast eases players into the game, keeping things interesting by having you learn on the job but also starting out fairly forgiving at the same time. Laid out in front of you is a control panel and two large screens mounted to the wall – one screen shows what the public is seeing on their television sets and the other shows the live feed that lags a few seconds behind the public broadcast.

There are also four additional smaller screens with each showing a different camera angle, which you can switch between with the push of a button. Sound overwhelming? That’s the point – a big part of the challenge in Not For Broadcast is prioritizing specific jobs whilst multiple things vie for your attention. 

Not For Broadcast VR

Choices Have Consequences

Life as a studio director is fraught with challenges; switching between feeds to capture the onscreen action, quickly censoring uninhibited guests who curse at the drop of a hat, and battling unexpected interference. 

Do these things well and your audience will grow but mess it up and your employer will soon be on your case about the dwindling viewing numbers. A good performance will also bring a higher rating and more money which can be used to buy equipment to make your broadcasting days easier.

Another important aspect of the game is carefully choosing which ads to run and what images to broadcast. These are choices that influence public attitude and can alter the trajectory of the game. For example, choosing not to run Advance party ads and using images that show them in a less than favorable light will undermine their authoritative agenda and also draw their ire, which can have serious consequences for you both in the workplace and at home. 

Sessions in the broadcasting studio are broken up by text-based story sequences that follow the life of you and your family. The text-driven storyline has a branching narrative with value-laden choices to be made that influence the direction of events in the text story and the broadcast room. For example, what’s more important to you – time with the family or time spent climbing the corporate ladder? Will you be generous with your limited cash or a frugal miser?    

Not For Broadcast VR Review – Comfort & Audience

Not For Broadcast can be played either seated or standing. The lack of artificial motion makes it a good choice for anyone prone to VR sickness. There are also accessibility options that let you change some of the in-game colors to accommodate players with color blindness.

While Not For Broadcast is meant to be taken lightly, there are some dark themes, foul language, and sexual content that may be uncomfortable for some.

Minor Issues

There’s a certain megalomaniacal joy to having the power to shape a nation at your very fingertips. However, some minor issues with the VR controls detract from what is otherwise a fun interactive experience flipping switches and adjusting dials.

For example, your virtual hand automatically points with the index finger when nearing a button, which would have felt more natural to control manually myself with controller triggers or capacitive sensors. Similarly, the little joystick on the control panel, used to adjust wavelength frequency and reduce broadcast interference, feels a little off when moving the stick. It makes it more difficult to control than it should be.

Not For Broadcast VR

Plenty Of Content

The game maintains a nice pace, chunking broadcasts into sections that last around 20 minutes each and mixing it up with the non-broadcast text storyline sequences. Just when you’ve started to get tired of doing one thing, the game will often throw in something new to keep it engaging. 

Five different difficulty settings and a custom mode that allows players to adjust the difficulty of specific aspects of the game provides a lot of control over the level of challenge. The easiest setting is best for players who just want to enjoy the story, while the most difficult setting is a brutally unforgiving slog aimed at more seasoned players.  

The game takes about 8 hours to complete one full playthrough, with potential for replayability given the choices you make can result in one of fourteen different endings. There’s also a challenge mode that lets you replay some sections for rewards and an archive where you can relax and view all of the footage without any broadcasting responsibilities.

Not For Broadcast VR Review – Final Verdict

Not For Broadcast successfully balances thought-provoking writing with a mix of clever political satire, light-hearted slapstick comedy and dark humor for a hilariously captivating story. Making morally difficult choices while dealing with the stress of managing a live broadcast gives players plenty to engage with beyond the entertaining narrative. 

With the exception of some minor interactivity issues, operating a TV broadcasting station translates beautifully into VR, with Not For Broadcast offering up one of the most unique and entertaining VR games I’ve played this year.

Upload VR Review Recommended

UploadVR focuses on a label system for reviews, rather than a numeric score. Our reviews fall into one of four categories: Essential, Recommended, Avoid and reviews that we leave unlabeled. You can read more about our review guidelines here.