RE’FLEKT Wins 2018 European Product Leadership Award From Frost And Sullivan

With the ever-changing whirlwind that is the immersive technology market it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. So many companies are trying their hardest to innovate, it’s always nice when one gets recognised for their efforts.

Frost & Sullivan

Each year at this time growth strategy firm Frost & Sullivan issue a raft of awards across all manner of industries which recognise firms that have, over the previous year, demonstrated “outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development” – as decided by analysis of the situation within the industry and the individual companies concerned. The award ultimately recognising the high marketability and potential for the end customer of the winner’s technology or service.

This year augmented reality (AR) has come up as one such technology the Frost & Sullivan team have looked into for their 2018 Best Practices Awards and have decided that Munich-based AR and mixed reality (MR) application developer RE’FLEKT. RE’FLEKT has primarily been working on its own AR platform called RE’FLEKT ONE which co-opts existing CAD data and related content and transforms it into AR guides and manuals. Something that has seen it become popular in the automotive industry with companies such as Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche and Hyundai as well other major industry players such as BASF and Bosch.

“Employing affordable and scalable AR and MR business solutions, RE’FLEKT’s ground-breaking, human-centric ecosystem allows various industries to leverage their knowledge to create customized AR and MR applications. These applications guide technicians through inspection procedures while simultaneously supporting real-time data collection for automated inspection report creation. Furthermore, they simplify repair procedures and significantly reduce errors in service operations.” Noted analyst Srividhya Murali. “With three global offices, RE’FLEKT is looking to expand further and make additional improvements to the features and functionality of its solutions. It continues to build its brand equity through strategic communications with partners, investors, and customers all over the world, demonstrating its superior solutions and product benefits. Overall, its innovation and customer centricity have strengthened its global brand and positioned it as a successful innovator in the enterprise AR market.”

RE'FLECT ONERE’FLEKT themselves had this to say, courtesy of CEO Wolfgang Stelzle: “A number of major global players, such as Daimler, have already deployed huge AR projects with our technology. This award confirms the years of dedicated development matches the expectations and success we have seen in the industrial market. To date, these cases are the largest enterprise AR cases in operation globally. We are proud that our solution is not only ready for mass adoption but also already improving the modern workplace with scalable results across expanding networks.”

We’ll have more updates on the work of RE’FLEKT as soon as they are available. For more news related to AR here on VRFocus click the link at the top of the site.