Facebook and RED Collaborate on Pro 360 Camera ‘Manifold’
During Facebook’s F8 conference in May the company announced plans for a new virtual reality (VR) camera system created in collaboration with pro camera company RED. Today, they’ve revealed the first look at the studio-grade 360-degree device called Manifold.
Designed for immersive 6DoF storytelling, the Manifold camera features 16 RED Helium 8K Sensors with custom Schneider 180-degree fish eye lenses. This allows for volumetric image capture, meaning users of VR headsets can actually move round a scene to a certain degree, not just looking round in 360 but behind objects as well.
Explaining how this works in a Facebook Blog posting: “Manifold captures multiple camera angles simultaneously from within a given volume, enabling infinite perspectives to be generated from any direction within a field of view. Using RED’s best-in-class camera sensor design and image processing pipeline, filmmakers get superior image quality when shooting their projects, from live and avant-garde performances to big-budget spectacles. Facebook’s industry-leading depth estimation technology captures 3D information from any scene—like characters, props, and everyday backgrounds—resulting in high-quality video bursting with enhanced volumetric detail and movement.”
This kind of tech doesn’t come cheap with Facebook yet to reveal the cost or when Manifold will likely be available. As RED is known for its pricey pro cameras don’t expect this to be a stocking filler. Check out the full specs below, and for further updates on the device, keep reading VRFocus.
Facebook Manifold Specs:
- 16 RED(R) Helium 8K(R) Sensors arranged to allow full 360 6DoF capture
- Record raw from 16 cameras running 8k @60 fps simultaneously
- Custom Schneider 8mm, F4.0, 180 degree fish eye lenses
- Single SMPTE 304M cable for power, control and data
- Camera Control Unit and storage device may be up to 100 meters from Camera Head
- 5, 12g SDI outputs for monitoring or third party stitch processing
- Multiple third party storage device choices providing 1 hour or more record time
- Front of lens ND filters available
- Quick release handles for maneuvering and setup
- Web app based control interface for flexibility of user interface device choice
- SDK provided for post processing
Facebook & RED Unveil ‘Manifold’ Volumetric VR Camera

Last May, Facebook and RED Digital Cinema announced they were working on a volumetric video camera based on Facebook’s Surround360 technology. At Oculus Connect 5 today, the company’s annual developer conference, Facebook and RED revealed a first-look at the camera, dubbed Manifold.
Manifold, Facebook says in a blogpost, captures multiple camera angles simultaneously from within a given volume, enabling what is says are “infinite perspectives to be generated from any direction within a field of view.” In short, it captures scenes volumetrically and preserves depth information for a more immersive view from within a VR headset.
Facebook’s depth estimation technology captures 3D information from the recorded scene such as characters, props, and backgrounds, and then lets you experience it in a positionally tracked headset, such as Rift or the upcoming Quest standalone headset.
While no pricing or launch date is available currently, it’s very likely aiming for the professional market—meaning big bucks, although you’d expect that for a new class of device that’s attempting to allow for users to finally watch 3D 360 video with positional tracking intact. Typically 360 video doesn’t provide depth information, even when it’s presented with a stereoscopic view, so this could deliver a new class of immersive VR video worth the wait.
“RED and Facebook worked closely to build this first studio-ready camera system for immersive 6DoF storytelling, aiming to connect creative professionals with audiences in a bold new way,” the companies say in a press statement. “We’ve made significant strides in realizing this new storytelling device—with plenty more work on the horizon—and today were excited to share the camera’s hardware design and tech specs as we continue on the road to commercial availability.”
The companies have also revealed some hardware specs, which are listed below:
- 16 RED(R) Helium 8K(R) Sensors arranged to allow full 360 6DoF capture
- Record raw from 16 cameras running 8k @60 fps simultaneously
- Custom Schneider 8mm, F4.0, 180 degree fish eye lenses
- Single SMPTE 304M cable for power, control and data
Camera Control Unit and storage device may be up to 100 meters from Camera Head - 5, 12g SDI outputs for monitoring or third party stitch processing
- Multiple third party storage device choices providing 1 hour or more record time
- Front of lens ND filters available
- Quick release handles for maneuvering and setup
- Web app based control interface for flexibility of user interface device choice
- SDK provided for post processing
The post Facebook & RED Unveil ‘Manifold’ Volumetric VR Camera appeared first on Road to VR.
RED’S Hydrogen Phone Slated For AT&T And Verizon Launch In 2018
Camera maker RED is planning to bring its holographic phone to Verizon and AT&T later this year.
The Hydrogen One is said to have a display that shows depth without any glasses required, and a PDF on the RED website outlines its planned feature set for around $1,300. That same sheet lists a Q1 planned shipping window, so it is already delayed.
Facebook recently announced a partnership with the camera maker to design a high-end system capable of capturing volumetric footage. It remains unclear, however, how this phone might fit into the workflows of people using the company’s cameras. RED is working on a new kind of format it calls “4-View” the phone is capable of playing, and the Hydrogen One is designed to be modular and expandable so you just connect new components to change its functionality.
RED has a strong track record of delivering on its promises, so we are anxious to see what this gadget is capable of when it finally arrives.
Tagged with: red
Facebook and RED Partner For New VR Camera
RED are known as a producer of high-end, professional-grade camera equipment, and recently have been involved in an attempt to create a smartphone with a holographic display. The company is now teaming up with Facebook to create a new virtual reality (VR) camera system.
Announced at F8, The VR camera system is planned to be capable of capturing high-resolution imagery in six degrees-of-freedom or 6DoF, which means the footage can be viewed in real-time from within a VR headset.
Though there is little information at the moment on what the price range of release date will be, Facebook will be backing the new RED VR camera rig as the one suggested to filmmakers working with Facebook or who are engaged in producing high-fidelity VR or 360-degree content.
According to Brian Cabral, a director of engineering at Facebook who specialised in computational photography, Facebook had some fairly specific needs. Facebook required not only excellent image quality, but also a workflow that would enable capture, review and stitching all on-set in order to create VR-ready experiences.
Facebook had previously been working on a platform called Surround 360, which launched an open-source spec sheet and hardware reference design document in 2016 which specified a 17-camera array for VR capture. This was created with the idea of helping hardware manufacturers produce a product that could be sold to consumers and other businesses, and in turn stimulate the production of more VR content.
“We’ve taken all of our learnings over the past two years and all of our cameras and algorithm development to… inform a lot of our decisions on both our partnerships and the design of the cameras,” Cabral says. “We’ve also listened to a lot of people who use our prototypes and others to incorporate all the learnings in the industry to shoot with VR cams. A lot of the feedback we get is how easy to use it on set.”
RED and Facebook have yet to release an image of the prototype, and there is no indication of a price point. However, considering that RED cameras can cost up to $50,000 (USD) the device is expected to be on the expensive side. Any futher news on the RED and Facebook VR camera will be here on VRFocus.
Facebook Partners With RED Digital Cinema for Volumetric VR Camera

Today at Facebook’s F8 developer conference the company announced a new partnership with RED Digital Cinema, a high-end digital film camera company, to create a VR camera based on Facebook’s Surround360 technology.
Last year at F8, Facebook announced two new Surround360 camera reference designs. The cameras, which look like spheres covered in lenses, capture the scene in volumetrically, in 360 degrees and 3D. With Facebook’s processing technology, video captured with the cameras can be made into a light field, allowing for some 6DOF movement of the original view and leading to greater comfort and immersion. But at the time the company didn’t say who would actually manufacture the cameras.

Now we know the answer—Red Digital Cinema is a prominent creator of ultra high-end cameras for digital cinematography, and the company has announced announced that they’re building the first commercial available VR camera based on Facebook’s latest Surround360 technology.
A spokesperson for Oculus has offered up some details on the camera:
- RED optimizes pixel count and caliber to deliver superior image quality for professional content creators.
- By capturing 16 stops worth of light, RED meets the algorithmic requirements of depth estimation, as well as the artistic demands of a linear color workflow, to create quality 6DOF content.
- Facebook’s depth estimation technology captures full 3D information about all objects in scenes which delivers a complete 3D reconstruction.
- This is the first end-to-end solution with all elements of the workflow toolchain combined into one powerful package.
- From capture with this new camera to depth estimation with Otoy and editing/post-processing with Adobe, Foundry, and Otoy, we’re optimizing for premium 3D output that can be experienced on Facebook and in VR.
This sample footage emphasizes the camera’s low-light performance, Facebook’s ability to create a sharp depth mesh, and the ability for the user’s view to move within the camera volume.
There’s no word on when the camera might be available, or even what it’s called. One thing’s for certain though, it’s likely to be priced purely in the professional range, running into the thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars—Red cameras are perhaps as well known for their price as they are their quality.
The post Facebook Partners With RED Digital Cinema for Volumetric VR Camera appeared first on Road to VR.
Hologramm-Smartphone Red Hydrogen One kommt im Sommer
Der renommierte Kamerahersteller Red hatte im letzten Jahr viel Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gezogen, denn das Unternehmen kündigte keine eigene Blockchain an, sondern ein Smartphone, welches Hologramme anzeigen soll. Nun gibt es einen Starttermin für das Red Hydrogen One Smartphone, im Sommer soll das Produkt auf die Konsumenten losgelassen werden.
Red Hydrogen One kommt im Sommer
Das neue Smartphone von Red wird wie bereits bekannt knapp 1200 US-Dollar kosten und soll mit hervorragenden Linsen und Sensoren ausgestattet sein. Um die Hologramme zu erzeugen, verwendet der Hersteller ein holografisches Display mit 2560 x 1440 Pixeln, das wohl die Lichtfeld-Technologie verwendet. Red setzt hierbei auf das Diffractive Lightfield Backlight, welches von Leia – benannt nach der Prinzessin aus Star Wars – entwickelt wird.
Wie gut das Smartphone die Hologramme tatsächlich bei der finalen Version darstellen kann, ist aktuell noch nicht klar. Zwar hat Red einigen wenigen Menschen einen Prototyp gezeigt, doch echte Reviews oder eine Darstellung in einem Video sind derzeit nicht erlaubt. So lässt sich über die derzeitige Qualität lediglich spekulieren. Was aber in mehreren Schilderungen deutlich wird, ist, dass die Darstellung der dreidimensionalen Objekte noch kleinere Probleme bei der Ausleuchtung besitzt. Außerdem könnte der Content recht überschaubar ausfallen, denn ihr könnt nur Objekte als Hologramme darstellen, die aus dem Portal von RED stammen.
Wenn ihr das Smartphone vorbestellen wollt, dann könnt ihr dies auf der Homepage des Herstellers erledigen. Es wird eine Version aus Titan für knapp 1600 US-Dollar und eine Version aus Aluminium für knapp 1200 US-Dollar im Shop angeboten. Beide Smartphones werden auch zukünftig mit speziellen Modulen erweiterbar sein, ähnlich wie wir es von Motorola mit den Moto Mods kennen.
Der Beitrag Hologramm-Smartphone Red Hydrogen One kommt im Sommer zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!
Holographic Smartphone Red Hydrogen One To Launch in Summer
Red have been somewhat cagey about its upcoming smartphone, the Red Hydrogen One. Only certain people have managed to get their hands on one to test its capabilities, but it has nonetheless attracted attention, partially due to the promise of a high-quality phone camera, but also due to the promise of a type of VR display without a headset. Now new information has emerged proposing a release window of Summer 2018.
Red Studios is best known as a maker of professional-grade cameras, so its announcement that it was producing a smartphone came something of a surprise for many. Though some solid details have emerged from months of swirling rumour, there is much about the device that is still unknown.
As reported by The Verge, Red CEO Jim Jannard has announced on the company’s own forum that the intended release date for the red Hydrogen One is Summer 2018, putting the expected time of release somewhere between June and September. Jannard also confirmed that some mobile carriers have already agreed to support the device in North America, though which carriers were involved was not specified.
Some of the specifications for the device were also confirmed, such as the expected price tag of $1,195 (USD) or £855 (GBP). Though rather expensive for a phone, though matches up with the price range Red uses for its cameras. Indeed, the Red Hydrogen One will be incorporating Red’s camera technology, including mounting points to add specialist lenses.
The device comes equipped with a 2560 x 1440 holographic display that is said to use light field technology to produce a 3D or AR-like effect, something developed through a partnership with Hewlett Packard spin-off company Leia Inc. Though prototypes of the Red Hydrogen One have made their way into the hands of selected reviewers, it is still not widely known how well this holographic display performs.
For further news on the Red Hydrogen One and other new and innovative immersive technology, keep checking back with VRFocus.
Further Details About RED Holographic Phone Display
When RED first announced its upcoming Hydrogen One smartphone, the claim that the device would come with a holographic display generated much speculation. Further information has now emerged giving an insight into how the device would function.
RED CEO Jim Jannard has revealed that the holographic display is being created in partnership with a company spun off from Hewlett Packard labs called Leia Inc. The company is mostly know for its work in light field holographic display. That the company uses light field holographic technology is a significant indicator towards what technology the Hydrogen One will be using.
Light field displays work by using several layers of LCDs with what is called a ‘directional backlight’ which allows the user to see two views of the same object with each eye, producing a 3D effect. This allows something like a phone to be rotated to appear to project an object out from the screen. The main obstacle is that viewing angles are limited.
Leia Ltd says that it uses: “Recent breakthroughs in nano-photonic design and manufacturing to provide a complete light field ‘holographic’ display solution for mobile devices.” and can produce holographic displays that can also operate like a normal smartphone display when the light field is not in operation.
A video demonstrating some of Leia Ltd light field holographic technology is available to view below.
RED are anticipating commercial release of the Hydrogen One smartphone in the first half of 2018, functional prototypes of the device are expected to appear in the next few months.
VRFocus will bring you further information on the RED Hydrogen One as it becomes available.
RED Reveals Prototype of Holographic Smartphone
Though best known for being the makers of high-end digital cameras, RED announced last month that it was intending to enter the Smartphone market with its Hydrogen One smartphone – a device to company claims would have the capability to produce virtual reality (VR) without a headset.
The initial announcement of the upcoming smartphone had few details, but now a YouTube channel called MKBHD has managed to get its hands on several prototypes of the device, with reviewer Marques Brownlee giving them a look over.
The video first showed that the phone strongly resembled early images, which was a ‘fit and finish’ prototype with a black metal casing, a ridged side grip and dedicated camera button, along with a 5.5 inch display, and kevlar panels to improve durability and allow for good antenna signal. The back of the phone features mounting points so additional accessories and mods such as specialist camera lenses can be attached.
The video does not directly show the ‘holographic’ capabilities of the phone, since RED is holding that reveal back for now. Brownlee does say that the capability can ‘be turned off’ when not in use, and Brownlee refers to the function as ‘Deep 3D’ which seems to suggest something closer to an augmented reality (AR) or a 3D display similar to what the Nintendo 3DS uses.
RED are planning to release the smartphone for a price of $1,200 (USD). There is not currently word on what the additional modules such as camera lenses will cost. RED has also mentioned that possibility of producing additional models of the smartphone featuring different specifications and features.
You can watch the video walk through of the smartphone below.
VRFocus will bring you further information on the RED Hydrogen One smartphone as it becomes available.