Religion In Cyberspace With the VR Church

The modern world is a difficult place for Christianity in many ways. The notion of attending church every Sunday with your family and community is seeming like an increasingly unrealistic prospect to many in a world where there are many demands on your time and energy. A pastor named D.J. Soto believes that the answer to this problem lies in virtual reality (VR).

Soto trained early in life to be a pastor at the Baptist Pensecola Christian College, but was disillusioned by what he saw as its insular, isolationist attitudes and extremely conservative political stance. Seeking to create a new type of church that welcomed everyone, and has teamed up with two other VR pioneers named Alistair Clarkson and Brian Leupold to carve out a space for worship in VR.

With the number of users in social VR spaces booming, Soto chose social VR app AltSpaceVR for his VR Church. Only two days after the first time Soto for experienced the virtual space, he was hosting services every few weeks. While audiences varied at first, sometimes leaving Soto preaching to an empty room, he kept at it, eventually attracting an audience of people, many of whom would never consider walking into a real-life church, but are happy to listen to Soto speak. The audience frequently includes atheists, not a crowd you would typically expect to see at a religious service of any kind.

Soto says he believes in welcoming all kinds of people. His services feature his VR avatar, a silver robot leading the virtual congregation in worship, Christian rock music playing as animated graphics and lyrics to the song scroll on screens behind Soto’s avatar. The crowd throws up emojis of hearts and smiley faces in response. “Everyone is invited here to VR Church, no matter where you are from in the world, even if you don’t believe in God.” Soto says.

The VR Church is seeking funding to continue its work and expand into other VR social platforms, such as RecRoom, and have plans to being a crowdfunding campaign to extend its reach. VRFocus will bring you further news on the VR Church project as it becomes available.

Rec Room Gets Clubhouses You Can Have Friends Visit

Rec Room Gets Clubhouses You Can Have Friends Visit

Seattle-based Against Gravity released an enormous update to Rec Room that adds clubhouses you can customize and have friends visit even when you’re not online.

The update represents a huge step for the cross-platform app available for Rift, Vive, PlayStation VR and Windows-based VR headsets (through Steam). Now, visitors to Rec Room can express themselves more and drive additional creativity. Creators can also connect their rooms together using doors, so each room can become part of an interconnected system.

Rec Room is the latest VR app to get a huge update this week. Yesterday Bigscreen issued its most significant update since launch and the day before Mindshow added sharing. Each of these apps is free-to-use and represents some of the most exciting work being done with VR software design. It might be easy to miss because of the cartoonish art styles employed by these startups, but each startup is developing an innovative and fun social application that works incredibly well despite the limitations of current VR headsets. VR is currently held back by high costs, relatively low resolutions, limited body tracking and a player base split across so many headsets and disconnected virtual worlds that it can be lonely to explore a virtual world all on your own. These startups are erasing that loneliness and innovating rapidly to make their software both increasingly fun and useful.

Here are some details from Against Gravity providing some background for this update and how the new clubhouse features work:

  • We’ve had a lot of players asking for the ability to save all of the awesome things they’ve been making in Rec Room. Up until this point there was no way to save a really interesting item you had created, a favorite room, or custom activity. Besides parking your headset in that room and never logging out. Which we did see quite a few people resort to.
  • With this update we’re taking a big step towards a world where more and more of the interesting things you’re doing and discovering in Rec Room are created by players. We wanted to start with enabling players to create great social spaces where they can feel at home with their friends and communities. In future updates we’ll be adding support for a much wider set of use cases. This means more features to better support rich player designed games, a greater variety of player hosted events, and improving the ease of use of our creative tool set.
  • Saved Rooms Alpha – You can now choose to save and recall any custom room you create! This includes placement of objects, Maker Pen creations, whiteboard drawings, photos, etc.
  • Here’s how to do it: Open your watch and tap “Custom Rooms”, then “Create”, then make sure you’re creating the room in Sandbox mode. Once you’re in the room, make some changes then open your watch again, tap “This Room”, then “Save”. You’ll be prompted to type a name and description for your room. Now whenever you return to this room, it will load the saved version!
  • You can also restore the saved version at any time by tapping “Restore” in “This Room”
  • Saved rooms have a unique ^roomname. We use the ‘^’ symbol to mean “room”. So if you see us say something like “come to ^partytime” that means you should come to a room called “partytime”. Every saved room must have a unique ^roomname (it’s kind of like a URL).
  • If you know the ^roomname and you want to go to the room, do this: Open your watch and tap “Custom Rooms”, then “Search”. Type the name and hit Search. You should see the room appear… tap the little button to go to it!
  • Saved rooms are public by default (anyone who knows the ^roomname can join, and your room will appear in the Custom Room Browser if someone is in it), but you can set your room to be private if you want. This makes it possible to create a clubhouse, for example, that is only accessible by you and our friends, which has been a popular request at our Q&As. Expect us to add additional features soon for more/easier control over access, and maybe the ability to boot directly to your clubhouse (bypassing the Dorm).
  • Note that you (the creator) don’t have to be present for people to visit your saved room (if you made it public)…
  • This is a very new system that will take a while to settle in, so expect bugs and weirdness!
  • Please be aware that we will continue to update Rec Room at our usual breakneck pace, and some updates might break saved rooms. We obviously don’t want that to happen, and we’ll try to avoid it as much as possible, but we have to be clear that it almost certainly will happen from time to time.
  • We also reserve the right to delete inactive rooms (e.g., no-one has visited for > one month) and release the ^roomname. It’s way too early in Rec Room history to guarantee permanent persistence, so you need to be actively maintaining your room for it to keep working! This is not (yet) a “build once and forget” system.

Against Gravity is looking for feedback on the new features.

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PlayStation VR: Rec Room startet Open-Beta-Phase

Wir berichteten erst kürzlich über Against Gravitys Ankündigung der Open Beta für die PSVR-Version von Rec Room nach der unerwartet hohen positiven Resonanz der Community. Viele Konsolenbesitzer freuen sich bereits darauf und heute ist es endlich so weit: Rec Room ist offiziell in Europa und Nord- wie Südamerika in den PlayStation Stores erschienen.

Rec Room – Offizielle Veröffentlichung in Open Beta für PlayStation VR (PSVR)

In der sozialen VR-Erfahrung Rec Room können Spieler auf der ganzen Welt zukünftig plattformübergreifend miteinander interagieren. Mit eurem selbst erstellten Avatar dürft ihr in die wachsende Welt mit lebendiger Community eintauchen, um mit anderen Spielern zu kommunizieren. Durch verschiedene Spiele, kreative Tools und regelmäßige Events bieten sich zahlreiche Möglichkeiten zum Zeitvertreib an. Hinzu kommen spaßige wie auch anspruchsvolle Herausforderungen. In Co-op-Quests könnt ihr so beispielsweise mit euren Freunden in verschiedene Rollen schlüpfen. Bereits zu Beginn 2018 soll ein neues Piratenabenteuer erscheinen, indem die Spieler gemeinsam auf Schatzjagd gehen dürfen.


Dank Crossplattform-Support können Besitzer einer PC-Brille wie die Oculus Rift, HTC Vive oder Windows MR-Brille mit Spielern auf der PlayStation VR (PSVR) gemeinsamen Aktivitäten nachgehen. Egal ob Golf, Paintball oder kreativen Sandbox-Modus – für jeden ist etwas dabei. Dank der problemlosen Verknüpfung der verschiedenen Plattformen und dem sozialen Aspekt, der die Spieler in simplen aber fesselnden Spielelementen vereint, könnte Rec Room einen wichtigen Teil zur Integration der VR in den Massenmarkt beitragen.

Nach dem Start der Beta-Phase für PlayStation VR (PSVR) soll bald eine Veröffentlichung im Windows Store folgen.

Rec Room ist kostenlos im PlayStation Store für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erhältlich. Die soziale VR-Erfahrung wird auch zukünftig ohne Werbung oder In-Game-Kaufoptionen kostenlos bleiben. Außerdem ist die PC-Version ebenfalls kostenlos auf Steam für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive erhältlich.

(Quellen: UploadVR | Video: Against Gravitiy Youtube)

Der Beitrag PlayStation VR: Rec Room startet Open-Beta-Phase zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Become More Social in VR as Rec Room Beta Hits PlayStation VR

Today Against Gravity opens the doors to Rec Room for PlayStation VR owners, allowing even more players to interact in the cross-platform experience which supports Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Windows Mixed Reality.

Released in beta form for free, Rec Room is described by the developer as a ‘VR social club’, allowing users from across the globe to get together in one location and engage in various lighthearted mini-games, such as paintball, disc golf or charades, as well as epic quests and adventures, and new toys in the sandbox machine.

Rec Room Laser Tag GIF

Rec Room beta is available in North America, South America, and the EU region:

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Bahrain
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Rep
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • India
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Oman
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Qatar
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey
  • UAE
  • UK
  • Ukraine

Against Gravity has confirmed that PlayStation VR players won’t need PlayStation Plus to enjoy Rec Room, although if they do pay for the service they get a burst rifle skin in paintball.

Recently the team has added a bunch of new updates including a video screen to the RC Car so that you can now drive in drone mode, making laser tag a full time game, a new group Quest titled The Curse of the Crimson Cauldron, a revamped tutorial, teaching the handshake (add friend), fist bump (party up), and Stop (mute/ignore/report) gestures, the Code of Conduct is highlighted more prominently and the keyboard now has shortcuts for common email addresses.

As for the future, Against Gravity has previously confirmed that a pirate-themed quest will be going live sometime in early 2018.

The studio will be running an AMA on r/PSVR from 10am – 1pm PST (6pm – 9pm GMT) today, for anyone who has a question regarding the videogame. For any further updates on Rec Room, keep reading VRFocus.

Rec Room Becomes VR’s Most Important App With PSVR Launch

Rec Room Becomes VR’s Most Important App With PSVR Launch

Seattle-based Against Gravity is working on what is perhaps VR’s most important app.

Rec Room connects players across all headsets that make use of two full motion hand controllers, including Rift, Vive, PlayStation VR as well as headsets from Acer, Samsung, Lenovo, HP and Dell. Some VR software like Altspace and EVE: Valkyrie have enabled cross-play before across several headsets, but Rec Room’s multiplayer is likely to have wider reach being free and offering access to a whole bunch of fun and easily accessible activities — like paintball, charades and questing.

The game is in a beta testing phase and on Steam it carries an “overwhelmingly positive” rating after more than 1,800 reviews. Its launch on PSVR (PlayStation store link), and coming soon to the Windows Store, represents an important moment in VR’s road toward mainstream. Rec Room can become the free VR meeting place that brings together friends who bought different headsets. VR often gets criticism for being a solitary experience, but part of the reason for that is there’s no easy way for people inside different headsets to experience something fun together. Fun social VR can be one of the most compelling reasons to use a VR headset and Rec Room’s availability for free on so many devices can help lots more people have those experiences together. In other words, with Rec Room, VR headset owners have more reasons to use their gear.

Rec Room launches in open beta on the PlayStation Store today in North America, South America and the EU. It does not require PlayStation Plus to play. Against Gravity will be running an AMA on r/PSVR starting at 10 am today.

Update: Additional context added.

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PSVR: Rec Room startet Open Beta am 21. November, Ausblick auf neue Mission

Die kürzliche geschlossene Betaphase von Rec Room für PlayStation VR (PSVR) war ein voller Erfolg, wie die Entwickler von Against Gravity verkündeten. Demnach erhielten sie eine unerwartet hohe sowie positive Resonanz von der Community. Aus diesem Grund entschloss sich das Studio nun dazu, ab dem 21. November eine Open-Beta-Phase für Jedermann anzubieten. Außerdem gibt es einen ersten Screenshot zu einer neuen Mission, die nächstes Jahr erscheinen soll.

Rec Room – Open Beta für PlayStation VR (PSVR)

Die soziale VR-Erfahrung Rec Room ermöglicht den Zugang zu einem virtuellen Club, in dem der Interaktion mit anderen Spielern keine Grenzen gesetzt sind. Mit einem selbstgemachten Avatar taucht ihr in die Multiplayer-Plattform ein, um dort auf Spieler aus der ganzen Welt zu treffen. Mit diesen ist es möglich, in Spielen wie Paintball oder Golf gegeneinander anzutreten oder gemeinsame Abenteuer zu erleben. So werden dem VR-Titel regelmäßig verschiedene Events hinzugefügt, in denen sich bis zu vier Spieler gemeinsam einer anspruchsvollen aber spaßigen Herausforderung stellen. Im Rahmen der neuen Ankündigung veröffentlichten die Entwickler ein erstes Preview-Bild zu einem Piratenabenteuer, welches Anfang 2018 auf die Server aufgespielt wird.


Für kreative Köpfe bietet Rec Room ebenfalls verschiedene Optionen zur Beschäftigung. So kann man im Sandbox-Modus eigene Räume erstellen, in denen euch die komplette Einrichtung selbst überlassen ist. Dadurch ist es sogar möglich, eigene Minispiele oder ganze Events zu erstellen und anderen zugänglich zu machen.

Vor kurzer Zeit ermöglichte Against Gravity den Zugang zur geschlossenen Betaphase der PSVR-Version von Rec Room für Nutzer in Nord- und Südamerika. Zwar wollten die Entwickler auch anderen Regionen Zugang gewähren, doch dies blieb vorerst aus. Aufgrund der positiven Resonanz der Tester und Community entschloss sich das Entwicklerstudio stattdessen, nun eine Open Beta für alle Spieler anzubieten.

Diese startet am 21. November für PlayStation VR (PSVR) im amerikanischen PlayStation Store und wird kostenlos erhältlich sein. Über eine Veröffentlichung im europäischen PlayStation Store gibt es derzeit noch keine Meldungen. Sowohl die Open Beta wie auch der Full Release soll Cross-Plattform-Support mit der PC-Version von Rec Room enthalten, um die Besitzer der verschiedenen VR-Brillen miteinander zu vereinen.

(Quellen: PlayStation Blog US | Video: PlayStation Youtube)

Der Beitrag PSVR: Rec Room startet Open Beta am 21. November, Ausblick auf neue Mission zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

‘Rec Room’ Goes into Open Beta for PSVR Today, Available Free Worldwide

In comparison to the various PC VR platforms and even mobile VR headsets like Samsung Gear VR, PlayStation VR has been at a bit of disadvantage when it comes to the depth and breadth of social VR spaces available. That’s changing soon though with Against Gravity’s Rec Room on PSVR, a landmark social VR experience that moves into open beta today.

Update (11/21/17): ‘Rec Room’ is available on PSN today in North and South America regions as well as: Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rep, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kuwait, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UAE, UK, and Ukraine.

Original article (11/10/17): Since the app was initially released on Steam in summer 2016, the lovably cartoony Rec Room has certainly grown from the early days when it only offered a few casual sports and a single hub, something like you’d see at a YMCA.

With the more recent inclusion of games like paintball, laser tag and a host of co-cop Quests—which are awesome games in their own right—and the ability to have your own private room where you can invite friends, the game has proven to be a place worth revisiting time and time again, if only to see what’s new.

Rec Room has been in closed beta since October, allowing players connecting from North and South America to try out the game in preparation for launch. There’s still no firm launch date for the ‘full game’ as such, but I can’t imagine that’ll matter to anyone if everyone can play in the beta.

Why New Social VR App 'Rec Room' Makes You Smile

Against Gravity maintains that PSVR support will include cross-play with Rift and Vive at launch, and just like the PC VR version, will be entirely free. That includes no ads, in-app purchases, subscriptions, paid rooms, or micro-transactions of any kind.

Rec Room will be available for download on PSN November 21st. Check out the game’s PSN listing here.

The post ‘Rec Room’ Goes into Open Beta for PSVR Today, Available Free Worldwide appeared first on Road to VR.

Rec Room PlayStation VR Open Beta Launch

Increasing numbers of companies and developers are turning their attention towards making virtual reality (VR) into more of an inclusive, social experience. Ahead of the curve on that front is developer Against Gravity, creators of the popular social VR experience Rec Room. It was announced a short time ago that the title was heading to the PlayStation VR, and now players will have a chance to try it out with the upcoming open beta.

Last month saw the launch of a limited closed beta for certain PlayStation VR users in North and South America. According to a post on the PlayStation Blog by Against Gravity Community Designer Shawn Whiting, the response was sufficiently impressive and positive that the developers have decided to launch an open beta on the PlayStation Store from 21st November, 2017.

Rec Room is described as a ‘VR social club’ which allows users to get together in the same VR space and engage in various social mini-games, such as paintball, disc golf or charades, as well as more adventurous epic quests and adventures, or more creative endeavours such as maker pen or sandbox machine.

Rec Room pirate quest

Customisation is a key feature, with players able to style and customise their avatar to their preference, other items such as paintball guns can also be customised, and PlayStation Plus members will receive an exclusive assault rifle paintball gun skin.

The developers have also confirmed that the open beta and the full release will both feature cross-platform compatibility, so PlayStation VR users will be able to interact with friends who own a HTC Vive or Oculus Rift, a feature that was missing from the closed beta.

For Rec Room users who enjoy engaging with the quests, Against Gravity have said that a new pirate-themed co-operative quest will go live at some point in early 2018. The development team engage closely with the community, and there are regular chances for players to make their voices heard at the Developer Q&A events held every two weeks.

VRFocus will bring you further news on Rec Room as it becomes available.

15 New PSVR Game Trailers From Paris Games Week

Paris Games Week is here and Sony has revealed a slew of new trailers showing off their lineup of PSVR games coming in 2017 and 2018. Grab some popcorn, because here’s 21 minutes of fresh footage.

Eden Tomorrow

Developer: Soulpix
Release Date: Spring 2018

Eden-Tomorrow catapults the player right into the heart of a strange cosmos: frightening creatures, cryptic riddles, abandoned places and the ever-present question: “what happened here?”

Apex Construct

Developer: Fast Travel Games
Release Date: TBD

[Apex Construct] takes place in a shattered but beautiful post-apocalyptic future filled with merciless robots, where two powerful AIs are locked in a drawn-out conflict. As the last remaining human, you’ll explore this world and use your wits and combat skills to survive, while discovering why almost all organic life has become extinct.


Developer: Disruptive Games
Release Date: 2018

Megalith is an action-packed hero shooter that transforms you into a titan, letting you use your massive size and firepower to compete with others in a quest to become a god. Immersed in the conflict of an ancient world, you will need to use a combination of teamwork and skill to survive. Fight for supremacy on the fields of battle using free locomotion, strategy, and destructible environments. Define your own style of combat by customizing your abilities so that you can vanquish your foes and push your disciples to victory.

Blood & Truth

Developer: Sony London Studios
Release Date: TBD

From the moment you slip on the headset, you become Ryan Marks, an elite Special Forces soldier who is on a dangerous mission to save his family from a ruthless criminal overlord. Playing as Ryan, you will come face to face with enemies, uncover secrets and experience the thrill of the chase.

Sprint Vector

Developer: Survios
Release Date: TBD

Sprint Vector is the ultimate competitive VR game: a multiplayer adrenaline platformer that merges the physical thrill of extreme sports competition with the unhinged energy of a zany game show spectacle. Survios’ innovative Fluid Locomotion System and intuitive intended motion mechanics let you comfortably attain and maintain extreme speeds in VR.


Developer: Gattai Games
Release Date: Available Now

Experience virtual reality horror in a whole new light in this sound-based thriller where enemies hear your fear. Follow in the quiet footsteps of David Ridley, a grief-stricken widower seeking solace in virtual memories of his traumatic past that are slowly turning his world dark. Create sound waves to reveal the world around you, using objects and your own voice in unique virtual reality and mic-enabled gameplay. But beware your nightmares are listening to every noise you make…

Star Child

Developer: Playful Corp
Release Date: 2018

Star Child is a cinematic platforming adventure that follows the journey of Spectra and her companion on an important mission to an alien planet. After becoming stranded, they uncover a hostile, overwhelming force that threatens to destroy everything. At a pivotal, startling moment, Spectra gains the ability to gradually take control of the world around her and fight back.

League of War VR Arena

Developer: MunkyFun
Release Date: November 7th

League of War: VR Arena is a hands, on, fast-paced war game. Swiftly deploy your tanks, infantry, and choppers in a battle to destroy your enemy’s base before they destroy yours!

Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown

Developer: Bandai Namco Studios
Release Date: 2018

Discover the glory of being an elite fighter pilot. Become an Ace pilot by taking down enemies through tactical dogfighting, while experiencing the exhilaration of flying freely in a fully immersive world.

Resident Evil 7 biohazard – Not a Hero DLC

Developer: Capcom
Release Date: December 12, 2017

Not a Hero is a chapter that explores the direct aftermath of RE7’s main story. Unlike the nightmare suffered by untrained civilian Ethan Winters, players take control of Chris Redfield to tackle the outbreak as a trained professional. Experience a different flavor of survival horror with an arsenal of tactical weaponry!

Rec Room

Developer: Against Gravity
Release Date: 2017

Rec Room [is] a vibrant and growing virtual community where you play with friends new and old from all around the world! Customize your look then head to the Rec Center for endless fun and games like our epic co-op Quests, 3D Charades, or Paintball! Or play casual minigames like Disc Golf, Dodgeball, and more. Or create and share your own activities using an ever-expanding variety of fun creative tools. Rec Room is a fun and welcoming environment for people from all walks of life! Come and join the fun for free!


Developer: Bit Planet Games
Release Date: 2017

In Ultrawings, you’ll pilot four distinct aircraft using your virtual hands or gamepad! Soar around four unique, beautifully stylized islands! Earn money to buy new airplanes and new airports! You’ll pop balloons, snap photos, perform spot landings, compete in aerial races, fly through score rings, and even perform emergency landings!

Bow to Blood

Developer: Tribetoy
Release Date: 2018

Bow to Blood takes place in a fantastical sci-fi world, a massive gas giant with mist-soaked floating islands and continents at the heart of a declining empire. Experience harrowing high-speed races, deadly battles with swarming assault ships, perilous encounters with aerial beasts, mind-bending challenges, and more.

Snow Fortress

Developer: Mythical City Games
Release Date: 2017

Snow Fortress is a room-scale Virtual Reality snow fort building & battle game. Relive your childhood by building snow forts as you prepare for epic snowball fights! Unlock tools to protect your fort and deliver a fury of snowballs at your opponents!

Dead Hungry

Developer: Q-Games
Release Date: Available Now

Grill, fry, and bake your way to freedom in Dead Hungry, a fast-paced new PSVR title from the makers of the legendary PixelJunk series. You are a fearless food-truck cook working double overtime to single-handedly save the world from certain doom. Using burgers, fries, a generous portion of side menu items–and anything else within reach–you can restore the living dead to human form! Turn swarms of zombie schoolgirls, office workers, and sumo wrestlers into well-fed and highly functional members of society! Get creative feeding this unstoppable mob with food, phones, or anything else you please! They aren’t just hungry–they’re Dead Hungry.

The post 15 New PSVR Game Trailers From Paris Games Week appeared first on Road to VR.