Razer’s Project Ariana Expands The Gaming World Into the Real One

Razer’s well known for pushing videogame technology through its various peripherals and innovations. It was Razer along with several other companies that developed the Open Source Virtual Reality (OSVR) headset. For CES 2017 Razer has continued this progress but not quite in virtual reality (VR). The company has given a glimpse into the future of its flagship lighting technology, Razer Chroma, with Project Ariana. 

Project Ariana, takes the concept of Razer Chroma’s RGB lighting and expands it into room projection, communicating with games in real time to create both lighting and video effects. This creates solutions for players that increase their gaming experience with a wider range of peripherals that can use smart lighting and video projection.

Project Ariana

“Project Ariana is a concept design that showcases the power and potential of the Razer Chroma platform in the pre-VR world in bridging the gap between gamers and games,” says Razer Co-Founder and CEO Min-Liang Tan.  “Video projection, multi-color lighting and the responsive intelligence of our Razer Chroma engine are changing the way we game today. We and our publishing and technology partners are working toward new visual solution for an even more incredible and visually rich tomorrow.”

Utilising a high-definition video projector that features an ultra-wide fish eye lens to extend what a player sees on screen right across their walls and ceiling. But to ensure a far more dynamic image that works with consumers rooms, the system adapts the projection of in-game elements to the dimensions and features of the physical environment.  The system comprises a pair of 3D depth sensing cameras alongside proprietary calibration software that automatically calibrates itself to detect environmental factors such as furniture and room lighting.

“This is the future of Razer Chroma as we see it,” says Tan. “We are working toward new video projection technology designed to place users in their games for total gaming immersion. Having a game literally surround a gamer completes the entire ecosystem of gaming, bridging the sensory gap between player and game.”

The idea currently exists in the concept stage, with attendees at CES 2017 getting a first look.

For the latest news from CES 2017, keep reading VRFocus.