Something for the Weekend: Steam Spreads Some Luna Love

The weekend is supposed to be a time of rest, you end up doing chores and things yes but ultimately it’s the two days of the week where you are more likely to meet friends or family, sit back, relax, chill and do the things that you want to do. Yes, something usually will get in the way but to heck with that! So something for you this weekend. 

Steam are, naturally enough, all for this espsecially when they’ve got a sale on for the Lunar New Year. You didn’t know it was the Lunar New Year? Well it is. The Year of the Dog incidentally, and Steam are celebrating with a sale. (Naturally.) Today’s selection of virtual reality (VR) titles picked by VRFocus come from it and for the most part the promotional prices end when the sale does after February 19th 2018. So check out the below and maybe save some cash on something good.

Project CARS 2Project CARS 2

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

Less of a straight racing videogame than a realistic driving simulator, Project Cars 2 lets players experience what driving is like not just on smooth tarmac race tracks, but also on ice, dirt and mud with the addition of other modes such as rallycross and touring races all of which use realistic physics models to make the experience as close to reality as possible.

Project CARS 2 is currently half price, at £22.49 (GBP) rather than the usual £44.99.

Keep Talking and Nobody ExplodesKeep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

Woukd you trust your friends with your life? Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes revolves around one player in VR who’s got a bomb to diffuse, there’s just one problem – how to actually do it. Each bomb is made up of several panels, with wires, dials, timers, codes, symbols and more to figure out. To do this players in the real world have a manual explaining how each particular puzzle works, and it’s only through cooperation and teamwork that avoids everything going boom!

The ultimate test of friendship has a whopping 60% off at present and is available on Steam for a mere £4.39 (GBP) rather than £10.99.

Space Pirate TrainerSpace Pirate Trainer

Compatibility: Windows Mixed Reality, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

“In the case of Space Pirate Trainer the title has built up a pedigree and fan following for one simple reason, playability. Its design and gameplay mechanics aren’t overly difficult or complicated to learn – which is why it’s great as an introductory experience for new VR players – yet for seasoned pros Space Pirate Trainer offers that old school arcade action of ever bigger and more elaborate attacks that try to whittle those lives away as you try to beat your highscore.” – Read VRFocus‘ Senior Writer Peter Graham’s review of Space Pirate Trainer here.

You can purchase the title on Steam at 34% off, for £7.25 (GBP) rather than £10.99.

superhot vr - first screenshots 8SUPERHOT VR

Compatibility: Windows Mixed Reality, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

SUPER… HOT. SUPER… HOT. SUPER… HOT! Time moves when you move in this popular videogame for VR and non-VR alike. Survive pristine white rooms filled with vivid red enemies as the air becomes thick with bullet tracer.

You’ve until February 19th to get 25% off of SUPERHOT VR, bringing the price down to £14.24 (GBP) from £18.99.


Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

“Straight from the off, Battlezone lets you know what it is and what you’ll be doing – if you’ve managed to avoid coverage like this. There are no fancy intro screens, video’s, or elongated fluff to wade through, as soon as the videogame starts you’re sat in a hulking tank with lights, screens, levers and all sorts dotted around you. Everything feels and looks solid, giving an overwhelming sense of power and control at your finger tips. The tank design is highly stylized, especially the environments, but the inside isn’t too OTT that this couldn’t be some futuristic concept vehicle.” –  Read our Battlezone review here.

Rebellion have slapped a hefty discount of 66% off on Battlezone, so make sure you buy it now at £10.19 (GBP) rather than the usual cost of £29.99.

Unvierse Sandbox 2Universe Sandbox ²

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

An Early Access title, this sequel to Giant Army’s popular space simulator is bringing VR support this time around.

“Universe Sandbox ² is a physics-based space simulator that allows you to create, destroy, and interact on an unimaginable scale. It merges real-time gravity, climate, collision, and material interactions to reveal the beauty of our universe and the fragility of our planet.”

If you fancy a bit of playing God with the galaxy (or beyond it) you can for £14.24 (GBP) 25% off its usual price of £18.99.

I Expect You To DieI Expect You To Die

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

The spy’s the limit in this VR title that puts you in the shoes of a sterotypical secret agent dealing with situations straight out of the genre from the fifties and sixties. With surprises around every corner and the odds stacked against you it’s only a matter of time before you perish. Or is it?

I Expect You To Die is on sale through Steam for the slightly odd price of £11.39 rather than £18.99. A 40% discount.

Sports Bar VR - checkersSports Bar VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

Casual pub game simulator Sports Bar VR was a PlayStation VR launch title that received a fair amount of acclaim upon release and has since been ported to Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. It has enjoyed regular updates since launch, with new mini-games and features being added, such as the addition of a jukebox, updates to multiplayer game-finding features and video streaming capability.

Another specifically for the Lunar New Year sale, which gives 50% off the regular £14.99 (GBP) price to give you a sale value of £7.49.

Raw Data

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

Raw Data puts the player in the role of part of the Resistance, who are seeking to bring down the corrupt Eden Corporation, who in the future of 2271, control much of the world. The player can choose from several types of heroes, including Saija the Cyber-Ninja, Bishop the Gun Cleric, or Boss the Street Merc.

Raw Data is on sale now for 30% off its usual price of £29.99 (GBP).

The Solus Project

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

“Many virtual reality (VR) users are waiting for in-depth experiences which have expansive worlds and tell rich, absorbing, immersive stories. VR is perfectly place to get players involved in an entirely new world, and that’s what The Solus Project aims to do… The first thing that becomes apparent is the atmosphere. Bleak, eerie and uninviting is the surface of the unknown alien planet upon which you find yourself marooned.” Read

The title is available on Steam at present for £7.49 as opposed to £14.99.

‘Sairento VR’ Exits Steam Early Access Today, Launches on Oculus Home

Sairento VR (2018), a VR ninja action game from indie developer Mixed Realms, ended its year-long stint in Steam Early Access today. The game, which features both single player and multiplayer modes, also launched on Oculus Home today.

Sairento VR launches out of Early Access with a new single player campaign mode that lets you hone your slow-motion, high-flying ninja moves as you shoot pistols and physically hack away with your katanas at the game’s ‘cyber ninja’ enemies. The game also includes a single player arcade mode, multiplayer co-op and PvP mode.

One of the most attractive bits about the game is its unique locomotion system, which is best described as a ‘point-and-click’ system that lets you quickly bound through the air with the ability to triple jump and wall-run your way to almost any target, making for fast-paced action across a relatively large map. From what we’ve played in Early Access, it proves to be a really interesting mash-up of Raw Data (2017) and Superhot VR (2017).

Releasing the news on the game’s Steam page, the developers say that despite exiting Early Access, there’s still a few things to be done.

As many of you have rightly pointed out, an exit from EA is just a technicality. It does not mean that we will be washing our hands off it from now on. While it does mean that we believe all the elements required to make a full game are in place, we still want to continue ironing out the remaining imperfections. We also want to add more content periodically to reward our fans’ loyalty and support for a while more.

Our only regret is that we cannot make the Campaign mode as robust as we would like it to be due to a lack of resources, although we really did try our very best.

Yet, despite its flaws, we think that Sairento is a game that we can all be proud of. And by we, we mean you and us. Sairento VR is a result of the cumulative efforts of both your constructive feedback and our hard work. Without you, Sairento won’t exist in its current form and we want to salute you for that. As such, we have dedicated the About page in the game to you. This page is about you and not about us. Please check it out.

Sairento VR is currently on sale for $25.50 on Humble Store, a 15% reduction from its normal $30 price tag. You can also purchase direct from Steam (Vive & Rift) or from Oculus Home (Rift).

The post ‘Sairento VR’ Exits Steam Early Access Today, Launches on Oculus Home appeared first on Road to VR.

Survios Joining The VR Arcade Space With First Location

Virtual Reality (VR) Arcade centres are becoming an increasingly popular method for people to try out VR technology, without the expense of buying a full VR rig or the limitation of mobile VR. Last year, Raw Data developer Survios announced its intention to enter the VR Arcade business, and that plan is now moving forward with the announcement of its first location.

Survios co-founder James Iliff posted a short video clip on Twitter of the Survios staff preparing for the opening of the first Survios VR Arcade location in the US. The Tweet confirmed that the Grand Opening of the centre would be coming soon to the Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance, California.

The developers have created a new version of Raw Data to give visitors to the centres a more streamlined experience of the title. As such, Raw Data Arcade will feature faster loading times, simpler in-game menus and an improved matchmaking system as well as additional admin tools for arcade operators. The arcade version will have multiple game modes, including fully-unlocked quickplay, a match-based hero progression and customisable gameplay timers for both short and long gameplay sessions.

Recently Survios also signed a new distribution deal with Sony Pictures Virtual Reality (SPVR) to bring the VR tie-in to the movie Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle to its VR centres. Jumanji: The VR Adventure allows audiences to enter a fully interactive 3D jungle and take control of their favourite movie characters, building a team in order to lift the Jumanji curse.

Survios’ other major VR title, Sprint Vector will also feature as part of the arcade experience. Being tailored towards a fast-paced and very physical form of e-sports, Survios have announced that Sprint Vector tournaments will be taking place globally head of the launch date.

An exact date for the opening of the Survios VR Arcade has yet to be confirmed, but VRFocus will be sure to inform you once the date is known.

Oculus Rift: Kostenloses Probewochenende von Raw Data

Der actionreiche-Sci-Fi-Shooter Raw Data von Survios ist an diesem Wochenende vom 12. Januar bis 15. Januar kostenlos im Oculus Store für Oculus Rift per Desktop-App spielbar.

Raw Data – Kostenloses Probewochenende im Oculus Store

Die Besitzer einer Oculus Rift dürfen dieses Wochenende den VR-Shooter Raw Data kostenlos im Oculus Store herunterladen und bis Montag ausprobieren.

In Raw Data stürzt ihr euch alleine oder im Co-op-Modus im Wave-Shooter-Stil in den Kampf gegen zahlreiche Roboter. Im Jahre 2271 kontrolliert die Eden Corporation die gesamte Welt und versucht mit einer neuen Kampagne, die Menschheit zu täuschen. Nur die Widerstandsgruppe SyndiK8 stellt sich dem globalen Multikonzern entgegen. Ihr schlüpft in die Rolle eines Einzelkämpfers, der in das Hauptgebäude des Unternehmens eindringt, um die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen. Mit unterschiedlichen Waffen wie Pistolen, Schrotflinten und mehr könnt ihr entweder die Kampagne durchspielen oder euch in diversen Spielmodi ausprobieren. Zusätzlich stehen vier verschiedene Charaktere mit eigenen Fähigkeiten und Waffenarsenal zur Auswahl.


Auch der Wettkampf gegen andere Spieler ist möglich. Ein Grund für das kostenlose Wochenende dürfte genau in diesem Punkt liegen, denn viele Spieler beschweren sich über eine zu geringe Spielerzahl, um den PvP-Modus auszureizen. Das kostenfreie Wochenende dürfte jedoch mehr Leben in die kompetitiven Spielmodi bringen.

Der First-Person-Shooter überzeugt viele Spieler vor allem durch die gelungene Sci-Fi-Atmosphäre, die in den verschiedenen Leveln zum Tragen kommt. Wer Raw Data bisher noch nicht ausprobiert hat, sollte sich das kostenlose Angebot nicht entgehen lassen.

Der VR-Shooter ist von Freitag dem 12. Januar bis einschließlich Montag den 15. Januar kostenlos spielbar. Danach ist Raw Data für 39,99 Euro im Oculus Store sowie für 36,99 Euro auf Steam für HTC Vive und Oculus Rift erhältlich. Für PlayStation VR (PSVR) steht der VR-Titel derzeit zum reduzierten Preis von 19,99 Euro im PlayStation Store zur Verfügung.

(Quellen: Upload VR | Oculus | Video: Survios Youtube)

Der Beitrag Oculus Rift: Kostenloses Probewochenende von Raw Data zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Free Raw Data Update Delivers New Multi-Level PvP Map

Free Raw Data Update Delivers New Multi-Level PvP Map

Raw Data is one of the year’s very best multiplayer VR games — that’s why we nominated it as such in our Best Of 2017 list. And even though it’s officially released now that hasn’t stopped the developers, Survios, from continuing to issue free updates.

Today, they’re announcing a brand new map for its Hostile Takeover Player-versus-Player game mode (PvP) called Intercept. According to an official statement from Survios, the map has a multi-level layout with interweaving walkways and multiple floors.

“At the center of Eden Tower are the Quantum OS Data Chambers,” reads the prepared statement. “Each Chamber stores and collates all of Eden’s vital data to ensure a better and safer future for humanity! Unless, of course, SyndiK8 has it’s way! Right now, terrorists are attempting to break into Reactor 4 of the Sector F Data Chambers and corrupt Eden’s mission!”

Raw Data’s new PvP map, Intercept, will be available to all owners of the game on Steam starting today at no cost. You can also get the game right now on Steam during its temporary 20% discount off of the standard $39.99 price.

Let us know what you think of the game and news down in the comments below!

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Second PlayStation VR Demo Disc Arrives, Full List Of Videogames Revealed

Yesterday we brought you news of the second PlayStation VR Demo Disc which would be available for PlayStation VR users as of today. At the time we weren’t sure what exactly we would get by way of videogame titles baring an announcement from developers Polyarc confirming that virtual reality (VR) action platformer Moss would be amongst the titles on offer. (Much to the delight of the VRFocus team.)

The listings for PlayStation VR sampler has now been revealed and includes titles from across the genre spectrum.  The full list of titles joining Moss can be found below.

Battlezone by Rebellion

A regular on VRFocus’ lists relating to the best VR videogame experiences out there, the tank-based shooter takes the series classic roots and updates them for the virtual stage. Battlezone gained a 5-star review on VRFocus, where it was described as “intense and addictive”.

Battlezone image

Dino Frontier by Uber Entertainment.

Cowboys meet Jurassic Park by way of Sim City, Dino Frontier lets you capture and tame dinosaurs in the Wild West to help build and manage a virtual town.

EVE: Valkyrie by CCP Games

CCP Games might be packing up the big top as far as their involvement in VR is concerned but that doesn’t stop EVE: Valkyire continuing to be one of the best VR experiences out there, and now VR and non-VR players can enjoy dogfighting in spaceships together.

EVE Valkyrie_wormholetubelaunch
Fantastic Contraption by Radial Games

Another title commonly amongst those VRFocus recommends: “Easy to begin with, Fantastic Contraption lets you get accustomed to the intricacies of what does what before throwing the real challenges at you. And there’s a lot, the title features 50 levels to get your head around.”

Job Simulator by Owlchemy Labs

A multi-award winning videogame, Job Simulator was so good Google brought developers Owlchemy Labs into the company. The title continues to get development and content as well, with the recently revealed ‘Infinite Overtime’ update.

Job Simulator - Twitch Chat

Raw Data by Survios

A highly popular virtual reality (VR) shooter, Raw Data sees players equipped with both firearms and a katana, and have the simple object of taking out the enemies before they themselves are overcome.

Rez Infinite by Enhance Games

Another PlayStation VR title that received a full five stars in its review, Rez Infinite is the spiritual successor to the original Rez, which first appeared on SEGA’s Dreamcast console.

Rez Infinite 12

StarBlood Arena by Whitemoon Dreams

The only title on the listing specifically requiring additional downloading, a demo of Starblood Arena was initially made available back in AugustStarblood Arena allows the player to take control of one of nine available ships, each with its unique pilot, features and weapon loadout. Allowing would-be players the combination that suits their preferred style of play.

StarBlood Arena new screenshot

Star Child by GameTrust

One of a crop of PlayStation VR titles to receive a share of the spotlight recently during Sony’s press event at Paris Games Week, which included the reveal of a brand new trailer. Star Child is takes place on an alien world full of fantastical Martian creatures and creations in a homage to platformers of the 90s while also being something entirely new.

The Persistence by Firesprite

Originally revealed back in March this year, The Persistance comes from the developers behind The Playroom VR. Awaking from cryosleep, it’s up the players to kill the undead and take back control of the ship before it plunges into a nearby black hole.

The Persistence screenshotThumper by Drool

The self-described “rhythm violence” videogame was announced in March last year and by the time it hit the show floor at 2016’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) it had already made an impact. Drool said in their announcement that Thumper was “unlike anything you’ve seen, played or heard – a cocktail of kinetic action and aggressive acoustics. It’s the kind of game that inhales you, spits you out and leaves you yearning for more.” And they certainly aren’t exaggerating.

Tiny Trax by FuturLab

Slot car racing get a new twist. Tiny Trax features a drifting/boost-recharge mechanic, alongside lane switching and epic jumps across twelve tracks that’ll take players to tropical islands, volcanoes, ice caves and outer-space. It’s developer, Brighton-based studio FuturLab, recently revealed a new PlayStation VR title in Mini-Mech Mayhem.

Tiny Trax screenshot

The PlayStation VR Demo Disc 2 is now available on the PlayStation Store, it requires 15.2GB of space and several titles within it – Raw Data, Rez Infinite, Job Simulator, Dino Frontier and Fantastic Contraption – do require PS Move Controllers in order to play them.

VRFocus will bring you more details on developments with the PlayStation VR very soon.

Something for the Weekend: Oculus Rift & Gear VR Discounts

For those who find themselves looking for something new to play over the next week on their Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear VR, VRFocus has just the thing. Take a look below at the Oculus Store’s library of virtual reality (VR) titles to find what discounts are currently available.

Zero Days VR screenshot

Zero Days VR

Compatibility: Oculus Rift

Based on the Oscar short-listed Participant Media documentary Zero Days, Scatter’s award-winning, immersive documentary Zero Days VR visualizes the story of Stuxnet in a new way: placing you inside the invisible world of computer viruses, experiencing the high stakes of cyber warfare at a human scale. It’s currently on sale this weekend costing £3.99 GBP rather than £7.99 through Oculus Store.

PLANNES screenshot


Compatibility: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive

PLANNES is a zero-gravity game of tennis featuring both single-player and multiplayer modes. The title is currently discounted on Oculus Store, dropping the price fro £10.99 to £5.99. There’s no discount for its Steam listing.

Raw Data

Compatibility: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive

One of the biggest and best known wave shooters around, Raw Data has now left early access and to celebrated its release developer Survios has knocked a nice healthy 25 percent of the price. So instead of spending £29.99, now its just £22.49.

Chernobyl VR Project 1

Chernobyl VR Project

Compatibility: Oculus Rift

Ever wanted to visit the site of the worlds worst nuclear meltdown, just didn’t fancy a dose of radiation. Well those lovely folks at The Farm 51 have done the hard work, creating Chernobyl VR Project. Normally £7.99 on Oculus Store, at present it’s £3.99. The HTC Vive version on Steam isn’t on sale.

Rush screenshot


Compatibility: Gear VR

Take a dive into the adrenaline-pumping world of wingsuit flying with Rush. Weave through canyons, dodge outcrops, and plummeting down sheer drops as you race towards the finish line. Currently on sale for £2.99 rather than £5.99.

Omega Agent 1

Omega Agent

Compatibility: Gear VR

Become a super-spy on the Omega Island training facility, featuring your very own nuclear-powered jetpack. Currently on sale for £1.11 rather than £2.29.

Pinball FX2 VR Gear VR Screenshot - 5

Pinball FX2 VR

Compatibility: Gear VR

Become a mobile pinball wizard as Pinball FX2 VR comes supplied with three tables Mars, Epic Quest, and Secrets of the Deep. Then if players want more content in-app purchases are available, with Paranormal, CastleStorm, Earth Defense, Wild West Rampage, Biolab and The Walking Dead tables on sale individually. Currently on sale for £1.99 rather than £3.99.

Monzo VR-CoverArt

Monzo VR

Compatibility: Gear VR

Featuring over 30 model making kits Monzo VR covers a wealth of designs, from dinosaurs and ships to cars, helicopters and more. Just like normal model making kits users are given instructions on how to build each one, after which they can then add their own artistic flair with a range of colour options and decals to choose from. Currently on sale for £2.79 rather than £4.99.


Compatibility: Gear VR

Daedalus is a platformer and an exploration game set in a spectacular oneiric and surrealist world. Currently on sale for £1.99 rather than £3.99.

Disc League screenshot

Disc League

Compatibility: Gear VR

A fast paced, physics based, game of throwing glowing discs featuring single-player and multiplayer modes. Currently on sale for £1.99 rather than £3.99.

Raw Data Exits Early Access with 25% Launch Discount

It been a long time coming but today virtual reality (VR) studio Survios has now fully released its frantic wave shooter Raw Data for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, leaving early access after just over an year.

And to celebrate the momentous event the developer has rolled out some freebies and discounts for current and new players. So for everyone who owns Raw Data – no matter when you bought it – you’ll receive the free Pioneer Pack which features Eden-inspired skins for all the heroes’ weapons.

And for those VR players who’ve yet to experience one of the most popular shooters on any platform there’s a substantial 25 percent discount available until 17th October, dropping the price from £29.99 GBP down to £22.49.

“Now it’s time for players old and new to experience the definitive Raw Data experience,” said James Iliff, Survios Chief Creative Officer and co-founder in a statement. “The final game features even more story elements throughout all the missions. I highly encourage even the most seasoned of Raw Data players to head back to “Hard Point” and start the journey afresh — and keep an eye out for those glowing tablets placed throughout the levels!  Just when you think you’ve played the most intense mission in “Soul Decrypt,” you’ll get pulled into the tenth and final mission, “Fatal Error,” which will have you questioning the very nature of reality itself.”

Then next week the PlayStation VR release will arrive on 10th October in North America, and Europe on 11th October.

VRFocus will continue it coverage of Survios, reporting back with the latest updates.

Patch Notes for Raw Data v1.0.0

  • Raw Data officially leaves Early Access: Features and content complete! The entire development team would like to thank our Early Access community for their support and enthusiasm over the past 15 months. Follow us @Survios for the latest news on Raw Dataand other forthcoming VR projects!
  • New Mission – Mission 10 – Fatal Error: Confront the true hidden face of Eden Corp in the final battle for the future of humanity.
  • New PVP Mode – Duel: Face off 1v1 in a deadly fight for survival. Best 3 out of 5 wins!
  • Mission Briefings: aNg3l and Simon have returned to the Showroom Blacksite to guide the Operative from mission to mission. Rewatch any mission briefing through the Intel Menu.
  • Intel Unlocks – Smart Pads: Interactive Smart Pads are now hidden throughout Eden Tower; collect them all to dive deeper into the lore of Eden Corp and Raw Data!
  • Intel Unlocks – Intranet: SyndiK8 has gained access to Eden Corp’s intranet. Operatives will now receive regular emails and promotional materials after completing missions.
  • Intel Unlocks – Codex: Intel has been gathered on many aspects of Eden Corp. Learn more about the different robot models and the facilities you’ll be encountering within Eden Tower.
  • Intel Unlocks – Videos: Watch promotional content published by Eden Corp and rewatch mission briefings.
  • Pioneer Pack – Eden Corp Weapon Skins: New Eden Corp-themed weaponry now available for all SyndiK8 operatives. Simply click on your operative’s selected weapon in the Hero Select screen to swap to the new skin.

The Best Indie VR Games on PC

Many years ago, virtual reality (VR) was simply a fantasy. One of the first times it was ever described was back in 1936 by a science fiction writer. But now, many people use VR headsets tethered to smartphones, gaming consoles, and PCs. In fact, research firm KZero estimates that there could be over 171 million people who will use VR software and hardware next year.

When it comes to playing games, nothing can beat the experience of virtual reality gaming. With VR headsets and other gear, you are not just playing a game, but it feels like you are IN the game. There are a lot of games you can play with your VR and among them are indie games created by independent developers or sometimes, a small team of developers. Here are the best indie games you should definitely play on PC with your VR:


Developed by Alzan Studios, Holopoint is for gamers who are into archery. Real life archery can be expensive or perhaps your schedule does not permit you to play the sport. Instead of going to an archery range, you can just play Holopoint. This indie VR game gives you the chance to fire away one arrow after another whenever you want.

Holopoint is an action-packed game where you play the hero. Your task is to fight several waves of enemies with your bow and arrow. The waves get harder as you complete each of the levels. This indie VR game is for you if you want some archery madness coming your way.

Raw Data

Raw Data is an indie game that is actually quite successful. It was the first VR best-selling game on Steam. It is a hit sci-fi game that quickly got the attention of VR gamers. Raw Data by Survios is a strategy or shooter game set in a futuristic world.

As the player of the game, you will be given two choices on which hero to play, whether it is Saija the Cyber Ninja or Bishop the Gun Cleric. Once you have selected the hero you will play as; you will have to infiltrate the evil Eden Corp. Your mission, which is to steal data to destroy the company, is not easy because you have to be prepared for the many enemies waiting for you.

Vanishing Realms

Here is another great indie game that you can play with your VR headset on PC. Vanishing Realms is a fun RPG game that is developed by Indimo Labs. The game has good motion controls that allow players to explore a different kind of world where they can also test their battling skills. The enemies include life-sized monsters, which you will have to beat while you continue with your given tasks.

You do not have to be an RPG fan to like this game. It is a single-player game where you get to travel various locales in the virtual world and fight monsters as you go along. It is like a mash-up of Skyrim and The Legend of Zelda with highly responsive controls for your adventure.

The Brookhaven Experiment

The Brookhaven Experiment is from the developer Phosphor Games. If you are a fan of horror games or you are brave enough to face any horrific scene on VR, this game is recommended for you. In The Brookhaven Experiment, your goal is to survive the game. Some weapons and tools will help you live through the whole game, but it is up to you how you use them against the monsters.

The game also gives the players a chance to discover how the unfortunate event happened where zombies have started appearing in town. Aside from that, you could even stop the strange events from happening if you figure out some important things in the game. Just like Vanishing Realms, The Brookhaven Experiment is a single player game. It is certainly not for the faint-hearted because of the graphics and the realistic sound. If you are a horror-junkie though, you should definitely add this game to your collection.

Hover Junkers

If you are looking for a first-person shooter game, Hover Junkers may be what you want to play what your VR today. Developed by Stress Level Zero, Hover Junkers is set in a futuristic time and place where everything on earth has degraded. In the game, you will play as one of the junk hunters where you will find as many scraps as you can.

There are almost 20 ships that you can choose from. They range in size from small to really huge ships. You will use these ships when you go to the multiplayer arena of the game where you will need to fight against enemy players. Your chosen ship can be fortified using the scraps that you have found, which is why it is important that you keep looking for them.

Redefine your way of playing indie games with the help of your VR equipment. Connect your VR to your PC and start playing the games above.

The 5 Best Games for HTC Vive

It was a hard decision, but you’ve decided to go with the HTC Vive as your first ‘serious’ VR headset, a room-scale device that released early 2016 as a result of a decisive collaboration with Valve. Here we take a look at our top 5 games for Vive, and a little more information you might need to get you started.

The Vive is a powerful ally in the fight against marketplace fragmentation, as it draws content from Steam, Viveport—and with the help of Revive, a software hack that lets you play Oculus exclusives. Right out of the box, you’ll have a room-scale setup, something that the Rift requires at least one additional sensor to claim, all the while delivering comparable standing and seated experiences as well.

Before we go any further though, you’ll find that you have access to a number of games on our Best 5 Games for Oculus Rift list thanks to the Revive hack, so make sure to check out some of the guaranteed fresh Oculus exclusives, and all the games that support Rift and Vive equally well. In any case, all of the games below are natively supported for Vive and purchasable through Steam.

5 – Moss

Once a PSVR exclusive, Moss (2017) has now made its way to PC VR headsets, letting you control your cute little mouse buddy, Quill, on your adventures through a large and dangerous world. Stylistically, Moss hits a home run with its impressive diorama-style visuals and interactive elements that lets you, the player (aka ‘The Reader’) move puzzle pieces around and also take over the minds of enemies as Quill slashes through the world to recover her lost uncle. Puzzles may not be the most difficult, but Moss has effectively set up a universe begging for more sequels to further flesh out the enticing world Polyarc Games has created.

While Moss is primarily a seated game, you’ll enjoy it just the same regardless of the Vive’s room-scale abilities.

‘Moss’ on Vive

See why we gave it a [7.9/10] in our review on PSVR.

4 – Budget Cuts

Budget Cuts (2018), the first-person stealth VR game from Stockholm-based indie studio Neat Corporation, first released came into the world via a free demo in 2016. The demo, which quickly became a breakout success in the early days of consumer VR, demonstrated a unique portal-teleportation mechanic, that, when married with the ability to throw knives at robot guards, spelled an instant hit—at least from a basic gameplay perspective. Two years later, the full release of Budget Cuts is here and it’s definitely been worth the wait.

At the time of this writing, it still suffers from some bugs. Although when everything goes right, Budget Cuts makes the top 5 cut for delivering Vive players a uniquely room-scale stealth assassin game that will have you cowering for your life underneath virtual filing cabinets.

‘Budget Cuts’ on Vive

Find out why we gave Budget Cuts a [9.2/10] in our review.

3 – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

Bethesda’s Skyrim VR (2017) was once a PSVR exclusive, but ever since it made its way to Steam (Vive, Rift, Windows VR), the game has really come into its own on PC VR platforms. Thanks to the average VR-ready gaming PC’s ability to render the open world at a much higher resolution, you’ll really feel like you’ve stepped into the world of Skyrim, replete with trolls, dragons, and a seemingly endless list of things to do and places to explore.

‘Skyrim VR’ on Vive

See why we gave Skyrim VR a solid [8/10] in our review.

2 – Beat Saber

Created by Prague-based indie team Beat Studio (ex-Hyperbolic Magnetism), Beat Saber (2018) is a funky and incredibly stylish rhythm game that will have you slicing blocks to the beat of high-BPM dance music. While the idea is simple, the execution is magnificent. Beat Saber gives you 10 songs, each with four difficulty levels to master, the highest being expert which will have you feeling like a 21st century techno-jedi.

‘Beat Saber’ VR on Vive

Beat Saber is still in Early Access, and awaiting updates such as multiplayer and official track editors, so we haven’t given it a grade yet. Check out our Early Access review here though to get a better idea of what Beat Saber has to offer.


Based on the PC/console version of SUPERHOT (2016), the strategy-based first-person shooter was re-imagined from the ground-up for VR headsets in SUPERHOT VR (2016). As an entirely new game in the same vein as its flatscreen counterpart, the iconic red baddies (and their bullets) move only when you do, so you can line up your shot, punch a guy in the face, dodge a bullet, and toss a bottle across the room, shattering their red-glass heads in what feels intensely immersive and satisfying—because you’re doing it all with your own two hands. That and you’ll feel like a badass no matter whose basement you live in.


Honorable Mentions

  • Fallout 4 VRFallout 4 (2015), the post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios is here in its entirety in VR. Like Skyrim VR, it gives you a vast open world to explore, but suffers from some optimization issues that require the user to tweak before really enjoying it.
  • The Gallery: Heart of the Emberstone: It’s a longer, stronger and more immersive experience than the first in the series, The Gallery: Call of the Starseed (2016), and shows that Cloudhead Games has put in the hours producing a visually and emotionally adept story that feels like it hasn’t outworn its welcome. Puzzles are innovative, and while they aren’t particularly difficult, they always reward you with something worth pursuing.
  • The Mage’s Tale:  Crafting elemental magic, exploring foreboding dungeons, battling giants and stealing their treasure. There’s all of this and more in The Mage’s Tale. Although story-wise the game comes too close to campy and played out for its own good, it’s still a solid investment for the enterprising young wizard among you.
  • Vanishing Realms – Letting you battle an army of skeleton demons through an archetypal fantasy world, Indimo Labs’ sword-swinging adventure game is likened to ‘Zelda in VR’ by pushing the boundaries of what VR is capable of and delivering that much sought after sword and shield combat experience.
  • Raw DataRaw Data is a heavy-hitting, fast-paced game that’s more than just a simple wave shooter. While it presses all the right buttons with atmosphere and feel, the game is on the bleeding edge of virtual interaction, which sometimes doesn’t work as well as it should. Despite its technical flaws, it’s one of the best VR shooters for HTC Vive and Oculus Touch out currently.
  • Arizona Sunshine – Vertigo Games’s Arizona Sunshine (2016) puts you in the midst of the archetypal zombie apocalypse, and even though we gave it a [7.5/10], it proves to be a solid entry into the FPS genre. Suffering some finicky controls and an even more finicky multiplayer, this zombie shooter almost made our list.
  • Subnautica Out of Steam Early Access this year, Subnautica lets you pilot your own submarine, craft your underwater base, explore lush coral reefs, volcanoes, cave systems, and survive the harsh realities of the deep by out-smarting the game’s sometimes dangerous fauna.
  • GORN – Games that require you to use hand-held weapons don’t seem to work as well as shooters in VR. Maybe it’s the lack of haptic-feedback, but that certainly doesn’t stop them from being immensely fun just the same. Set in some barbaric future where floating heads look down as you smash topsy-turvy, weapon-wielding gladiators, Gorn proves to be charmingly ridiculous.
  • Onward – A fan favorite with a hardcore playerbase, the OD green of mil-sim shooters Onward gives you that VR battle you’ve always wanted, including tactical team-based gameplay and plenty of guns. The game itself is still fairly early in development, as it doesn’t have ranked matches yet, making it a bit intimidating from a beginner’s perspective. It’s creation is a true feat of will as it’s amazingly maintained by a singular developer.
  • Pavlov VR – Incorporating classic maps from games such as N64’s Goldeneye and Counter-StrikePavlov serves up a slice of familiar gameplay in a new VR setting. Featuring bots, and several modes including search-and-destroy and casual fast-paced solo play, Pavlov is the CQB death match standard FPS fans have been waiting for.
  • Project Cars & Project Cars 2 – You probably don’t have access to a garage full of super cars, but even if you do you’ll probably appreciate the ability to practice speeding around the track without ever having to leave home. The second in line, Project Cars 2 has a completely overhauled physics and tire models, making it a more true to life racing experience. You certainly can’t go wrong with either though!
  • Windlands – Originally developed in the early days of the Oculus development kits, Windlands has since added motion controller support to its fantastical ‘castle in the sky’ setting that lets you naturally grappling hook your way across what ultimately plays out as a giant parkour puzzle. It’s an intense experience, but well worth the feeling you’ll get from conquering the highest reaches of this beautiful and unique game.

If you didn’t see your favorite game here, let us know in the comments! This is a continually evolving list, so check back for the latest in Road to VR’s top Vive games.

Update (July 7th, 2018): We’ve done a long-due overhaul of the list, and bumped a few previous games to the honorable mentions list.

The post The 5 Best Games for HTC Vive appeared first on Road to VR.