Radial-G: Racing Revolved Coming to US PlayStation 4s Beginning this Month

The hugely popular Radial-G: Racing Revolved made its European debut on PlayStation VR last month, but a US release remained with an unconfirmed date. Today, Tammeka Games has confirmed to VRFocus that the title will arrive on the US PlayStation Network this month, with a retail release to follow.

Radial-G: Racing Revolved box artRadial-G: Racing Revolved is a futuristic racing videogame designed specially for virtual reality (VR), though also playable on a traditional 2D monitor without a VR head-mounted display (HMD). The PlayStation VR edition of Radial-G: Racing Revolved follows its PC counterparts by coming complete every update made available, including the addition of weapon-based gameplay.

The digitally available edition of Radial-G: Racing Revolved will launch throughout the US, via PlayStation Network, on 10th October 2017, priced at $29.99 USD. A boxed retail version will follow in November 2017.

Additionally, the delayed retail release of the European version of Radial-G: Racing Revolved will now launch on 6th October, 2017. VRFocus will continue to keep you updated with all the latest details on Radial-G: Racing Revolved and other VR titles from Tammeka Games.

Radial-G On PlayStation VR Set For EU Stores Next Week

PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR owners do not have much longer to wait for outrageous space racer Radial-G: Racing Revolved to be available in stores. In fact the award winning title, which features fast paced and twisting action over neon laced tracks with 360 degree rotation, is due in stores in Europe from September 15th 2017 – this coming Friday. Before that however it will be available to download as of the Tuesday, September 12th.

Radial-G Racing Revolved screenshotRadial-G is a lightning fast, immediately absorbing space racer on a medium popularised by first-person shooters and horror experiences. We set out to add something completely unique to the VR library.” said Founder and Director of creators Tammeka Games, Mark Cundle of the title. “We’re thrilled to invite PlayStation gamers to join our anti-gravity adrenaline rush, and we know they’ll never have experienced VR speed like this before.”

Pricing is due to be £29.99 (GBP) or €34.99 (EUR). Radial-G: Racing Revolved is already on PC with support for Oculus Rift (supporting Oculus Touch), HTC Vive and the Razer OSVR head-mounted display (HMD) whilst last month it was confirmed to also be coming to Google VR’s Daydream View. In 2015 a Samsung Gear VR off-shoot, Radial-G: Infinity was launched with Radial G: Infinity X following earlier this year.

VRFocus will bring you more news regarding releases on the PlayStation VR Soon.

Radial-G: Racing Revolved Coming To Google Daydream

Gravity-defying virtual reality (VR) racing title Radial-G: Racing Revolved will be coming to mobile VR with the launch of the title on Google Daydream.

Radial-G: Racing Revolved is a futuristic racing title similar to titles such as F-Zero or WipEout. Developed by Tammeka Games entirely with VR in mind, the tile was built around the idea of providing a sense of speed, with gameplay that involves not only going faster than the opposition, but also taking them out using whatever means possible. To that end a variety of weaponry is available, such as mines and homing missiles.

The Google Daydream version of Radial-G: Racing Revolved will come with a single player experience vs four AI vehicles, with the same nine tracks and three starter ships available, with four more to unlock as the player progresses. There will be eight gameplay modes available, including Combat Racing, Death Race and Eliminator. It has not yet been confirmed if online play will be available.

The developers have gone to some lengths to ensure the visual quality of the Google Daydream version is as good as the PC VR version, and the soundtrack has also been kept the same between versions.

The Google Daydream version of Radial-G: Racing Revolved will be released on 24th August, 2017, priced at £4.99 (GBP).

VRFocus will bring you further information on Radial-G: Racing Revolved and other upcoming Google Daydream titles as it becomes available.

Radial-G: Racing Revolution für PSVR kommt am 12. September in Europa

Es hat etwas gedauert, aber nun steht der Termin für die Sony PlayStation-VR-Version fest: Der futuristische Racer im Wipe-Out-Stil erscheint am 12. September für die PSVR. Dabei können Interessierte den Titel entweder als Download oder auf Datenträger erwerben. Radial-G: Racing Revolution erschien ursprünglich im März 2016 für die Oculus Rift, HTC Vive und OSVR. Die Version für PlayStation VR soll laut den Entwicklern neue Inhalte mitbringen.

Radial-G: Racing Revolution für PlayStation VR am 12. September 2017

Ausnahmsweise dürfen wir Europäer über eine bevorzugte Behandlung freuen: der Science-Fiction-Racer Radial-G: Racing Revolution erscheint zuerst in bei uns, ein Termin für die US-Fassung steht hingegen noch aus. Radial-G tritt in die Fußstapfen großer Vorbilder wie F-Zero von Nintendo sowie Wipe-Out, der einer der ersten Titel für die PlayStation 1 war. Schwerbewaffnet rast man wie in Wipe Out auch in Radial-G durch futuristische Science-Fiction-Welten und grillt Gegner. Für die PlayStation-Umsetzung des VR-Spiels kündigte der Entwickler zudem neue Waffen wie beispielsweise Auto-Kanonen und Raketenwerfer an.

Radial-G: Racing Revolution stellte das britische Indie-Studio Tammeka Games bereits im Jahr 2014 vor. Neben der „großen“ Fassung brachte das Team auch eine eigenständige Version für die Samsung Gear VR und Google Cardboard heraus. Radial-G: Infinity X bezeichnen die Entwickler als Infinite-Runner-Game, bei dem den Spieler ein Alien im Nacken sitzt. Berührt man zu viele Slow-Downs, zerstört es eben mal einen Teil der Strecke vor einem. Wehrlos ist man aber nicht, denn der Spieler kann das Alien an Levelenden mit Raketen beschießen.

Radial-G: Racing RevolutionEinen Preis für die PSVR-Variante nannte Tammeka Games noch nicht. Er wird sich aber wohl im Rahmen der Steam-Version bewegen, der bei 20 Euro liegt. Die Version für Oculus Rift, HTC Vive und OSVR benötigt mindestens eine NVIDIA GTX 970 oder AMD 290 als Grafikkarte sowie 8 GB Arbeitsspeicher. Die 2D-Version gibt sich mit weit geringeren Hardware-Anforderungen zufrieden. Radial G: Infinity X für die Samsung Gear VR kostet 1,99 Euro, für die Google Cardboard steht der Titel kostenlos zur Verfügung.

Der Beitrag Radial-G: Racing Revolution für PSVR kommt am 12. September in Europa zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Radial-G: Racing Revolved Dated for PlayStation VR

The long awaited PlayStation VR edition of Radial-G: Racing Revolved now has an official release date. Following some confusion last week, which resulted in the reveal of a retail boxed edition here on VRFocus, Tammeka Games’ Radial-G: Racing Revolved has been confirmed for release both on the high street and via PlayStation Network next month.

Radial-G: Racing Revolved is a high-speed futuristic racing videogame in the same vein as F-Zero or WipEout. Designed to be compatible with virtual reality (VR) head-mounted displays (HMDs), Radial-G: Racing Revolved can also be played on a traditional 2D monitor.

“After that magical day at Develop: Brighton in 2014 when we met Shuhei Yoshida and showed him the early version of the game, it was always the stretch goal to release the game on Sony PlayStation VR,” stated Sam Watts, , in communication with VRFocus. “Now we were are nearly able to actually hold a boxed copy of Radial-G : Racing Revolved in ours hands, the ultimate reward for all the hard work over the years. We’re excited to let PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR owners do the same.

Radial-G: Racing Revolved will launch for PlayStation VR throughout Europe digitally via the PlayStation Network on 12th September 2017, and as a retail boxed edition on 15th September 2017. The videogame is already available to pre-order via Amazon. Speaking of an international launch, Watts added:

“We’ll be announcing the US digital and boxed release dates soon, which we expect to be shortly after the UK/EU release.”

Radial-G new ships screenshot 2Radial-G: Racing Revolved has been considered a success on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, and is met with great anticipation for its PlayStation VR debut. VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on Radial-G: Racing Revolved from Tammeka Games.

Radial-G: Racing Revolved Set for Summer Launch on PlayStation 4

Tammeka’s Radial-G: Racing Revolved has proven to be a popular racing videogame on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive for over a year, yet the promised PlayStation VR port is yet to be seen. VRFocus has today received confirmation that development is still progressing, and a launch date will be with us very soon indeed.


Radial-G new ships screenshot 4“We’re excited to be finally nearing the end of a 3 year journey that started with a cheeky tweet sent to Shuhei Yoshida at Develop: Brighton 2014, resulting in being supplied with a [PlayStation 4] dev kit and as known then, Project Morpheus, to port the game over with,” stated Sam Watts, Director of Immersive Technologies at Make Real, operating as Game Producer at Tammeka, when talking with VRFocus. “It’s been a learning experience for the team as first time Sony PlayStation developers releasing their first title, navigating the development and submission process; I don’t think we made it easy for ourselves choosing our first game to be one that supported online multiplayer, PlayStation VR, PS4 & 2DTV, made with Unity at a time when the SDKs were ever changing but, the light is now at the end of the tunnel with a digital and physical release expected before the end of Summer.”

With all that in mind, Watts is still confident his team can deliver an experience that parrallels the well received Oculus Rift edition of the videogame.

“The release version will include everything players already have had on Oculus and Vive (albeit with a maximum of 8 racers) with an additional “comfort mode” that makes it easier on new users who aren’t ready for such an adrenaline rush – we don’t like to leave anyone out and that 1% needed including too.”

Radial-G new ships screenshot 1

Movement systems in virtual reality (VR) are currently a hot topic, so acknowledgement that two distinct audiences – newcomers and early adopters – need satisfying simultanouesly will undoubtedly be well received by the community.

No specific release date has yet been offered for Radial-G: Racing Revolved on PlayStation 4, including PlayStation VR compatibility, however Watts remains thankful for the console audience’s continued support of the videogame: “We know there are a lot of people waiting for this release on PlayStation VR and we thank them for their continued patience whilst we dot the i’s and cross the t’s – the wait will be worth it!”

The PlayStation VR version of Radial-G: Racing Revolved will be playable at Japan Expo, Paris, taking place 6th – 9th July 2017. VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on the upcoming release.

Radial-G Now Support Oculus Touch

Tammeka Games has today confirmed that an update for popular virtual reality (VR) racing videogame, Radial-G: Racing Revolved, has brought support for the Oculus Touch motion-controllers to the title. The update is inherent to the Oculus Rift runtime, v1.14, which is rolling out to users now.

Radial-G new ships screenshot 4Despite the update being a natural part of the Oculus Rift’s evolution, Tammeka Games has undergone ‘extensive testing’ with Oculus Touch to ensure compatibility. Speaking to VRFocus, Sam Watts, Game Producer at Tammeka Games stated: “This is a fantastic feature as it means gamepad-shy gamers don’t have to put their Oculus Touch down to play, hopefully meaning more active users for us!

“Adding features to the Oculus Runtime means we save development effort, as we don’t have to integrate and publish new builds.”

For those eager to jump into Radial-G: Racing Revolved with Oculus Touch, the updated control scheme is as follows:

Right trigger = accelerate
Left grip = re-centre VR camera
A (right Touch) = convert shield into boost
X (left Touch) = fire weapons

Radial-G: Racing Revolved has been one of the most keenly adopted racing titles in VR since launching alongside the Oculus Rift over a year ago. The videogame is also available for HTC Vive and is coming to PlayStation VR, and VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest VR endeavours from Tammeka Games.

Tammeka will be taking PSVR version of Radial G to VRWC

British developer Tammeka will be offering attendees at the VR World Congress (VRWC) in April the chance to try out the PlayStation VR (PSVR) version of racing game Radial G. This will be the first time this version of the videogame will be demonstrated for the public, the studio confirmed on Twitter.

Radial G: Racing Revolved was designed specifically with virtual reality (VR) in mind and has previously been available for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Tammeka announced last October that the title was to be ported to the PSVR, but as of yet there has been no firm release date.

Radial-G new ships screenshot 3

The PSVR version of the videogame will feature some updates and improvements. Three new unlockable ships will be available. Tammeka will also be adding new weapons such as Mines, Auto Cannon and Homing Missiles. Two new race modes are also being added in; Race Combat and Combat Championship.

Tammeka is joining a large range of VR industry figures at VRWC, including the likes of Microsoft, who are demonstrating the HoloLens, Oculus Story Studio co-founder Edward Saatchi, who will be delivering a talk on making VR movies. Unity will also be present, showing off several VR titles made with the Unity Engine.

The VR World Congress is taking place on 11th-13th April at Millennium Square in Bristol, UK. You can find out more details about the event at the official VRWC website.

VR World Congress (VRWC) Money Off Tickets

For those concerned about missing this even, VRFocus are have a special offer of 20% off any VRWC tickets.

As always, VRFocus will bring you any updates on VRWC