‘Scraper: First Strike’ to Arrive on Rift, Vive & Windows VR Next Month, PSVR in December

Labrodex Studios, a Long Island-based VR/AR studio, today announced the first episode of their upcoming VR shooter, Scraper: First Strike, now has official launch dates for all major VR headsets.

The game will be available for purchase on Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Windows VR headsets on November 21st, priced at $30. A PSVR version is slated to release on December 18th.

Scraper: First Strike is the first of five episodes, all of which are planned to release in a final version targeting next-gen consoles in 2020. Based on the world created in Ryder Windham’s sci-fi novel Scraper: The Rise of Cifer, the sci-fi shooter takes place in 2076 in the futuristic megacity of New Austin, where you battle renegade robots in high-rise skyscraper complexes to save humanity.

Climbing aboard a hover chair-like mech, called a POD, you blast through different classes of baddies with plenty of weapons upgrades to craft along the way with dropped enemy loot.

Labrodex is also announcing a free DLC soundtrack of original music created by award-winning composer Winifred Phillips, produced by Winnie Waldron. Phillips has composed music for several games, including Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation, God of War, and several of the LittleBigPlanet series games. You can register for the 13-track album online at the Scraper Network. Access to the soundtrack will release when the game launches next month.

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‘Scraper: First Strike’ to Arrive on Rift, Vive & Windows VR Next Month, PSVR in December

Labrodex Studios, a Long Island-based VR/AR studio, today announced the first episode of their upcoming VR shooter, Scraper: First Strike, now has official launch dates for all major VR headsets.

The game will be available for purchase on Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Windows VR headsets on November 21st, priced at $30. A PSVR version is slated to release on December 18th.

Scraper: First Strike is the first of five episodes, all of which are planned to release in a final version targeting next-gen consoles in 2020. Based on the world created in Ryder Windham’s sci-fi novel Scraper: The Rise of Cifer, the sci-fi shooter takes place in 2076 in the futuristic megacity of New Austin, where you battle renegade robots in high-rise skyscraper complexes to save humanity.

Climbing aboard a hover chair-like mech, called a POD, you blast through different classes of baddies with plenty of weapons upgrades to craft along the way with dropped enemy loot.

Labrodex is also announcing a free DLC soundtrack of original music created by award-winning composer Winifred Phillips, produced by Winnie Waldron. Phillips has composed music for several games, including Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation, God of War, and several of the LittleBigPlanet series games. You can register for the 13-track album online at the Scraper Network. Access to the soundtrack will release when the game launches next month.

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Survival-Horror Game ‘SYREN’ Comes to PSVR Next Week, New Trailer Here

HammerheadVR, the studio behind SYREN (2017), today announced the single-player VR survival-horror game is coming to PSVR on next week.

First released on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift in February 2017, SYREN is now slated to release on PSVR November 6th.

If you haven’t heard of SYREN, here’s the quick and dirty. You’re marooned in an underwater research facility that’s teeming with gruesome and deadly creatures called Syrens. Using stealth, you slink through the hallways, hide in lockers, and try to bypass the deadly monsters as you make your way to the surface, all the while learning about the Syren’s creator, a mad scientist who’s obsessed with eugenics.

Image captured by Road to VR

The PSVR release also includes Episode 2, a free-roaming shooter set after the game’s initial campaign. Unlike the stealth-focused Episode 1, you take on the role of CIA Agent Manning as you shoot your way towards a strange anomaly.

Image courtesy HammerheadVR

“After coming to both Oculus and Vive, we are really excited to be bringing SYREN to PSVR,” said Yush Kalia of Hammerhead. “Since launching in early 2017, we’ve refined and expanded on our original ideas to give the player a thrilling, tense and occasionally puzzling experience. We’re looking forward to PSVR owners having the chance to see what lies beneath the surface in SYREN.”

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We gave SYREN a solid [7.5/10] in our review when it launched on Vive and Oculus last year. While the game featured a few technical flaws at launch, which have largely since been addressed, it did a great job of recreating some of the heart-pumping fun in Alien: Isolation (2014), albeit tailored from the ground-up for VR. Ultimately SYREN proved to be terrifying and an exciting addition to the genre.

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‘The Persistence’ Gets Free Update with More Modes & Features, 25% Off Through Halloween

The Persistence (2018), a sci-fi horror-themed roguelike for PSVR created by Firesprite Games, just got a huge update today that brought a number of new game modes, a difficulty assist mode, and options for the hearing impaired—all for free.

To coincide with launch of the update, the game is also on sale during the Halloween season at a 25% discount off the store price, bringing it to $22.50. An additional 10% off is available for PlayStation Plus subscribers too, bringing it to $19.50.

When the game launched in July, it featured both Campaign and Survival Mode. Starting today, The Persistence now includes the following modes:

  • Glass CannonThis is an all action challenge mode where you  need to make it through 24 increasingly difficult rooms to get to an escape pod at the far end of the Deck. You get to select a gun at the start of each attempt, which comes with infinite ammo; the downside is that you only have 1 hit point, and there are no health pickups. Each time you enter a room, the doors lock and the mutants attack. You need to take them out as quickly as possible as the game is against the clock.
  • Campaign+:You keep all your Gear and Upgrades from your previous Campaign, but are now challenged with an ultra hardcore difficulty mode. The rules of the game have been changed to make it feel different too. You can no longer use SuperSense to spot enemies hiding in cover, and you will notice that a Bloodhound just keeps following you! To combat this, there are all new character upgrade levels, and ‘Platinum’ rarity Gear items to give you a fighting chance.
  • First Blood: A stealth-based challenge mode where you need to make your way through another huge procedurally generated deck to the escape pod. You’re equipped with only a Peacekeeper knife.
  • Permadeath: The challenge is to complete the entire campaign on a single life. The big change: there are Deck Porters in this mode that take you instantly between all Decks, and to Recovery, to quickly upgrade and buy Gear.
Image courtesy Firesprite Games

Some new accessibility features are also included in today’s update, which the studio says now features “a comprehensive suite.” By turning on ‘Assist Mode’ in the pause menu, the game now offers control over a few things such as infinite ammo, enemy power, enemy speed, and change enemies to always be visible through walls with a bright red highlight.

'Astro Bot' Ranked 5th Best PS4 Game of 2018, #1 PSVR Game of All Time

For the hearing impaired, there’s now an on-screen representation of key audio cues, like enemies growling that will help you locate enemies in the same way someone with standard hearing might.

Control inputs are also now fully mappable, so you can play however you’re best able.

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‘Rec Room’ Update Brings Multiplayer Bowling to Social VR App

Rec Room, the social VR app for PSVR, Rift, Vive, and Windows VR headsets, just got an update that a new activity to its list of games and multiplayer adventures. Dubbed ‘Lone Shoe Lanes’, users can get started now on perfecting their virtual bowling form.

Up to six players can bowl at once, the company says in a Steam post, with space in the room for a few observers to watch and chat. Scoring is fully automated, so practically all you have to do is pick up the ball and get playing.

Developers Against Gravity have also included practice lanes so you can play without fear of too much judgement.

The game’s largest update of late brought a multiplayer battle royale-style shooting game, dubbed Rec Royaleto the app, which allows up to 16 players to duke it out on a large summer camp-inspired map. Other games include paintball, 3D charades, and a number of co-op ‘Quests’ that let you battle side-by-side against baddies in a few themed environments.

Check out Rec Room on the following platforms:

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Media Molecule’s ‘Dreams’ Confirmed to Support PSVR at Launch

Media Molecule, the creators of LittleBigPlanet (2008) and Tearaway (2013), have been working on their upcoming game/game-creation tool Dreams for PS4 for the past few years, and although we knew PSVR support was destined to come someday, as first announced at Paris Games Week 2015, we weren’t sure if PSVR users would get the chance to play at launch. Now, the studio reveals, PSVR owners can definitely count on day one support.

In an interview with Game InformerMedia Molecule co-founder Alex Evans revealed that Dreams is definitely going to be compatible at launch with PSVR—something reports contended for some time now, but Media Molecule was reticent to confirm.

Outside of the initial game, Dreams will also allow users to create games and experiences that can then be published, and summarily played and judged by other users—something like Super Mario Maker (2016), but with the ability to create 2D and 3D games and experiences.

Image courtesy Media Molecule

There’s likely to be a cap on the level complexity though for PSVR though, as the headset requires apps to run at least at 60 fps (reprojected to 120) to maintain a comfortable experience. Evans says in the interview that Dreams, on PS4 and PS4 Pro, can run at 60 fps, although larger, more complex scenes will knock it down to 30 fps, pointing to an obvious bottleneck for PSVR.

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There’s also going to be a very Mario Maker-style submission system especially for PSVR users, as Evans says creators will have to be able to finish the games and levels they make themselves in order to publish.

Dreams is getting a beta,which Evans says will launch sometime this year, although it’s uncertain if PSVR support will be included. Although still scheduled for release in 2018, the official launch date is still TBA.

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‘Astro Bot’ Ranked 5th Best PS4 Game of 2018, #1 PSVR Game of All Time

PSVR exclusive ASTRO BOT Rescue Mission has been making waves among critics and players alike since its release at the beginning of the month. The game now ranks among PS4’s top titles—VR or otherwise.

Update (October 15th, 2018): It appears reviews are still rolling in, as Metacritic now puts ‘Astro Bot Rescure Mission’ as the 5th highest rated PS4 game. Based on 38 critic reviews, the game still holds a 90 out of 100 rating, although it has since moved past ‘Monster Hunter: World’. The original article follows below:

According to popular review aggregator MetacriticAstro Bot Rescue Mission has averaged a review score of 90 out of 100 among 36 critic review, and 9 out of 10 among 207 player reviews. In both categories that marks the game as being ‘Universally Acclaimed’ by Metacritic’s standards.

The game has risen to the #1 rated PSVR title of all time, according to Metacritic, and also one of just a few PSVR titles to hold a 5 out of 5 player rating on the PlayStation Store.

Looking into Metacritic rankings for all PS4 games (VR and non-VR) helps contextualize this achievement.

Among PS4 games released so far in 2018Astro Bot ranks 6th, in the company of titles like God of War, Divinity: Original Sin II, and Shadow of the Colossus [2018 remake].

Looking at all PS4 games everAstro Bot ranks #23, alongside titles like Monster Hunter: World (2018) and Fez (2014).

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Worth noting is that Astro Bot reviews by critics are in line with player ratings too, whereas some games see a significant difference between the two. It isn’t clear exactly how Metacritic breaks tied critic scores in their rankings, but if they opted to use the player review score as the tie breaker, that would bump Astro Bot up to the #5 slot for PS4 titles released in 2018 and to #17 among all PS4 titles.

While PSVR certainly has a handful of other quality games, Astro Bot seems to have achieved new levels of interest, garnering reviews from major gaming publications—rather than just smaller or VR-specific publications—including The Washington Post (9/10), IGN (9/10), Game Informer (9/10), Eurogamer (‘Recommended’), and Variety (unrated). For our part, Astro Bot is the first VR game we’ve given a 10 out of 10, for reasons we elaborate on in our review.

For those who haven’t been convinced, Sony has announced plans to launch an Astro Bot demo on October 16th. The company is also selling a PSVR bundle including both Astro Bot and Moss [Amazon].

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‘Firewall Zero Hour’ Tops PSVR’s List for Most Downloaded Game in September

Tactical team shooter Firewall Zero Hour (2018) took the top spot again as the most downloaded PSVR game last month.

Hailing from ROM: Extraction (2016) developers First Contact EntertainmentFirewall Zero Hour launched on August 28th, giving it only four days to vault to the top spot in August, where it surpassed long-time chart toppers Job Simulator (2016), SUPERHOT VR (2016), and Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality (2017).

Firewall Zero Hour, a PSVR exclusive, garnered a solid [7.9/10] in our review, owing to its immersive use of the PS Aim controller, excellent team play mechanics, and strong gunplay.

Now with more than a whole month under its belt, Firewall Zero Hour is still seeing active updates too, with a DLC pack headed to the PlayStation Store starting October 16th, which includes new items and skins to customize your character and weapons.

Image courtesy Sony

Survios’ Creed: Rise to Glory (2018) has done quite well for itself too, as the arcade boxing game was released on September 25th, giving it only five days to bypass Moss (2018), Rick and Morty VR, and Job Simulator.

The studio’s other recently released VR app, Electronauts (2018), unfortunately slid off the charts in September only after two months from release. While the music-making jamfest isn’t for everyone, it certainly rug a bell with usas we gave it a respectable [9/10] in our full review.

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‘Astro Bot Rescue Mission’ to Get Free Demo Next Week on PSVR

Astro Bot Rescue Mission (2018) is objectively an overwhelmingly great VR game, earning our first ever [10/10] review rating for good reason. Starting next week, you’ll be able to find out why when a free demo lands on the PlayStation Store.

On October 16th, you’ll be able to strap into your PSVR and play a little bit of the charming single-player VR platformer, which exclusively uses DualShock 4 controller.

In our review, Road to VR’s Ben Lang calls Astro Bot “a genre-defining moment for VR platforming on PSVR,” and says it has “tremendous polish and excellent game design.” Check out our full review of Astro Bot Rescue Mission to see just why it scored so highly.

And we know what you’re thinking; Astro Bot was created by Sony’s Japan Studio, so that means it’s a definite platform exclusive.

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PSVR Arena Brawler ‘Megalith’ Heads into Open Beta Today, Gameplay Trailer Here

Megalith, a first-person arena brawler from Disruptive Games, is slated to arrive on PSVR on January 8th, 2019. Both pre-order availability and a free trial are landing on the PlayStation Store today, November 13th.

Update (November 12th, 2018): On top of releasing a slick new gameplay trailer, Disruptive Games speaks a little more about what to expect for Megalith in a PS blogpost, specifically detailing what Titans you’ll be able to play during the multi-week open beta. Players who haven’t pre-ordered will have access to two random Titans per week, while players who have pre-ordered will have access to all five immediately and a few other goodies including ‘Epic’ skins for each of the starting five Titans when the game releases.

The original article explaining the game’s core concepts follows below the Titans’ character sheets:

Original Article (October 10th, 2018): We went hands-on with Megalith back at this year’s E3, and the two matches we played showed some real potential for fun, fast-paced co-op brawling. Like most MOBAs (multiplayer online battle arena), it’s a classic rush to attack the other team’s base, send out and direct tiny armies of soldiers, and destroy dangerous towers along the way.

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Disruptive Games, a studio founded by Insomniac Game alumni,  has their work cut out for them in making sure each character is correctly balanced, as you can choose from several ‘Titans’, each with their own unique abilities, power, and locomotion speeds.

Digital pre-order of the game will unlock all Titans available during the trial, exclusive skins and an Avatar pack for each of the starting five Titans, and one additional DLC Titan included at launch.

There’s no word on when/if other platforms will see support.

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