8i erhält 27 Millionen US-Dollar an Investitionen und zeigt Holo App

Wer sich schon länger mit Virtual Reality beschäftigt, der ist sicherlich bereits über die Anwendung von 8i gestolpert. Die Entwickler haben sich auf volumetrische Videos spezialisiert und bringen in ihren Videos reale Aufzeichnungen von Menschen in eine virtuelle Welt. Der Vorteil dieser Darstellungsform ist, dass mit dieser Technik Virtual Reality Videos mit echten Darstellern erzeugt werden können. Die kostenlose Anwendung auf Steam stößt derzeit zwar auf wenig Gegenliebe der Community, doch das Unternehmen hat bereits weitere Ideen in der Hinterhand.

8i erhält 27 Millionen US-Dollar an Investitionen und zeigt Holo App

8i konnte sich in einer neuen Investitionsrunde 27 Millionen US-Dollar von Unternehmen wie Baidu, Verizon und Time Warner sichern. Vermutlich konnte das Team die Investoren mit einer neuen App überzeugen, welche „Hologramme“ in die echte Welt bringt. 8i verwendet hierzu die Google Tango Technologie und die volumetrischen Videoaufzeichnungen und bringt damit diese Videos in euer Wohnzimmer. Die Hologramme sind bei dieser Technologie aber nur auf dem Display des Smartphones oder Tablets sichtbar und erscheinen nicht wirklich in eurem Raum. Um die Anwendung zu nutzen, benötigt ihr also ein Smartphone mit Project Tango. Aktuell könnt ihr die App also beispielsweise mit dem Phab 2 Pro von Lenovo testen. Den kostenlosen Download findet ihr hier.

Die Idee von 8i ist sicherlich nicht verkehrt, doch die Limitierung auf das Display eines Smartphones oder Tablets wird die Anwendung noch nicht zu einer Killer-App machen. Sollten sich Mixed Reality Brillen aber durchsetzen und 8i stellt regelmäßig neue Aufzeichnungen bereit, dann könnte die Anwendung durchaus eine spannende Zukunft vor sich haben. Gleichzeitig möchte das Unternehmen aber nicht das Virtual Reality Geschäft aus den Augen verlieren. Laut 8i verfolgen beide Anwendungen unterschiedliche Ziele und deshalb möchte man auch beide Bereiche weiter ausbauen.

Phab 2 Pro
Total*: 503,99 EUR Versand*: 4,99 EUR s. Shop Preis kann jetzt höher sein.
Total*: 503,99 EUR Versand*: 4,99 EUR s. Shop Preis kann jetzt höher sein.
Total*: 506,99 EUR Versand*: 7,99 EUR s. Shop Preis kann jetzt höher sein.
Total*: 506,99 EUR Versand*: 7,99 EUR s. Shop Preis kann jetzt höher sein.

(Quelle: Road to VR)

Der Beitrag 8i erhält 27 Millionen US-Dollar an Investitionen und zeigt Holo App zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Google: Gespannt auf die Verbindung aus Tango und Daydream

Auf der CES 2017 wurde mit dem ASUS ZenFone AR ein Smartphone vorgestellt, welches Project Tango und Google Daydream Support bietet. Project Tango ist eine Technologie, mit der ihr einen Raum in Echtzeit scannen und virtuelle Objekte in die echte Welt bringen könnt. Google Daydream ist die neue Virtual Reality Plattform von Google, mit der eine hochwertige VR Erfahrung gewährleistet wird. Das neue ZenFone wird beide Technologien vereinen und diese Verbindung könnte zu komplett neuen Möglichkeiten führen.

Verbindung aus Tango und Daydream

Das neue ASUS ZenFone AR wird aber nicht beide Technologien vermischen, sondern beide Verfahren können separat verwendet werden. Dennoch können sich Entwickler mit dem ZenFone AR bereits auf den Tag vorbereiten, an dem Google beide Verfahren zu einem neuen Feature verbinden wird. Auch wenn Google diesen Schritt gerne bereits gehen würde, so reicht die Leistung des ZenFones hierfür nicht aus. Project Tango und Google Daydream verbrauchen viele Ressourcen und deshalb können beide Verfahren noch nicht simultan verwendet werden. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass sich dieser Umstand nicht in den kommenden Monaten ändern kann. Laut Google erscheinen jeden Monat neue Updates für Project Tango und die Performance soll noch weiter verbessert werden.

Doch auch wenn die gleichzeitige Verwendung nicht möglich ist, so wird es an den Entwicklern hängen, welche innovativen Konzepte uns beide Technologien in einem Smartphone bringen werden. Das ZenFone AR soll in den kommenden Monaten ausgeliefert werden und bisher scheint das neue ZenFone das spannendste Smartphone in diesem Jahr zu werden.

(Quelle: Upload VR)

Der Beitrag Google: Gespannt auf die Verbindung aus Tango und Daydream zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

VR vs. Nostradamus – Part 2

January is already into double figures on days I see. It’ll be February before we know it, just you wait. Already we’ve seen off CES for another a year and next week sees VR Connects takes place in London. All things being equal, we’ll be up to something next month as well; because as you know this virtual reality (VR) tech train doesn’t stop for anyone or anything. Even though we all kind of wish it would sometimes – or at least sort its timetable out.

Speaking of not stopping it’s time we got back into the topic I started last week. Namely my predictions for the year of our HMD, 2017. Last week in part one (of what will end up being three) I discussed ZeniMax, Oculus, patents, HoloLens and a bunch of other things besides. Today we’re mostly into businesses and hardware – including the one I’m probably most confident on.  Again these are only my personal guesstimates based on a mix of gut feeling, wishful thinking and an ability to see what way the wind is blowing. Agree or disagree (and probably the latter, let’s be honest,) these are my picks.

Via consultation with the ancient Oracle of Delphi I predict…
A VR Only eSports Tournament

There’s been rumblings of eSports events for a while and, I believe a couple of actual competitions but I’m talking about an actual full on dedicated tournament for VR titles either as part of an established big name event. To be clear with this and the next item I’m just talking about an announcement of intent. VR needs a few more big titles in order to get to this point, that I will readily grant you. But by the end of the year, someone will have made the announcement that VR is either to be incorporated as a subsection or will give VR it’s own dedicated event to much fanfare.

Whether it would be any good is another discussion all together.

I gaze into the tea leaves, and see a Grim! It bears the news that…
Oculus And/Or HTC Reveal Viable Wireless VR For 2018

Again to be clear: We will see a viable and wireless VR option that is also an official in-house solution and not one supplied by means of a third-part such as we’ve seen with a few companies experiments. Notably with the HTC Vive. This is also not including a mobile option from HTC or another cobbled together (yet “very impressive”) demo like Oculus’ Santa Cruz. I’m talking the next step past that. A DK1-type deal revealed with the intention to take VR into the next iteration of hardware, before we get to a CV2 and a Vive 2 and to go on sale, probably in April 2018 with a November-December pre-order launch window.

Incidentally, you’ll likely have noticed I didn’t include Sony here. Why? Honestly, I think they’re going to sit on the PSVR tech as is for some time. Don’t bet against a new colour or, more likely, a more refined controller system but no ‘PSVR Free’. Probably not until a PlayStation 5 announcement.

Through keen study of birds in flight I prophesise…
That After This, Google Immediately Steal Their Thunder

Especially if it is Oculus. Why? Because Oculus just have that sort of luck, really. Within a fortnight Google reveal the true scale of their works with VR and AR via Tango and it kind of all puts the previous announcement to shame. Tango is already coming through. Expect Google I/O this year to up the mind-blowing factor and leave its rivals on the back foot again – for now at least…


If you lean over this way I’ll measure your skull, which reveals…
Call Of Duty Or Battlefront Go For It

VR does need more big game names involved in it. Not as a life or death issue for the technology, but more over as a greater benefit to it. Now were I in a position of influence within Sony, Oculus or HTC/Valve I would have devoted a none too insignificant amount of resources towards convincing EA and Activision/Infinity Ward that it’d be in their best interests to create VR versions of either of the world’s leading first person shooter (FPS) franchises. Yes, I know we’ve had- deep breath now –  Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Rogue One™: X-wing VR Mission and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Jackal Assault VR Experience. But a proper VR version or full-on support for a future title (no ‘tasters’) from one of those franchises would be a huge boon to VR as a whole. Helping with the arguments over killer apps and mainstream crossover potential. I’m going to predict someone had the schmoozing ability, and the foresight, to make a creative play for the loyalty of one of those franchises.

I gaze into the sacred flame and see the mysteries of the world unravelled within
FOVE Are Acquired – And Probably By Samsung

In the recent round of acquisitions of smaller companies by the hardware manufacturers a new battleground is emerging, everyone is very interested in the prospects of eye-tracking. See Oculus’s recent acquisition of Danish company The Eye Tribe as an example. No one is really saying such but at this point we can probably expect eye-tracking to be a part of any CV2 Rift. So with them acquiring an eye-tracking company, to go with the one Google have also acquired what of, arguably, the most well known company of all, FOVE?

The might now have a hardware available to pre-order in the form of the FOVE 0, but that surely won’t be anything but the catalyst for one of the remaining hardware firms to whip out their cheque books and bring them into the fold. And do you know who that is likely to be? Well. I’m assuming you read the title, so yeah. Samsung. it makes the most sense. Whilst the South Korean firm would presumably have access to the technology through their Oculus partnership it would be shrewd to get something under their own banner as well should the relationship go sour and it would keep the technology out of the grasp of any other would-be suitors. Suitors such as Samsung’s big rival Apple -more on them in part 5.

Fove image headshot

Moreover it makes sense for it to be Samsung. The two already have something of a relationship and Samsung have, if you cast your mind back to the ancient times of 2015, already invested in the company.  It makes sense then that Samsung be the one to buy out FOVE, inc and bring their fellow Asian tech house under their roof.

I’ll be back next week for the final part where I’ll be discussing my predicted fates for what would be some VR newcomers. Well, newcomers to this generations at any rate.

ASUS Zenfone AR mit Google Daydream und Tango Support (Leak)

Noch vor der offiziellen Präsentation von Asus sind Details zum neuen ZenFone AR aufgetaucht. Laut den veröffentlichten Daten, wird das neue Smartphone von ASUS mit einer Zertifizierung für Project Tango und Google Daydream ausgestattet sein.

ASUS Zenfone AR mit Google Daydream und Tango Support

Auch wenn Qualcomm gerade den Snapdragon 835 angekündigt hatte, der spezielle Verbesserungen für Virtual Reality und Augmented Reality ins Spiel bringt, setzt das neue Zenfone nicht auf diesen Prozessor. Das Zenfone AR wird laut dem aktuellen Leak mit einem Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 auskommen müssen. Dennoch wird das neue Zenfone wohl eine Unterstützung für Project Tango und das Google Daydream System bieten und ihr braucht euch somit nicht mehr entscheiden, ob ihr auf AR oder VR setzen wollt.

Das Tango System kann eure Umgebung in Echtzeit erkennen und diese in 3D Modelle überführen. Theoretisch könnte mit einem solchen System also auch ein Positional Tracking ermöglicht werden, doch aktuell ist nicht klar, ob ASUS dieses Feature ermöglichen kann oder will. Dennoch ist die Verschmelzung der Technologien eine toll Sache. Theoretisch könnt ihr mit dem Smartphone eure Umgebung scannen und anschließend in VR betrachten.

Die offizielle Vorstellung des neuen Smartphones wird heute stattfinden. Wir informieren euch, wenn es neue Informationen gibt.

(Quelle: GSMArena)

Der Beitrag ASUS Zenfone AR mit Google Daydream und Tango Support (Leak) zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Using AR/VR with Illusionary Street Art in Corporate Events – ‘Hangin’ On 4D Installation by Art for After Hours











The Art for After 4D Experience with Animated Augmented Reality (AR) was in full form at the Chalk Festival in Venice, FL in November!  The next step over 3D…



Over 2,000 people in three days lined up to experience and participate a live demonstration of 4D, that is using animated AR overlaid with hand painted illusionary murals as one cohesive use of fine art and emerging technologies.  A brand new experience for all!

acappetto-afah-4d-ar-installations-7813        acappetto-afah-ar-onsite-7822     acappetto-afah-ar-monitor-close-up-7823

Viewed through our monitor, Art for After Hours was able to share and present this mingling of art and technology to people and demographics of all ages…

acappetto-afah-4d-ar1wm                         acappetto-afah-4d-ar3-wm

This is what they saw…  Hand painted 3D illusionary art as part of the immersive whole where our attendees were ‘Hangin On’ to the side of a building (in a playful way) on the ground while ‘avoiding’ giant animated AR butterflies live overlaid upon the event.  An immersive experience limited only but what Art for After Hours will do next!

Project definable by our clients needs, multiple locations, with full Art for After Hours team led by Anthony Cappetto.


acappetto-afah-4d-ar12-wm                          acappetto-afah-4d-ar15-wm

As one can see, people were having a great time interpreting their unique immersive 4D experiences with the installation…


acappetto-afah-4d-ar16-wm          acappetto-afah-4d-ar19-wm                      acappetto-afah-4d-ar18-wm

Please keep in mind that these images are from a monitor but the concept of blending illusionary art and emerging technologies is very clear.


This example of our painted 3D illusionary art is much sharper and gives you the effect of the traditional 3D reverse anamorphic illusion – the foundation of the use of augmented, virtual reality as the immersive 4D experience…  Reach out to us to design, develop, and realize your unique 4D vision in events, tradeshows, conventions, commercials, launches and more…


acappetto-wstum-afah-hanginon2a      acappetto-afah-hangin-on-2a

Anthony Cappetto is an internationally recognized artist working in 3D street/mural art and a pioneer in the use of 4D emerging technologies in street art installations such as animated augmented reality, virtual reality in the art.  Cappetto is founder of Art for After Hours, the first 3D street painting Company in 2001.  Also pictured:  Wendy Stum, Marketing Director of Art for After Hours.

If you are excited by the possibilities of 4D street art and emerging technologies including haptics, mixed reality, holography, and more – reach out to us for more information.

Corporate, Branding, Launches, Festivals, Government, NGO, Tradeshows, Conventions – USA/International

artforafterhours.com  anthonycappetto.com  ispg-inc.com  @AfAH @AnthonyCappetto




The post Using AR/VR with Illusionary Street Art in Corporate Events – ‘Hangin’ On 4D Installation by Art for After Hours appeared first on Infinityleap - Technology stops for no one..

Improve Your Home with Tango Enabled Lowe’s Vision

Lowe’s, a home improvement company with stores in the US, Canada and Mexico, has launched an  augmented reality (AR) app for the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro called Lowe’s Vision. The app utilises Google’s Tango technology to enable customers to see and design their homes with AR tech.

The Lenovo Phab 2 Pro is the only smartphone on the market at the moment to support Tango, and with it customers can visualize virtual home furnishings, fixtures and accents in their real living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms. Using the sensors built into the smartphone Lowe’s Vision can measure spaces enabling users to accurately see how products will look and fit before purchase.

Lowe's Vision - Measurements

At launch Lowe’s Vision will feature: Power Measure, to quickly and intuitively capture room dimensions and other interior space and surface measurements; 3D Designer, select any item from Lowe’s virtual library and place it in the home in real-time; Save, snap & share, after going through the design process, save the project and share photos with friends or a professional contractor; and finally Shopping lists and reviews, which allows customers to create a shareable shopping list and save to a myLowe’s account whilst finding additional product information like reviews.

Lowe’s Vision and Tango bring our customers one step closer toward eliminating the challenge of visualizing a completed home improvement project,” said Kyle Nel, executive director of Lowe’s Innovation Labs, the company’s disruptive innovation hub.  “Tango transforms the smartphone into a digital power tool that helps customers measure and style spaces in their home with confidence.”

Lenovo Phab 2 Pro launched this week and developers have already begun utilising Tango for videogame projects. Climax Studios launched Towers for Tango, a building title that allows players to create their own skyscraper then manage all the residents to make it a financial success.

As more Tango enabled software comes to market, VRFocus will keep you updated.

Climax Reveals ‘Towers for Tango’ For Project Tango, ‘Hunters Gate’ For Daydream

Climax Reveals ‘Towers for Tango’ For Project Tango, ‘Hunters Gate’ For Daydream

Fresh off the release of its VR tribute to Contra, Gun Sight, Climax Studios is back this week with the announcement of two new games for two new platforms.

The first of these is Towers for Tango, a new app for Google’s Project Tango 3D capture tech, currently seen in the just-launched Lenovo Phab Pro 2. Developed by the company’s New Zealand studio in Auckland, players are tasked with building towers that appear in the real world through the phone’s screen. As you progress, you’ll need to protect residents from disasters in order to achieve a high score. The game’s available now for $2.99/£2.89 and the trailer’s below. You can expect to see it on more phones as support for Project Tango grows.

It’s one of the first full games we’ve seen for Tango, a technology that isn’t as focused on gaming as the early stages of VR are. Going forward, though, you can expect to see the tech play a bigger role in VR, especially with inside-out tracking growing in importance.

Next up we have Hunters Gate, which you may have already caught glimpses of in Google’s marketing for its Daydream mobile VR ecosystem. This is a third-person shooter not too dissimilar to Gun Sight, though it takes its queues from the likes of Gauntlet and Smash TV. Interestingly, the game supports co-op for two players taking on the role of Forge and Payne, two mercenaries tasked with protecting the titular town from an attack from Hell with magical spells. Climax plans to add new ‘Raid’ levels to the experience each week.

Daydream launches on November 10th with its first headset, Daydream View, and Hunters Gate will be one of the first to launch on the device in the coming weeks. Yesterday, Google revealed a wide variety of titles that will be joining it in 2016.

Build Your Own AR Building in Towers for Tango for Lenovo’s Phab 2 Pro

This week Chinese tech giant Lenovo launched the worlds first Google Tango enabled smartphone, the Phab 2 Pro. Tango technology allows the device to able to map out areas, track objects and place items into a users field-of-view, unlocking far more accurate augmented reality (AR) features. Now Climax Studios has release Towers for Tango, an AR building videogame specifically designed for Tango and the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro.

The first title developed by Climax’s new studio in Auckland, New Zealand, Towers for Tango enables players to become building tycoons, using AR to create a tower anywhere they like. As players improve the structure they have to keep residents happy, fend off incoming disasters and reach a 5 star rating to build an impressive skyscraper.

Towers for Tango screenshot 2

“With the recent, massive success of Pokemon Go and overall interest in AR, we are really excited to launch our latest AR title,” said Simon Gardner, CEO. “We feel we have created a game that utilises the new technology and adds an element of magic and wonder.”

Studio Head, Andy Wilton added: “To be releasing our first title within 6 months of opening is fantastic, and a great testament to the team we are building here. For it to be an AR title, helps put us on the map as the forefront of new technology”

The launch trailer (shown below) showcases some of the features of Towers for Tango, showcasing how players can simply rotate their building round, go inside to checkout all the floors and see what’s going on, recruit employees such as cleaners and more.

Towers for Tango is available now through Google Play for $2.99 USD/£2.89 GBP exclusively for Lenovo’s Phab 2 Pro. The device itself retails at $499 for the unlocked version.

For all the latest Tango news, keep reading VRFocus.