PlayStation Plus Members Can Save up to 75% Off on 100+ PSVR Titles & DLC This Week

That $60 yearly membership to PS Plus is definitely paying off for US-based PSVR owners this time around, as this next batch of discounts is putting over 100 PSVR items on sale including games and DLC. The sale lasts until February 27th

Notable titles coming in hot with at least 70% off are DiRT Rally Plus, Eagle Flight, Werewolves Within, I Expect You to Die, Windlands, Thumper, and Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

You’ll also find plenty of sub-$10 games worth considering including Darknet, Pinball FX2 VR, Statik, The Brookhaven Experiment, and Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.

Don’t own a PSVR headset yet? Hardware bundles with everything you need are $100 off until March 3rd.

Take a look at the full list below, or visit PS Plus special site.

Title Pre-Sale MSRP Sale Price
100ft Robot Golf $20.00 $5.00
Apollo 11 VR $12.00 $6.00
Archangel™ $30.00 $9.00
Arizona Sunshine $40.00 $20.00
Banned Footage Vol.1 (RE7 DLC) $10.00 $6.00
Banned Footage Vol.2 (RE7 DLC) $15.00 $9.00
Batman™: Arkham VR $20.00 $12.00
Bloody Zombies $15.00 $7.50
Carnival Games® VR $20.00 $6.00
Carnival Games® VR: Alley Adventure (DLC) $8.00 $6.00
CastleStorm VR Edition $15.00 $7.50
Catlateral Damage $10.00 $3.00
Chess Ultra $13.00 $7.80
Crystal Rift $13.00 $3.90
Darknet $15.00 $4.50
DEXED $10.00 $2.50
Dick Wilde $15.00 $7.50
Dino Frontier $30.00 $22.50
DiRT Rally® PLAYSTATION®VR BUNDLE $70.00 $17.50
Discovery $12.00 $9.00
Don’t Knock Twice $20.00 $10.00
DOOM® VFR $30.00 $21.00
DRIVECLUB VR $20.00 $6.00
Eagle Flight $40.00 $12.00
End of Zoe (RE7 DLC) $15.00 $12.00
End Space $20.00 $6.00
Farpoint $50.00 $30.00
Ghosts In The Toybox: Chapter 1 $15.00 $9.00
Gunjack $5.00 $2.50
Headmaster $20.00 $10.00
Here They Lie $20.00 $6.00
HeroCade $15.00 $9.00
Hustle Kings VR $20.00 $6.00
I Expect You To Die $25.00 $7.50
Infinite Minigolf $15.00 $9.00
Justice League VR: The Complete Experience $10.00 $5.00
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes $15.00 $7.50
League of War: VR Arena $20.00 $15.00
Light Tracer $15.00 $9.00
Loading Human: Chapter 1 $40.00 $12.00
Megaton Rainfall $16.00 $12.00
Moonshot Galaxy™ $10.00 $5.00
Mortal Blitz $20.00 $10.00
Moto Racer 4 $40.00 $10.00
Moto Racer 4 – Deluxe Edition $60.00 $18.00
NBA 2KVR Experience $15.00 $5.50
Nebulous $15.00 $3.00
Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul $40.00 $20.00
Perfect $10.00 $5.00
Pinball FX2 VR $15.00 $7.50
Pinball FX2 VR: Season 1 Pack (DLC) $25.00 $12.50
Pinball FX2 VR: The Walking Dead (DLC) $6.00 $3.00
PixelJunk VR™ Dead Hungry $20.00 $5.00
PlayStation VR Worlds $20.00 $6.00
Psychonauts In The Rhombus Of Ruin $20.00 $10.00
Radial-G: Racing Revolved $30.00 $15.00
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard $30.00 $24.00
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Gold Edition $50.00 $40.00
RESIDENT EVIL 7 Season Pass $30.00 $21.00
Rez Infinite $30.00 $15.00
RIGS Mechanized Combat League $30.00 $15.00
Rollercoaster Dreams $20.00 $4.00
Rollercoaster Legends $5.00 $4.50
Shooty Fruity $20.00 $16.00
Smashbox Arena $20.00 $6.00
Snow Fortress $15.00 $11.24
Sparc $30.00 $15.00
Special Delivery $10.00 $5.00
Starship Disco $10.00 $2.50
Star Trek™: Bridge Crew $50.00 $25.00
Statik $20.00 $10.00
Stifled $20.00 $12.00
Stunt Kite Masters VR $10.00 $5.00
SUPERHOT VR $25.00 $18.74
Super Stardust Ultra VR $20.00 $6.00
Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality $20.00 $10.00
The Assembly $30.00 $15.00
The Bellows $5.00 $3.00
The Brookhaven Experiment $20.00 $10.00
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim® VR $60.00 $42.00
The Invisible Hours $30.00 $15.00
The Lost Bear $13.00 $9.74
The Rabbit Hole $5.00 $3.74
Theseus $20.00 $10.00
The Solus Project $20.00 $10.00
Thumper $20.00 $6.00
Time Machine VR $30.00 $15.00
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle $30.00 $18.00
Trackmania Turbo $40.00 $12.00
Tumble VR $10.00 $3.00
Ultrawings $25.00 $18.74
Unearthing Mars $15.00 $7.50
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood $20.00 $6.00
VEV: Viva Ex Vivo™ VR Edition $50.00 $2.50
VEV: Viva Ex Vivo™ VR Edition Basic Bundle $10.00 $5.00
VEV: Viva Ex Vivo™ VR Edition Complete Bundle $16.00 $8.00
Virry VR: Feel the Wild $10.00 $5.00
VR Karts $30.00 $18.00
VR Ping Pong $15.00 $4.50
Werewolves Within™ $30.00 $9.00
Windlands $25.00 $7.50

The post PlayStation Plus Members Can Save up to 75% Off on 100+ PSVR Titles & DLC This Week appeared first on Road to VR.

November’s PlayStation Plus Games Include Until Dawn: Rush of Blood and Bound

November’s PlayStation Plus Games Include Until Dawn: Rush of Blood and Bound

November is a good month to be a PlayStation VR owner. In celebration of the device’s one year anniversary last month, Sony has decided to include not one, but two games with PSVR support for this month’s free PlayStation Plus game lineup.

This month’s official game lineup features Bound as the headline title, which is a breathtakingly beautiful platformer/adventure game about a dancer exploring a surreal and mesmerizing world. The game first released outside of VR and got a free VR patch when Sony’s headset released, so now the base game is free too for this month.

Interestingly, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood isn’t technically included in this month’s free PlayStation Plus game lineup. Instead, it’s just a specially designated bonus game. From November 7th (next Tuesday) all the way until January 2nd, all PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to download Until Dawn: Rush of Blood for free. Fans of horror games definitely don’t want to miss out on this twisted roller coaster ride.

All in all these are two very solid exclusive PSVR titles that are well-worth checking out. And for the sake of clarity, here are the other non-VR games PlayStation Plus subscribers can look forward to:

  • R-Type Dimensions, PS3
  • Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic, PS3
  • Dungeon Punks, PS Vita (Cross Buy with PS4)
  • Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse (Episodes 1 & 2), PS Vita

Let us know what you think of this month’s offerings down in the comments below!

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Until Dawn ab November kostenlos spielbar für PlayStation Plus-Abonnenten

Die Abonennten von PlayStation Plus dürfen sich freuen, denn dieser Monat bietet eine gute Auswahl an neuen kostenlosen Spielen. Eines der Spiele ist der VR-Titel Until Dawn: Rush of Blood für PlayStation VR (PSVR) von Supermassive Games – ein Entwicklerstudio, das bereits weitere VR-Titel in Planung hat.

PlayStation Plus – Until Dawn: Rush of Blood als PSVR-Titel kostenlos erhältlich

Die PlayStation-Plus-Mitglieder dürfen sich mit ihrem Abo über regelmäßige Informationen, Angebote und kostenlose monatliche Spiele freuen. Ab dem 7. November stehen die folgenden Spiele kostenlos zum Download zur Verfügung:

  • Worms Battlegrounds (PS4)
  • Bound (PS4)
  • Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR)
  • That’s You (PS4)
  • R-Type Dimensions (PS3)
  • Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic (PS3)
  • Dungeon Punks (PS 4 & PS Vita)
  • Broken Sword: The Serpent’s Curse (PS Vita)

Der Haupttitel für den Zeitraum ist zwar Worms Battlegrounds, doch mit Until Dawn: Rush of Blood reiht sich ein spannendes VR-Spiel in die Rotation ein. Im Horror-Titel fahrt ihr durch eine Geisterbahn und feuert mit euren Waffen auf Objekte und Gegner, die während des Spiels stärker und anspruchsvoller werden. Zudem müsst ihr Projektilen und Hindernissen ausweichen und am Ende jedes Levels gegen einen Endboss antreten.

Wie das Spiel aussieht, kann man sich im folgenden Trailer anschauen:

Die Spiele sind vom 7. November 2017 – 2. Januar 2018 kostenlos mit den entsprechenden Konsolen spielbar. Eine 14-tägige Testversion bei PlayStation Plus ist hier möglich. Die weiteren Bezahlmodelle sind wie folgt:

Das 12-monatige Abo ist für 59,99 Euro pro Jahr erhältlich. Für drei Monate Mitgliedschaft muss man 24,99 Euro bezahlen, während ein Monat 7,99 Euro kostet. Wer Until Dawn: Rush of Blood lieber ohne Abo kaufen möchte, zahlt im PlayStation Store derzeit knapp 20 Euro.

(Quellen: PlayStation Plus | Videos: PlayStation EU Youtube)

Der Beitrag Until Dawn ab November kostenlos spielbar für PlayStation Plus-Abonnenten zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Does PlayStation Plus Add Up For PlayStation VR Users?

The PlayStation Plus service was first released back in 2006, a premium subscription service for the PlayStation Network that gave subscribers access to exclusive content, discounts and access to as yet unreleased titles. Ten years on, how well does PlayStation Plus complement the PlayStation VR? Is it worth subscribing if you are a PlayStation VR user?

For most people, the biggest draw for PlayStation Plus is the monthly bounty of free videogames. Most of the titles that come available to subscribers are titles that have been out for a while, so dedicated collectors might not find too much of interest. However, it can tempt players to try titles they might not otherwise look at, since hey, its free, you have nothing to lose. Of course, if you drop your subscription, you lose access to those titles unless you re-subscribe.

In Septembers list of free titles for subscribers is PlayStation VR title RIGS Mechanised Combat. So PlayStation VR users can be assured of one full videogame to play if they have a PlayStation Plus subscription.

The other attraction of PlayStation Plus is access to online multiplayer. For PlayStation 4 users, and active PlayStation Plus subscription is needed to play online against other people, similar to how the Xbox Live Gold subscription works. PlayStation VR titles with multiplayer features such CCP Games Sparc really do need a PlayStation Plus subscription to get the most out of them.

A slightly lesser-know feature of PlayStation Plus is access to cloud storage for save games. For those who are concerned about a console breaking down, or who want to transfer to a new console, such as for those who want to upgrade to the PlayStation 4 Pro, saves can be uploaded to the cloud and safely downloaded onto another console – or the same console, if some circumstances require a system wipe and restore. This feature is located in the Settings menu, where it can be noted that the ‘Saved Data in Online Storage’ and ‘Auto-Upload’ have the PlayStation Plus yellow plus symbol next to them. Of course, you can buy a spare hard drive and do this yourself, but it can be an inconvenience for many people.

Discounts are also regularly available to PlayStation Plus users that are not open to other users. Even in the case of the regular sales, PlayStation Plus members often get access to larger discounts that their non-subscribing peers.

PlayStation Plus logo

It also needs to be noted that PlayStation users in Europe have just seen the price for PlayStation Plus subscription increase by 25%, a price hike that sees a quarterly subscription go from £14.99 (GBP) to £19.99. Many users have been distressed by this increase, especially since no other region has been hit by an increase so far.

For PlayStation VR users, unless you do a lot of playing online it is difficult to see the direct benefit. Cloud storage is a nice feature, certainly, as it access to PlayStation Store discounts. Until the PlayStation VR has a larger install base, its difficult to imagine Sony catering directly to PlayStation VR users directly, particularly since VR titles are mostly relatively new, and PlayStation Plus free titles tend to be slightly older.

Only time will tell if the deal changes as VR moves further into the mainstream.

Download RIGS for Free with PlayStation Plus Now

One of the PlayStation VR’s biggest launch titles, RIGS: Mechanized Combat League, is now available for free to all PlayStation Plus subscribers. As previously reported by VRFocus, today’s update for the PlayStation Store offers the first PlayStation VR title to be included as a free download for PlayStation Plus members.

RIGS: Mechanized Combat League is a hugely popular virtual reality (VR) title that may have been unfortunately stunted by the closing of development studio Guerrilla Cambridge shortly after launch. Regardless, early adopters of the PlayStation VR found that RIGS: Mechanized Combat League provided an exhilarating competitive multiplayer experience, and now PlayStation Plus subscribers can join in on that for free.

Also available to PlayStation Plus members this month are Ubisoft’s critically acclaimed Child of Light for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, Hatoful Boyfriend and We Are Doomed for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, Handball 16 and Truck Racer for PlayStation 3, and infamous Second Son for PlayStation 4. All of these titles are free for a limited time.

PlayStation Plus subscriptions recently increased in price, with the UK 12 month membership now costing £49.99 GBP. Other membership options are available.

Remember, even if you don’t own a PlayStation VR you can download RIGS: Mechanized Combat League now ready for when you make that purchase. VRFocus will keep you updated with any future PlayStation VR titles offered for free with the PlayStation Plus subscription programme