NVIDIA Reveal VRWorks 360 Degree Video 1.5 Release, Partners Comment On SDK’s Inclusion

When it comes to telling a story there’s nothing quite like an immersive experience. Whether it’s in virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) the different ways you can use the technology to craft a tale are pushing an author’s ability to show their world in new directions. This, naturally, includes 360 degree video. And we’ve seen a growing increase in the amount of productions being made, awards being presented and recognition being received within the filmmaking industry all linked to VR and AR – which almost expressly involves 360 degrees.

NVIDIA VRWorks - 360 VideoAs part of NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference (GTC), which will be taking place all this week in San Jose, California; the company has revealed as part of the proceedings a number of announcements relating to the VRWorks 360 Video SDK, the latest version of which (v1.5) was released today. Three firms relating to the creation of media, Z CAM, STRIVR and Pixvana all revealed their adoption of the SDK as part of their presentation, speaking to the NVIDIA blog.

“Because NVIDIA VRWorks 360 Video SDK shared the same API between Windows and Linux, it was super-fast and easy to integrate into our Linux cloud platform.” Explained Pixvana’s Sean Safreed, Product Director and Co-Founder of the company. Pixvana develops the SPIN Studio Platform which can be used to stitch together 360 degree footage. SPIN, naturally, integrates VRWorks 360 Video SDK. “The ability to access the VRWorks SDK through our powerful GPU-accelerated cloud backend simplifies the workflow and massively speeds the process from shot to review to final distribution, which our customers love.”

NVIDIA gave focus to Z CAM, the earliest adopter within the camera industry of the VRWorks 360 Video SDK. At GDC Z CAM has unveiled its V1 Professional VR Camera, able to record at 6K with 60 FPS in 360-degree stereo utilising ten cameras. As with those before it will be continuing support. Z CAM’s CEO explained the importance of including NVIDIA’s work.

“Integrating the VRWorks 360 Video SDK made it easy for us to enable live streaming of high-quality, 360-degree stereo video, and to support live streaming of both mono and stereo 360 VR, so our customers can really push the boundaries of live storytelling.”

You can see a demonstration of the Z CAM’s new product below, a video recorded at Times Square in New York City and put together using their Wonderstitch software with the NVIDIA SDK.

Lastly are VR production house STRIVR, last seen on VRFocus back in January as they worked with VR training programs to help athletes preparing for this year’s Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. The company’s Chief Technical Officer, Brian Meek, described how it’s using the SDK to put some additional speed into production of video for its immersive training platform.

“Integrating VRWorks 360 Video SDK accelerated the STRIVR stitching process from 15 fps to between 45 and 60 fps, a 3-4x performance gain,” explains Meek. “Which translates into much faster turnaround time from filming to delivery.”

There’s sure to be plenty of news from this year’s GTC event. Look out for more on VRFocus throughout the week.

Pixvana Raises $14 Million For Cloud-based Storytelling Platform Spin Studio

Pixvana Raises $14 Million For Cloud-based Storytelling Platform Spin Studio

Pixvana, maker of the Spin Studio cloud-based mixed-reality storytelling platform, has raised $14 million in a new round of funding.

Vulcan Capital led the round, with participation from new investors Raine Ventures, Microsoft Ventures, Cisco Investments, and Hearst Ventures, along with existing investor Madrona Venture Group.

“We are thrilled to work with this amazing group of investors backing us, to realize our vision of XR storytelling,” said Forest Key, Pixvana CEO, in a statement. “Faster iteration and blending of video and 3D content will allow creatives, brands, and media companies to create amazing XR experiences. More announcements, like the recent devices for Windows MR and Oculus Go, will create a rapidly expanding market for XR video experiences.”

Seattle-based Pixvana’s mission is to enable anyone to create and distribute next-generation video experiences. Spin Studio accelerates the production and delivery of interactive mixed reality content (virtual reality, augmented reality, or cross reality — also known as XR) at up to 8K resolution.

“There is tremendous opportunity in the XR video space, and it is clear that outstanding content and storytelling tools will define this new medium, ” said Stuart Nagae, general partner at Vulcan Capital, in a statement. “We think that Pixvana has an extraordinary team that really understands how to deliver cinematic, immersive experiences in XR and can build a software-as-a-service business at scale.”

Spin Studio supports a variety of AR and VR headsets, and it handles everything from stitching to editing, publishing, and playback in one seamless workflow. Spin Studio offers creative tools for XR storytelling, including customized templates and interactive hyperports.

Pixvana has 24 employees, and it has raised $20 million to date.

“We committed to using XR video to pitch our company to investors in an experience we called Sofia (as an homage to Sofia Coppola),” said Key, in an email to VentureBeat. “If XR storytelling is the disruptive, inevitable, mass communication medium that we believe it to be, why not demonstrate its potential for our own business? All of the more than 50 investors that saw the Sofia experience noted that this was the first time anyone had seen an XR pitch. Several investors commented that they felt like this was a glimpse of the future of fundraising.”

This post by Dean Takahashi originally appeared on VentureBeat.

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Pixvana: VR-Video-Plattform sammelt 14 Millionen US-Dollar ein

Pixvana und das Spin Studio für die Bearbeitung von Videos haben wir euch schon vorgestellt. Nun gibt die VR-Video-Plattform bekannt, die Finanzierungsrunde „Serie A“ abgeschlossen zu haben. Damit stehen der Firma weitere 14 Millionen US-Dollar an Kapital zur Verfügung, um die Plattform weiter auszubauen.

Pixvana: 14 Millionen US-Dollar für VR-Video-Plattform

Die von Vulcan Capital geleitete Finanzierungsrunde enthält einige bekannte Namen, die in die VR-Plattform investieren. Dazu gehören Microsoft Ventures, Cisco Investements, Raine Ventures, Hearst Ventures und der bereits vorher schon beteiligte Investor Madrona Venture Group. Insgesamt kommt Pixvana damit auf eine Kapitalsumme von 20 Millionen Dollar. Das Unternehmen nahm die Finanzierungsrunde zum Anlass, sein 360-Grad-Pitch-Video als gekürzte Fassung für die Allgemeinheit zu veröffentlichen: Sofia. Der Name ist eine Hommage an die Regisseurin Sofia Coppola (Lost in Translation, The Virgin Suicides), wie die Entwickler in ihrem Blog schreiben. In dem Video trifft man das Team und die Gründer, zudem gibt es Definition von dem, was sich das Unternehmen unter eXtended Reality vorstellt. Am besten schaut man sich das Video mit einem VR-Headset sowie über den Spin Player an.

Pixvana widmet sich vor allem 360-Grad- und VR-Videos – mit dem Spin Studio sollen Anwender eine Cloud-basierte Lösung erhalten, die aus mehreren Teilen besteht. Am Ende will man alle Bereiche abdecken, um 360-Grad-Videos zu bearbeiten und zu veröffentlichen. Teile des Studios fehlen allerdings noch, lediglich Spin Publish und Spin Play stehen aktuell zur Verfügung. Die fertigen Videos lassen sich über das Publish-Modul auf Steam und YouTube veröffentlichen. Die Module Stitch und Story sollen noch dieses Jahr folgen.

Bereits jetzt arbeitet Pixvana eng mit Valve zusammen – der SteamVR-Anbieter setzt bei seinem Media Player auf das Spin SDK. Somit ist es möglich, VR-Videos ohne Player direkt im Steam Dashboard abzuspielen. Wer sich für Spin interessiert, kann ein Entwickler-SDK – das Spin LaunchKit – von der Webseite des Anbieters herunterladen. Das SDK steht für Windows sowie Android zur Verfügung und ist noch in der Beta-Phase. Unterstützt werden PC-Headsets, demnächst sollen mobile Headsets und die PSVR folgen. Die maximale Größe für VR-Videos beträgt 8192 x 4096 Pixel, bei Bildersequenzen fällt die Limitierung weg. Die Abspiel-Software Spin Play steht kostenlos auf Steam zur Verfügung. Sie setzt auf das Open Projection Format (OPF).

(Quelle: Road To VR)

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Immersive Tech Startup Pixvana Completes $14m Series A Funding Round

Pixvana, the tech startup that specialises in cloud-based video content creation and distribution has announced the completion of a Series A funding round of $14 million USD.

The round was led by Vulcan Capital with participation from new investors Raine Ventures, Microsoft Ventures, Cisco Investments and Hearst Ventures, and existing investor Madrona Venture Group.  

Pixvana FOVAS demo Sofia experience

The funding will be used to help bolster SPIN Studio, Pixvana’s cloud-based storytelling platform which handles everything from stitching, editing, publishing, and playback in one workflow. The platform offers creative tools for virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) storytelling, including customized templates and interactive hyperports.

“We are thrilled to work with this amazing group of investors backing us, to realize our vision of XR storytelling,” said Forest Key, Pixvana CEO in a statement. “Faster iteration and blending of video and 3D content will allow creatives, brands and media companies to create amazing XR experiences. More announcements like the recent devices for Windows MR and Oculus Go will create a rapidly expanding market for XR video experiences.”

SPIN Studio users can access Pixvana’s encoding system that renders up to 8K stereo content using its patented FOVAS (field of view adaptive streaming) technology, enabling high-quality experiences on head-mounted displays (HMDs) like Microsoft’s Windows Mixed Reality, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR, Google Daydream, and more.

“There is tremendous opportunity in the XR video space and it is clear that outstanding content and storytelling tools will define this new medium,” said Stuart Nagae, General Partner, Vulcan Capital. “We think that Pixvana has an extraordinary team that really understands how to deliver cinematic, immersive experiences in XR and can build a SaaS business at scale.”

For the funding pitch Pixvana created a 360-degree video using SPIN Studio called Sofia – in homage to Sofia Coppola. The video (seen below) is a cut down version of the full 15-minute pitch. As with any 360 video it’s best to watch using a headset. Whilst most headsets will be able to play the YouTube video, for the best experience – and to see FOVAS in action – you’ll need to download the SPIN Play app. Currently this is available on Steam for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, with a mobile version due next month.

For any further Pixvana updates, keep reading VRFocus.

Pixvana Raises $14M Series A Investment for Cloud-based VR Video Platform

Pixvana, a Seattle-based startup creating a cloud-based processing and delivery platform for VR video, today announced a $14 million Series A funding round led by Vulcan Capital with participation from Raine Ventures, Microsoft Ventures, Cisco Investments and Hearst Ventures, and existing investor Madrona Venture Group.

The company exited stealth when they announced their initial seed round back in December 2015. The Series A brings their overall investment to $20 million. Now, Pixvana hopes to “enable anyone to create and distribute next-generation video experiences” using its main service SPIN Studio.

SPIN Studio is an end-to-end solution for authoring and delivering virtual, augmented, and mixed reality video content, otherwise encapsulated in the term ‘XR video’ by the company. Both playback and direct-to-store publishing functions are already available to beta testers looking to deliver up to 8K video without the supposed caveat of questionable streaming quality and stuttery playback for their users—a feat accomplished in part by the company’s Field of View Adaptive Streaming (FOVAS) technology that optimizes playback resolution by delivering video in discrete sections and rendering that video only where you’re actively looking. FOVAS is supported on Gear VR, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Windows VR headsets and Daydream currently.

According to a company blog post announcing the investment, SPIN Studio takes care stitching, editing, publishing, and playback for a single “seamless workflow.”

Pixvana Spin Play. image courtesy Pixvana

“We are thrilled to work with this amazing group of investors backing us, to realize our vision of XR storytelling,” said Forest Key, Pixvana CEO. “Faster iteration and blending of video and 3D content will allow creatives, brands and media companies to create amazing XR experiences. More announcements like the recent devices for Windows MR and Oculus Go will create a rapidly expanding market for XR video experiences.”

To seal the investment, Key and his team created a 360 pitch video entitled Sofia, named after the famous director Sofia Coppola. Below you can get a taste of the 15 minute video, albeit edited for public viewing. While the video is available on YouTube, you won’t get the benefits of FOVAS unless you view through the Spin Play app on Steam, the company’s own showcase of videos possible with its cloud-streaming and adaptive playback capabilities.

The post Pixvana Raises $14M Series A Investment for Cloud-based VR Video Platform appeared first on Road to VR.

Windows Mixed Reality Gets Its First 360 Video Platform from Pixvana

Windows Mixed Reality (MR) is coming, and Pixvana are making sure it’ll launch with plenty of content. Pixvana are stepping forward to ensure content creators have all the tools they need for the next generation of content.

Pixvana’s SPIN is a clod-based virtual reality (VR) streamer, and with the SPIN Play SDK, content producers can create custom Universal Windows Platform 360 videos and related apps.

Pixvana content can already be viewed on Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Gear VR, and with the Windows Mixed Reality platform, Pixvana is quickly becoming a staple of the 360 content users can enjoy in VR.

Pixvana CEO and Co-Founder, Forest Key, is optimistic about Microsoft’s new platform, saying; “Microsoft is pushing the MR medium forward with its cutting edge, high quality devices, and we’re excited to offer SPIN Play SDK and SPIN Studio as an easy way for Microsoft’s media partners, developers, and other customers to create and publish new MR content.”

Key continues; “Windows 10 is a powerful platform across devices and experiences, and with this SDK we’re hoping to further empower content creators with even more accessible and affordable tools.”

Microsoft’s Mixed Reality projects look incredibly promising, offering a vastly different alternative to VR.

Hopefully we’ll see more of Microsoft’s MR experiments in the near future.

For more on Mixed Reality and the latest developments in VR, stay on VRFocus.

Steam Introduces 360-Degree Video Player

For many people their first introduction to the world of virtual reality (VR) is through 360-degree video. Less immersive than a full VR experience, but easier on the equilibrium of many users, 360-degree videos are becoming increasingly common and popular, as detailed in the Life in 360 series. Now the 360-degree experience will be available through Steam with the Steam 360 Video Player.

The Steam 360 Video Player is currently in Beta, but several 360 videos are already available through the content library, including the recently released Alien: Covenant In Utero along with videos such as LEGO Batman: The Batmersive Experience and the Pacific Northwest Ballet’s Silent Resonance.

The player uses adaptive streaming technology from Pixvana, a company that has been providing streaming 360-degree video playback for quite some time. The FAQ on the Steam store page suggests that playback for 360-degree video will soon be available for desktop users who do not have a HTV Vive or Oculus Rift without needing to launch a separate application.

The technical requirements for the Steam 360 player are fairly high at the moment, requiring Windows 10 64 bit and a minimum spec graphics card of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290. For ambitious users who wish to experience 4K x 4K video playback, a GTX 1070 will be required at minimum.

Further information can be found on the Steam 360 Video Player official Store page.

VRFocus will bring you further information on the Steam 360 Video Player as it becomes available.

Valve and Pixvana Bring High-quality Adaptive VR Video to Steam, Beta Launches Today

Pixvana, makers of the cloud-based 360 video creation studio SPIN, today announced that their software services—integrated at the core of Valve’s own Steam 360 Video Player—will be launching today into beta. This effectively lets SPIN users publish their VR videos directly to the Steam Store, but more importantly means VR headset owners will be able to browse and watch high-quality streaming content (up to 12K) directly in Steam using their Steam VR-supported headset.

First announced at last year’s Steam Dev Days, Valve’s partnership with Pixvana and cloud computing company Akamai set out to create a VR video player that would let you watch adaptive, high-quality 360 video with the idea of only consuming a fraction of the bandwidth you might normally use.

To do this, Valve integrated Pixvana’s SPIN Play SDK, which enables playback and streaming of VR/360 content in multiple formats via the company’s free and open standard, the Open Projection Format (OPF). While the video player has the ability to chug through multiple types of encoded content including standard spherical video, the secret sauce of offering video at what Pixvana calls “up to 12K VR master at HD bitrates” (mentioned at Dev Days to be between 8K-10K) actually comes down to Pixvana’s own tile format, which streams the content in individual sections to reduce bandwidth usage. Pixvana calls its method Field-of-View Adaptive Streaming (FOVAS).

Depending on where you look within the 360 projection determines which tile is rendered at its highest quality—a clever trick to deliver good-looking video without having to render the entire sphere at top quality.

“We’re working hard to help all content creators and consumers create immersive experiences that look sharp and feel life-like. We are excited to partner with Valve to bring these solutions to a vast audience so that people everywhere can experience VR’s true potential,” said Pixvana Co-Founder and CEO Forest Key.

SPIN also includes a content management and encoding tool to let users prepare, review, and encode high-resolution mono or stereo content ready for playback on Steam with just a few clicks. If you’re interested in using SPIN, you can grab a free beta trial account today.

image courtesy Pixvana

“Pixvana’s SPIN SDK has been a great asset in our efforts to empower VR content creators and provide an integrated solution for experiencing linear VR content on Steam,” said Valve’s Sean Jenkin.

You can check out a selection of SPIN-powered content on the Steam 360 Video Player directly on Steam, including Fox’s Alien: Covenant VR experience, Warner Bros.’ LEGO Batman: The Batmersive Experience, Rooster Teeth’s Red vs. Blue 360 episodes, The Pacific Northwest Ballet’s Silent Resonance, and more.

The post Valve and Pixvana Bring High-quality Adaptive VR Video to Steam, Beta Launches Today appeared first on Road to VR.

Steam Launches VR Video Section With Alien, Lego Batman And More

Steam Launches VR Video Section With Alien, Lego Batman And More

Valve Software’s Steam store is the undisputed leader of PC game distribution, though the marketplace is also a portal for buying VR games, software and even traditional movies. Through a partnership with Seattle-based startup Pixvana, Valve is also launching a VR video section aimed at bringing many of the benefits of distributing a 360-degree video on Facebook or Google’s YouTube to PC users consuming content through Steam.

Steam’s 360 Video Player is launching in beta today, integrating Pixvana’s SPIN VR video streaming technology for VR videos. The end result should be a “one-click” solution for watching 360-degree content, using a Rift or Vive headset to check out the video in VR. Soon, they will also add the ability to use a mouse to look around a video on a flat 2D screen.

“Pixvana’s SPIN SDK has been a great asset in our efforts to empower VR content creators and provide an integrated solution for experiencing linear VR content on Steam,” said Valve’s Sean Jenkin in a prepared statement.

The 360 Video Player is built using Pixvana’s software development kit (SDK) for playback and streaming of the content in multiple formats. Pixvana notably developed its own adaptive streaming technology that efficiently delivers video quickly at a high quality. Capturing, editing, and delivering 360-degree videos is a hard problem for filmmakers and content production companies to overcome, and the team-up between Valve and Pixvana aims to give these creators another route beyond Facebook and YouTube for delivering their content at a sweet spot of speed and quality both inside and outside of VR.

“We’re working hard to help all content creators and consumers create immersive experiences that look sharp and feel life-like. We are excited to partner with Valve to bring these solutions to a vast audience so that people everywhere can experience VR’s true potential,” said Pixvana Co-Founder and CEO Forest Key, in a prepared statement.

Some of content available initially includes the Alien: Covenant VR experience, LEGO Batman: The Batmersive Experience, and others.

Here are the features included in the initial launch, according to an FAQ:

Content Creators

  • Ingestion of MP4 H.264, PNG and JPG Sequences, AAC and WAV audio files.
  • Creation of experiences using the Pixvana SPIN Studio.
  • Configuration of the 360 output format including mono, stereo, equirectangular and FOVAS / Frustum (for up to 16K delivery). Stereo FOVAS support coming soon.
  • Export of configured 360 video directly to Steam.
  • Steam store page and delivery of the video to Steam customers.


  • Find ground-breaking 360 videos in the Steam store just like any other Steam content.
  • Instant playback of the 360 video in a SteamVR Headset.
  • Tracked Input and Keyboard control of video playback.
  • Integrated Steam playtime tracking and other native Steam features.

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Pixvana Partners with Akamai for Expanded Content Delivery

Pixvana launched the SPIN content creation and delivery platform last year with the aim of delivering high-quality virtual reality (VR) video to users of all types of VR headsets. Pixvana will now be expanding its reach by using the Akamai network to deliver content.

Akamai have worked with Pixvana before, but the new partnership will allow for a closer relationship between the companies, which should result in an improved experience for users as access to the Akamai’s secure content delivery network will allow for a reduction in latency and increase in responsiveness.

“Pixvana’s SPIN is a technology that improves VR experiences right now on many different headsets and network conditions, and it’s also positioned to work well with future technology,” said Nelson Rodriguez, Global Director, Media Industry Marketing at Akamai. “Combining SPIN with our globally-distributed CDN can offer customers an open-standards-based platform to deliver powerful, high-quality VR content to audiences worldwide.”


“Akamai is the industry leader in content delivery network services,” added Forest Key, CEO and Co-Founder of Pixvana. “Our customers are already pushing the boundaries of VR video. We’re thrilled to be using Akamai’s CDN technology for SPIN Studio, which will help our customers reach wider audiences with gorgeous-looking VR video. Low latency is imperative to feel truly immersed in a VR experience, and thanks to Akamai we are now even closer to that goal.”

Pixvana will shortly be launching a trial version of the SPIN LaunchKit, a custom software development kit for Akamai customers which will allow for the creation of specialist applications usable by other Akamai customers. Further details are available on the Pixvana website.

VRFocus will bring you further news on Pixvana and other VR delivery platforms when it becomes available.