Coco VR von Disney-Pixar soll nächster Schritt der Social VR sein

Auf der Konferenz Oculus Connect 4 gab es bereits einige interessante Ankündigungen. So wurden beispielsweise die Zusammenarbeit mit Google sowie neue Headsets angekündigt. Die wichtigsten Informationen haben wir in unserem VR Weekly Plus zusammengefasst. Doch auch das Animationsstudio Pixar veröffentlichte Neuigkeiten, denn sie kündigten die VR-Erfahrung Coco VR für Oculus Rift und Gear VR zum Start des neuen gleichnamigen Animationsfilms im November an.

Coco VR – Das nächste Level der sozialen VR-Erfahrungen

Coco VR von Pixar könnte es in sich haben, denn die Entwickler kündigten die VR-Erfahrung als den nächsten Schritt innerhalb der Social VR an. Dafür nutzt die App die neue Connect-Technologie von Facebook, welche diverse Features zur sozialen Interaktion ermöglicht. So sollen die Spieler in der Lage sein, gemeinsam mit ihren Facebook-Freunden die Umgebung im Reich der Toten zu erkunden und mit bekannten Charakteren aus dem gleichnamigen Film zu interagieren.


Mit Coco VR wagt das Animationsstudio Pixar seine ersten Gehversuche in der VR-Branche, das Projekt wurde gemeinsam von Disney-Pixar, Oculus und Magnopus entwickelt.

In den USA wird die neue VR-Erfahrung bereits auf verschiedenen Veranstaltungen gezeigt. So findet eine Vorführung auf dem Día de los Muertos Festival am 28. Oktober sowie auf dem Camp Flog Gnaw Music Festival am 28. und 29. Oktober statt. In diversen Kinos und Disney-Läden soll zeitgleich zum Filmstart in Amerika am 22. November ein Anspielen möglich sein. In Europa erscheint der Film Coco – Lebendiger als das Leben! am 30. November 2017.

Coco VR erscheint am 15. November 2017 für Oculus Rift in Amerika, während die Gear VR-Version am 22. November 2017 erhältlich ist. Wann der genaue Veröffentlichungstermin für Europa ist, steht derzeit noch nicht fest.

(Quellen: Road to VR | Oh my Disney | Video: Disney-Pixar Youtube)

Der Beitrag Coco VR von Disney-Pixar soll nächster Schritt der Social VR sein zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Get A Sneak Peek At Pixar’s Coco VR

Pixar are one of the most respected animation studios in the world, widely credited with being pioneers in the world of CGI animation. The company is taking its first steps into virtual reality (VR) with a new VR experience created to tie-in to upcoming animated film Coco. Some places in the US will even be able to check out the experience early.

Coco is inspired y the vibrant colours and artwork used in the Dia de los Muertos celebrations in Mexico, Coco follows a boy called Miguel who dreams of being a brilliant musician. He faces obstacles along his way, though, and Miguel unravels the history of his family through a journey into the Land of the Dead.

Coco VR was announced as part of the Oculus Connect conference, and is due to be launched on Oculus Rift on 15th November, and Samsung Gear VR on 22nd November, which is also the date the film is due to be released in the USA.

For users who are not keen on waiting, however, as there will be certain events that will let people get a look at the Coco VR experience. The events and locations involved are as follows:

  • Día de los Muertos festivals in Los Angeles, New York City, Houston, Phoenix, Dallas, San Antonio, Oakland and Chicago beginning Oct. 28
  • Camp Flog Gnaw Music Festival in Los Angeles on Oct. 28-29
  • Select Disney Stores and movie theaters nationwide through Nov. 22.

A trailer for Coco VR can be viewed below.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Coco VR as it becomes available.

Pixar Announces First VR Project ‘Coco VR’, a ‘Next level social experience’

Revealed during the Oculus Connect 4 keynote today, Coco VR is Pixar Animation Studios’ first-ever VR project, coming to Oculus Rift and Gear VR. Timed with the launch of Disney-Pixar’s new animated film Coco in November, Coco VR is described as a “next level social virtual reality” experience.

The brief gameplay footage shown the trailer, which appears to run at an unusually low framerate, shows various scenes in which players appear as characters from the Land of the Dead, with plenty of interaction and customisation on offer.

According to this report on Oh My Disney, the app uses Facebook’s technology to enable social functionality, allowing users to explore the world of Coco with their Facebook friends. Animation World Network reports that the project is “a co-production from Disney-Pixar and Oculus, with VR creative development and execution by Magnopus.”

Coco VR will be available for preview at various Día de los Muertos festivals across the US and at Camp Flag Gnaw Music Festival in LA beginning October 28th, as well as in select Disney Stores and movie theatres through November 22nd. The app is due to launch on Oculus Rift on November 15th, followed by Gear VR on November 22nd.

The post Pixar Announces First VR Project ‘Coco VR’, a ‘Next level social experience’ appeared first on Road to VR.

Marvel and Disney Reveal New VR Content

In addition to the raft of other big announcements at the Oculus Connect event was the slightly lower-key reveal of some of the new and updated content that Oculus Rift users can expect to come to virtual reality (VR) from Disney, Pixar and Marvel.

Lots of comic books fans are already excited for the upcoming title Marvel Powers United VR, but now it has been revealed that players will be able to wield the mighty hammer of the gods, Mjolnir and play as Thor, the God of Thunder. The short trailer gives a brief demonstration of some of Thor’s abilities, including the power to zap foes with lightning and throw Mjolnir for the full smiting experience. Marvel Powers United VR has already revealed a few of the playable characters who will be available, including Captain Marvel and Rocket Raccoon. The title is expected to be released some time in 2018.

You can watch the trailer for the reveal of Thor below.

Also upcoming from Disney will be a VR tie-in to Pixar’s new animated film, a story called Coco, themed around the famous Mexican celebration the Day of the Dead. The VR experience is being designed to let users enter and explore the fantastic, stylistic world inspired by the art and decorations featured in the Dia de los Muertos festivals that take place in Mexico and various US cities such as Los Angeles, Houston and Dallas.

The Coco VR experience is being developed by Pixar in collaboration with Oculus, and will mark the first time the famous animation studio has ventured into VR. Coco VR is due to come to Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR on the 22nd November, 2017, the same date that the feature film is due for release.

VRFocus will bring you further news on new VR content from Disney as it becomes available.