Pimax Announces Wildly Ambitious New Standalone VR Headset with a Price to Match

In a livestreamed presentation this week, VR headset maker Pimax announced its Reality “12K” QLED headset which aims to pack in a kitchen sink’s worth of wishlist features, not least of which is a dual-mode capability which allows the headset to function as a standalone headset or a native PC VR headset. With the slew of capabilities and specs the company hopes to deliver with the headset, it comes as no surprise that it’s also their most expensive device yet; the Pimax Reality “12K” QLED starts at $2,400 and is expected to ship at the end of 2022.

During a prerecorded presentation Pimax introduced its vision of a next-generation VR headset, the Reality “12K” QLED, which the company says will come packed with features that would make any headset envious. Here’s a rundown of what we do and don’t know about the specs so far:

Pimax Reality “12K” Specs

Unspecified “12K” resolution Mini-QLED [estimated 5,760 x 3,240 (18.6MP) per-eye]
Refresh Rate 75Hz, 90Hz, 120Hz, 144Hz, 160Hz, 200Hz
Lenses Compound (aspheric & Fresnel characteristics)
Field-of-view (claimed)
240° diagonal, 200° horizontal, 135° vertical, (118° stereo overlap)
Processor Snapdragon XR2
RAM Unknown
Storage Unknown
Wireless Wi-Fi 6E, optional 60GHz add-on
Connectors Unknown
Battery Life Unknown (6,000mAh)
Optical Adjustments IPD (automatic motor driven)
IPD Adjustment Range 57–72mm
Connectors DisplayPort
Cable Length Unknown
Inside-out (no external beacons), optional SteamVR Tracking add-on
On-board cameras 4x head/hand/controller-tracking, 2x eye-tracking, 2x face-tracking, 3x mouth/body-tracking
Input Unknown
Audio In-headstrap speakers, optional off-ear speakers
Microphone Yex (3x)
Pass-through view Unknown
Weight Unknown

Pimax is positioning the Reality “12K” QLED as a VR headset which makes no compromises. Notably, that means the headset is capable of native, tethered PC VR, wireless PC VR, and pure standalone VR thanks to an integrated Snapdragon XR2 chip.

Image courtesy Pimax

Ostensibly the standalone nature of the headset means that the Reality “12K” QLED will be running its own Android-based OS and Pimax will be operating its own store to sell native standalone content.

The standalone mode understandably won’t be able to take full advantage of the headset’s displays and lenses; Pimax says that mode will be limited to “8K” resolution, 120Hz, and a 150° horizontal field-of-view (instead of 200° in native PC VR mode). Even still, that would be very impressive for any standalone VR headset; there’s no telling how long the headset will be able to run on its 6,000mAh battery, though at least the company says it will be easy to battery swap.

Image courtesy Pimax

Beyond that, the company says the headset will include tracking for head, controllers, hands, eyes, mouth, and even the full body, facilitated by a whopping 11 on-board cameras.

Pimax is also promising to deliver a slew of swappable face-plate modules to expand the headset’s capabilities with things like 60GHz WiGig for wireless streaming, SteamVR Tracking, mixed reality, 5G, and more. The company also says third-parties will be welcome to build their own modules to enable the headset to do even more.

Image courtesy Pimax

But wait, there’s more! The company also announced the Pimax VR Station, which it described as a “console dedicated to play VR.” Though the company didn’t go into much detail, it sounds like the device will be a small form-factor PC which can run PC VR content. The Pimax VR Station is said to include the WiGig module for wireless play.

Image courtesy Pimax

Pimax says the price of the Reality “12K” QLED “starts” at $2,400, though it isn’t clear which version of the headset and its many accessories and modules this will include. The release date for the headset is planned for Q4 2022.

– – — – –

Pimax found its footing in the VR industry after successful 2017 Kickstarter which promised to deliver an ultra-wide field-of-view VR headset with best-in-class resolution, along with its own controllers, and a slew of modules and accessories. While the company eventually delivered most of what it had promised, it came with growing pains in the form of significant delays, quality concerns, and a dizzying array of product offerings which at one point totaled six different headsets. Even three years after the expected shipping date, the company has also yet to deliver some key items from its Kickstarter, like its own custom controllers.

Pimax has never been short on ambition, but its execution hasn’t always kept up. After getting through rough waters leading out of its Kickstarter, and raising another $20 million in venture capital last year, the company does seem to have found a better footing, having consolidated its headset offerings and improved in hardware and software quality.

Still, the Pimax Reality “12K” QLED is certainly the most ambitious VR headset currently on the horizon, not to mention all of the accessories and additional promises like the Pimax VR Station, its own standalone VR OS, and its own content store. The new offering certainly has a similar vibe to the company’s Kickstarter in terms of the breadth of what’s being promised. This new headset, and all that’s planned to come with it, is a chance for the company to show it has left its growing pains behind.

Note: We put the “12K” part of the headset’s name in quotes because Pimax isn’t referring to the same 12K that is often used to describe TVs and monitors. The headset’s total horizontal resolution is near 12K, but this is split across each eye. Additionally, the resolution height is just half the height of what one would expect from a 12K TV. When referring to the headset’s name, we put “12K” in quotes to help our readers understand that it’s being used differently than they might expect.

The post Pimax Announces Wildly Ambitious New Standalone VR Headset with a Price to Match appeared first on Road to VR.

Pimax Reality: Autarke 12K QLED VR-Brille für 2.400 US-Dollar vorgestellt

Tower Tag auf Steam

Pimax ist bereits seit einigen Jahren als Hersteller von VR-Systemen bekannt, welche besonders beeindruckende Spezifikationen bieten, jedoch in anderen Bereichen oft der Konkurrenz nicht das Wasser reichen können. Jetzt hat das Unternehmen eine neue VR-Brille angekündigt, welche erneut mit extremen Spezifikationen punkten soll und zum ersten Mal ohne einen PC auskommt.

Pimax Reality: Autarke VR-Brille für 2.400 US-Dollar vorgestellt

Die neue VR-Brille von Pimax wird auf eine 5,7K Auflösung für jedes Auge setzen. Zum Einsatz kommt hierbei ein QLED-Panel, welches 200Hz und HDR unterstützen soll. Neben der hohen Auflösung verspricht Pimax auch einen beeindruckenden Sichtbereich von 200 Grad horizontal und 135 Grad vertikal.

Laut Pimax ermöglicht eine Reihe von Kameras an der Unterseite und den Seiten des Headsets auch die Verfolgung des Gesichtsausdrucks und die Verfolgung des gesamten Körpers. Für das Tracking der Augen soll ein Tracker von Tobii zum Einsatz kommen.

All diese Funktionen, 11 Kameras und das auch hochauflösende Display soll die autarke Brille mit dem Snapdragon XR2 Prozessor stemmen können. Diesen Chip verwendet auch Facebook für die Oculus Quest 2 und selbst diese Brille läuft häufig nicht in nativer Auflösung. Ähnlich wie bei der Quest 2 sollt ihr die Pimax Reality jedoch auch am PC nutzen können.

Bis die Brille auf den Markt kommt, wird noch etwas Zeit ins Land gehen. Die Vorbestellungen sollen im Sommer 2022 starten und die Auslieferungen zum Ende des Jahres 2022.

(Quelle: Upload VR)

Der Beitrag Pimax Reality: Autarke 12K QLED VR-Brille für 2.400 US-Dollar vorgestellt zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Pimax Reveals Feature-Packed 12K QLED Headset for $2,399, Available Q4 2022

Pimax 12K QLED

There have been a lot of hardware announcements in October for virtual reality (VR) headsets arriving this year but Pimax may have just stolen the show with its upcoming device. As part of the company’s very first Pimax Frontier event, it has just unveiled the Pimax Reality 12K QLED, an absolute monster of a headset that supports both PC VR and standalone gaming.

Pimax 12K QLED

Pimax is known for its wide field of view (FoV) PC VR headsets and the Reality 12K QLED continues that trend while taking the company product portfolio in a whole new direction, all-in-one. It’ll offer a dual feature set, able to into a PC to run at maximum fidelity or utilise its onboard processing in conjunction with a rear-mounted battery pack to provide a fully standalone experience.

Upfront the Reality 12K QLED will boast a supposed 12K resolution QLED with mini-LED display (1200 PPI) topping out at a whopping 200Hz refresh rate – that’s when plugged into a PC. Still maintaining Pimax’s 200° FoV (horizontal), Pimax has developed a “Bionic Lens System” that combines both Fresnel + Aspheric lens designs providing 35 PPD at the centre thanks to the aspheric element whilst the fresnel section handles the wider view.

As for the standalone element which Pimax calls Omni All-in-One (AIO), this is thanks to Qualcomm’s Snapdragon XR2 processor. Running in its standalone mode the headset will output at either 8K or 5K, a max refresh rate of 120Hz and a max FoV of 150-degrees. But that’s not even half of what the Reality 12K QLED headset has on board.

Pimax 12K QLED

To say it’s feature-packed is an understatement. It’ll have full inside-out tracking thanks to four front cameras. These will give the headset 6 degree’s of freedom (6DoF), track the controllers – which are very similar to Oculus Quest’s – as well as your hands. Not much was mentioned about the controllers in fact, although there were a few sensors to mention. The Pimax Reality 12K QLED also gets Tobii eye-tracking for foveated rendering and the motorised auto IPD adjustment, two cameras on the inside to track facial features and three more underneath for lip and body tracking. Yes, that’s right, this AIO headset will be able to track your legs.

The amount of tech packed into the Pimax Reality 12K QLED is astonishing, even with the option to add further modules. Below you’ll find the specifications VRFocus has managed to gather so far from the presentation.

Pimax Reality 12K QLED Specifications

  • Display
    • 2x 5.5 inch QLED (Mini-LED backlit) 12K Resolution display (1200 PPI)
    • Refresh rate: 200Hz
  • Optics
    • Bionic Lens System (Fresnel + Aspheric with 35 PPD peak fidelity)
  • Performance
    • Gemini Architecture – Qualcomm XR2 + Pimax Custom PC VR Engine
  • Field of View
    • Horizontal: 200°
    • Vertical: 135°
  • Interpupillary Distance
    • Automatic IPD adjustment with motor
    • Supported IPD range: 57–72 mm
  • Audio
    • Deluxe speaker module made by Tectonic
  • Weight
    • ???
  • Dimensions
    • 30% smaller than Pimax 8KX
  • Connectivity
    • PC connections: Fibre Optic cable
    • Wifi 6E – 6GHz
    • WiGig 60GHz module (optional)
  • Positional Tracking
    • 6DoF Inside-out tracking + hand tracking (4x cameras)
  • Additional Tracking
    • Tobii eye tracking module (2x cameras)
    • 2x cameras for face tracking
    • 3x cameras for lip & full body tracking
  • Comfort & Useability
    • Rear mounted, 6000 mAh swappable battery
    • Swappable rear cushion
    • 6DoF controllers
    • 3x noise cancelling microphones
    • Magnetic face cover
    • Passive & Active cooling (dual fans)
  • Additional Accessories
    • SteamVR 2.0/1.0 compatible via cover
    • Cellular 5G Cover for CloudXR connection
    • Mixed Reality cover

Unsurprisingly, the one stat that didn’t get mentioned was the weight. Whilst others have been trying to make their headsets as light as possible the Pimax Reality 12K QLED packs so much in it has to weigh a fair amount. Even so, if the Pimax Reality 12K QLED has piqued your interest it’ll go on sale in Q4 2022 priced at $2,399, almost making the Varjo Aero look cheap. As an added bonus for existing Pimax customers, they’ll be able to get the full purchase price of their existing Pimax headset off the price of the Reality 12K QLED. Quite the offer not seen anywhere else.

Certainly going for the ultra-high-end of the consumer market, Pimax has raised a few eyebrows with this announcement. For continued updates, keep reading VRFocus.

Pimax to Unveil its Next-Gen Tech at Frontier 2021 Event Next Week

Pimax Frontier

October has already seen quite the influx of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) hardware announcements and that trend doesn’t look like it’ll be stopping anytime soon. Originally due to take place tomorrow, Chinese VR headset maker Pimax’s upcoming event “Pimax Frontier” will now be held next week, just a few days before Facebook Connect, promising a showcase of its next-generation technology.

Pimax VISION 8K X w_ deluxe modular audio head strap
Pimax Vision 8K X with optional Deluxe Headphone Strap

Pimax has made a name for itself in the VR space with its wide field of view (FoV) headsets which currently include the 5K Super and the flagship 8KX, both of which feature a massive 200-degree FoV. The Pimax Frontier conference will be about unveiling its next generation of VR, what the company dubs VR 3.0. Originally, Pimax’s VR 1.0 era saw the company launch its first headset, the Pimax 4K, in 2015. This was then followed up from 2017 onwards with the latest roster of devices, or the VR 2.0 era.

So by that information alone, Pimax is guaranteed to be revealing a new VR headset (or headsets) of some sort. In a press release, the company notes: “VR 3.0 provides a totally immersive experience, and will focus on three points: naturalness, freedom and self-awareness.” VRFocus would expect Pimax to maintain its wide FoV hallmark, if it does then it’ll buck the current trend of making smaller, lighter headsets that are trying to cater to the consumer market.

Additionally, the Pimax Frontier event won’t purely be focused on hardware, it’ll also delve into its own software ecosystem. The Pimax store is set to reveal new partners and Pimax Studio will introduce a series of developer support initiatives. 

Pimax Sword Lite
Pimax Sword Lite controllers. Image credit Pimax

Pimax Frontier 2021 will now be held on 25th October at 10am PDT (6pm BST), viewable via YouTube here. You can also register for the conference on the official Pimax website. Registration will also put you into a draw to win a Pimax 8KX worth €1,199.00 EUR.

Last month saw Pimax finally confirm details regarding the long-awaited Sword controllers. While customers have been able to use Index controllers, the Pimax Sword Lite finally gives the company its own in-house control scheme for customers.

As details from the conference are announced, VRFocus will keep you updated.

Pimax Promises a Sneak Peek at ‘Next-gen’ VR Product on October 25th

Pimax announced its holding a product event on October 25th that will introduce a next-gen VR headset, something that the company promises will be “several generations ahead of anything currently on the market.”

The event, dubbed Frontier 2021, was originally set to take place on October 20th, however since its general announcement Pimax has moved the event to October 25th, or just three days before Facebook’s yearly Connect VR developer conference.

Pimax says in an email to press that Frontier 2021 will “showcase the Pimax product roadmap, related technologies, the vision of VR3.0, and a sneak peak of code name “Reality”: a new product that’s several generations ahead of anything currently on the market.”

A proper unveiling of ‘Reality’ is said to take place at CES 2022 in January. The name, Pimax says, “should give you an indication of the power of this product.”

You’ll be able to follow along with the announcements in a livestream on YouTube, taking place at 10 AM PT on October 25th (local time here). If the company’s other VR headsets are any indication, ‘Reality’ may be another wide-FOV, high-resolution headset.

Pimax isn’t alone in the Techtober XR product reveals. This month has already seen the unveiling of HTC’s standalone Vive Flow and Magic Leap 2. High-end headset creator Varjo is also holding a product launch event on October 21st.

Notably, Pimax shifted Frontier 2021 to be even closer to Facebook Connect, the latter of which is coming in a single-day event on October 28th. There we may get a peek at the rumored Oculus Quest Pro in addition to hearing more about the company’s recently revealed prototypes, which ought to make for some interesting points of comparison.

The post Pimax Promises a Sneak Peek at ‘Next-gen’ VR Product on October 25th appeared first on Road to VR.

Update: Pimax To Host Online Conference, Pimax Frontier, On October 25

Pimax revealed plans for a new online conference, called Pimax Frontier 2021, where it says it will reveal details about its future roadmap and tease a new product code-named ‘Reality’.

Update: Pimax Frontier has been pushed back from October 20 to October 25, but will still take place online and be available worldwide. Original story follows below.

According to an email from Pimax to potential attendees, this conference will go over the company’s Pimax product roadmap and “related technologies,” alongside “the vision of VR3.0” and a sneak peek of their next product, which is referred to by the name ‘Reality’ in the email. The effort is referred to as “a new product that’s several generations ahead of anything currently on the market.”

Don’t expect a full announcement just yet — Pimax says that Frontier will only feature a “sneak peek” of Reality and that CES 2022 will see the full “formal unveiling” of the new product. CES is the largest annual Western technology conference and the 2022 event is scheduled to take place on January 5-8, 2022 in Las Vegas.

At CES 2020, Pimax announced a 180Hz ‘5K SUPER’ headset — an enhanced version of Pimax’s main offering, the 5K Plus. While Valve’s Index controllers are compatible with Pimax headsets, the company’s own controllers, the long-delayed Sword Lite VR controllers, entered mass production last month, with the aim to begin shipping this month. This will make good on a promise from Pimax’s 2017 Kickstarter, where backers could pay an extra $200 for rudimentary VR controllers to go with its “8K” ultra-wide field of view VR headset.

The company has a long history of shipping delays and in the past we’ve recommended treating orders, particularly ones for products that don’t yet have a ship date, as more like backing a Kickstarter than placing an order. For those interested in attending Pimax Frontier, sign-ups are available now online.

Long Delayed Pimax Controllers Finally Enter Mass Production

Pimax says its Sword Lite VR Controllers entered mass production for release in October.

In its 2017 Kickstarter for the “8K” ultra-wide field of view VR headset, China-based startup Pimax promised rudimentary VR controllers for $200 extra, with buttons, a thumbstick, and trigger. In 2018 the company revealed a radical redesign resembling earlier prototypes of Valve’s Index controllers with the price announced as $300 and the release window slated for late 2019.

Flash forward to late 2021 and Pimax hasn’t yet shipped any controllers – the company has a history of overpromising on release schedules. Instead it offers bundles with Index controllers.

But Pimax now says the refined controllers, which it now calls Sword Lite, have actually entered mass production and are ready to ship at scale soon. Sword Sense, the higher end controllers, are apparently still in development too but it’s unclear how far out they really are.

Like with Pimax headsets, Sword Lite are tracked by two SteamVR Tracking base stations (available from Valve for $149 each). Sword Lite isn’t compatible with other SteamVR headsets though, this is an accessory to Pimax headsets only.

Similar to Index controllers there are capacitive finger detection sensors for all five digits. Sword Lite each use a rechargeable dual-AA battery which can be hot swapped without losing connection to SteamVR. Pimax claims four hours of battery between charges, significantly lower than Oculus Touch or Valve Index.

Pimax says preorder customers will start getting Sword Lite in October and it will be available for general purchase soon after. The price hasn’t yet been revealed and Pimax wouldn’t provide the price when questioned.

Pimax’s Sword Lite Controllers Available in October

Pimax Sword Lite

It was over two years ago that Pimax began officially talking about its “Sword Series” virtual reality (VR) controllers, controllers that at the time looked to rival the Index design. If you pre-ordered a pair or are simply looking for an alternative VR controller system there’s some good news, the Pimax Sword Lite’s have finally entered mass production.

Pimax Sword Lite

Up until now if you bought one of the various Pimax headsets currently available the only controller option you’re given on the website are the Index controllers. With the Pimax Sword Lite, customers will have a second option, one that is fully SteamVR compatible supporting both 1.0 and 2.0 base stations; inbuilt finger tracking, four hours of use per charge and what Pimax calls a “special protection coating that provides a deluxe non-slip texture to the controller.”

The battery is one of Pimax Sword Lite’s most interesting features because even though four hours doesn’t sound a lot – and it isn’t compared to the weeks a single battery can last in an Oculus Quest 2 controller – Pimax has made it as pain-free as possible. First off, the battery is hot-swappable so you can pop new ones in without any interruption. Using a dual replaceable lithium battery design – a dual AA by the looks of this Reddit post – you should be able to buy cheap replacements online rather than expensive custom batteries.

As you’ll notice from the new images the Pimax Sword Lite comes with a large trackpad on each controller, one raised button and one slightly recessed button. A far more simplistic design than most rivals. Currently, it looks like Pimax has dropped the Sword Sense model which featured a more complicated array using a thumbstick, a smaller track panel and three face buttons.

Pimax Sword Lite

“Pimax team insists on serving customers as our first priority, the participation and every piece of advice from our customers has affected the Sword Lite, development thoroughly,” said Pimax Founder Robin Weng in a statement. “We can say that the Sword Lite is a product that is built and refined by all VR users around the world. Our foreign users have provided many valuable suggestions that were used in the design for the Sword Lite”.

As for availability now that mass production has begun, Pimax says the Sword Lite’s are going out to pre-order customers this month with official website sales opening in October. At the moment, Pimax hasn’t said what the final price will be.

For continued updates, keep reading VRFocus.

Pimax Launches “5K” Super VR Headset Featuring 180Hz Refresh Rate

Pimax, the company known for its wide field of view (FOV) VR headsets, have now launched the Pimax “5K” SUPER, a PC VR headset first shown in its prototype stage at CES 2020 earlier this year.

The new Pimax “5K” Super is being billed as a hardware refresh of the Pimax “5K” Plus, which launched in 2018 with 2,560 × 1,440 pixels per-eye LCD display capable of up to 144Hz refresh rate, and a 200-degree FOV. Priced at $600, it’s just one step above the company’s $450 entry-level headset, Pimax Artisan.

Now available for purchase on the company’s website for $750, Pimax “5K” Super features the same 2,560 × 1,440 resolution per-eye and 200-degree FOV as the Plus variant, however the biggest draw is its higher refresh rate at 160Hz, with 180Hz available in experimental mode. In addition to those refresh rates mentioned above, the headset also offers support for 90Hz, 120Hz and 144Hz.

Image courtesy Pimax

Pimax “5K” Super also includes a new Modular Audio Strap, Pimax comfort kit facial padding, nose guard to prevent light leakage, and a ruggedized exterior housing.

As for the headset’s main draw, provided you have the computer to run it, higher panel refresh rates typically equate to smoother experiences: eg. Valve Index’s 144Hz refresh rate offers impressively smooth and tight-feeling gameplay.

Like many of Pimax’s headsets, the “5K” Super is tracked via either SteamVR 1.0 or 2.0 tracking beacons, which must be purchased separately at its base $750 price. A bundle is however available for $1250 which includes two SteamVR 2.0 base stations and two Valve Index controllers.

Pimax headsets are also now said to include the new ‘Pimax VR Experience’ software which the company says “dramatically reduces configuration time for VR software” by automatically applying all VR optimizations required for Pimax headsets and allowing for a one-button launch on any platform.

The post Pimax Launches “5K” Super VR Headset Featuring 180Hz Refresh Rate appeared first on Road to VR.

Pimax 5K SUPER jetzt erhältlich

Ab sofort ist die Pimax 5K SUPER für Konsumenten erhältlich. Das Besondere an der neuen VR-Brille soll eine Bildwiederholrate von 180Hz darstellen.

Pimax 5K SUPER jetzt erhältlich

Die neue VR-Brille von Pimax stellt eine Überarbeitung der Pimax 5K Plus dar und läuft standardmäßig mit einer Bildwiederholrate von 160Hz. Der Modus mit 180Hz ist zunächst experimentell und kann bei bedarf aktiviert werden. Das Field of View gibt Pimax selbst mit 170 Grad an (Info aus der Pressemitteilung. Auf der Webseite wird das Field of View mit 200 Grad angegeben).

Wie auch die Vorgänger wird die neue Pimax 5K SUPER auf das Lighthouse Tracking von Valve setzen.

Die Pimax 5K SUPER ist ab sofort bei Pimax für 699 Euro erhältlich. Das Bundle mit 2.0 SteamVR Base Stations und Knuckles Controller wird für 1.138 Euro angeboten. Alle weiteren Informationen findet ihr auf der Webseite von Pimax.

Bitte beachtet: Auch wenn die Spezifikationen beeindruckend wirken, bedarf es auch einen Leistungsstarken PC, um die Brille zu bereiben.

Der Beitrag Pimax 5K SUPER jetzt erhältlich zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!