‘Ghost in the Shell’ VR Experience is an Awe-Inspiring Deep Dive into the Mind of Major

The live-action Ghost in the Shell (2017) film starring Scarlett Johansson is already in theaters worldwide, but Oculus has today published the VR experience so you can get a slice of the android-kicking action direct on your Gear VR or Oculus Rift.

Created by VR studio Here Be Dragons in partnership with Oculus Studios and Paramount Pictures, the Ghost in the Shell VR Experience takes you on an on-rails journey of the iconic opening scene of nearly every Ghost in the Shell series to date, the ‘building dive’ where Major, the film’s cybernetically enhanced protagonist, jumps off a skyscraper wearing a hip-hugging thermoptic camouflage suit.

Ghost In The Shell Oculus

The digital representation of Major, played by Johansson in the film, straddles the uncanny valley somewhat, but the 360 action more than makes up for it as Major shoots her way through killer android geishas and bad guys of all types. Near the end, diving ever deeper into her mind, there’s a moment when you come to to a jelly fish-filled pool that’s nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Download ‘Ghost in the Shell VR Experience’ for Rift

Download ‘Ghost in the Shell VR Experience’ for Gear VR

What’s more, Oculus Rift owners (and Vive owners using ReVive) get to enjoy a real-time rendered version of the experience, meaning you get an eye-full of some pretty crisp graphics with the immersive power of the headset’s positional tracking.

Ghost In The Shell Oculus(2)

The Gear VR version, while still inspiring, is a 3D 360 video—with all the caveats of the medium including lower fidelity and some weirdness around the top and bottom poles of the video capture. None the less, the Gear VR version is clear above average for 3D 360 videos.

If you don’t own a VR headset, you can also watch the 360 video on Facebook, although you’ll truly be missing out on one of the slickest film tie-ins in VR to date.

VR studio Here Be Dragons (ex-VRSE) is known for producing critically acclaimed VR experiences and 360 film from a number of collaborators such as The History of Cuban Dance, The Mr. Robot VR Experience, Catatonic, and The Evolution of Verse to name a few.

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Paramount Teases Ghost in the Shell VR Experience with new Trailer

Oculus Studios, Rewind, Dreamworks and Paramount are all working together on a new 360-degree Ghost in the Shell experience.

The live action Ghost in the Shell movie is due to be released on 30th March in the UK and 31st March in the US. The movie is an adaptation of well-regarded cyberpunk anime which tells the story of a cyborg policewoman as she hunts down a dangerous hacker who is breaking into the brains of cyborg humans. The anime and the manga it was based on are known to explore themes of existentialism and transhumanism. The new live-action movie stars Scarlett Johansson in the role of cyborg policewoman Major Kusanagi.

Details on what the new virtual reality (VR) experience will entail are currently scarce as only a brief teaser video has been released so far. What is known is that there will be two versions of the experience, one for Oculus Rift and a mobile version for Gear VR. A 360-degree video preview is also up on the official Ghost in the Shell Facebook page.

The new VR experience is expected to be released on Friday 31st March to coincide with the American release of the movie. This is not the only way that the marketing for Ghost in the Shell have leveraged technology, however, as there is also an augmented reality experience to promote the movie launched through the YouCam app.

You can watch the teaser trailer below.

VRFocus will bring you further Ghost in the Shell updates as they come in.